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 Never add new points in your speech becaus you

still have time, as you might not present it in the

best way.
 Ethical Considerations:Explain how you will
address these ethical concerns to ensure the integrity
and validity of your research
 Resources:Consider the feasibility of obtaining these
resources within the available time and budget.
 Timeline:Allocate specific timeframes for each task
and consider potential contingencies.
 Evaluation and Limitations:Identify any potential
limitations or constraints that may impact the validity
or generalizability of your findings.
 Conclusion:Summarize the main points of your
proposal and reiterate.
achievements if necessary, and additional facts of
interest that may be relevant to the interview or
related to it.

 Date the interview was done

 Name of the interviewer
 The purpose of such interview

1. Title

2. Instruction: It should contain information that

will capture your reader's attention and motivate
them to continue reading.
3. Body: Body paragraphs provide details on the
main points of the interview. Provide facts,
interesting details and insights that make the
interviewee an authority on the subject. The body
of your interview paper needs to relate to the
ideas in the thesis statement.
4. You can discuss as many ideas as possible, but it
is vital to stay on the topic and keep the
information relevant to the audience. Respect the
interviewee's opinions and be careful to clearly
express which thoughts are your own and which
are theirs.
5. Conclusion: This is where you summarise and
conclude what was said during the interview, and
the main arguments. You can also say your
personal opinion about it. End with a memorable
Writing to a specific audience:

In deciding to use a leaflet/brochure/pamphlet to

communicate your message, you should ask yourself the
following basic questions:

Who is the audience? What special interest do they have

in your information, service or product? What does the
audience want to know?
RepoRt :

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