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Mathilde – Allison Benito

Moniseur – Kian Gocong
Narrator 1 - Ehdrelle Lirio
Narrator 2 – Zenith Gavino
Cabinet Official – Edie Meer
Jeweler 1 - Francine Sulit
Jeweler 2 - Ehdrelle Lirio
Jeweler 3 – Nicole Girang
Jeweler 4 – Edie Meer
Jeweler 5 - Nhian Deveza
Creditor 1 – Nhian Deveza
Creditor 2 - Francine Sulit
Creditor 3 – Edie Meer
Police Officer – Nhian Deveza


Narrator 1: There once was a woman named, Mathilde Loisel, who was
trapped in the role of a middle-class Parisian clerk's wife, and found
herself miserable together with her husband, Monsieur Loisel. Destined
by some twist of fate, she was born into a family of clerks, Mathilde
had no dowry, aspirations, understanding, love, or chance to be
married to a prosperous and distinguished man. In desperation, she
settled for a marriage to a low-ranking official at the Ministry of

The weight of what she sees as a life stuck in poverty pressed

relentlessly on Mathilde's shoulders. Despite her husband's modest
income which is sufficient to meet their basic needs, she couldn't
help but dream of a different life. Her longing for a wealthy life
extended to the local salons hosting intimate gatherings of the upper
class, an elusive world she longed to be part of.

Even at the dinner table, Mathilde has always dreamt of air for
elegance, losing herself in fantasies of savoring higher quality
cuisine and envisioning herself among the wealthy elite. Lacking
dresses, jewels, or any luxurious valuables, she yearned to be
charming, envied, and passionately desired. Her heart harbored
jealousy, especially directed at one particular acquaintance from her
school days, Madame Forestier. Madame Forestier had managed to secure
a good marriage to a wealthy man, a reality that fueled Mathilde's
longing for a life beyond her current constraints.


Narrator 2: Many of us, if given a gift that is made with love would
find ourselves happy and appreciated, even if that gift failed to give
us satisfaction, still we would be happy in courtesy of respect for
the giver. A gift was given to Mathilde by her husband, would she be
happy? Contented? Sad? Angry? Let’s find out.

(Monsieur is holding an envelope containing the invitation to a ball,

about to surprise Mathilde.)

Monsieur: Look, here is something for you.

(Mathilde will open the card happily, but when she reads what the card
is all about, she becomes irritated)

Mathilde: A party? For the elite? Huh? What are we going to do with
this? We do not belong here!

(Her face suddenly changed from being excited to irritated. She threw
the invitation on the floor.)

Monsieur: I thought you would be pleased to come with me to this

party. It will be such a wonderful evening, Mathilde. Everyone wants
to go. The whole ministry will be there.

Mathilde: And what do you expect me to wear if I go? I don’t even have
any dress to wear! I will probably look like a mess if I go.

(Monsieur was worried about her wife as she was about to cry)

Monsieur: What’s wrong, my dear? Why are you crying?

Mathilde: Nothing. I have no dress to wear that’s why I can’t go with

you to this party. Just give your invitation to a friend whose wife
has better clothes than I do.

(She was a bit sarcastic while saying the line.)

Monsieur: Let’s see, how much would a suitable dress cost? One which
you could use again on other occasions, something affordable?

Mathilde: I don’t know exactly, but I think I could do it with four

hundred francs.

Monsieur: Very well, I can give you four hundred francs. As long as
you’re happy and you have a beautiful dress!

Narrator 2: Little did Mathilde know that the money given to her by
Monsieur Loisel was money saved by her husband to buy himself a gift.
Despite being a supportive husband, he was willing to give up his
happiness for the love of his life.


Narrator 1: As the day of the party drew near, Mathilde became sad,
restless, and anxious. Her dress was ready, however…

(Mathilde was anxious)

Monsieur: What could be the matter, Dear? You seem to have been acting
strangely these last three days.

Mathilde: Look at me, I have no jewels, not a single stone to wear. It

looks so cheap. I would almost rather not go to the party.

