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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management a Successful Business Project (5039)

Submission date Date received (1st submission) 5/3/2024

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name NGUYEN THI HONG VAN Student ID BH01062

Class MA06203 Assessor name HOANG VAN DUNG

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Brief company introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Introduction to the report........................................................................................................................ 5

SUCCESS OF A PROJECT ........................................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Definition .................................................................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Project Initiation ....................................................................................................................................... 6

2.3 Project Planning........................................................................................................................................ 7

2.4 Project Execution...................................................................................................................................... 7

2.5 Project Closure.......................................................................................................................................... 8

III. Examine and evaluate the factors to be considered when compiling a project management plan (PMP)

3.1 Project objective....................................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Project scope ............................................................................................................................................ 9

3.3 Project budget .......................................................................................................................................... 9

3.4 Project timeline ........................................................................................................................................ 9

3.5 Project resources .................................................................................................................................... 10

3.6 Risk management ................................................................................................................................... 11

IMPORTANCE TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Secondary data collection method for the project ............................................................................... 11

4.2 Primary data collection method for the project ................................................................................... 11

4.3 Interview ................................................................................................................................................. 11

4.4 Survey ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

4.5 The importance of research methods to project management ........................................................... 13

4.6 Data analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 13

4.6.1 Desciptive statistics ......................................................................................................................... 13

4.6.2 Linear regression.............................................................................................................................. 14

COMMUNICATION, RESOURCES AND RESEARCH METHODS .............................................................................. 15

5.1 Background and purpose of the project ................................................................................................ 15

5.2 Scope of project ...................................................................................................................................... 15

5.2.1 Scope description ............................................................................................................................ 15

5.2.2 Schedule of the project.................................................................................................................... 15

5.2.3 Project budget ................................................................................................................................. 16

5.2.4 Project quality management and control........................................................................................ 17

5.2.5 Project risk management ................................................................................................................. 17

5.2.6 Stakeholder Communication and Project Resources ...................................................................... 18

AND STAGES FOR COMPLETION ........................................................................................................................... 19

6.1 Work breakdown structure (WBS) ........................................................................................................ 19

6.2 Milestone of the project ........................................................................................................................ 20

VII. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................. 21

VIII. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................ 21

IX. PROJECT LOGBOOK TEMPLATE .................................................................................................................. 22

1.1 Brief company introduction

Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank) was created in 1988 after being split
from the State Bank of Vietnam. After over 33 years in business, VietinBank has establish edit self as one of
Vietnam's premier commercial banks, offering unrivaled banking and financial products and services.
Moreover, VietinBank was the first bank in Vietnam to open a branch in Frankfurt on September 6, 2011,
followed by a subsidiary branch in Berlin on May 28, 2012. In addition, Vietinbank maintains agreements with
over 1,000 agent banks globally (Vietinbank, 2023)

Vietinbank's Logo

1.2 Introduction to the report

The author is presently employed at Vietinbank and plays an important role in advising the Board of Directors
(BoD) on the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility project. The author is in charge of
developing a study strategy to investigate the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility(CRS) on employee
satisfaction. Because, nowadays, CSR is a method of taking responsibility for a company's actions and
supporting positive impacts on the environment, customers, workers ,communities, and other
stakeholders through activities. CSR initiatives not only assist society, nature ,and the community in which the
company works, but they also help the firm obtain competitive advantages such as brand recognition,
employee retention, and excellent investor connections. The author will develop a comprehensive Project
Management Plan (PMP) that covers the project scope ,milestones, deadline, quality, risks, communication,
resources, and research approaches, as well as primary or secondary, quantitative or qualitative, survey or
interview data collecting. Further more ,the study examines the stages of the Project Life Cycle (PLC) and
describes the components of the Project Management Plan (PMP)

2.1 Definition

The stages of the project lifecycle The project life cycle outlines the steps required for project managers to
successfully manage a project from start to finish. The project life cycle is divided into four phases (also known
as the four process groups): beginning, planning, carrying out, and completion (Project Management Institute,

The Project Life Cycle

2.2 Project Initiation

The development of a project's initial goal and technical specifications is referred to as conceptualization. The
scope of the work has been determined, the required resources (people, money, physical, plant) have been
identified, and key organizational contributors or stakeholders have agreed to participate (Project
Management Institute , 2021).
Project initiation in the product life cycle (PLC) plays a critical role in shaping and driving the success of a
product or service in the marketplace. This phase is an opportunity to capture and reflect market needs, create
innovation and define specific project goals. It is also the time to gather resources and establish a detailed plan
for project implementation. By getting off to a strong and strategic start, the project will have a better chance
of succeeding and overcoming development challenges and pushing the product or service to the next level.

