Lecture 1 Answers

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 Lecture(1): Introduction

1) ………….. are rights that every human being has by virtue of his or
her human dignity.

a) Slavery rights
b) Human rights
c) Children rights
d) Right to work

2) Human rights are the most . . . . . . . . . Rights.

a) World wide
b) Dignity
c) Political
d) Fundamental

3) Human Rights defines relationships between ?!

a) Peoples
b) Individuals & power structures
c) The west & east
d) Every human & the other

4) What are the revolutions in the late 18 t h century ??

a) French & Iceland revolutions

b) The police revolution in Egypt
c) French & American revolutions
d) Indian revolutions
5) How long has the idea of human rights driven many a
revolutionary movements ??

a) For 200 years

b) For centuries
c) For 250 years
d) For 500 years

6) From a . . . . . . standpoint , human rights can be defined as the

sum of individual & collective rights recognized by states in
constitutions and in international law .

a) United nations
b) Virtue
c) Humanity
d) Legal

7) Since when has the UN played a leading role in defining &

advancing human rights ??

a) Since the 2 n d world war

b) Since 1980
c) Since the beginning of civilization
d) Since a long time ago

8) What are the areas of human rights ??

a) Civil & political rights

b) Economical , social and cultural rights
c) Collective rights
d) All of the above
9) Self-determination is considered an example in the area of . . . .

a) Civil & political rights

b) Economical , social and cultural rights
c) Collective rights
d) All of the above

10) Right to an adequate standard of living is an example in the

area of . . . .
a) Civil & political rights
b) Economical , social and cultural rights
c) Collective rights
d) All of the above
11) Protection of the family is an example in the area of . . . . .

a) Civil & political rights

b) Economical , social and cultural rights
c) Collective rights
d) All of the above

12) Right of indigenous people is an example in the area of . . . .

a) Civil & political rights

b) Economical , social and cultural rights
c) Collective rights
d) All of the above

13) Right to marry & found a family is an example in the area of . .

a) Civil & political rights

b) Economical , social and cultural rights
c) Collective rights
d) All of the above
14) Right of ethnic minorities is an example in the area of . . .

a) Civil & political rights

b) Economical , social and cultural rights
c) Collective rights
d) All of the above

15) What are the basic human rights principles ??

a) Universal
b) Inalienable
c) Indivisible and interdependent
d) Non-discrimination
e) All of the above

16) Each human right entails & depends on other human rights ,
this means that human rights are . . . . .

a) Universal
b) Inalienable
c) Indivisible and interdependent
d) Non-discrimination

17) A person`s right to liberty may be restricted if he or she found

guilty of a crime by court of law , because the human rights are .
. . . .

a) Universal
b) Inalienable
c) Indivisible and interdependent
d) Non-discrimination

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