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Essay preparation

● How animals are depicted throught history
● Symbolism of certain animals in different cultures and art movements
● Examples of famous artworks featuring animals

Some of the research links/websites




Since ancient times, animals have been presented in art, most of the time with
meaning. Animals-like cats, eagles, and leopards-were linked to gods and
goddesses in Egyptian art suggesting divine qualities and protection. Artefacts from
Mesopotamia show the importance of animals such as the bull representing
strength, power and fertility. Animals like the lion and the serpent representing
courage and cleverness are often depicted in heroic stories in Greek and Roman
mythology. Greek and Roman mythology usually use animals as a mediator between
gods and humans, utilising them to replicate human morals.

Animal symbolism has very different meanings in different societies. In Chinese

culture, the phoenix represents rebirth and revival, while the dragon indicates
strength, power, and good fortune. Animals that represent characteristics like
strength, loyalty, and skills, (like the bear, wolf, and eagle) have religious meaning in
Native American cultures. Hinduism holds animals (such as cows, elephants, and
monkeys) in high respect, relating them to gods and goddesses and also using them
to represent fertility, knowledge, and devotion. Meaning every custom has a different
way of interpreting specific animals and the qualities that follow.

Now we will be looking at some of the most complex pieces of art that descript
animals following the artist's meaning behind it.

● "The Garden of Earthly Delights" shows us a depiction of human desire and sin
by Heironymus Bosch. Meaning that the artist used animals instead of
humans to directly show the need of wanting.
● "Guernica" depicts the chaos and violence of war by Pablo Picasso. Meaning
that the artist used animals to show the outcome of the village, Guernica.
● “Concert of Birds” depicts the sense of order and harmony by Frans Snyders.
Meaning the artist used animals to show how the world would be if it had
cooperation and togetherness.

In conclusion, animals are depicted in many of the most unexpected ways. Animals
symbolise a variation of qualities and definitions which considers their
characteristics and behaviour . These pieces of art hold a deep meaning in which we
can not explain as everyone has a different conception of certain images or
situations, which includes The Garden of earthly delights, Guernica and Concert of
Birds. This is just a generalised definition of each artwork and concept. Thank you for
reading about the Humans' use of animals in art.

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