2.3 Project Planning

All detailed specifications, schematics, schedules, and other plans are created during the planning stage.
Individual project pieces, known as work packages, are broken down, individual assignments are made, and
the completion process is clearly defined(Project Management Institute ,2021)

Project Planning plays an undeniable role in product life cycle management (PLC - Product Life Cycle) because
it is the most important step to shape and adjust all activities. In each phase of a PLC, from development to
marketing to maintenance, a project plan helps define specific goals and manage resources such as human
resources, materials, and budgets effectively. effective. Estimating time and budget for each phase is an
important part of the project plan, helping to ensure progress and product quality. The project plan also helps
identify and evaluate possible risks. arise, thereby taking preventive measures and adjusting plans when
necessary. By optimizing all activities in each phase, the project plan helps enhance product performance and
competitiveness in the market. school. Therefore, project planning is considered an important factor
determining the success of a project in PLC.

2.4 Project Execution

The actual "work" of the project, the system developed, or the product created and fabricated, occurs during
execution. The majority of project team labor is completed during the execution phase (Project Management
Institute , 2021)

During project implementation, the implementation phase plays an extremely important role. This is the stage
where plans are converted into concrete actions, tasks are implemented and specific goals are achieved. The
importance of this stage comes from the fact that it provides an opportunity to turn ideas into reality and
achieve the intended results. During the implementation phase, important activities include schedule
management, risk management, resource management, and quality control. Schedule management helps
ensure that tasks are performed on schedule and according to plan. Risk management helps identify and
minimize risks that may affect the project. Resource management ensures that resources are used effectively.
Quality control ensures that the final product or service meets quality standards and customer requirements.
The implementation phase is a key step in turning plans into action and achieving project goals.

2.5 Project Closure

The completed project is transferred to the customer, its resources are reassigned, and the project is formally
closed out. As specific sub activities are completed, the project's scope shrinks and costs fall rapidly(Project
Management Institute , 2021)

Project closure is an important phase in the project management process, especially in the product life cycle
model. The importance of project closure cannot be denied. This is an opportunity to evaluate whether the
project has achieved its initial goals, thereby evaluating the success of the project and learning from failures.
failure and success. Project closure frees up resources and finances for other projects or for other
organizational activities, thereby optimizing resource use. It also marks the deployment of a new product or
service into production or market, creating opportunities for businesses to attract customers and increase
sales. Successful project completion also increases shareholder and stakeholder confidence and provides a
basis for support for future projects. Project closure is not just the closure of a phase, but also an opportunity
to learn, improve and progress further in project management and business development.

III. Examine and evaluate the factors to be considered when compiling a project management plan
3.1 Project objective

Project goals are clear and simple. These are the business goals you want the project to accomplish. In project
management, it is most important to clearly state the project goals, as these goals will influence every decision
during the project's life cycle. Project objectives must be measurable and contain key performance indicators
that will be used to evaluate the overall success of the project. These metrics will often include criteria such as
budget, quality, and completion time (Travel, 2022)

Setting goals at work plays an extremely important role, not only helping to determine direction but also
shaping specific steps to achieve personal and organizational goals. Setting and achieving goals also
demonstrates an individual's commitment to the growth and success of the organization. Setting goals gives
you a clear direction. Specific goals help you know the path you are on and how to go further in your career.
Goals help maintain motivation. Specific goals are a source of encouragement to help you constantly strive and
maintain diligence. By defining clear goals, you can easily track your progress and evaluate yourself. Breaking a
project into sub goals makes it easier to tackle larger tasks. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a large project,
you can break it down into smaller steps and easily manage your time and resources. Setting goals helps you
manage your time more effectively. By setting specific goals and setting deadlines, you can focus on your work
in an organized way and avoid distractions (admin, 2022)

3.2 Project scope

The project scope encompasses everything about a project, including both work material and intended
outcomes. The project scope consists of specifying the operations to be undertaken, the resources used, and
the final products that result, including quality requirements. The scope of a project encompasses its aims,
limits, and limitations. Scope management is the role of regulating a project in terms of its goals and
objectives through the steps of conceptual development, complete definition, execution, and
termination. It serves as the foundation for all project activity and is thus the pinnacle of
predevelopment planning. The scope management process includes of numerous unique processes, all of
which are centered on generating a systematic set of plans for the impending project (Pinto, 2019)

