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Business and Ethics

PART ONE: Reading (15 pts)

A. Comprehension (7 pts)

Ethics is a short, two-syllable word of six letters that affects every segment of
our lives. Ethics is a moral code involving a clear understanding of right and wrong.
Another word for ethics is values. When people talk about ethics, they may be
focused on one specific area, such as business, medical, political, environmental,
religious, or personal ethics. Here, we are going to focus on another important area of
ethics :
If you have good computer ethics, you won't try to harass or hurt people with your
computer, and you won't commit crimes such as information theft or virus creation.
The problem that often arises when some of us on a computer is that we don't see the
harm in snooping in another person's private information or trying to figure out their
passwords. It seems smart to copy and paste information into a school report and
pretend that we wrote it .It was probably public property -which most of it isn't, that
would be the crimes committed with hacking or gaming scams don't seem harmful
because the victims lack faces. Flaming (aiming abusive, insulting messages at
another person online) seems risk-free since we are anonymous. Indulging in
obscenities and other offensive behavior online feels empowering simply because no
one knows who we really are. No one is going to come knocking on the door and
demand a physical confrontation. However, every one of those activities is a violation
of computer ethics.
The Computer Ethics Institute, a nonprofit research and education organization in
Washington, published a code of ethics in 1998 for computer users.

Read the following text carefully then do the activities.

Ethics is a short, two-syllable word of six letters that affects every segment of
our life. Ethics is a moral code involving a clear understanding of right and wrong.
Another word for ethics is values. When people talk about ethics, they may focus on one
specific area, such as business, medical, political, environmental, religious, or personal
ethics. Here, we are going to focus on another important area of ethics :
If you have good computer ethics, you will not try to harass or hurt people with
your computer, and you will not commit crimes such as information theft or virus
creation. The problem that often arises when some of us work on a computer is that
we don't see the harm in snooping in another person's private information or trying to
figure out password. It seems smart to copy and paste information into a school report
and pretend that we wrote it .It was probably public property -which most of it isn't,
that would be the crimes committed with hacking or gaming scams that don't seem
harmful because the victims lack faces. Flaming (aiming abusive, insulting messages
at another person online) seems risk-free since we are anonymous. Indulging in
obscenities and other offensive behavior online feels empowering simply because no
one knows who we really are. No one is going to come knocking on the door and
demand a physical confrontation. However, each one of those activities is a violation
of computer ethics.
The Computer Ethics Institute, a nonprofit research and education organization in
Washington, published a code of ethics in 1998 for computer users.

1- Are the following statements true or false?

a-Ethics is a short term that is against our values.
b- You will commit crimes such as information theft or virus creation unless you have good
computer ethics.

c- There is no risk in insulting message at another person on line because this is anonymous.

2-Answer the following questions according to the text.

a-What is ethics?
b-What synonyms can you give to the word ethics?
c- Why does it seem risk –free to commit a crime or insult people through the computer?

5- In which paragraphs are the following ideas mentioned?

a- Definition of ethics.
b- Violation of computer ethics

6- What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text ?

- Another (§1) - that(§2) - which (§2)
4- Give a title to the text.

B. Text exploration (8 pts)

1- Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following
-Particular (§1) -appear (§2)
2- Find in the text words opposite in meaning to the following
-Vague (§1 ) - public (§2)
3- Which nouns can be derived from the following adjectives?
Possible , local , hospitable.
4-Complete the sentences below expressing a wish.
a-I caught cold
b-I wish ...................................
a-She doesn’t feel well
b-She wishes ...................................
5-Link each of the following sentences using the appropriate connector.
a-She didn’t wear her coat / she caught cold.
b-He arrived late to the station /He missed the train
6-Fill in the blanks with words from the list below
unethical, site , interest , illegal .
Many people find it .....1...... to infringe some copyright through the..........2...... . They
put the copyright theft in pirate .........3....... in order to swap them with other internet users .
so ,it is something ........4........ and harmful.

7- Underline the stressed syllable in each of the following words.

scientific , italics , musical.

PART TWO: Written Expression ( 5 pts)

Choose one of the following topics.
Topic 1.
Our country is witnessing unethical behaviours in different fields.
If you are elected head of the nation, what measures will you take in order to eradicate
this kind of behaviours?
The following ideas may help you:
-Punish dishonest people (corrupted).
-appoint honest civil servants
-Pass strict laws
-Fight tax evasion…….

Topic 2.
To make your classmates aware of fake products, write a notice showing the bad effects of
counterfeit products and try to advise them not to buy this kind of products.

