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Name of student : Noura Ibrahim Ermilia

Course : Growth and development

Instructer : Hana Rezq


War affects children in all the ways it affects adults, but also in different
ways. First, children are dependent on the care, empathy, and attention of
adults who love them. Their attachments are frequently disrupted in times
of war, due to the loss of parents, extreme preoccupation of parents in
protecting and finding subsistence for the family, and emotional
unavailability of depressed or distracted parents. The child may be in
substitute care with someone who cares for him or her only slightly –
relatives or an orphanage. A certain proportion of war-affected children
lose all adult protection – “unaccompanied children,” as they are known in
refugee situations

Conditions for maintenance of child health deteriorate in war – nutrition,

water safety, sanitation, housing, access to health services. There may be
loss of immunity to disease vectors with population movement. Refugee
children are particularly vulnerable to the deadly combination of
malnutrition and infectious illness. There is also interruption of population
immunization programs by war which may be responsible for increases in
child mortality

Psychological suffering. Children are exposed to situations of terror and

horror during war – experiences that may leave enduring impacts in
posttraumatic stress disorder. Severe losses and disruptions in their lives
lead to high rates of depression and anxiety in war-affected children. These
impacts may be prolonged by exposures to further privations and violence
in refugee situations

Moral and spiritual impacts. The experience of indifference from the

surrounding world, or, worse still, malevolence may cause children to
suffer loss of meaning in their construction of themselves in their world.
They may have to change their moral structure and lie, steal, and sell sex to
survive. They may have their moral structure forcibly dismantled and
replaced in training to kill as part of a military
Anxiety, loneliness and insecuritySuch loss and disruption can lead to
high rates of depression and anxiety in war-affected children

Conflict ImpactsChildren's Mental Health

Anxiety, loneliness and insecurity

Emotional Withdrawal


Psychosomatic Symptoms

Effect on the children physicaly

The effects of armed conflict on children are both direct and

indirect. Direct effects take the form of physical injury,
developmental delay, disability, mental and behavioral health
sequelae, and death. Military actions, violence associated with drug
trafficking, indiscriminate airstrikes, and other forms of armed
conflict have the intended and unintended consequence of killing
and maiming children. Indirect effects relate to the destruction of
infrastructure required by children for their optimal survival and
development, environmental exposures, and other downstream
effects on social determinants of health, such as worsened living
conditions and ill health of caregivers.For example, the destruction of
health infrastructure and the disruption of health systems result in
breakdowns in vaccination programs, disease surveillance, and
access to health and dental care
Many children living in conflict zones have lost their homes through shelling,
have been displaced from their neighborhoods, and have had to leave their
friends and family. Such loss and disruption can lead to high rates of depression
and anxiety in war-affected children

The importance of family, and the nurture and support that it provides to
children, means that being separated from parents can be one of the most
significant war ordeals of all, particularly for younger children

Many children living in conflict zones have lost their homes through shelling,
have been displaced from their neighborhoods, and have had to leave their
friends and family. Such loss and disruption can lead to high rates of depression
and anxiety in war-affected children

The importance of family, and the nurture and support that it provides to
children, means that being separated from parents can be one of the most
significant war ordeals of all, particularly for younger childrenChildren that
have grown up surrounded by armed conflict may show aggression and
withdrawal in their behavior with peers and family members



In the short term, providing immediate access to safe environments, basic

necessities, and psychosocial support can help alleviate the impact of war on
young children. Long-term efforts should focus on rebuilding stable
communities, offering educational resources, and mental health services to
support their ongoing development. Collaborative initiatives involving
governments, NGOs, and local communities are crucial for sustained assistance

Supporting children affected by challenging circumstances often involves a

combination of empathy, education, and access to resources. Collaborating with
community organizations, providing mentorship, and offering educational
opportunities can contribute to helping them overcome short-term challenges
and build a foundation for long-term success

Supporting children affected by challenges requires a holistic approach.

Providing access to quality education, counseling, and community resources
can contribute to their long-term well-being. Additionally, fostering a
supportive environment and advocating for policies that address underlying
issues can make a significant impact


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