3.3 Project budget

Project budget is the basis for directing and managing spending plans for project work as well as reporting
project progress, and is also the basis for evaluating the estimated cost of a project. before project
implementation. The list identifies costs for each job as well as the total estimated project costs. (VietnamBiz,

Budgeting is undeniably important and there are many reasons that make this obvious. This helps the
company shape its operations and better understand priorities and resource allocation helping to optimize
resources and reassess areas for improvement. Another important part of budgeting is the ability to set
realistic goals. By knowing its financial situation, a company can set specific goals and estimate the time and
resources needed to achieve them. Budgeting helps decisions to be supported by numbers and real data,
helping to create confidence and certainty in a company's decisions. Having a clear budget and understanding
the financial situation also helps the company adapt flexibly to changes and take advantage of new
opportunities (admin, 2021)

3.4 Project timeline

A project timeline is a mechanism for communicating the tasks that need to be completed and allocating
resources to complete those tasks within a specific time frame. A project schedule is a document that collects
all the work required to deliver the project on time (VietnamBiz ,2019)

Project timeline management in PMP plays an important role in ensuring project success. By identifying and
managing the time required for each task and project phase, we can ensure that the project is implemented
on time and according to plan. Project timeline also helps manage risks by identifying and evaluating time-
related risks, thereby providing effective prevention and treatment measures. Project timeline also assists in
synchronizing activities between departments and project members. By determining the start and end times
of each task, we can optimize collaboration and increase the productivity of the entire project team. Project
timeline provides the information needed to put make management decisions, helping us identify required
resources, allocate resources and manage change plans effectively.

3.5 Project resources

Project resources are indispensable factors for successful project implementation. For each project, resources
can be classified into human resources, physical resources, financial resources, time, information, and
technology/tools. Human resources are the members of the project team, including managers and related
professionals. Physical resources include machinery, equipment, and materials needed for the project.
Financial resources are sources of money or other financial resources to purchase other resources and carry
out projects. Time is considered an important resource, time management ensures that projects are
completed on time. Information includes data, information and knowledge necessary for the project to run
smoothly. Finally, technology and tools play an important role in project implementation, including software,
hardware and other technologies. Managing and using these resources effectively is crucial. important factor
to ensure project success. ( Thành , 2023)

Project resources play an undeniable role in the project implementation process. They are essential elements
to ensure that all activities run smoothly and that the project achieves its goals. Human resources play a
central role, with the coordination of project team members along with strict management from the project
manager. Physical resources and financial resources also play an important role, ensuring that the project has
enough resources to complete the work. Time is carefully managed to ensure that the project runs on
schedule and on time. Information and technology also play an important role in supporting decision-making
and problem-solving processes in projects. Using the right technology and tools increases productivity and
reduces risk. Good management of project resources is the key to achieving success and completing projects

3.6 Risk management

Risk management, which acknowledges that each project has the potential to fail, is described as the art and
science of recognizing, assessing, and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a project and in the best
interests of its objectives. The distinction between initiatives that fail and those that succeed has nothing to do
with the fact that one has fewer challenges than the other. Rather, the importance is in the strategies in place
to deal with difficulties when they develop. Project risk is defined by the Project Management Institute as "an
unpredictable occurrence or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative influence on one or more
project objectives." This term is significant because, unlike in the past, when project risk was expected to
result in bad outcomes, it is today acknowledged as a source of either opportunities or threats (Pinto, 2019)


4.1 Secondary data collection method for the project

Secondary data encompasses datasets collected by individuals other than the current user, enabling
researchers and data analysts to construct extensive, high-quality databases to address business
challenges. Incorporating secondary data into their datasets enables analysts to elevate the quality and
precision of their insights. While a significant portion of secondary data is sourced from externalorganizations,
it also includes data initially collected within an organization and subsequently repurposed (Hillier, 2022).
Among other sources, compiled data refers to government publications ,books, journals, industrial statistics,
and reports (Perez- Sindin , 2017). In this research, secondary data about CRS were sourced from articles and
websites associated with Vietinbank

