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GP: Humans and Other Species Writing Rubric

Name: ____________________ Topic: _____________________________________

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Improvement (1) Score

Clearly introduces the topic and Introduces the topic and includes a Introduces the topic but lacks a Does not introduce the topic
provides a strong thesis statement. thesis statement. clear thesis statement. or provide a thesis statement.

Presents clear and well-developed Presents arguments supported by Presents some arguments but Arguments are unclear or

arguments supported by relevant relevant evidence. Most lacks clear supporting evidence. unsupported by evidence.
Body Paragraphs
evidence. Each paragraph has a paragraphs have a clear topic Some paragraphs lack a clear Topic sentences are missing or

clear topic sentence. sentence. topic sentence. unclear.

Ideas are logically organized with Ideas are organized with

Ideas are somewhat organized Ideas are poorly organized
Organization smooth transitions between transitions between paragraphs.
but transitions are lacking. with abrupt transitions.
paragraphs. Headings are used. Headings are used.

Employs a variety of sentence

Language is somewhat varied but Language is limited and
structures and demonstrates a Uses a variety of sentence
may be repetitive. Language is repetitive. Language may not
Language and Style strong command of language. structures and language is
mostly appropriate for the be appropriate for the
Language is engaging and appropriate for the audience.
audience. audience.
appropriate for the audience.
Summarizes some key points but Does not summarize key
Summarizes key points and restates Summarizes key points and
lacks a clear restatement of the points or restate the thesis
Conclusion the thesis effectively. Provides a restates the thesis. Provides a
thesis. Provides a basic effectively. Conclusion is weak
thoughtful conclusion. conclusion.
conclusion. or missing.

Does not use relevant or

Research and Uses relevant and credible sources Uses mostly relevant sources to Uses limited or irrelevant sources
credible sources to support
Evidence to support arguments. support arguments. to support arguments.

Demonstrates a strong grasp of Demonstrates a good grasp of Demonstrates poor grammar,

Demonstrates basic grammar,
Mechanics and grammar, punctuation, and spelling. grammar, punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling.
punctuation, and spelling.
Formatting Formatting is consistent and spelling. Formatting is mostly Formatting is inconsistent or
Formatting may be inconsistent.
appropriate. consistent and appropriate. inappropriate.

Exceptional work that demonstrates Work that demonstrates little

Good work that demonstrates a Fair work that demonstrates
a deep understanding of the topic understanding of the topic
Overall Quality solid understanding of the topic some understanding of the topic
and mastery of research writing and lacks basic research
and research writing skills. and basic research writing skills.
skills. writing skills.



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