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Warm Greetings!
We, the researchers, are currently having our research study writing phase. We are to conduct our research on “Climate Change Perspective Among
Tobacco Farmers: Assessing Challenges and Enhancing Survivability Strategies in Laguindingan, Misamis Oriental” for our Undergraduate Degree
Program. With this, we would like to humbly ask for your cooperation for our research. Below are the information needed to conduct this research.
Your full cooperation is a great help on the success of this study. Thank you and God bless!

Part 1. This questionnaire is part of the study to determine your personal background of the respondents. In answering the items, have your common
approaches in your mind before answering. Kindly supply the answers honestly.
1. Age:
18 – 24 years old
25 – 31 years old
32 – 38 years old
39 – 45 years old
46 years old and above
2. Sex: Male Female
3. Income Level (Yearly):
Below ₱50,000
₱50,001 - ₱150,000
₱150,001 - ₱250,000
₱250,001 - ₱500,000
₱500,001 - ₱750,000
₱750,001 - ₱1,000,000
Above ₱1,000,000
4. Land Area:
5,000 sqm
1 ha
1.5 ha
2 ha
5. Total Number of Tobacoo Plants in the Area:

Part 2. Survey questionnaire for the Factors on Climate Change Perspective.

Directions: Put a check ( ) mark in the box provided in table below on each description.
Respond to each item based on how well it describes what you prefer to take place.
Legend: 4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

Check the best answer:
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I believe that tobacco farmers in Laguindingan are aware of the potential impact of climate change on their crop
2. I see many farmers in Laguindingan actively seeking information on practices that can improve their crop yield
stability despite changing weather patterns.
3. In my experience, there is a growing awareness within the Laguindingan tobacco farming community about the
importance of adopting climate-resilient practices for long-term sustainability.
4. I have observed that some tobacco farmers in Laguindingan are starting to incorporate financial planning for
potential climate-related disruptions into their practices.
5. Based on my interactions, the knowledge and skills of Laguindingan tobacco farmers show potential for adaptation,
allowing them to adjust their practices in response to climate change.
6. I often hear farmers in Laguindingan discussing and sharing information about climate change and its effects on
their crops with each other.
7. In my opinion, local agricultural extension programs are effectively communicating with tobacco farmers in
Laguindingan about available resources and support for climate-resilient farming.
8. I have spoken with many tobacco farmers in Laguindingan who express confidence in their ability to adjust their
practices and maintain a viable income despite the challenges of climate change.
9. There seems to be a strong interest among Laguindingan tobacco farmers in exploring new technologies that can
improve their economic resilience in the face of a changing climate.
10. My conversations with tobacco farmers in Laguindingan suggest that the majority believe working together as a
community is essential for effectively adapting to climate change.

Check the best answer:
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I believe tobacco farmers in Laguindingan are concerned about the potential negative impact of climate change on
their crop yields.
2. In my experience, many farmers in Laguindingan are worried about how changing weather patterns might affect the
stability of their crop yields.
3. I have observed a growing awareness within the Laguindingan tobacco farming community about the potential
economic risks associated with climate change.
4. Based on my interactions, tobacco farmers in Laguindingan seem prepared to take steps to protect their financial
well-being in the face of climate-related challenges.
5. It appears that the knowledge and skills of Laguindingan tobacco farmers can be leveraged to develop effective
adaptation strategies to cope with climate change.
6. I often hear farmers in Laguindingan discussing ways to adapt their practices to minimize the negative impacts of
climate change on their crops.
7. In my opinion, local agricultural extension programs are actively engaging with tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to
explore and implement climate-resilient practices.
8. Many tobacco farmers in Laguindingan that I have spoken with seem optimistic about their ability to adjust their
practices and maintain a sustainable livelihood despite climate change.
9. There appears to be a strong interest among Laguindingan tobacco farmers in learning about new technologies that
can help them adapt to a changing climate and improve their economic resilience.
10. My conversations with tobacco farmers in Laguindingan suggest a willingness to collaborate and share knowledge
within the community to develop effective strategies for adapting to climate change.

Check the best answer:
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I believe tobacco farmers in Laguindingan are open to exploring new practices that can help them maintain stable
crop yields despite climate change.
2. In my experience, many farmers in Laguindingan seem receptive to learning about climate-resilient practices that
can improve their long-term crop yields.
3. I have observed a growing interest within the Laguindingan tobacco farming community in adopting strategies to
manage the economic risks associated with climate change.
4. Based on my interactions, tobacco farmers in Laguindingan appear willing to consider financial planning strategies
to enhance their economic resilience in the face of climate challenges.
5. It appears that the knowledge and skills of Laguindingan tobacco farmers can be a valuable asset in identifying and
implementing effective adaptation strategies to climate change.
6. I often hear farmers in Laguindingan discussing potential adaptation strategies, such as exploring new crop varieties
or water management techniques, to cope with climate change.
7. In my opinion, local agricultural extension programs are providing valuable support to tobacco farmers in
Laguindingan by introducing them to climate-resilient practices and technologies.
8. Many tobacco farmers in Laguindingan that I have spoken with seem interested in learning more about available
resources that can help them adapt their practices and improve their economic security in a changing climate.
9. There appears to be a positive attitude among Laguindingan tobacco farmers towards exploring innovative
technologies, such as drought-resistant seeds, that can enhance their long-term crop yields and economic resilience.
10. My conversations with tobacco farmers in Laguindingan suggest a willingness to participate in workshops or
training programs focused on learning and implementing climate-resilient agricultural practices.