Mrs. Koudache
Schools, Different and Alike
Sample 1:
Part I:
Reading (15pt
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

In America, people are afraid of unemployment. There is a direct link between

employment and education. There is a saying: “Improve your schools or lose your jobs”.
Many governors of states agreed to the development of common standards in essential
subjects. America which spends a quarter of trillion dollars a year on education, finds itself
classed 13th compared to other developed countries. This has a bad consequence on business.
People who have a better education, have better jobs and get better pay. Countries that have
better educational systems have stronger economies and can compete in the world market
In the USA, big transnational companies feel concerned about the decline in
education. Some of them like IBM are putting big sums of money on education and research.
They have offered computers to public schools to foster education and research. These big
companies need people who have a high school reading capacity and can work with basic
algebra. They also offer free training for the students who learn how to use and work on a
computer and handle software. In this way, they try to improve the educational system in
order to have future employees who will be able to use their computers.

1/ Read and say if these statements are true, false or not mentioned.
a. Americans believe that inappropriate education causes unemployment.
b. American companies do not care about education.
c. American educationists prefer to limit the influence of the government.
d. A good educational system is a guarantee to have good business.

2/ Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. How much do the Americans spend on education?
b. Is there any relation between employment and education? Explain.
c. In which paragraph is it said that American businessmen are aware of the importance
of using technology in education?
d. How do businessmen help their community in the USA?

3/ What do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) itself b) This c) them d) they

4/ Choose the most appropriate title.

A. Education in America
B. Going to School in America
C. Improving the American Educational System.
B/ Text

1/ Find in the text words whose definitions follow.

a. ………. (§1): to make something better.
b. ……… (§2): comprising persons of different nationalities.
c. ……… (§2): a branch of mathematics in which we use letters and symbols.

2/ Complete the chart below.

Verb Noun Adjective
………………… employment ……………….
………………… ……………….. free
use ……………….. ……………….
…………………. ……………….. concerned

3/ Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Mohamed (sit)…….for the Baccalaureate Exam next June. If he (pass)…….it with
distinction, he (go)…… to university. But, if he (fail)……, he (enroll)…….. in a vocational
training school to (become)…….either a plumber or an electrician.

4/ Rewrite the sentences below.

 John applied for the job because he read the advertisement in the newspaper.
 John doesn’t visit his grandparents very often because they live so far away.
 You should visit the bookshop; I’m sure you will buy many books.

5/ Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their vowels.

people – are – your – lose – improve – agreed – classes – research – work –

/a:/ /i:/ /u:/ /3:/ /:/

6/ Reorder the sentences below to have a coherent passage.

a. Thus, books teach us lessons about life.
b. According to their studies, books not only have a strong impact on our minds
c. Educationists think that reading is important.
d. They train our minds at thinking about other persons’ experiences.
e. For them, it provides us with knowledge.
f. but remain vivid in our memory and influence our life.

Part II: Written

Expression (5pts)
Choose one of the following topics
Topic 1.
Suppose you were a journalist reporting on the Algerian educational system. Complete your
interview with an educationist.
Journalist: …………………………………………?
Educationist: Yes, it has undergone important changes.
Journalist: ………………………………………….
Educationist: For example, after independence, almost all subjects were taught in
Journalist: …………………………………………
Educationist: ………………………………………
Journalist: …………………………………………?
Educationist: ……………………………………….

Topic 2.

Are you satisfied with the educational system?

Write a short paragraph about what you would do to improve our educational system if you
were the Minister of Education.


Sample 2:
Part 1:
( 07pts)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Education is compulsory and free for every child in The United States. Most children
start school by the age of six. They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of
high school (or secondary school). The money for free public schools comes from taxes, and
each state is responsible for its own educational system. State legislatures set the educational
requirements but leave the management of the schools in the hands of the local communities.
Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to
18 years according to the laws of the individual states. The Federal government contributes
funds to the states for additional schools and school services.
After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in a two-
year college, a four-year college, a university, or a specialized professional school-either
public or private. Most colleges admit students on the basis of their high-school records. The
cost of a college education is expensive in private universities, but it is m u c h less in those
supported by states and cities. Many students receive scholarships from the schools, the
government, or private foundations and organizations. More than 50 % of the college students
work to help pay their college expenses. Only 2 % of the population of the country cannot
read and write.
American English
1. Are the following statements true or false?
a. Education is free-paying for every child in the US.
b. After graduation from high school, a student can go to university.
c. Education in private universities is free.
d. Illiteracy rate in America is very high.

2. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. How many years do they attend elementary school?
b. Where does the money for public schools come from?
c. Who is responsible for the educational system?
d. On what basis do most colleges admit students?

