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IMIDE IDdcHecx © Your Health Partner... MEDI-CHECK HEALTH SERVICES PVT. LTD. Plot No, R-831, Thane Belapur Road, T.T.C, Nr. Rabale Police Station, Rabale, Navi Mumbai-400708 Email: Mob : 9320117001 ratient Name: Mr. Pradeep Kumar Chandrawanshi Joining Date signation : Worker Age /Sex: 24 Male Iickee no Dow 1240-94 ‘dently Mar: NiL Cont Name: Pacific Corporation Blood Group : 0 Positive ympany Add, ; Post ox no 8 Aro Pos Ofc, Thane Belapar Roa, Aro, Nav Mamba -400 708 Physiologic Parameters : Hei (em): | 460 Weight (Ro[ 62 ||Fever NAD Rms: NAD Insomnia NAD Abdominal Pans NAD het (om ia: Za ||aveute toss NAD Cough: NAD_—‘asho—=“NAD_—AymphNode: NAD [General Examination. Weighttose NAD ChestPums—NAD_—‘Pptaton: NAD Any Swelling: NAD Pie mn | 72 RF em TR@F|AAOTAO||eoteche: NAD Brewthlesness: NAD Gime. NAD a 16 Prator = otentng: NAD conegoes Dae: Negative Infectious Dos: Negative Fremprawre: | Norm cen BS Eye! Vision Test: Systemic Examinatio Trpraor Waa asss[ with Wikoit— sume normal, Abdomen: Normal abe [Tem | wie [teh |Meoaie: ermal Muscle Normal eras: : N/6. N/® || Genitat Normat ‘Higher Function: Normal Dit Vor | — oe |e bargical Operative Conditions Worms ae Colour Vision: [Normal ae a = a eee Udctons: —Smoker:Never———_Tobec Chawer: Never Aloe: Never Ss Poxtisory: Tae eewat Font Hstory: NathagSpecne oe levromark normal t_Beamination: —___| Teamagioons | TRA | MIS TS NGTAT Feat ee as-5FmmoT “row 15 asl ed = [nas 155 mimo Eo Corie 55-06 mi WHC count | 7000 | 4000-11000/Cubic mm | Phosphorus || 3550 maya FEY, N6a0-5005, ATA | | ——sr calc aes ro mara mere Sec Se Uric Ace [=a 0 gra Soe Eee me eT pga a = SES 7 malat| aie Ti wre Sues a= a Hnale| rae | — ane —| tee ates count 95000 | 45 cen] | — Sr 5 tome || Gyone—| — sot —| ~ ae ethine? | = tS ma/Al | peu ood | — Ascent —| ~ absent a Ketone Bodles| —Abseat —|~Absent Bama | — 8 | anf] | Cor ea Sw3207L_| | tesa | — Absent —|~aneene ‘Blood Sugar: ‘93 | Random -70-140 mg/dl || Alkaline Phosphatase: | “35 to 150 U/L_| | Bile Pigment: Absent Anont =| Fasting 70-110 mga || Total Proteins | —~—| ~o6 08 70 PP 7040 mgd abu F550 G70 Absent Gob | 25ma5¢pL oF Tether [nt TOT aT S00F ear a Strgheries | ———| ao omar a ae DA. Chotetroi-| | — 3000 7omafar | en LDL. Cholestrot- “up to 190 mg/l io eats tae: bk “Absent oh a et —| Se BirabinIdrect-| —~ | 000 wai hole 7D Rt pte 50 Blab Tota TEamat| [Urine Remarc Normal -Ray (Chest) ~ port / Remark iccReport | [/Remark: = udiometry PRT Remar] 450" Ue /min WNL Report / Remark: ray aie lors / physician’ aha} Final Opinion / Jon W.S.,AFLH. OM ent Name: signation Irickee No ‘ont Name: INE IDicheck | Your Health Partne1 Plot No. R-831, Thane Belapur Road, T.T.C, Nr. Rabale Police Station, Rabale, Navi Mumbai-400708 Email: Mr. Upendra Kumar Singh Pacific Corporation (Company Ada. : Post Box n 8, rll Post Ofice, The Belapur Road, Avo Navi Mumba - 400708 MEDI-CHECK HEALTH SERVICES PVT. LTD. lob : 9320117001 mo Joining Date Age /Sex: 43 Male DOB: 214Jan-75 deny ark: Nit Blood Group: B Positive [Physiologic Parameters (Complaint Weigh on | — 3a — eon ear reve NAD vs: NAD Intomnar NAD Abana Pan: NAD est fem aM 2A ||avettetoss: NAD Cough: «NAD sRoshs—= NAD Lymphoder NAD ‘Goneral Examination : Wenctos: NAD GhestPame —NAD_——Plptton: NAD AnySweling- NAD rise mink] 68 P mm/igh] RATT ||eotche: NAD Breathless: KAD—_dens NAD be 36 ator Pieeting: NAD Contagious Diese: Negative Infectious Dios Noptve iempraere | Norn “Toca a Eye/ Vision Test Systemic Examination Tpator Wat an) Wikowt —I|sime Normal, Abdomen: Nora eit [ tat [Wiebe [eR Vcore: Normal Marcuse Norm Li A | Pe her ancion: Normal TE eee a — | 2 909 | vpteat Opexative Comaltiomey ToraT aera Ss icons: Smoker: Never Tobuec ewer Never coon Naver fear imeesina Pasensory: wt a - Famine: HT Mother eft [Norma JEXTRemark: Normal eamogiobin Le ears ipa Potassium: = | 35-33mmel F-12006 185 ofa Sodium: [35-155 mmol TREC Count | 499 | ~45t0 64 millcumm horde =] 39-108 mmol WERE. Count| 4900 | 4000-11000/Cubie mm || Phosphor 2500 50mg/al PGW MAO 54%5, TAG Sr Calum [Sate t20 maa Mt: 80 t0 96 cu micron aa Sea ‘Chemical Examination TH ZF. plegram: ae See Gravy [101s [10 ci. 321016 % ae Sagar | [Prtien: | Absent —|~abson Platelet Count | 747000 | “150 45 Laem cess Avot —| Aen 5 readme 04-15 mg/l ‘est ood | — Absent —|~ABsent ee rm fon Tests Reton Bodies | Absent —| Absent Bina | a] Be er Gamma Gr rest ‘StSEU7E || Bie Sat | — Absent —| absent loo Sugars [98 | Random 70-140 mg7at || Akane Phosphatase: | —-—| ~35 450071 | Bile Pigment: | — Absent —| —Absent = | Fasting 70-110 mg/dL ||~ Total Proteins: | —-| 06 > 08 6/01

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