Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies

Prepared by: Michelle B. Mandagan

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the should be able to:

a. Identify the causes of terrorism

b. Determine the effect of terrorism on the nations of the world
c. Differentiate the types of terrorism

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Global Terrorism

b. References: World history
c. Instructional materials
 Pictures
 PowerPoint
d. Method: Discussion
e. Values: Respect one’s beliefs

III. Procedure
Teacher’S Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities


Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!


Mikee,lead the prayer The student will stand and pray

Checking of attendance

Who are absent today? None Ma’am!

That’s good!


Class, What was our last topic yesterday? Our topic yesterday is all about the Different
ideologies Ma’am!

Very good !
Ideology is a set of opinions or political beliefs
So what is ideology again ? of a group or an individual.

Very good via !

Ma’am we have the economic ideologies and

What about the types of ideologies? the political ideologies.
Yes Maria!

Exactly! Today before we proceed to our

discussion I’ll show you some pictures and
analize what they are trying to convey.
B. Motivation

What do you see in the pictures ? Bombing ma’am

Very good! What else ? ISIS ma’am

Very good ! so when we say terrorism it is the Terrorism ma’am

deliberate use of random violence especially
civilians, to revenge or achieve political goals
and it came from the latin word “Terror” which
means “frighten”.

Terrorism started during the period of the

French Revolution because of their religious
and political beliefs. When the jacobins used
this means to imposed their policies. After the
jacobins lost their power, the word “terrorist”
became a term of abuse.

We have two types of terrorism the Domestic

and International Terrorism.

What do you think is Domestic Terrorism ? Ma’am it’s not directed by other country.

Very good ! when you say Domestic Terrorism

it is practiced in your own against your own

How about International Terrorism ? Ma’am it is govern by other country.


What about today when they say terrorism Today Ma’am terrorism they just kill innocent
what they usually refer ? people to create a scene in social media.

Very good !

Right now show you some terrorist attack

during 1990s.

So as you can see in the pictures what do you Many civilians were affected.
think is the effect of terrorism to the nations of
the world ?

What else ? Many people was afraid for their life.

Exactly !

As we all know terrorist also have their

different strategies like bombing, threats,
assassination, kidnapping and hostage taking.

Can give me an example ? Ma’am bombing the world trade center in

Oklahoma city
Very good!
What else ? what about assassination ? Ma’am the assassination of mahatma gandhi

Very good!

C. Generalization

What are the two type of terrorism again ? Ma’am the domestic and International

Very good !

IV. Evaluation

Answer the ff. Questions.

1. Terrorism is sometimes used by political organizations to pursue their objectives. Is this true or
false ? _______________

2. Terrorist used the social media tas a public tool to announce their goals. True or false ?

3. The following are weapons of terrorism except _____________.

a. Assasination

b. Bombing

c. Hostage taking

d. Suicide

4. One objective of terrorism is to instill fear to a person, group, or to the goverment. True or
false ? __________

5. Choose one that does not belong to the group: Fear;extortion;sabotage;radical

V. Assignment

Cut and paste pictures of terrorism and write their the stories behind it and write their

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