Monsieur: You could consider wearing flowers. They must be very

fashionable at this time of year. For ten francs, you can be able to
get two or three magnificent roses. You could be the most beautiful
girl at the party if you wear them.

Mathilde: I will never wear that kind of jewelry! Looking poor is much
more humiliating than not showing up to a party of wealthy people!

Monsieur: Well, I would love for you to have jewels, but you know that
we can’t afford them. My suggestion for you is to go and see your
friend Madame Forestier and ask her to lend you some jewels. You know
her well enough for that.

Mathilde: Of course, I might not have thought of that.

Narrator 1: Why are so many people afraid of others' opinions? Similar

to Mathilde, who feared looking poor to others, this type of thinking
often leads us to make bad and misguided decisions. On the other hand,
her husband was always as supportive. Will this fear of judgment
benefit them in any way? The next morning, Mathilde hurriedly went to
Madam Forestier's house.

Madame Forestier: Feel free to choose anything you'd like.

(Mathilde can’t find a necklace to her liking)

Mathilde: Do you have anything else? None of the necklaces I tried

seemed to match my taste or my dress.

Madame Forestier: Yes! But I do not know what you like.

(Suddenly, Mathilde saw a black satin box and, when she opened it, a
superb diamond necklace and her heart began to beat with uncontrolled
desire. Her hands shook as she took it. She fastened it around her
neck, over her high-necked dress, and stood lost in ecstasy as she
looked at herself.)

Mathilde: This is beautiful and perfect. Would you consider lending me

this, just this one?

Madame Forestier: Yes, of course. This necklace suits you.

Narrator 1: With great value comes great responsibility, especially if

this value does not belong to you. Mathilde has achieved her yearning
to look luxurious and to be part of the wealthy, but will she be able
to withstand the consequences of her every little action?


Narrator 2: The moment Mathilde had been waiting for finally came. It
was a success! She was prettier than any other girls at the ball, she
was the life of the party! Her long black hair matched well with her
exquisite dress. Then, a cabinet official approached her.

Cabinet Official: Your beauty is as enchanting as the moon in the

night sky, madame. May I humbly request the enchanting opportunity to
dance with you?

Mathilde: I’d love to share this enchanting moment and dance with you,

Narrator 2: Mathilde savored the night, dancing wildly in her elegant

dress and dangling necklace, momentarily forgetting about the reality
of her life. Meanwhile, her husband waited in the anteroom, excited
for his wife to accompany him home, waiting for the stories of the
party she would share.

Mathilde: It’s past midnight! Should I go home or enjoy this once-in-

a-lifetime experience? Although, my husband’s probably waiting in the
anteroom. I should just enjoy the company of these people.

(Finally decided to go home)

Monsieur: Mathilde, change into these clothes so that you will be

comfortable going home.

Mathilde: What kind of coat is this? The elegance of the gown I was
wearing earlier sharply contrasts with the coat you brought me! I
would never wear that in front of these women wearing their expensive
fur and coats!

Monsieur: Honey, you must wear that to avoid catching a cold. Wait a
moment; you stay here, and I’ll go and find a cab.

Mathilde: No, wait for me! I’m coming with you!

Narrator 2: They were in the streets looking for a taxi, shivering in

the cold and despair.

Mathilde: It’s already 30 minutes past 4 in the morning. There are no

taxis in the area. I’m afraid we might have to walk to be able to go

Monsieur: There's the quay for those shaggy night cabs only seen after

(Rode the cab and was dropped off at Rue des Martyrs)

Monsieur: We're back home, finally. I'll doze off in a while; I have
to be back at the office at 10 o'clock.

(Mathilde, admiring herself in the mirror while getting ready to take

a bath, screamed suddenly.)

Monsieur: Honey! What happened? Is there something wrong?

Mathilde: I.. I think I lost Madame Forestier's necklace. I swear! I

was wearing it earlier, now it's gone!

Monsieur: What?! That's impossible! Try to look for it in the sala;

maybe it's there.

(They tried looking for it, but it’s nowhere to be found.)

Monsieur: Do you still have it on when you left the ball?

Mathilde: Yes, I touched it in the ministry hall.