3. Choose a title to the text.

a. Public Education in USA
b. Free Education in USA
c. Education in USA

B. Text
1 . Find in the text words whose definitions follow.
a. forcing someone to do something
b. to demand as necessary or essential

2. Complete the following table with the appropriate words.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

………………. ………….. free …………..
To help ………….. ………….. …………..
………….. management ………….. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

3. Combine the following statements using the connectors in brackets.

a) They will go to secondary school. They must attend eight years at the elementary school.
b) Students will receive appropriate scholarships. The government, private foundations or
organizations will supply them. (if)

4. Give the correct form of each verb in brackets.

Modern societies (be) aware of the important role that education (play) in the future life
of their children. So, they implement all the necessary facilities that (enable) the young to
acquire the type of training that will lead them towards a state where they (become)
competent members of their community later.

5. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.

a. professional b. leave c. college d.


6. Fill in the gaps so that each sentence makes sense.

a. Education in Algeria is …………….. from 6 to 16 years of age.

b. There are not many ………….. schools in Algeria.
c. Private schools in Algeria have to …………. the national curriculum.
d. Both state and private schools in Algeria teach …………… languages.

Part 2. Written expression. (5


Choose one of the following topics.

Topic 1.

What are the similiraties and differences between the Algerian and American school. The
following notes might help you:
Primary, complementary, secondary and higher education – number of year per cycle – age of
students - type of education ( free / fee-paying ) - subject matters – exams - degrees -

Topic 2.
Do you want to study in a state public or private school? State the reasons of your choice.

S. Baka & K.
Sample 3:
Part one: Reading (15pts)

Read the following text carefully then do the activities.

A/Comprehension (7pts)

The English Educational System

Education in England is divided into: primary, secondary, further and higher

education. Compulsory education lasts for 11 years; statutory schooling ages are between 5
and 16years. Children are legally required to start attending at the start of the term after their
fifth birthday, however children often start earlier than this. Pupils are required to stay at
school until the last Friday in June of the school year in which they reach 16 years of age.
During this time children must receive full-time education that is suited to their age, ability,
aptitude and special educational needs (SEN). If a child does not attend school, the local
education authority (LEA) must be satisfied that an other appropriate provision is
available .
Most pupils move from primary to secondary school at the age of 11. However, a
system of middle schools also exists; here pupils are transferred from primary at either age 8
or 9 years, then onto secondary education at age 12or 13 years. Most secondary schools in
England are comprehensive, these do not operate a selective entrance system .However, in
some parts of England. A grammar school system also operates whereby pupils are usually
required to pass an entrance examination based on their ability.
Schools in the state sector are financed by the government and administered through
education authorities, although many schools now manage their own finances and are known
as granted maintained schools. No financial contribution to a child’s education is required of
the parents, all schools in the state sector are days school.

1/What type of text is the reading passage?

2/Read the text then say whether the sentences are true or false.

a- In public British Schools parents don’t pay .

b- Students spend only two years in boarding school .
c- During holidays pupils return home .
d- Exists are periods of exams.
e- Grammar schools require a selective entrance system .

3/Read the text then answer the questions.

a- What are the branches of the English educational system?

b- When are children required to attend school?
c- What is a comprehensive
d- Do parents finance the state sector?

4/ What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to?

a- In which (§1) b- that(§1) c- here (§2) d- these (§2)

5/In which paragraph is it mentioned that?

a- Going to school is an obligation for children.

b- Pupils have to pass an exam to enter grammar school.

B/ Text Exploration (8pts )

1/ Find in the text words whose definitions follow.

a- required by the law
b- convenient or useful for
c- organized political community forming a part of a country
d- the majority of
2/ Which nouns can we derive from the following verbs.

Translate - discuss - promote - organise - complete - divide

3/ Combine these pairs of sentences using the given connectors.
although , therefore, because
a- The school was forced to close. Students have to register in other schools.
b- He failed in his exam. He was unable to enrol for the course.
c- He spent the whole weekend revising his lessons. He didn’t succeed.

4/ Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a- If I (win) a fortune, I would travel around the world.

b- If you (return) my book before you go home, you can borrow it.
c-Unless they build this market, the district (not be) quiet.

5/ Put the stress on the appropriate syllable.

Assessment - transplantation - statistics - political

6/ Fill in the gaps with one word from the list below so that the text makes sense.

Secondary - discipline - pass - skill - primary - qualification

Education is a long process that only provides us with basic …….such as literacy, but
it is also essential in shaping or future lives. From the moment ,we enter kindergarten as small
children and as we progress through…….and …… we are laying the foundation
for the life ahead of us .We must …….ourselves to work hard so that we can ………exams
and gain the ……..we will need to secure a good job .

Part Two: Written Expression

Choose one of the following topics

Topic one:
How would you like to see schools in the future and what would be important in your ideal
Use the notes below and write a paragraph.
There would be rules, but they would guide us not confine us.
There would be punishments but these punishments would matter to the student.
In the school I’ d like……………………..
In stead of authority………………….

Topic two: Write a paragraph on the following topic.

Do you think parents should influence their children in their choice of a career?

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