4.2 Primary data collection method for the project

Primary data is data created by the researcher himself/herself, such as surveys, interviews, and
experiments developed specifically for understanding and solving the study topic at hand (Wagh,2023)

4.3 Interview

An interview is a conversation used to obtain information. A research interview consists of an

interviewer who supervises the course of the discussion and asks questions, and an interviewee who answers
those questions. Interviews can be done in person or over the phone. The Internet is alsogrowing as a tool for
conducting interviews (Eswaramoorthy & Zarinpoush, 2006)

Advantages: Interviews provide a deep and detailed understanding of participants' views, feelings and
experiences. This method is flexible, allowing questions and responses to be adjusted based on context and
participant feedback. Creating personal relationships also helps generate quality data and encourages honesty
in communication. The combination of quantitative data and interviews helps create a comprehensive and in-
depth view of the research topic. This demonstrates the importance and value of interviews in gathering
quality information and in-depth understanding of research issues.

Disadvantages: Interviewing requires a large investment of time and resources, especially when data needs to
be collected from multiple sources. Organizing and conducting interviews requires high costs, from travel to
vehicles and recording equipment. Results from interviews may be inconsistent and discontinuous due to the
diversity of opinions and responses from different individuals. There is a risk of bias on the part of the
interviewee, making the data collected unreliable. Finally, analyzing data from interviews can be complex and
time-consuming due to the diversity of opinions and perspectives. To solve these problems, research needs to
carefully calculate and consider the use of interviews in its research methods.

4.4 Survey

A survey is a method of gathering information from a group by posing questions through online oroffline
questionnaires. The primary objective is to collect representative data, enabling researchers todraw
conclusions or make informed decisions. Successful survey design involves crafting clear,concise, and
unbiased questions, avoiding any that might influence responses. The goal is to ensurethe accuracy and
reliability of the collected data, enhancing the survey's effectiveness in providingvaluable insights (Bhat, 2023).

Advantages : Survey methods play an important role in research and evaluation because they have many
significant advantages. Surveys allow data to be collected from a large number of participants, thereby
creating a rich and diverse data set, making the research more representative. This method is often easy to
implement and saves time compared to other research methods such as direct interviews or observations. This
convenience helps reduce costs and effort invested in the data collection process. Additionally, data from
surveys is often easy to analyze, helping researchers better understand trends and relationships in the data.
Confidentiality of information is also guaranteed when using this method, ensuring privacy for participants.
Surveys also bring high reliability if done carefully and scientifically. Questions in the survey can be adapted
and reused for future studies, saving researchers time and effort.
Disadvantages : Surveys, although a popular and useful research method, are not without their drawbacks. In
some cases, surveys can introduce bias due to the way the questions are designed, their order, or the way they
are phrased, affecting the objectivity of the results. This bias can come from the person collecting the data, as
well as from the survey participant. External factors such as mood, environment, or uncertainty can influence
how the participant reacts. answer questions, causing inaccurate or unrealistic expressions. Surveys can have
difficulty collecting reliable data, especially when participants do not answer honestly or do not remember the
requested information accurately. For issues that are complex or require in-depth explanations, surveys may
not be sufficient to gather the necessary information, thereby limiting the ability to gain in-depth
understanding of these issues.

4.5 The importance of research methods to project management

A solid research technique is critical for giving research attempts legitimacy and assuring scientifically reliable
conclusions. It functions as a precise blueprint, directing researchers through a smooth and efficient
procedure while providing clarity about the strategy and methodologies used. A good methodology may
help other researchers replicate it, answer critiques, provide a precise strategy for the study, aid in
technique selection, and establish the planned research objectives from the beginning. In general, a well-
structured research technique is essential for delivering trustworthy ,reproducible, and meaningful study
results (Indeed, 2023)

4.6 Data analysis

4.6.1 Descriptive statistics

Data analysis is an important part of the data research and discovery process. Descriptive statistics is an
important tool in data analysis, helping us have an overview of the main characteristics of the data set. By
using statistical methods such as mean, variance, frequency distribution and other measures, we can
understand the variation, distribution and diversity of data. Descriptive statistical analysis provides an
overview and is the basis for further development of more complex data analysis methods such as linear
regression and analysis of variation.

