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2.MD.7 Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using
a.m. and p.m.
A. Learning Objective
Students will be able to correctly classify 3 out 4 scenarios of am or pm.
B. Description of Assessment
The students were given Boom cards for Telling Time in a station during centers. The students
would access them through google classroom on their chrome books. The boom shows both
analog and digital time and would ask students “which clock shows 6:30? and there would be
two analog clocks on the screen. This allowed the TC to collect data based on areas the students
did well in and would need more instructions in.

C. Rational
The Boom Cards engage students in meaningful practice of telling
time specifically using am or pm and providing immediate feedback.
D. Description of Scoring Guide
The teacher candidate will circulate the room as student
work through the Boom Cards takings notes of students
actively participating, using hints, asking questions, etc.
Differentiated Scoring Guide: These students could work
in their math groups to complete their boom cards. The data
Can also be accessed digital on the Boom Cards of how each
students did on each question. This allowed instruction to be
Adjusted specifically on areas needed.
E. Differentiation
Support will be scaffolded to aid students who need additional help. This will look like
hints on the Boom Cards to guide students if they get the answer wrong or they are stuck
they can use a hint. The Boom Cards will also have prompts to help guide them through
identifying AM or PM.
2.LS.2: All organisms alive today result from their ancestors, some of which may be extinct. Not all kinds
of organisms that lived in the past are represented by living organisms today.
A. Learning Objective
Students will be able to describe the concept of extinction and how it relates to dinosaurs including at
least three key concepts.
B. Description of Assessment
The students would create a Show What you Know Poster. The students were provided a choice
board where they could decide what the topic of the poster would be. The choice board was
centered around concepts of extinctions, dinosaurs, and fossils.
C. Rational
This assessment allowed students to focus and describe key
concepts surrounding extinction and dinosaurs in their own
ways using facts and creative freedom to express such information.
D. Description of Scoring Guide
The students will be given the scoring guide as they work on their
posters to help guide them in the process. The students will be
scored based on their information, presentation and their posters
creativity. Some students will be graded based on scoring guide #2.
E. Differentiation
Students with anxiety, speech impairments can with approval
from the MT present in a small group setting.

Scoring Guide #2
RI.2.5 Known and used various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes,
electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
A. Learning Objective
Students will be able to identify at least three text features within a text to find key details.
B. Description of Assessment
Students will be provided a St. Patrick’s theme passage containing various text features, including

captions, bold print, subheadings. Students will then be asked to recognize and use the text features to

find key facts within the text. There will be two passages, one on grade level reading, and one that is

considered below grade level for students who are identified, and struggling readers. The student will use

crayons and/or markers to find the text features within the passage. The students will circle, underline,

box-in etc. the text features. The students have been exposed to text features in past reading, with teacher

led instruction.

C. Rationale

This meets the learning objective because it will require the

students to recognize text features and use them to find key details in a text.

D. Description of Scoring Guide

The student will turn in their St. Patrick’s theme passage, and receive feedback based on the rating scale.

The students will be rated into two categories: text features and key details. The scoring can also be given

to the student for them to self-grade themselves first, this allows the teacher candidate to see how the

student self-evaluates.

E. Differentiation
Students were given level readers of the St. Patrick's Day
Passage, for student who struggle with reading, or
comprehension. Students with a level reader will be scored
based on a differentiated scoring guide. This scoring guide is
developmentally appropriate for students, as well as focusing on adjusted content.
Social Studies
Grade 2: Geography: Human System: #9 Interactions among cultures lead to sharing ways of life.
A. Learning Objective
After discussing cultures, and their traditions students will be able to describe how interactions between
cultures can lead to sharing ways of life, using St. Patrick’s Day as an example.

B. Description of Assessment
The students after reading the St. Patrick's Day theme, read aloud, will have a whole class
discussion about culture traditions, and how they celebrate the holiday, and if they don't, what
would they want to do. The students will be given a What does my family do on St. Patrick's
sheet to fill out. The culture guide asks how they celebrate, their family, what they eat, and what
they wear.
C. Rationale
This meets the learning objective because the students will show their understanding of how
differing cultures can celebrate the same holiday as St. Patricks Day with different traditions.
D. Description of Scoring Guide
The students will be graded based on an Exploring Cultural Interaction
Checklist. The students will self-grade themselves.
The students will state if they understanded some
St. Patrick's traditions, if they talked about their own
Traditions on the holiday, and questions they may
still have. The students who struggle with writing,
forming sentences, can draw pictures to answer the
E. Differentiation
Students will be allowed to draw pictures instead of
writing sentences if they struggle with sentence
formation or reading comprehension. Students will
be given more time, like the students who get pulled
For title reading services. The students will be
offered preferential seating.

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