Monsieur: If it fell on the streets, the sound might've reached us. It

more likely fell in the cab.

Mathilde: I think so, too. Do you by chance take his number?

Monsieur: No. You didn't notice it?

(Mathilde shook her head, still disappointed.)

Narrator 2: Mathilde did not even take care of the necklace, and even
her husband, because of her selfishness and fear of appearing poor,
led them to lose the necklace. They walked in circles, worried about
what was about to happen. Assuming that the necklace cost hundreds or
even millions of francs, they were about to throw up from the
nervousness overwhelming them. How expensive was this necklace, and
how would they manage to pay for it if they couldn't find it?

Monsieur: That’s it. I’m going to try and follow the track we walked.
Hopefully, it’s there.

Mathilde: Be safe.

Narrator 2: Mathilde was in a blank state, still shocked about what

happened. She was anxious about what the future holds for them. Will
Monsieur still be able to find it? Could this have happened if
Monsieur didn't suggest any of these and did not tolerate Mathilde's

(At the police station)

Monsieur: Good day, officer. I want to file a report about a missing


Officer: Of course. Have a seat.

(Monsieur took a seat and breathed deeply.)

Officer: May I get some personal details like your name, sir?

Monsieur: It's Loisel, officer.

Officer: You said a while ago that you're filing a report for a
missing item. What seems to be the issue?

(Monsieur was breathing deeply, still worried, but a spark of hope

inspired him.)

Monsieur: My wife was wearing a necklace she borrowed from a friend.

Unfortunately, she lost it.

Officer: Can you please describe its appearance of it?

Monsieur: The necklace is made of shiny silver and has lots of sparkly
diamonds. It looks really expensive, so it's no surprise it vanished
in the blink of an eye.

Officer: Do you still remember where you last saw the necklace?

Monsieur: My wife said that she was still able to touch it at the
party held in the office of the Ministry of Education.

Officer: We'll do our best to help you, Loisel.

Monsieur: Thank you, officer. The necklace means a lot to my wife and
our friend.

Narrator 2: Monsieur Loisel went home with no luck. While walking, he

realized that his wife didn't even help him find the necklace, and he
found it careless of her to lose something so expensive, especially
since it wasn't even hers. Flooded with maddening emotions, he decided
to keep it to himself to avoid creating a fight.

Mathilde patiently waited for her husband's return. It was 7 in the

evening when he finally returned. He looked hollow and pale, having
found nothing. He shared all the details of what he did to find the


Narrator 1: They tried their best to find the necklace; unfortunately,

they were unable to locate it. What would they do? How could they pay
for this? Should they tell the truth, or will they live a lie? Let's
find out.

Monsieur: You must write to your friend, and apologize for what have
we done. Let’s hope for Madam Forestier’s understanding, we will repay
her for the price of the necklace.

Mathilde: Are you out of your mind? What would the people say about
us? You’re not thinking ahead! Our reputation will be ruined!

Monsieur: But, How about-

Mathilde: No buts! I don’t want to listen to your crazy ideas! I will

write to Forestier and say that we broke a part of the necklace and
we’re having it fixed. I think it will take us some time to replace
the necklace.

Monsieur: If you say so, My Dear.

Narrator 1: It took all the strength of Monsieur Loisel to not be mad;

his wife didn't even listen to his suggestions. However, because he
trusted Mathilde, he decided to follow her lead. The next day, they
took the box that had held it and went to the jeweler whose name they
found inside

Jeweler 1: I apologize, but it seems that I did not sell the necklace.
I must have only supplied the case.

Mathilde: Oh, I see. Thank you for checking.

Narrator 1: They leave the jeweler and continue their search for the
necklace, but the only response they get from every jeweler they visit

Jeweler 2: I'm sorry, but I don't have any necklaces that closely
resemble the one you lost. It was truly a unique piece.

Jeweler 3: I have a few necklaces with diamond accents, but none

capture the exact design you are looking for.

Jeweler 4: Unfortunately, I don't have any necklaces that match your

description. But I would like to recommend the Palais Royal. Maybe
they have a replica of the necklace you are looking for.