Advantages : Descriptive statistics plays an important role in analyzing data and making basic statements
about the data set. This helps researchers gain an overview and better understand key characteristics of the
data quickly and easily. By using graphical devices and descriptive statistical indicators such as averages,
variances, percentiles, and histograms, we can detect trends, correlations, and fluctuations in data quickly.
clear and intuitive way. This helps make decisions and make action plans based on information more grounded
and effective. Descriptive statistics is not only a useful tool in summarizing and describing data but is also an
important step in preparing for subsequent analysis and decision-making useful for the research and
management process.

Disadvantages : Descriptive statistics is an important tool in synthesizing and describing data in a simple and
understandable way. However, this method also has its own disadvantages that need to be recognized and
considered. One of the main disadvantages is the limited ability to provide insights into the data. Descriptive
statistics often only give us an overview of the data without providing a detailed explanation of the
relationships between variables. This can reduce the ability to gain a deeper understanding of the cause and
effect of phenomena. In addition, this method also fails to represent data fluctuations over time or between
groups, contributing to the loss of diversity and richness of the data. To overcome this drawback, combining
descriptive statistics with other statistical methods can be an effective solution, helping us have a more
comprehensive and detailed view of the data.

4.6.2 Linear regression

Linear regression is an important data analysis method in statistics and research. It helps us understand the
linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. By building a
regression model, we can predict the value of the dependent variable based on the values of the independent
variables. The process of performing linear regression includes selecting variables, fitting the model, evaluating
and interpreting the results. Although linear regression has disadvantages such as requiring assumptions about
the distribution of the data and linear relationships between variables, it is still a powerful tool for research
and prediction in many other fields together.

Advantages: Linear regression is an important tool in statistics and data science, used to analyze relationships
between variables and predict the value of the dependent variable based on the independent variables.
Although there are certain limitations such as the need to meet assumptions, linear regression still offers
many advantages. Easy to understand and apply, does not require in-depth knowledge of mathematics or
statistics. Linear regression helps determine the relationship between variables, helping us better understand
how different factors affect the target variable. has the ability to predict the value of the dependent variable
based on the values of the independent variables, thereby assisting in making forecasts of future trends or
outcomes. Linear regression also helps analyze correlations between variables and test hypotheses about the
relationship between them, helping us make highly accurate conclusions based on data. Although there are
limitations, but the advantages of linear regression still make it an important and useful tool in research and
Disadvantages: Although linear regression is a powerful and popular method in data analysis, it also has its
own disadvantages that need to be considered. One of the main disadvantages of linear regression is the
assumption of a linear relationship between variables. In some cases, the relationship between variables may
not be linear but rather nonlinear, which can lead to bias in predicting or interpreting data. Linear regression is
also sensitive to outliers. Outlier data points can significantly influence the estimated parameters and can lead
to bias in the model results. Another drawback is that linear regression can be affected by multi collinearity
between independent variables. Multi collinearity can increase the variance of the estimates and reduce the
reliability of the model. Another disadvantage of linear regression is that it is impossible to determine the
cause and effect relationship between variables. Although the model can show the correlation between
variables, it cannot confirm cause and effect between them.

5.1 Background and purpose of the project

Organizations are realizing the critical role that social responsibility plays in fostering a healthy work
environment as the business landscape transforms. Implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR)will
provide several benefits, including brand promotion, public trust, and increased competitive advantages
for enterprises (Nguyen, 2022). However, for a company to be able to carry out social responsibility programs,
it must have a strong backbone of personnel. Vietinbank must there for deprioritize employee happiness to
decide if a project is successful or not. The goal of this research is to identify solutions for businesses to
enhance their performance and boost employee satisfaction with corporate social responsibility (CRS)

5.2 Scope of project

5.2.1 Scope description

This is a research project to determine the impact of CSR on Vietinbank's employee satisfaction. Thisreport
will provide the project management plan, weekly log, project progress, and expenditurebudget. In
addition, the cost and risk table are also included in this project.

