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U. V. Patel College of Engineering

2CEIT602-Artificial Intelligence
1) What is Artificial Intelligence? Discuss at least five applications that you are using in daily

2) You are given two jugs of water, a 5-gallon one and a 3-gallon one. Neither has any
measuring marker on it. There is a pump that can be used to fill the jugs with water. The Goal
is to get exactly 4 gallons of water into the 5-gallon jug

a) Choose a formulation that is precise enough to be implemented for a given

problem. (​initial state, goal test, successor function, and cost function, etc.)

b) Create the search tree.

c) Discuss which uninformed search strategy is appropriate for this problem?

3) Explain DFS and BFS Algorithms in detail. Describe a suitable example.

4) Describe the problem characteristics for Chess Problem.

5) Explain:

● Combinatorial Explosion

● Heuristic Search

● OPEN and CLOSE List

6) Define a heuristic function such that it can solve the following block world problem
and solve the following Block World Problem by using a defined heuristic function.

7) Write A* algorithm and solve following problem by using A* Algorithm.

8) Write the pseudocode for Minimax Search Procedure. For the given tree apply the
minimax algorithm and answer the following question

i) Explain backtracking algorithm for the given tree.

ii) Explain utility functions with suitable examples.
iii) What are the Min and Max terms in MiniMax search procedure?

Last Date of Submission: 13​th​February 2021

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