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WELCOME ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Purpose of assessment ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Working in groups (Portfolio) ............................................................................................................................................. 2
ASSIGNMENT 1 – Cultural diversity in the Foundation Phase ......................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction (6) ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Study Unit 1 - Language and culture in the EFAL classroom (20) ................................................................................ 4
3. Study Unit 2 - A Balanced Approach to Literacy Development in the Early Years (20) ................................................ 4
4. Conclusion (4) ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Technical aspects (10) ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
ASSIGNMENT 2 – eFundi Tests ....................................................................................................................................... 5
ASSIGNMENT 3 - Portfolio ................................................................................................................................................ 5
ADDENDUM A - Checklist ................................................................................................................................................. 6
ADDENDUM B -Rubric ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Welcome to ENAF311. This module focuses on language and Culture in the EFAL Classroom and a balanced Approach
to Literacy Development in the Early Years. We will also have a look at the value of children’s literature for the holistic
development of the young learner and the importance of picture books and illustrations in the Foundation Phase.

Purpose of assessment
Please use the rubric and checklist (ADDENDUM A and B) to guide you, since the rubric provides clear guidelines as
to the criteria against which your work will be evaluated. Keep them with you for reference purposes throughout the
entire writing process. This will assist you to make sure you adhere to the topic and address ALL the relevant questions
and/or issues. Please visit eFundi for assignment due dates.

Working in groups (Portfolio)

The assignment is only an individual task, but for the portfolio, you may work individually, in pairs or in groups of NOT
more than 4 group members. If you opt to work in a group take note of the following:
• Choose your group members wisely.
• Each group member takes ownership for a specific part of the portfolio, the work must be divided up
equally between the group members. Complete the table provided below to indicate what each group
member was responsible for.
• Once the work is done, all parts must be discussed by the group, before it is accepted as the final draft.
• The introduction and conclusion must first be discussed by the group - one person takes ownership of
writing up what they discuss, the other 3 group members must edit. Submit only ONE copy per group.
• The group leader is responsible for the submission of the assignment.

ASSIGNMENT 1 – (individual) - Cultural diversity in the Foundation Phase

Structure of assignment 1
Your assignment must be completed in a WORD document.

Please see below for the file name which must be created when you submit your assignment. This will serve as a record
that your assignment has been submitted.

File name: ENAF311 Ass 1 Surname of student

For example: ENAF311 Ass 1 Rametsi

Save your assignment as a PDF document with 2 BLANK A4 portrait pages at the back before submission.

Remember that you should submit your final copy which has been properly edited.

Cover page:

Table of content


Group responsibility

Group member Student number Responsible for: Signature

1. Name and surname
2. Name and surname
3. Name and surname
4. Name and surname

ASSIGNMENT 1 - Cultural diversity in the Foundation Phase (individual work)

1. Introduction (6)
Think about our South African context – draw from your own experiences when you were at school, but also what you
observed during WIL last year. From these experiences as well as from literature – answer the following questions:
1.1 What are the advantages of diversity in a South African FP classroom?
1.2 What factors may hinder cultural integration in schools?

2. Study Unit 1 - Language and culture in the EFAL classroom (20)

Culture is an integral part and an important aspect that should be considered when teaching in a diverse Foundation
Phase classroom.

Study the following article: Teachers’ approaches to diversity in a racially integrated school environment (Slabbert &
Naudé, 2022). Then indicate whether you agree or disagree with their research findings.
2.1 The unique interplay between difference and sameness (5)
2.2 Different degrees of integration (5)
2.3 Change and challenges (5)
2.4 Integration as preparation for the future (5)

3. Study Unit 2 - A Balanced Approach to Literacy Development in the Early Years (20)

Study the document: A balanced approach to Literacy Development in the

Early Years (NEPS, 2016) – the “rich reading experiences”. Clarify in your
own words (and refer to at least two recent sources) what each
component is and indicate how you will teach it in class and
3.1 Interactive read aloud (4)
• Explain what it is (2)
• Name two activities that you will introduce in Grade 2 to
ensure interactive read aloud (2)
3.2 Shared reading (4)
• Explain what it is (2)
• Name two activities that you will introduce in Grade 2
during shared reading (2)
3.3 Guided reading (4)
• Explain what it is (2)
• Name two activities that you will introduce in Grade 2
during shared guided reading (2)
3.4 Read at the right level (4)
• Explain what it is (2)
• How will you ensure, as a Grade 2 teacher that your
learners are reading at the right level? (2)
3.5 Independent reading (4)
• Explain what it is (2)
• Name two strategies that a teacher can follow to enhance
independent reading in Grade 2 (2)

4. Conclusion (4)
Given the advantages of diversity in a country like South Africa, what will you, as future teachers, do differently to ensure
that parents and teachers work together in harmony, to ensure the best interest of the learners?

Technical aspects (10)

General appearance, layout, presentation, including table of contents (2)

For more info on an automatic table of contents:

References (4)

Please ensure that your in-text references and reference list correlate.

In text:

Dijkman (2015:169) states that there are many factors that influence the relationship between the teacher and
the learner.

In the Reference list:

Dijkman, M. (2015). Adoption of the Good Behaviour Game: An evidence-based intervention for the prevention
of behaviour problems. Health Education Journal, 74(2): 168–182.

Language editing (4)

Please ensure that your assignment is language edited and free from errors.

