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Errant Errata

Errata 1 & 2 will both be incorporated into Errant’s 2nd printing.

Gameplay Corrections & Updates

Errata 2 - January 1, 2024

● Page 14, Event Die Travel Turns, List Item 3: Added “Deplete active sorceries and Mira-
cles by 1” (Also updated in the Quick Reference)
● Page 33, Quality & Breakage, Paragraph 4: Text now correctly indicates that Armour
Quality is reduced only if it is being used to Block.
● Page 38, Adventuring Gear, line 4: Antitoxin takes up a 1/2 slot, changed from 1 slot.
● Page 41, Food & Cooking, line 15: “Kit, mess” takes up 1/4 slot, changed from 1/2 slot.
● Page 48, Retainers, line 7: Explorers are now marked with a dagger, including them in
the section’s footnote about daily wage calculation.
● Page 63, Renown, Paragraph 3: added “An Attribute can not be raised above 20.”
● Page 70. Jettons, Paragraph 7: changed “You may ask the guide for a devil’s bargain,”
to “the guide may choose to offer you a devil’s bargain.”
● Page 73, Sorcery, Paragraph 7: added “Any prepared Sorceries cease being unstable
once you have had a night’s Rest.”
● Page 125, Eating & Drinking, Paragraph 1: Removed a confusing reference to supply
depletion in regards to Starvation.
● Page 149, Gambits, Paragraph 1: Adjusted text for clarity. New text in bold:
“To do so, after rolling their damage die, they reduce their rolled damage
by a given amount (including 0)”
● Page 157, Warbands, Paragraph 6: Text now correctly indicates that a large warband
becomes a medium one when it reaches 10hp or lower.

Errata 1 - October 13, 2022

● Pages 14 & 16, Travel Turn & Exploration Turn Event Die: the “Rest” result now correctly
indicates +1 negative Event Die. (Was previously only “+1 Event Die”) This was also up-
dated in the quick reference.
● Page 22 & 23, Negotiations: the third bullet point for both Taking & Convincing ex-
changes now correctly indicate “failure at shaky position or success with weak impact.”
(Was previously incorrectly stated as failure at risky position or success with weak im-
pact.) This was also updated in the quick reference.
● Page 25, Hand, Handy & Worn: two sentences were removed: “Hand slots can be in-
dicated by placing two dots next to the item(s) in the slot.” and “Handy slots can be
indicated by placing one dot next to the item(s) in the slot.” This information is more
clearly communicated by the Errant Character Sheet.
● Page 123, Travel Turn Pace table, last item: a “Vague, confusing, misleading map or
directions” now correctly adds +2 or +4 to the navigation DV. (Was previously -2 or -4)
This was also updated in the quick reference.
● Page 124, Travel Turn Resting: the sleeping rule has been expanded. New text in bold:
“If an errant spends two travel turns sleeping, they gain the effects of a
full night’s rest: they may remove a point of exhaustion and replenish any
other resources which recover with a night’s rest. They may also use a
healer’s kit to recover hp equal to a roll of their damage die.

If sleeping in a warm, safe bed within a settlement, they may recover hp

equal to a roll of their damage die without the use of a healer’s kit”

