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Seven Aspect of Values in shaping who we become.

They're taught
and reinforced in education to help us develop
1. **Choosing**: into well-rounded individuals.
- People freely pick what they value.
- They consider different options and think **Report: Theories on the Origin or Sources of
about what might happen because of their Values**
There are four main theories explaining where
2. **Affirming/Prizing**: our values come from:
- They feel happy about their choice. 1. **Inner Man Theory (William James):**
- They might tell others about it. According to William James, values aren't
universal truths but personal constructions
- They show their values through their based on our desires and needs. Each person's
actions. sense of what's good or bad is shaped by their
Affirming/Prizing: Once chosen, they should individual thoughts and feelings.
feel happy about their choice, publicly For example, someone might value honesty
acknowledge it, and show it through their because they believe it fosters trust
actions repeatedly. (nagpapatibay) in relationships.
3. **Acting**: For instance, someone might prioritize hard
- They consistently behave in ways that work and dedication because they value self-
reflect their values. improvement and achievement.
- Their values should help them grow 2. **Outer Man Theory (B.F. Skinner):** B.F.
emotionally and spiritually, not hold them back. Skinner suggests that values are learned
through experiences of punishment and
- showing your commitment through your reward. What we perceive as good or bad is
actions. determined by the consequences of our
- Consistentcy
For instance, a child might learn to value
sharing after receiving praise for doing so.
IMPORTAMCE OF VLAUES 3. **Labeling Theory (Cultural Relativism):**
1. **Guidance:** Values help us decide what's This theory argues that values are socially
right or wrong and guide our actions. constructed and vary from one culture to
another. Society decides what's considered
2. **Purpose and Direction:** Values give us good or bad, and individuals adopt these
reasons to live and goals to strive for. When values based on their cultural norms. For
our values are clear, life feels meaningful and example, in some cultures, polygamy may be
satisfying. accepted, while in others, it's frowned upon.
3. **Meaning and Significance:** Values give In simple terms:
life and society a deeper sense of importance Inner Man: Values come from personal
and purpose. feelings and desires.
4. **Desirability:** Values influence what we Outer Man: Values are shaped by experiences,
like, what makes us happy, and what we rewards, and punishments.
consider worthwhile.
5. **Importance:** Values show us what Labeling Theory: Society decides what's good
matters most in life, what's worth living for, or bad based on cultural norms.
and sometimes, what's worth sacrificing for.
6. **Bridge between Knowledge and
Action:** Knowing what's right isn't enough;
values motivate us to act on that knowledge.
We do what we care about and love.
7. **Role in Education:** Values are essential
Classification of Values m. **Use of Intermediary:** Asking a friend to
negotiate a deal instead of doing it yourself.
1. **Economic Values:**
n. **Segurista Attitude:** The mindset of
- These are things that have monetary or wanting assurance of success before taking
material worth, like money, cars, or houses. action.
2. **Behavioral Values:** Ex. Insisting on getting collateral before lending
- These are principles that guide our actions. money.
Instrumental Values (Means): Ways of Gusto munang magpakasal bago magkaanak
behaving to achieve goals. para siguradong handa sa responsibilidad.
Example: Studying hard to get good grades. o. **Gaya-gaya (Copycat):** Buying the same
clothes as a celebrity to look cool.
Terminal Values (Outcome/End): Desired
results of behavior. p. **Pagmamay-ari (Ownership):** Saving
money for a house instead of spending it on
Example: Gaining knowledge and skills, unnecessary things.
achieving good grades.
q. **Pagkatitulado (Valuing Titles):**
3. **Social Values:** Respecting someone more because they have
- These are values that stem from our a fancy job title.
interactions with others. r. **Lack of Sportsmanship:** Being a sore
- *Prescriptive Values (Thou Shall):* They loser and making excuses after losing a game.
are values that tell us what we should do, like
loving our neighbors.
- *Proscriptive Values (Thou Shall Not):*
These are values that tell us what we should
not do, such as not killing others.
4. **Non-Social or Self-Concern Values:**
- These are values related to our personal
well-being or habits, like maintaining
cleanliness or having a positive attitude.
5. **Moral and Spiritual Values:**
- These are ethical or virtuous principles, like
honesty, kindness, and following religious

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