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Indian Economy - Prelims Questions DPP - 21

1. With reference to Securities Transaction Tax, Which of the statements given above is/are
consider the following statements: correct?
1. The securities transaction tax is a direct tax. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
2. Short-term shares are held for a period of (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
less than 6 months
4. With reference to 15th Finance Commission,
Which of the statements given above is/are consider the following statements:
1. The Census of 1971 was taken as the
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only benchmark for the devolution of funds by
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 the 15th Finance Commission.
2. The 15th Finance Commission
2. Consider the following statements:
recommended 41% of the divisible pool be
1. Recommend regarding 'vertical and devolved to the States.
horizontal devolution' of net proceeds of
Which of the statements given above is/are
taxes to the President.
2. Recommend the President to provide grants (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
in aid to the state government
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Recommend financial support to
5. With reference to the Input Tax Credit (ITC)
Panchayats and municipalities
under Goods and Services Tax (GST), consider
How many of the statements given above are the the following statements:
functions of the Finance Commission? 1. It is the tax paid by a person which is
(a) Only one (b) Only two available as a deduction from tax to be
(c) Only three (d) None payable by them under GST.
2. It is available only at the final stage of
3. With reference to the Tax Devolution, consider
the following statements:
3. It helps in removing the cascading effect of
1. Vertical devolution deals with the tax and reduces the price of final products.
devolution of funds between the Union and
How many of the statements given above are
the States.
2. Horizontal Devolution deals with the (a) Only one (b) Only two
division of funds amongst States.
(c) All three (d) None


1. (a) 4. (b)
2 (c) 5. (b)
3. (c)

Hints and Solutions

1. (a) augment the resources of a State's

Option (a) is correct: Consolidated Fund. These resources are
intended to supplement the financial
❖ Statement 1 is correct: The central
capabilities of Panchayats and
government of India levies and collects
Municipalities within the State. (Hence,
the securities transaction tax, which is a
statement 3 is correct)
direct tax. The most notable aspect of a
securities transaction tax is that it is only 3. (c)
levied on share transactions conducted Option (c) is correct:
through a recognized stock exchange in the ❖ Statement 1 is correct: The Finance
country. Commission makes recommendations for
❖ Statement 2 is not correct: Financial the vertical and horizontal devolution of net
instruments held for less than 12 months proceeds of the Union tax revenue between
or one year are considered short-term
the Centre and the States. Vertical
shares in India. Short-term capital gain
devolution deals with the division of
refers to any capital gain/profit that an
resources between the Union and the
individual gets on the sale of short-term
capital assets. This includes any gain on
depreciable assets. ❖ Statement 2 is correct: Horizontal
devolution is the devolution or sharing of
2. (c) resources between different states. It has
Option (c) is correct: been a key concept in equalizing the
Functions of the Finance Commission: Term differences in fiscal capacity. This has been
of Reference (TOR) used by the Governments to help address
❖ Distribution of Tax Proceeds: It submits equity and economic efficiency issues.
recommendations regarding 'vertical and 4. (b)
horizontal devolution' of net proceeds of
Option (b) is correct:
taxes to the President.
❖ Statement 1 is not correct: The 14th
➢ Vertical Devolution: Division
Finance Commission considered the
between center and States/union
territories. Census of 1971 as the benchmark for the
devolution of funds by the 14th Finance
➢ Horizontal Devolution: Division
Commission. This was done to prevent
amongst States. (Hence, statement 1
is correct) unjust favour to the North Indian States
where the growth in the population
❖ Grants-in-Aids: Providing the grants-in-
increased at a larger pace post-1971 in
aid of to the State Government under
comparison to the Southern states. The 15th
Article 275 of the constitution of India.
(Hence, statement 2 is correct) Finance Commission took the Census of
2011 as the benchmark for the devolution of
❖ Support for Panchayats and
funds between states.
Municipalities: It suggests measures to

❖ Statement 2 is correct: The 15th Finance

Commission recommended maintaining
the vertical devolution at 41% for the
devolution of funds to the states from the
divisible pool. The 14th Finance
Commission recommended the share to
be 42%.

5. (b)
Option (b) is correct:
❖ Statement 1 is correct: ITC is the tax
already paid on inputs or input services, and
it can be deducted from the tax payable on
the output.
❖ Statement 2 is not correct: ITC is
available at every stage of production, not
just the final stage.
❖ Statement 3 is correct: ITC indeed helps
in eliminating the cascading effect of
taxes by allowing taxpayers to claim credit
for taxes paid on inputs, which ultimately
lowers the price of final products.

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