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In electricity generation, a generator[1] is a device that converts motive power
(mechanical energy) or fuel-based power (chemical energy) into electric
power for use in an external circuit. Sources of mechanical energy
include steam turbines, gas turbines, water turbines, internal combustion
engines, wind turbines and even hand cranks. The first electromagnetic
generator, the Faraday disk, was invented in 1831 by British scientist Michael
Faraday. Generators provide nearly all of the power for electric power grids.
Before the connection between magnetism and electricity was
discovered, electrostatic generators were invented. They operated
on electrostatic principles, by using moving electrically charged belts, plates
and disks that carried charge to a high potential electrode. The charge was
generated using either of two mechanisms: electrostatic induction or
the triboelectric effect. Such generators generated very high voltage and
low current. Because of their inefficiency and the difficulty
of insulating machines that produced very high voltages, electrostatic
generators had low power ratings, and were never used for generation of
commercially significant quantities of electric power. Their only practical
applications were to power early X-ray tubes, and later in some atomic particle
This is Michael Faraday’s generator. This apparatus consists of a tube of neutral
material wound with a coil of wire, insulated in cotton, and a bar magnet.

Ten years after Faraday created the electric motor he returned to his electrical
research and discovered electromagnetic induction in August 1831. A few
months later he successfully conducted an experiment using this apparatus and
demonstrated the relationship between magnetism and motion.

Faraday connected his apparatus to a galvanometer (an instrument that detects

electrical current) and discovered that when he passed the magnet back and
forth through the coil of wire, which remained stationary, the needle of the
galvanometer leapt into action registering a current flowing.

As the magnet moves the lines of magnetic force repeatedly intersect with the
wire exciting the electrons in the wire and generating electrical current. So if
you exchanged the galvanometer with a light bulb today you would see it light

Virtually all electric power is produced using Faraday’s principles, no matter

whether the prime source of energy is coal, oil, gas, diesel, nuclear, hydro, or
wind: all these fuels are used to drive a generator (or turbine) which generates
the electrical current.

Direct current generators

A coil of wire rotating in a magnetic field produces a current which changes
direction with each 180° rotation, an alternating current (AC). However many early
uses of electricity required direct current (DC). In the first practical electric
generators, called dynamos, the AC was converted into DC with a commutator, a
set of rotating switch contacts on the armature shaft. The commutator reversed the
connection of the armature winding to the circuit every 180° rotation of the shaft,
creating a pulsing DC current. One of the first dynamos was built by Hippolyte
Pixii in 1832.
Alternating current generators
Through a series of discoveries, the dynamo was succeeded by many later
inventions, especially the AC alternator, which was capable of
generating alternating current. It is commonly known to be the Synchronous
Generators (SGs). The synchronous machines are directly connected to the grid
and need to be properly synchronized during startup. [10] Moreover, they are excited
with special control to enhance the stability of the power system. [11]
Alternating current generating systems were known in simple forms from Michael
Faraday's original discovery of the magnetic induction of electric current. Faraday
himself built an early alternator. His machine was a "rotating rectangle", whose
operation was heteropolar - each active conductor passed successively through
regions where the magnetic field was in opposite directions.[12]
Large two-phase alternating current generators were built by a British
electrician, J.E.H. Gordon, in 1882. The first public demonstration of an "alternator
system" was given by William Stanley, Jr., an employee of Westinghouse
Electric in 1886.[13]
Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti established Ferranti, Thompson and Ince in 1882, to
market his Ferranti-Thompson Alternator, invented with the help of renowned
physicist Lord Kelvin.[14] His early alternators produced frequencies between 100
and 300 Hz. Ferranti went on to design the Deptford Power Station for the London
Electric Supply Corporation in 1887 using an alternating current system. On its
completion in 1891, it was the first truly modern power station, supplying high-
voltage AC power that was then "stepped down" for consumer use on each street.
This basic system remains in use today around the world.

A small early 1900s 75 kVA direct-driven power station AC alternator, with a

separate belt-driven exciter generator.

After 1891, polyphase alternators were introduced to supply currents of multiple

differing phases.[15] Later alternators were designed for varying alternating-current
frequencies between sixteen and about one hundred hertz, for use with arc lighting,
incandescent lighting and electric motors.[16]

A diesel generator (DG) (also known as a diesel genset) is the combination of

a diesel engine with an electric generator (often an alternator) to generate electrical
energy. This is a specific case of engine generator. A diesel compression-ignition
engine is usually designed to run on diesel fuel, but some types are adapted for
other liquid fuels or natural gas.
Diesel generating sets are used in places without connection to a power grid, or as
an emergency power supply if the grid fails, as well as for more complex
applications such as peak-lopping, grid support, and export to the power grid.

 Relatively low maintenance. This is because the generator’s engine

requires fewer components to start, so you won’t have to worry about
changing spark plugs or rebuilding carburetors like you would have to
with a gas engine.
 Durability. Diesel engines are quite tough in the workplace, so they will
hold up through much wear and tear in a variety of environmental
 Safe storage. While still flammable, diesel carries a much lower risk for
igniting than other types of fuel, like gasoline.
 Power output. Diesel generators are capable of handling larger power
loads and will run for longer durations than other types of generators
 More rugged and reliable.
 Easy access to fuel. Often portable diesel generators are transported on
the back of diesel vehicles. This means you don’t need to have two
different fuel types when you’re out and about doing work.


 The price of diesel will continue to rise due to regulations.
 Needs regular maintenance to keep the generators running.
 Fuel injection system and other parts are more likely to break down,
resulting in lack of reliability and high costs for spare parts. Diesel
engines are made from big and heavy components that can make repairs
 Although cheaper in price, the cost of installation may take more time
and be more costly.
 Noise pollution. Diesel units can be very noisy, so they’re often placed
away from work areas
 Diesel generators are far too heavy and bulky to be considered mobile
and compact.
 They must be kept dry, otherwise they corrode easily.
 It is necessary to winterize the generator if using it in a cold climate.

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