Typo Corrections & Formatting Adjustments

Errata 2 - January 1, 2024

● In the Quick Reference for Items, 2nd bullet point: Added a period to the end of the line.
● In the Quick Reference for Travel Turns, Pace Table, removed periods from some lines for consistency.
● In the Quick Reference for Exploration Turns, Pace Table header: capitalized “Effects.”
● In the Quick Reference for Exploration Turns, Pace Table, removed periods from some lines for consistency.
● Page 29, Supply, Paragraph 1: corrected “Healing Kits” to “Healer’s Kits.”
● Page 32, Rarity, Paragraph 1, corrected “3 is cities, 4 is towns” to “3 is towns, 4 is cities.”
● Pages 36 and 37, Goods & Services: Both words of all table headers are now capitalized.
● Page 37, 38, 48, 49, 132, text daggers used to indicate footnotes are now printed in superscript position.
● Page 41, Food & Cooking, line 20: In some digital editions of Errant, “Meal, rich” had no listed price. Corrected to >150p
● Page 56, Select Starting Equipment, Bullet #9 didn’t have a period at the end.
● Page 62, Failed Professions, removed periods from all list items.
● Page 77, Creating Sorceries, added missing periods to the first two lines of the general rubric bullet list.
● Pages 90-91, Grimoires & Sorceries, removed trailing comma at the end of theme list for grimoires 36-39.
● Page 115, Gaining Favour, capitalized “Favour” in the header.
● Page 115, Gaining Favour, 4th table, capitalized the E in “Favour Eternal.”
● Page 116, Table of Woe for The Blessed Mother, added period to line 2.
● Page 123, Pace table, added period to the Other Effect for Severe Weather.
● Page 124, Resting, Paragraph 1, changed “need to” to “must.”
● Pages 126-127 & 132, Mounts & Vehicles and Marine Travel: removed periods from all “Appropriate Terrain” listings.
● Page 132, Marine Travel: Some digital editions did not correctly show longship crew numbers. This is corrected.
● Page 133, 2d6 Wind Table: removed periods, and adjusted position on the page.
● Page 148, Speed & Movement, capitalized the D in “Movement Dice. (Also fixed in Quick Reference)
● Page 174, Converting NPCs, Paragraph 3, “hit die value” corrected to “hit dice value.”
● Page 180, Hiring Retainers, corrected periods on the bullet list.
● Page 181, Hiring Retainers, capitalized the A in “Henchmen Archetype.
● Page 183, Conspicuous Consumption, added periods to the end of each carousing type’s list.
● Page 187, Trades, 3rd paragraph: corrected Items produced are of Quality.” to “Masterwork Quality.”
● Page 221, Rivals, Table: Added period to the result for a roll of 10+.
● Page 224, Downtime Trends, added a period to line 6. (Also fixed in Quick Reference)
● Page 232, Glossary & Index, added period to the end of the entry for Ritual.
● In the Quick Reference for Initiative Turns, Combat Distance & Surprise: Added a period to first line.
● In the Quick Reference for Initiative Turns, Attacking, 2nd Bullet: “Quality” is now correctly formatted in small caps.
● In the Quick Reference for Initiative Turns, Attacking, 2nd Bullet: Clarified that targets are only allowed one Attack
Roll in response to rolling 1 on a damage die.
Errata 1 - October 13, 2022

● Several artist credits which indicated pages incorrectly have been amended:
● Charles Ferguson-Avery of Feral Indie Studio, p. 81 (was incorrectly p. 107)
● Madeline Ember p. 172-173, 212-213 (Illustrations spanning two pages now indicated by a hyphen, rather than a
● José Eduardo González p. 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, 92, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 107 (All were previously offset by -1.)
● Gus L, p. 36 (was incorrectly p. 25)
● L.F. OSR 216-217 (Illustration spanning two pages now indicated by a hyphen, rather than a comma.)
● Under “Encumbrance” in the Items & Equipment chapter the word “advisable” in the final paragraph is no longer
printed in small caps.
● Under “Exhaustion” in the Items & Equipment chapter, a typo in the alt text for the kneeling warrior has been cor-
● In the Goods & Services chapter, the third table is now correctly titled “Armor, feet.” (Was previously a duplicate of
“Armor, hand” from the table above.)
● Under “Testament of The Blessèd Mother” in the Covenants & Miracles chapter, there’s no longer a line break be-
tween the end of the first paragraph and the period.
● Under “Resting” in the Exploration Turns chapter, there’s no longer a space before the period at the end of the first
● Under “Domains” in the Downtime Turn chapter, the text “appoint NPCs to positions of power.” is now correctly re-
fers to NPCs plural, rather than NPC singular.
● Under “Rituals” in the Downtime Turn Chapter, the sentence “No progress is made.” now has a period at the end.
● In the glossary, the way page numbers are referenced for “Pace” and “Rest” has been adjusted for greater clarity,
since these work differently during Travel and Exploration Turns.

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