ASSIGNMENT 2 – eFundi Tests

The second assessment opportunity is eFundi tests that will dually prepare you for the summative assessment and lend
you the opportunity to do revision of the content covered in this module. The following information is crucial to complete
the assessments effectively:
1. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
2. You can go back and forth in the test though you are restricted with time.
3. The questions are randomised for every student.
4. Although it is an online test, you still need to prepare your notes beforehand, you have limited time to
answer the test.
5. Log onto your own eFundi-account, the scores are calculated according to student numbers.
6. For the best result use Chrome/Mozilla as browser as we have experienced difficulties with Internet
Explorer/Microsoft Edge.
7. We would strongly advise you to complete the test using a laptop/tablet/desktop computer as navigation
on cell phones can be confusing.
8. 6 timed eFundi tests, 3 opportunities to complete each test. Best 5 will count. Each test will count 10

ASSIGNMENT 3 - Portfolio

Details will follow.

ADDENDUM A - Checklist

ENAF311 Individual Assignment 2023

1. Introduction – Cultural diversity in the Foundation Phase 6

1.2 Advantages of diversity in a South African context
1.3 Factors that hinder cultural integration in schools
2. SU 1: Language and culture in the EFAL classroom 20
Study the following article: Teachers’ approaches to diversity in a racially integrated school
environment (Slabbert & Naudé, 2022). Then indicate whether you agree or disagree with the
research findings.
2.1 The unique interplay between difference and sameness (5)
2.2 Different degrees of integration (5)
2.3 Change and challenges (5)
2.4 Integration as preparation for the future (5)
3. SU 2: A Balanced Approach to Literacy Development in the Early Years 20
Study the document: A balanced approach to Literacy
Development in the Early Years (NEPS, 2016).
3.1 Interactive read aloud (4)
3.2 Shared reading (4)
3.3 Guided reading (4)
3.4 Read at the right level (4)
3.5 Independent reading (4)

4. Conclusion – critical reflection 4

Given the advantages of diversity in a country like South Africa, what will you, as future
teachers, do differently to ensure that parents and teachers work together in perfect
harmony, in the best interest of the learners?
General appearance, layout, presentation, table of contents 2
References 4
Language editing 4


Rubric ENAF 311: Assignment 1 - Cultural diversity in the Foundation Phase

1. Introduction 6 5 4 3 1-2 0

Excellent description of Good description of Fair description of Incomplete description of Incomplete description of Student did not attempt this
Advantages of diversity in a Advantages of diversity in a Advantages of diversity in a Advantages of diversity in a Advantages of diversity in a part of the assignment.
South African context – South African context – South African context – South African context – South African context –
includes experience, feelings includes experience, feelings includes experience, feelings exclude experience, feelings exclude experience, feelings
and how it has influenced the and how it has influenced the and how it has influenced the and/or how it has influenced and how it has influenced the
student as a future teacher. student as a future teacher. student as a future teacher. the student as a future student as a future teacher.
2. Study Unit 1 Language and culture in the EFAL classroom
17-20 13-16 9-12 5-8 1-4 0

Teachers’ approaches Excellent explanation of Good explanation of Teachers’ approaches to Below average explanation Poor explanation of Student did not attempt this
to diversity in a racially teachers’ approaches to Teachers’ approaches to diversity in a racially of Teachers’ approaches to Teachers’ approaches to part of the assignment
integrated school diversity in a racially diversity in a racially integrated school diversity in a racially diversity in a racially
environment integrated school integrated school environment. Student does integrated school integrated school
environment. Student environment. Student not provide examples to environment. No examples. environment. No examples
provides good examples to provides examples to demonstrate understanding.
demonstrate understanding demonstrate understanding

3. Study Unit 2 A Balanced Approach to Literacy Development in the Early Years

17-20 13-16 9-12 5-8 1-4 0

Rich reading Excellent explanation of Good explanation of Average explanation of Below average explanation of Poor explanation of Student did not attempt this
experiences Interactive read aloud; Interactive read aloud; Interactive read aloud; Interactive read aloud; Interactive read aloud; part of the assignment
Shared reading; Guided Shared reading; Guided Shared reading; Guided Shared reading; Guided Shared reading; Guided
reading; reading at the right reading; reading at the right reading; reading at the right reading; reading at the right reading; reading at the right
level; Independent reading level; Independent reading level; Independent reading level; Independent reading level; Independent reading
Student provides good Student provides examples to Student does not provide
examples to demonstrate demonstrate understanding examples to demonstrate
understanding understanding.

4. Conclusion – critical reflection

4 3 2 1 0

Student reflected on and Student somewhat reflected Student did not demonstrate Student did not reflect, and no Student did not attempt this
made excellent and made recommendations that he or she has made a recommendations were made part of the assignment.
recommendations to ensure to ensure that parents and critical reflection with regards to ensure that parents and
that parents and teachers teachers work together in to how parents and teachers teachers work together in
work together in perfect perfect harmony, in the best should work together in perfect harmony, in the best
harmony, in the best interest interest of the learners. perfect harmony, in the best interest of the learners.
of the learners. Student Student provided motivation interest of the learners.
provided motivation for for arguments. Student did not provide
arguments. motivation for arguments.

Technical aspects 5 4 3 2 1 0

General appearance, Neat, automatic, and Average layout and Layout disorganised. No
layout, presentation, accurate table of contents neatness. table of contents
including table of that supports the organisation
contents. and presentation of the Table of contents if
assignment. inaccurate. incomplete or

References All sources included and Some sources included or Few sources included or Almost no sources included Student did not attempt this
correctly referenced. In text correctly referenced. Work is correctly referenced. Work is or correctly referenced. Work part of the assignment.
referencing as well as of a fair standard. of a poor standard. is of a poor standard
complete, correct reference
list. . Work is of a high
Language Language structure and use Sentences are not well- Errors in sentence structure
are excellent. Sentences are phrased, and length and are frequent enough to be a
eloquently phrased and structure are inadequate. major distraction to the
varied in length and structure. They flow smoothly from one reader. There are so many
They flow smoothly from one to another. errors that meaning is
to another. obscured.
The writing is full of errors.
The writing is free of errors.

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