Monsieur: Thank you for your suggestion. We were hoping to find a

necklace with a similar design.

Narrator 1: They go to the Palais Royal as the last jeweler suggested.

Jeweler 5: Welcome to our shop at the Palais Royal. How may I assist
you today?

Mathilde: We are looking for a necklace with a pendant that has a

cluster of diamonds and an intricately crafted chain.

Jeweler 5: I appreciate your specific requirements. Please give me a

moment to check our inventory.

(The jeweler disappears into a back room and returns with a necklace.)

Jeweler 5: I believe I have just the necklace that you are looking

Monsieur: That sounds promising! May we see it?

(The jeweler carefully presents the necklace to Monsieur and


Mathilde: (Gently touching the necklace) It's so beautiful! How much

is it?

Jeweler 5: The necklace is valued at forty thousand francs, but I can

offer it to you for thirty-six thousand francs as a special

Monsieur: That's within our budget. Could you hold off on selling it
for three days?

Jeweler: I understand your request. I can reserve the necklace for you
for three days.

Mathilde: That's a fair agreement. Thank you for your help.

Monsieur: We appreciate your understanding and support.

(They walk home, contemplating how they can gather the money needed to
buy the necklace.)

Monsieur: Mathilde, I have eighteen thousand francs from my father's

inheritance. We'll need to borrow the rest to afford the necklace.

Mathilde: Let's do whatever it takes. We'll borrow from friends,

acquaintances, and even money lenders if necessary.

Narrator 1: They spent days borrowing money from various sources,

making agreements, and signing notes.

Monsieur: It's done, Mathilde. We've gathered the funds but at a great
cost. Are you sure about this? We've compromised our future and risked

Mathilde: We’ve already compromised our future from the very moment we
lost the necklace. The sacrifices we've made are daunting.

(He goes to get the new necklace and lays down thirty-six thousand
francs on the jeweler's counter.)

(When Mathilde takes the necklace back)

Madame Forestier: You should have returned it sooner; I might have

needed it.

Narrator 1: We can see how Monsieur Loisel doubted Mathilde’s decision

and how he stuck with her through this. They have already returned the
necklace. Does this mean that their suffering has come to an end?


Narrator 2: According to Isaac Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, 'every

action has its own equal and opposite reaction.' For every action that
we take, no matter how small or big, there will always be a comeback
to us.

Mathilde's life took a drastic turn after losing the necklace. She
bravely faced the challenges of poverty, having to let go of their
maid due to financial struggles. Consequently, she took on household
chores and experienced the hardships of daily life—washing dishes,
dealing with greasy pots and pans, laundering dirty linen, and even
carrying garbage down to the street, as well as fetching her water.

To make ends meet, Mathilde and her husband had to pay monthly bills,
renew others, and seek extensions. Her husband worked tirelessly in

the evenings, doing accounts for a tradesman and copying manuscripts.

This challenging lifestyle persisted for ten years.

At the end of ten years, they had paid off everything, at usurer's
rates and with the accumulations of compound interest.

Narrator 2: They looked old now, they had paid off their debts but it
seems like the suffering they experienced blew out the fire of love
they had for each other.

Sometimes they wonder, What would have happened if they had not lost
that necklace? Who knows? How strange life is, how fickle, and how
little is needed for one to be ruined or saved.


Narrator 1: One Sunday, as Monsieur Loisel was walking in the Champs

Elysees to refresh himself after the week’s work, suddenly he saw a
woman walking with a child. It was Madame Forestier, still young,
still beautiful, still charming.

Monsieur Loisel was feeling ambivalent. Should he speak to her? Yes,

of course. And now that they had paid, he would tell her all. Why not?
There’s nothing to lose and a lot to be sorry for.

Monsieur: Good morning, Madame Forestier.

(The other, astonished to be called by this familiar voice, did not

recognize him.)

Monsieur: I am Monsieur Loisel, Mathilde’s husband.

Madame Forestier: Oh, how you’ve changed. May I know what I can do?

Monsieur: Yes, we have had some hard times since we last saw you, and
many miseries, and I would like to confess something to you.