Part 3. Survey questionnaire for the Factors on Survivability of Tobacco Farmers.

Directions: Put a check ( ) mark in the box provided in table below on each description.
Respond to each item based on how well it describes what you prefer to take place.
Legend: 4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree


Check the best answer:
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I believe that having a strong awareness of the potential impacts of climate change on crop yields can empower
tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to take necessary actions to ensure stability.
2. In my experience, understanding the potential negative effects of climate change on their crops can motivate farmers
in Laguindingan to seek out and adopt solutions for maintaining stable yields.
3. I have observed that a growing awareness within the Laguindingan tobacco farming community about climate
change can lead to a stronger focus on practices that promote long-term crop yield stability.
4. Based on my interactions, tobacco farmers in Laguindingan who perceive climate change as a threat to their crop
yields seem more likely to actively explore adaptation strategies.
5. It appears that a clear understanding of the potential economic consequences of climate change on crop yields can
encourage tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to prioritize adaptation strategies.
6. I often hear farmers in Laguindingan discussing how implementing adaptation strategies, like new planting
techniques or water management, can help them maintain stable crop yields despite climate challenges.
7. In my opinion, access to information and training on effective adaptation strategies can significantly improve the
ability of tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to ensure the stability of their crop yields under changing climatic
8. Many tobacco farmers in Laguindingan that I have spoken with seem interested in learning about adaptation
strategies that can directly address their concerns about maintaining stable crop yields in a changing climate.
9. There appears to be a strong belief among Laguindingan tobacco farmers that actively adopting climate-resilient
practices is essential for long-term stability and sustainability of their crop yields.
10. My conversations with tobacco farmers in Laguindingan suggest a recognition that a combination of awareness,
understanding the perceived impact, and implementing adaptation strategies is crucial for ensuring the stability of
their crop yields in the face of climate change.

Check the best answer:
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I believe that having a strong awareness of the potential economic impacts of climate change can motivate tobacco
farmers in Laguindingan to take steps towards financial security.
2. In my experience, understanding the financial risks associated with climate change can encourage tobacco farmers in
Laguindingan to adopt practices that improve their long-term economic resilience.
3. I have observed a growing awareness within the Laguindingan tobacco farming community about climate change,
which can lead to a stronger focus on financial planning and risk management strategies.
4. Based on my interactions, tobacco farmers in Laguindingan who perceive climate change as a threat to their income
seem more likely to explore options for diversifying their income streams or accessing financial resources.
5. It appears that a clear understanding of the potential economic consequences of climate change can encourage
tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to prioritize practices that strengthen their financial resilience.
6. I often hear farmers in Laguindingan discussing how implementing adaptation strategies, like exploring new
drought-resistant crops or alternative markets, can help them maintain a stable income despite climate challenges.
7. In my opinion, access to information and training on financial planning and risk management tools can significantly
improve the ability of tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to adapt to the economic impacts of climate change.
8. Many tobacco farmers in Laguindingan that I have spoken with seem interested in learning about adaptation
strategies that can directly address their concerns about maintaining a viable income in a changing climate.
9. There appears to be a growing recognition among Laguindingan tobacco farmers that building economic resilience
through adaptation strategies is essential for their long-term survivability in the face of climate change.
10. My conversations with tobacco farmers in Laguindingan suggest a willingness to explore a combination of
awareness, understanding the perceived economic impact, and implementing adaptation strategies to strengthen their
financial security in the face of climate change.


Check the best answer:
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. I believe that having a strong awareness of climate change can motivate tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to seek out
and adopt resilient practices for long-term survival.
2. In my experience, understanding the potential negative effects of climate change on their livelihoods can encourage
farmers in Laguindingan to explore and implement adaptation strategies.
3. I have observed a growing awareness within the Laguindingan tobacco farming community about climate change,
which can lead to a stronger focus on adopting resilient practices to ensure their long-term survival.
4. Based on my interactions, tobacco farmers in Laguindingan who perceive climate change as a threat to their way of
life seem more likely to be open to adopting new, climate-resilient practices.
5. It appears that a clear understanding of the potential consequences of climate change can encourage tobacco farmers
in Laguindingan to prioritize learning and implementing adaptation strategies.
6. I often hear farmers in Laguindingan discussing how exploring new practices, like water-saving irrigation or
alternative crop varieties, can help them adapt to the challenges of climate change.
7. In my opinion, access to information and training on climate-resilient practices can significantly improve the ability
of tobacco farmers in Laguindingan to adapt their agricultural methods to a changing climate.
8. Many tobacco farmers in Laguindingan that I have spoken with seem interested in learning about new technologies
and practices that can help them adapt and survive in a changing climate.
9. There appears to be a growing recognition among Laguindingan tobacco farmers that actively adopting resilient
practices is essential for their long-term survival and sustainability in the face of climate change.
10. My conversations with tobacco farmers in Laguindingan suggest a willingness to learn and implement a combination
of strategies, including awareness raising, understanding the impact, and actively adapting practices, to ensure their
survival in a changing climate.

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