5.2.2 Schedule of the project

According to the status of the project, it will be done in less than two months. The Gantt chart below will
provide detailed information about the project's progress :
Gantt Chart of Project

5.2.3 Project budget

When estimating project costs, it's beneficial to create a detailed budget that allocates funds to each of these
categories. This helps in effective financial planning, ensures that all aspects of the project are considered,
and minimizes the risk of exceeding the budget due to unforeseen circumstances. Here’s a breakdown of
the cost of the project:
Resources Project Cost (VND)
Wages for Surveyor for this project 10,000.000
Moving expenses 3,000.000
Fees for analyzing and presenting research results 5,000.000
Devices expense 10,000.000
Break times 5,000.000
Unforeseen 2,000.000
Total 35,000.000
Project cost estimation of Project

5.2.4 Project quality management and control

Project implementers should consistently review the findings at every phase, ranging from planning to
surveying, to uphold project quality. To establish precise timelines and schedules, the Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) will incorporate a comprehensive time management plan. Periodic assessments of
project requirements within the scope element are essential for achieving precise and thorough scope
management. Additionally, maintaining cost control involves cross-verifying expenditures during budget
development, mitigating the risk of unforeseen costs, and ensuring the budget remains as realistic as
possible. Regular scrutiny at each stage guarantees the project’s adherence to quality standards and
efficient management of time, scope, and costs

5.2.5 Project risk management

Taking risks when creating a project is inevitable. Below are 3 risks that can cause the project to have
problems, not meet requirements in terms of quality, schedule, cost, or even project failure. Besides, it is also
necessary to come up with a plan to prevent or handle risks when risks occur

RISK Mitigation plan

Respondents do not answer willingly Provide credentials or rewards
The scope and object of investigation of the project Consult the project manager (supervisor) for
have not been clearly defined confirmation and notice
The scope and object of investigation of the project
have not been clearly defined
The scope and object of investigation of the project
have not been clearly defined
The scope and object of investigation of the project
have not been clearly defined
The scope and object of investigation of the project
have not been clearly defined
The interview questions are irrelevant to the Review and revise survey questions
project, which confuses survey respondent
Project risk management

5.2.6 Stakeholder Communication and Project Resources

a. Project Resources

Project resources include a range of elements necessary for the successful implementation of a project.
The table below will detail the elements of human resources, financial resources, and project tools. Skillful
management and allocation of these resources are critical to ensure the project progresses
smoothly, meets its objectives, and stays within specified limits.

Types of resources Unit Note

Human resources 2 people Project Manager
Project Supervisor
Financial resources 35,000,000 VND Detailed in section 3.4
Project tools Google form
Chart Excel
Resources of Project

b. Stakeholder communication

In this project, there are two main documents

Communication Description Frequency Participants Form Person in
Type charge
Draft version Summary of As needed Project Draft results Project
the project Supervisor Manager
Weekly Summary of Weekly Project Weekly
logbook project status Manager logbook
Main documents of Project

Project team contacts for all communication

Name Title
Nguyen Xuan Tho Project Supervisor
Nguyen Lan Thuyen Project Manager


6.1 Work breakdown structure (WBS)

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to becarried out
by the project team. In the context of preparing, analyzing data, discussing, and finishing aproject, the WBS
could be structured as follows :
Work breakdown structure of Project

6.2 Milestone of the project

In this project, the milestones “complete the survey questions”, “post the result” and “submit there port” are
key moments that contribute significantly to the success and closure of a project. Complete the survey
questions” marks the diligent data collection efforts, laying the groundwork for the subsequent analytical
phase. This milestone is pivotal in ensuring the availability of comprehensive and accurate data
necessary for addressing the project's core objectives. Subsequently, "post the result" serves as a
transparent communication platform, ensuring that project results are shared with stakeholders. This
important milestone drives accountability, providing an overview of project progress and results. On the
other hand, "submit the report" marks the completion of the project, creating a comprehensive
document. This milestone often marks the end of the project and provides an opportunity for stakeholder
satisfaction. Additionally, the act of submitting a final report is important to satisfy regulatory
requirements and trigger a period of continuous learning and improvement, allowing the project to
gather insights for future efforts. Future. Ultimately, these milestones play a vital role in project
management, ensuring effective communication, accountability, and delivering value to stakeholders


In summary, this study article not only gives thorough information on a real-life project but also
includes information about the tools that were utilized in the project. As a result, many various elements
must be considered before putting a project into action. When a project is ongoing, project management saves
time and resources in addition to giving a project overview.

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Project title: The impact of CSR on Employee satisfaction: A case study of Vietinbank

Date:1/1/2024 - 7/1/2024
Update on weekly research/tasks achieved
Points to consider:
What have you completed?
- Putting the survey into action for the employee
Did you fulfil task requirements?
- Yes
Are you on track and within deadlines set?
- Yes
Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?
- No

Any risks and/or issues identified?

