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Guidelines for Fun Team channel

1. Stay On Topic: Please keep the posts relevant to the purpose of the channel. Off-topic discussions
can clutter the channel and distract other members.

2. Be Clear and Concise: Please communicate the messages clearly and concisely. Long-winded or
unclear posts can be difficult to follow and may lead to misunderstandings.

3. Use Threaded Conversations: Please use threaded conversations when replying to specific
messages. This helps keep discussions organized and makes it easier for members to follow along.

4. Be Respectful: Please maintain a respectful and professional tone in the posts. Discourage
inflammatory language, personal attacks, or disrespectful behaviour.

5. Avoid Repetitive Posts: Please refrain from posting duplicate messages or repeating information
that has already been shared. Please check previous messages before posting to avoid redundancy.

6. Use @Mentions Sparingly: Please use @mentions sparingly and only when necessary to bring
specific messages to the attention of others. Overuse of @mentions can lead to notification overload
for other members.

7. Respect Privacy and Confidentiality: Please avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information in
public channels. Request you to use private channels or direct messages for discussions that require

8. Provide Context: Please provide context when posting messages, especially when sharing links or
files. A brief explanation of why the information is relevant can help other members understand its

9. Follow Company Policies: Please adhere to company policies and guidelines when posting on
Teams channels. This includes policies related to data security, confidentiality, and acceptable use of
technology and code of conduct.

10. Review Before Posting: Please review the messages before posting to ensure accuracy, clarity,
and compliance with guidelines. Remember that once a message is posted, it can be visible to all
channel members.

By following the above guidelines for posting on Seanergy Fun Team channels, you can help ensure
that communication remains productive, respectful, and aligned with the goals of the organization.

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