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Common meaning : Without / Lack of / Not

Examples Meaning

Anhydrous 無水的

Anaerobic 無氧的

Analgesic 止痛藥

Exceptions Meaning

Ancient 古老的

Anyone 有人 / 任何人

2. Ante-
Common meaning : Before / In front of

Examples Meaning

Anterior 前面的

Antecedent 先例

Antenatal 產前的

Anteroom 候見室

Exceptions Meaning

Antelope 羚羊

Anteater 食蟻獸
3. Anti-
Common meaning : Against / Opposite to

Examples Meaning

Antiseptic 防腐劑 / 消毒劑

Anti-clockwise 逆時針方向

Anti-racist 反對種族歧視的

Anti-inflammatory 消炎的

Exceptions Meaning

Antiquated 陳舊 / 過時的

Antidote 解毒藥

4. Auto-
Common meaning : Self / Same

Examples Meaning

Autobiography 自傳

Autograph (名人的) 親筆簽名 / 在…上親筆簽名

Autonomous 自主的

Autoimmune 自身免疫的
5. Bi-
Common meaning : Two

Examples Meaning

Bicycle 單車

Biannual 一年兩次的

Bimonthly 兩月一次的

Bicentenary 200 週年

Exceptions Meaning

Biscuit 餅乾

Bible 聖經

6. Circum-
Common meaning : Around / About

Examples Meaning

Circumference 圓周

Circumstance 情況

Circumlocution (尤指對不好的事情的) 迂迴曲折的說法

Circumnavigate 繞…航行
7. Co-
Common meaning : Together / With

Examples Meaning

Co-exist 共存

Co-living 合居

Cooperate 合作

Co-worker 同事

Exceptions Meaning

Command 命令

Comment 意見

8. Com- / Con-
Common meaning : Together / With

Examples Meaning

Companion 同伴

Combine 結合

Connote 暗示

Commingling 混合

Exceptions Meaning

Condition 狀況

Contrary 相反
9. Contra- / Contro-
Common meaning : Against / Opposite

Examples Meaning

Contradict 否定 / (與…相矛盾)