Points to consider:
Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking research/tasks?
- No
Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project management plan?
- No
Problems encountered
Points to consider:
What barriers did you face?
- I don’t have any barriers faced.
How did you overcome them?
- I don't have any barriers faced so I can't answer
New ideas and change of project direction


Project title: The impact of CSR on Employee satisfaction: A case study of Vietinbank

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved
Points to consider:
What have you completed?
- Learn to create a project.
Did you fulfil task requirements?
- All of tasks the requirements are fulfilled.
Are you on track and within deadlines set?
- Yes, the project is on track and within deadlines set
Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?
- No, the project doesn’t need to make any changes

Any risks and/or issues identified?

Points to consider:
Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking research/tasks?
- No dangers or issues happened during the undertaking.
Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project management plan?
- No dangers or issues happened during the undertaking.
Problems encountered
Points to consider:
What barriers did you face?
- No barriers need to face
How did you overcome them?
- No barriers
New ideas and change of project direction


Project title: The impact of CSR on Employee satisfaction: A case study of Vietinbank

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved
Points to consider:
What have you completed?
- A project management has been thoroughly designed
Did you fulfil task requirements?
- The planning stage had been finished on schedule and had taken into account all necessary factors
Are you on track and within deadlines set?
- Overall, the project has followed the intended schedule
Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?
- The project is on track, but a few little improvements are needed for a better grade.

Any risks and/or issues identified?

Points to consider:
Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking research/tasks?
- One of the problems found is the difficulty to conduct realistic information searches
Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project management plan?
- No other risks/issues that have an impact on the project plan
Problems encountered
Points to consider:
What barriers did you face?
- Finding documents and zoning the survey targets using internet data presented difficulties
How did you overcome them?
- In order to get around the challenges, the surveyor has made direct contact with the company's
personnel to gather the necessary data
New ideas and change of project direction


Project title: The impact of CSR on Employee satisfaction: A case study of Vietinbank

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved
Points to consider:
What have you completed?
- The team has completed an overview of the project carried out at Zara company with the project
name "The Bottle". On May 25, the group started dividing the work and after 1 month the members
stated Definition, Initiation, Planning, Carrying out, and Closure. Furthermore, we have
researched and developed the business case, scope statement, stakeholders, WBS, OBS, and Gannt
Did you fulfil task requirements?
- The group completes the tasks assigned by the group leader. In the process of working, it can be said
that we are lazy and procrastinate, but we always finish before presenting to the class.
Member Hoang, although the group put a lot of faith in the Gannt chart but made the wrong time
and the group had to correct it 2 hours before the presentation date on June 13, so Hoang was
blamed by everyone and this made Hoang very sad.
Are you on track and within deadlines set?
- Actually, we changed the deadline for the members, the first days we had difficulty connecting the
members, so we missed the deadline assigned by the team leader. After that, we go to eat together
so that the members can talk more to easily work in the next phase of the group
Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?
- In the course of our work, we have changed our plans many times, first of all, from the plan to open
the Highlands cafe, then to the plan to launch Zara's products. During the editing process, the
instructor pointed out errors and mismatches in the colors of the OBS table and especially we had to
correct them many times in the Gantt chart. We had a bit of a hard time when the new members first
accessed the Gannt chart, we changed the implementer from Hoang to Thu with the whole support
team, and on presentation day we have a new complete

Any risks and/or issues identified?

Points to consider:
Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking research/tasks?
- There are lots of difficulties during the tasks. In the beginning, the Gannt chart is the only massive
problem, as it is quite complicated, so we have to use online tools to get through. Simultaneously, It
took almost a week to finish the chart. Another consideration is arranging the date for each
section. it got us a little bit tricky because every section needs to be done by progress
Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project management plan?
- Though planning the project is quite difficult, the lecturer instructed thoroughly every single part.
Next, when working in a group, there are always several issues, such as dividing tasks for each
member not fair, and misunderstanding each other, … consequently, it seems not to be quite
complicated to us

Problems encountered
Points to consider:
What barriers did you face?
- We are geographically distant. Our group is very far from each other, so we can't go out to see each
other too much. That's why we only meet once a week to go out to do homework. Besides, we often
use google meet to discuss and communicate with each other through Zalo.
How did you overcome them?
- Due to limited geographical distance, we used Microsoft Teams, communicate and exchange
information to carry out the project together. we had to agree on a time to join the team, although
the geographical distance was a hindrance in our work, thanks to the tools above we were able to
overcome this difficulty Zoom, or Google Meet tools to

New ideas and change of project direction

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