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• Your English teacher has asked you to write a

• This is the title for your story: How I met my
best friend
• Write your story in about 100 words on your
answer sheet.
I was really excited when I opened the letter. It was from my uncle, who lived in
Laos. He wanted to announce that his wife had just passed away, but he didn't
have the money to organize her funeral. I rushed to the living room and told my
parents about this sad news. In the letter, it was written, ''I feel that this life is
very meaningless because I have lost her.'' They were very shocked to hear the
news and expressed sadness for that. They said they would go to Laos and hold
her funeral. With worry, I asked, ''Can I come along?''. They answered, ''Of
course''. Then my father booked the plane to depart tomorrow.
I was really exited when I opened the letter. She took off her shirt and jeans, the
'S'-shaped shirt appeared in front of me with her crimson cape. I realized that
she was not a human, she was an extraterrestrial being but a human-like
appearance and I could say superhero. Super speed, super health, , icy breath, all
these elements are present in front of my eyes right now and they are in the
body of a person that can be called ' Super Girl '! (khoa)

I was really excited when I opened the letter. I found it while cleaning the
house. It was a letter inviting me to attend a spooky party at the old mansion last
month. The rule is wearing black outfits. When I arrived, I realized it was a
party to pray for souls. We were taken into a room filled with posters of a girl
and candles. Then, they performed a ritual to call up the spirit of their deceased
idol. While performing the ritual, the ghost's voice spoke and the candles
suddenly off. I was very scared and ran to the car to go home. It was terrible and
I’d never go to parties like that again.
I was really excited when I oppened the letter. It was from a best childhood
friend of mine. I haven't seen her since her family moved abroad due to debt. In
the letter it included a note and a bracelet, and I remembered that bracelet
symbolizes our forever friendship, and on the note it was written that “I
received a lot of letters from you but didn't reply because I didn't want you to
worry. Now I'm living in America and and everyone here treated me very badly.
Until now I still haven’t paid off the debt, and I think it's time to say goodbye to
this world, I hope you forget this bad friend”. (chi)
I was really excited when I opened the letter. I knew it to sent from my brother
in Japan. His name is Liam. I haven’t met him for 2 years. More precisely, we
last saw him when he visited our hometown. As soon as I opened it, I was
attentive to one word “ I can’t go back home this Tet”. Liam said that he had a
broken leg in a recent earthquake. I knew Japan often occurs. I was sad when
knew it. Luckily he wasn't in any serious danger. (m anh)

I was really excited when I opened the letter. That is a letter from my father in
Japan. It's almost a year since I last saw my father. In the letter, he wrote about
Japanese and their lifestyle. Japanese people were very kind and friendly. They
lived not only simply but also cleanly and disciplined. However, my dad also
wrote that he stolened wallet and phone when having breakfast at the street
restaurant two months ago. Then he must called the police and bought a new
phone. I felt really worried. Luckily, my father didn't have much money in his
wallet and he still had enough money to buy a new phone. (giang)

* Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence:
I felt nervous when the phone rang.
I felt nervous when the phone rang. It was midnight and I was trying to sleep.
Who could it be?
I got up and ran to the phone. However, as I was running, the phone stopped
ringing. I was angry, but I decided to go to bed again. When I was falling
asleep, the phone started ringing again. “Oh, my God! This is so annoying!”, I
thought. This time I picked up the phone quickly and shouted, “Hello?!”.
Nobody said anything at first, but all of a sudden I heard, “Happy birthday,
I had completely forgotten that it was my birthday. My sister was always the
first person to congratulate me.
II. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (120-140 words) for
your school story writing competition. Your story must BEGIN with the
following sentence:
As the man left the café, Maria saw that his phone still on the table. She was
afraid that someone else would steal his phone, so she decided to keep it and
wait for him to come back. After she had been waiting for 2 hours, he finally
came back. Out of the blue, not only did he not thank her but he also said “You
used this way to approach me, didn’t you? I’m not a fool!” when she gave him
the phone. Maria became angry and exclaimed “Are you crazy?”
As soon as she had left the café, the waiter told him everything, consequently he
realized he thought incorrectLY about Maria. Immediately, he ran after her and
apologized to her for his mistake sincerely. Maria accepted his 3 and after that,
they became friends and started getting to know each other.

Exercise 2: Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (120-140 words)
for your school story writing competition. Your story must BEGIN with the
following sentence:
As the man left the café, Maria saw that his phone still on the table.
As the man left the café, Maria saw that his phone still on the table. Then she stood up
and went to take it. She ran towards the man and stopped him to give him his phone.
The man asked Maria where she saw his phone and he opened the bag to check. He
thanked Maria. After that they began to talk with each other. They said goodbye
when Maria came back home. In the evening, Maria’s father said that one of his
friends would visit their home. She didn’t expect that the man whoM she met in the
afternoon was her father’s friend. The man was also surprised and told Maria’s parents
about their meeting. Maria was said to be a kind girl. Maria’s family and the man had
good time together.
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
• Your story must begin with this sentence:
I was on the beach when my mobile phone rang.
• Write your story in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for homework.
• Your story must begin with this sentence:
“I was amazed when I opened the bag.”
• Write your story in about 100 words on your answer sheet.

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