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Lecture(2): What state obligations arise from

human rights?
1) what state obligations arise from human. Rights ??

 Obligation to respect, obligation to respect, and obligation to fulfil.

2) " means that the state is obliged to refrain from interfering.

a) obligation to respect,

b) obligation to protect

c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

3) which obligation entails the prohibition of certain acts by

Governments that may undermine the enjoyment of rights ?

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

4) The obligation to ………. requires states to protect individuals

against abuses by non-state actors

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.
5) which obligation Makes states required to take position action to
ensure that human rights
can be exercised..

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

6) “ the right of children to education must be conserved by The

state from interference and indoctrination by third parties” is an
example of obligation to ……….?

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

7) The Governments must regard & honour The Liberty of Parents to

establish private schools and to ensure the Religious and moral
education of their children in accordance with their own
convictions is an example for obligation to …………… ??

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

8) “ States Must provide ways & means for free and compulsory
primary education for all “ is an example for obligation for
a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.
‫ أي مثال هت قي فيه اتحاد قرارات او اجراءات من قبل الحكومة اتجاه أفراد‬-
fulfil ‫المجتمع فده يبقا‬
‫ أي إجراءات بتحمي حقوق أفراد ال مجتمع من المجموعات الغير الحكومية فده يبقا‬-
respect ‫ لما الحكومة تسيب ا فراد يمارسوا حقوقهم يبقا‬-

9) The police shall duly investigate such crimes in order to bring The
perpetrators to justice “ this means state is obliged to …… the
right of life ?

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

10) “ state must take positive actions & Steps to reduce the child
Mortality” This Means state is obliged to..... the right to life .

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

11) The police shall not use torture in questioning Detainees” This
means the state is obliged to…………The prohibition of torture.

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect ‫ ؟ عشان مش خدت أي‬fulfil ‫ ليه مش‬-
‫ أنا بس‬، ‫إجراءات تمنع أو تقلل التعذيب‬
c) obligation to fulfil
‫يجب على الضابط تعذيب‬ ‫قولت انه‬
d) None of the above. ‫المتهم احتراما لحقه في عدم التعذيب‬
12) “The authorities shell organize voting by secret ballot to
preclude Threats by persons in power “ This means state is
obliged to ………The Right to vote

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

13) " The authorities shall organize free and fair elections and
ensure that as many citizens as possible can vote" This Means
state is obliged to …….. the Right to vote

a) obligation to respect,
‫ ؟ السلطات بتمنع‬13 ‫ و‬12 ‫ ايه الفرق بين‬-
b) obligation to protect ‫تهديدات أو تأثيرات أصحاب القوة وبالتالي‬
c) obligation to fulfil ‫بتحمي الناس اللي هتنتخب اما في ال‬
d) None of the above. ‫ فهي بتوفر انتخابات عادل ة عامة أكبر‬fulfil
‫عد د يقدر يصوت فيها‬

14) " The authorities shall not restrict The right to health (inter alia
Through forced Sterilization or Medical experimentation" This
means state is obliged to ……. right to health.

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.
15) The authorities shall refrain from any Measures that would
prevent access to adequate food (like, arbitrary eviction from
land ) this means that state is obliged to …….. the right to food

a) obligation to respect,
b) obligation to protect
c) obligation to fulfil
d) None of the above.

16) The authorities shall implement policies (such as agrarian

reform) to ensure The populations access to adequate food and
the capacity of vulnerable group to feed themselves” State is
obliged to …………… right to food
‫ الدولة مينف عش تاخد أرض‬- 15 ‫رقم‬
a) obligation to respect, ‫أي فرد أو تمنع و صول الطعام‬
b) obligation to protect ‫احترما لحقه‬
‫ زم الد ولة تاخد اجرائات‬- 16 ‫رقم‬
c) obligation to fulfil
‫لضمان حصول المواطن على حق‬
d) None of the above. fulfill  ‫الغذاء‬

17) " The right to health does not guarantee the right of everyone
to be healthy" "That means The state is not obliged to ensure,
establish and maintain public health system
a) True
‫كل دولة زم‬
b) False
‫تحترم ا حتياجات‬
‫ا ساسية ل فراد‬
‫وفقا لما يتناسب‬
‫مع إمكانياته ا‬
18) ……. That Government should establish targets and benchmarks
in order progressively to reduce the infant mortality rate (for

a) obligation to respect
b) obligation to protect
c) progressive realization
d) None
19) I have the right to recourse to An international human rights
court Generally

a) True

b) false; once all avenues of seeking redress at the domestic Level are
exhausted has been accepted partially.

20) What are The Rights of victims ??

a) Restitution ‫رد الحقوق‬

b) compensation ‫التعويض‬
c) Rehabilitation ‫اعادة ا لت أه ي ل‬
d) Guarantee of non-recurrence ‫ضمان عدم تكرار ا لظ لم‬
e) All

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