Madame Forestier: Confess? To Me? What can that be?

Monsieur: You remember that diamond necklace that you lent to Mathilde
to wear to the Ministry party?

Madame Forestier: Yes. Well?

(Monsieur Loisel sighed)

Monsieur: Well, the truth is… she lost it.

Madame Forestier: What do you mean she lost it? You brought it back.

Monsieur: We brought you back another exactly like it. And it has
taken us ten years to pay for it. It wasn’t easy for us, we had very
little. But at last, it is over, and I am very glad.

Madame Forestier: You say that you brought a diamond necklace to

replace mine?

Monsieur: Yes; you didn’t notice then? They were very similar.

Madame Forestier: Oh, my poor friend! Mine was just an imitation! It

was worth five hundred francs at most.

Monsieur: an.. imitation?

Madame Forestier: Yes, and, when I lent it to my niece this Saturday,

she had completely lost it and I can’t retrieve it back. I’m so sorry.
I wish I had known it sooner.

Monsieur: Lost it… that easily? Have you not realized how hard we
worked to pay our debts for that? But still, thank you Madame
Forestier for telling the truth.

Narrator 1: Monsieur Loisel was utterly dismayed and mad about working
over ten years just to pay off a real necklace over an imitation! His
feelings and emotions are unexplainable through words. He rushed home
to find Mathilde cleaning the house.

Monsieur: How come you didn’t know about this?

Mathilde: Didn’t know about what?

Monsieur: I came across Madame Forestier; she told me everything! She

told me that the necklace you borrowed was just an imitation!

Mathilde: But I didn’t-

Monsieur: I wasted ten years, Mathilde! Ten years! I could have been
the happiest man alive if you had just been responsible.

Mathilde: Can you let me explain, please?

Monsieur: I don’t need your explanation, your actions have already

spoken loud enough.

Mathilde: But if you listen, you'll hear that I never met-

Monsieur: You wanted more, but brought shame with your actions.

Mathilde: But, I was unhappy, we were miserable!

Monsieur: Unhappy or not, we had a life, a modest and simple life.

Now, because of your recklessness and greediness, everything has

Mathilde: I know, and I regret it-

Monsieur: Regret doesn't change the fact that our lives are now in
shambles. You made my life miserable! I have always supported you and
your wrongdoings and I know, I may be wrong in some parts, but that’s
because of my love for you! I’m tired of this, I’m tired of you!

Mathilde: I will find a way to make amends. We can work through this

Monsieur: (sighs) It's not that simple, Mathilde. You cannot bring
back the ten years that I lost.

Mathilde: W-wait! (cries)

Narrator 2: In the wake of her husband's departure, Mathilde faced a

new reality—one she had never imagined. The suddenness of the divorce
left her in a whirlwind of emotions, but amid the chaos, she
discovered an inner strength she never knew she possessed. Determined
to rebuild her life, Mathilde threw herself into her work. Late nights
at her part-time jobs became a norm, not out of necessity, but as a
testament to her unwavering commitment to forging a new path for

herself. The same woman who once relied on her husband for financial
stability was now navigating the complexities of budgeting,
investments, and savings.

Behind all of this, Mathilde had only one reason for overworking

Monsieur: What’s this letter about?

"I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I have been
reflecting a lot lately, and I feel the need to express myself. I want
to offer a sincere apology for the pain and difficulties our
separation has caused. I take responsibility for the mistakes I made,
the words I said, and the actions that contributed to the strain
between us. Although it was never my intention to hurt you, I
recognize that the impact of my actions did cause you pain.

I also want to express my gratitude for the positive aspects of our

time together. We shared moments of joy, growth, and companionship,
and those memories are something I will always cherish. My intention
in writing this letter is not to reopen old wounds or revisit painful
memories. Instead, I hope this letter can serve as a step toward
closure and healing for both of us.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. I wish you peace,
happiness, and fulfillment in all your future endeavors.



Monsieur: Oh, There’s a check, wow exactly 36,000 Francs. Oh Mathilde,

My Mathilde.


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