Controversy 爭議

Contraception 避孕

Contraband 走私貨品

Exceptions Meaning

Contract 合同

10. De-
Common meaning : Down / Off / Away from

Examples Meaning

Degrade 貶低 / 損害 / 自然分解

Deform 使變形

Deactivate 使無效

Deflect 偏斜

Exceptions Meaning

Delighted 令人高興的

Definite 確定的
11. Dis-
Common meaning : Not / Apart / Away

Examples Meaning

Disappear 消失

Disagree 不同意

Disbelief 不相信

Disconnect 切斷

Exceptions Meaning

Disease 疾病

Disaster 災難

12. Down-
Common meaning : Reduce / Lower

Examples Meaning

Downgrade 降級

Downward 向下的

Downstairs 在樓下

Downsize 減員

Exceptions Meaning

Downtown 在市中心的
13. Em-
Common meaning : To make / Put into

Examples Meaning

Embrace 欣然接受

Empower 授權

Embody 包括

Employment 受僱

Exceptions Meaning

Empress 皇后

Empty 空的 / 無人的

14. En-
Common meaning : Put into / Cover with

Examples Meaning

Endanger 使處於險境

Encourage 激勵

Enrich 使豐富

Engulf 包圍

Exceptions Meaning

End 盡頭 / 最後部分/結束

Endeavour 努力
15. Ex-
Common meaning : Out of / Form / Former

Examples Meaning

Extract 取出 / 提取

Export 出口

Exceed 超過

Ex-husband 前夫

Exceptions Meaning

Expensive 昂貴的

Excited 興奮的

16. Extra-
Common meaning : Beyond / More than / Outside

Examples Meaning

Extracurricular 課外的

Extraordinary 非凡的

Extravert 性格外向的人

Extra-terrestrial 地球外的
17. Fore-
Common meaning : Before / In front of

Examples Meaning

Forearm 前臂

Foresee 預見

Forecast 預測

Forebear 祖先

Exceptions Meaning

Forever 永遠 / 長久 / 頻繁地

Foreign 外國的 / 外來的

18. Hyper-
Common meaning : Over / More / Beyond

Examples Meaning

Hypertension 高血壓

Hypercritical 吹毛求疵的

Hyperactive 過度活躍的

Hypertext 超連結
19. Il- / Im- / In- / Ir-
Common meaning : Not / Without

Examples Meaning

Illegal 非法的

Illiterate 文盲的 / 外行的

Immoral 不道德的

Irrelevant 不相關的

Exceptions Meaning

Ill 生病的

Imagine 想像 / 猜想

20. In-
Common meaning : In / Into

Examples Meaning

Insert 插入

Include 包括

Involve 包括

Inspect 檢查

Exceptions Meaning

Incapable 不能勝任的

Incalculable 不可估量的 / 極大的

21. Inter-
Common meaning : Between / Among

Examples Meaning

Intermediate 中間的

Interrelated 相互關聯

Interact 互相影響

Interbreed 雜交繁殖

Exceptions Meaning

Interesting 有趣的

Interpret 理解

22. Intra-
Common meaning : Within / Inside

Examples Meaning

Intramural 學校內的

Intranet 內聯網

Intrapersonal 內心的

Intramuscular 肌內的

Exceptions Meaning

Intransigent 固執的

Intransitive 不及物的(動詞)
23. Macro-
Common meaning : Large / Prominent

Examples Meaning

Macroeconomics 總體經濟學

Macrocosm 整體

Macromolecule 大分子

Macroscopic 肉眼可見的

24. Mal-
Common meaning : Bad or Wrong

Examples Meaning

Malfunction 發生故障

Malnutrition 營養不良

Maladjusted 適應不良的

Maladministration 管理不善

Exceptions Meaning

Malleable 易受外界影響的 / 可塑的

Mall 購物中心

25. Mega-
Common meaning : Very big / Important
Examples Meaning

Megacity 巨型城市(人口超過一千萬的城市)

Megabucks 大筆的錢

Megalith 巨石

Megastar 超級明星
26. Micro-
Common meaning : Very small

Examples Meaning

Microscope 顯微鏡

Microcosm 縮影 / 微觀世界

Microbeads 塑膠微粒

Micro-moment 微瞬間

27. Mid-
Common meaning : Middle

Examples Meaning

Midday 正午

Mid-air 半空中

Mid-table 排名中間的

Mid-century modern 二十世紀中葉的

Exceptions Meaning

Midget 侏儒 / 極小的
28. Mis-
Common meaning : Wrong

Examples Meaning

Mislead 誤導

Misread 讀錯

Misapply 誤用

Misaddress 寫錯地址

Exceptions Meaning

Miserable 痛苦的 / 少得可憐的

Missile 導彈

29. Mono-
Common meaning : One / Single / Alone

Examples Meaning

Monopoly 壟斷

Monochrome 黑白 / 單色的

Monobrow 單眉

Monocle 單片眼鏡
30. Non-
Common meaning : Not / Without

Examples Meaning

Non-fiction 寫實文學

Non-alcoholic 不含酒精的

Non-addictive 不致癮的

Non-aligned 不結盟的

Exceptions Meaning

Nonce 強姦犯

Nonagon 九邊形

31. Omni-
Common meaning : All / Every

Examples Meaning

Omnipresent 無所不在的

Omnichannel 多管道的(銷售)

Omnishambles 各方面都很糟糕的局面

Omnipotent 無所不能的
32. On-
Common meaning : Near / Connected

Examples Meaning

Online 網上的

On-call 待命

Exceptions Meaning

Once 一次

Only 唯一的

33. Out-
Common meaning : Go beyond

Examples Meaning

Outperform 超過

Outreach 擴大服務範圍

Outbuilding 附屬建築物

Outbound 外駛的

Exceptions Meaning

Outage 停電期間

Outcome 結果
34. Ped-
Common meaning : By foot

Examples Meaning

Pedestrian 行人

Pedal 踏板

Pedicure 足部保養

Pedometer 計步器

Exceptions Meaning

Peddle 兜售/散播

Pedagogy 教育法

35. Post-
Common meaning : After / Behind

Examples Meaning

Posterior 後部的

Post-match 賽後的

Post-industrial 後工業化的

Postseason (比賽)季後的

Exceptions Meaning

Post-free 郵資已付的

Poster 海報
36. Pre- / Pro-
Common meaning : Before / Forward

Examples Meaning

Predict 預言

Proactive 主動的

Proceed 繼續進行

Progress 進步

Exceptions Meaning

Prefect 風紀 / 地方行政長官

Professional 專業的

37. Pro-
Common meaning : In favour of

Examples Meaning

Pro-democracy 民主派

Pro-war 支持戰爭的

Pro-choice 主張人工流產為合法的

Pro-life 反對人工流產的

Exceptions Meaning

Prominent 著名的 / 重要的

Probability 可能性
38. Re-
Common meaning : Again

Examples Meaning

Recycle 再次利用

Rename 重新命名

Re-form 重新加入

Reuse 再利用

Exceptions Meaning

Region 區域

Regime 政府

39. Semi-
Common meaning : Half / Partial

Examples Meaning

Semi-skilled 半熟練的

Semicircle 半圓

Semi-detached (房子)半獨立式的

Semi-professional 半職業性的

Exceptions Meaning

Seminar 研討會

Seminal 有深遠影響的
40. Sub-
Common meaning : Under / Lower

Examples Meaning

Substandard 低於標準的

Subway 地鐵 / 地下隧道

Submarine 潛艇

Submerge 浸沒

Exceptions Meaning

Substantial 重大的

Subsequent 隨後的

41. Super-
Common meaning : Above / Higher

Examples Meaning

Superman 超人

Superstar 超級巨星

Super-commuter 超級通勤者

Super-duper 超級好的

Exceptions Meaning

Superstitious 基於迷信的

Supersede 替代
42. Sym- / Syn-
Common meaning : Same time / Together

Examples Meaning

Synchronize 同步

Synergy 協同作用

Syndicate 聯盟

Syndrome 併發症

43. Tele-
Common meaning : From / Over a distance

Examples Meaning

Telephone 電話

Telescope 望遠鏡

Telecommuting 遠端辦公

Teleworking 遠端辦公

44. Trans-
Common meaning : Across / Beyond / Through

Examples Meaning

transmit 傳送

transition 轉變

transcend 超越

transect 切斷

Exceptions Meaning

transient 短暫的

transom 氣窗
45. Tri-
Common meaning : Three / Every third

Examples Meaning

Triangle 三角形

Trialogue 三邊對話

Triple 發生三次的 / 三倍

Trilemma 三難困境

Exceptions Meaning

Trial 審判/試驗

Trite 陳腐的

46. Ultra-
Common meaning : Extremely

Examples Meaning

Ultrasound 超聲波

Ultralight 微型飛機

Ultra-runner 超級馬拉松選手

Ultramarathon 超級馬拉松
47. Un-
Common meaning : Not / Lacking / Opposite of

Examples Meaning

Unfinished 未完成的

Unseen 未被看見的

Undo 消除

Unable 不能做

Exceptions Meaning

University 大學

Unit 單位 / 配件

48. Under-
Common meaning : Less than / Beneath

Examples Meaning

Underestimate 低估

Underwhelmed 毫不激動的

Undercooked 沒煮熟的

Underprivileged 貧困

Exceptions Meaning

Understand 理解

Undergo 經歷
49. Uni-
Common meaning : One / Single

Examples Meaning

Unicorn 獨角獸

Unicycle 獨輪腳踏車

Unilateral 單邊的

Unisex 不分男女的

Exceptions Meaning

Unintentional 無心的

Uninformed 無知的

50. Up-
Common meaning : To the top / Higher / Better

Examples Meaning

Upgrade 升級

Upscale 高級的

Upcycle 改用

Update 使升級

Exceptions Meaning

Upbringing 撫養

Upset 使心煩意亂

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