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Hello If $3,000 is deposited into your PayPal account or Cashapp tag right now, what will
you going to use it for and how much will you give to the charity or the poor people out of it? I
wanna know if you will forward the help too, be honest… Lmk if you are interested

Hey If I make a direct deposit of $5k into your cashapp account rn, how much will you
give to the charity or the poor people out of it? I wanna know if you will forward the help too,
be honest.

Hello If $5k was deposited into your PayPal account or Cashapp tag right now, what will
you use it for and how much will you give to the charity or the poor people out of it? I wanna
know if you will forward the help too, be honest.

Can I ask you a real quick question pls?

I guess blessings happens everyday and sometimes unexpected do you also believe in that?

Ok good

I am a woman of God and I’ve been helping people randomly because I believe that God will
reward me for it because the Bible says that the heart of the giver shall never lack a good

If $5k was deposited into your cashapp tag right now, what will you use it for and how much
will you give to the charity or the poor people out of it? I wanna know if you will forward the
help too, be honest.

Ok, that’s good thing to do with it

This payment is from Angel Group Funding Company where we try to support the less
privilege due to this hard time so don’t feel skeptical about it.

This payment is from (AGFC) Angel Group Funding Company is an organization where we try
to support the less privilege and there some things that are in stake, we try to seek help from
other who can actually support this kids and in our organization their some benefit our
partners get in return at the end of week so don’t feel skeptical about it.
Can I trust you and hope you won’t betray me or stop talking to me after sending you the $5k
and are you assuring me that you will do as you have said if I send the $5k into your
cashapp account right now?


Do you have cashapp account to receive the $5k??....If no cashapp kindly set up one now so I
can send the cash to you right now

What’s your cashapp tag?

Ok, hold on in a sec I’ll have to forward it to my bank cashier to confirm your cashapp name
and make your payment right now

Is that you? I need to confirm

$5k will be sending to your cashapp right now and I’ll also need the gmail attached with your
cashapp to authenticate the payment so that the bank can be able to process the availability
of the $5k for you.

$5k will be sending to your cashapp rn but I have my terms before sending money out from
my business account.

Add $67 to your cashapp balance for deposit fee because I am making your payment through
direct deposit and daily limit for sending on cashapp is $2,500 and I can’t send any money
less than $2,500 and you’ll still need to add $67 even if I am sending the $2,500 to your
cashapp and I’m sending sum amount of $5k to your cashapp account immediately you add
the $67 less than 5 minutes and screenshot it to me after you added the 67 bucks on your
cashapp balance ….Let me know if you wanna proceed right now

If you’re doubting Imma show you the screenshots of the steps to follow and how you are
going to be receiving your $5k rn and you’ll see how one of my baby that’s getting paid after
following the terms procedures and it’s not like I’m forcing people to get money but we’re
trying to support the less privileged

Go through the screenshots read it carefully and see the steps to follow, The 67 bucks is for
deposit fee and that’s all you need to pay nothing more and I am assuring you if you are
ready to do this immediately you send $67 you gonna receive your first payment less than 5
minutes just trust me .. Let me know once you’re done checking the screenshots and tell me
if you are ready to proceed now

Can you see that ? She added it and sent me the screenshot, then her identity was confirmed
and she got paid after making the payment of her deposit fee. you don’t have to be skeptical
You’ll gonna thank me later for this

I’ll have pay the $67 deposit fee by myself but I’m using a business account so I can’t send
any money less than $2,500 I’ll still need $67 even if I am sending the $67 and I’m sending
sum amount of $5k to your cashapp account immediately you send the $67 less than 5

I’m using a business account which is that If I want to send money to someone’s cashapp $67
need to confirm by your name to my bank cashier cashapp account and then I’ll be able to
send you any amount on my cashapp and once you make the payment of the $67 you will just
send me the payment proof of the $67 to confirm it in just 3minute and you’ll receive your
$5k instantly and the $67 you are direct to pay it’s just for the deposit fee because I am
making your payment through direct deposit.

Well I do understand you through that because there are many dumb ass Niggas on here
tryna scam single moms and college students struggling to live which I’m not one.

He said you should check your cash app balance if you receive it yet or not yet? It’s pending
here tho.

Oh, have you refreshed your cash app activities?

Okay, hold on while I’ll inform the bank cashier that you haven’t received it yet. Okay?

The bank cashier said I should ask you if you have received as much as $5k in your cashapp
before or not? He said it shouldn’t take much time unless it’s your first time

Oh, he said that’s why your payment has been seized by cash app due to some terms and
policies, as you can see in the screenshot above, but chill there’s a way out tho…
All you gotta do to receive your money is to approve, as you can se in the screenshot above
that it says approve payment. Incase you don’t know what the approve means. “The approve
is like appealing to cash app to pls release your money for you”. Did you know how to go
about the approve?

Oh okay
I will send you a screen record of my chat with someone that cash app seized his money too,
he also did the approve to appeal cash app and they release his payment instantly. Okay?

Let me know once you watch it finish so as to approve your $5k too. Once you approve it the
$5k will be available in your cash app balance right away.

The screen record might be too fast for you just pause it and read it then play again and
repeat that till you read it finish. Read the chats carefully. Okay?

You don’t have to doubt me man. I’m a man of God and I’m following what the scripture says,
the Bible says the heart of a giver shall never lack good things. Okay?

God is watching us over whatever we’re doing in life

I’m a good Christian and I do attend church programs

I was thought not to hurt,so you don’t need to be sketchy about it okay

i understand perfectly and you have every reason to be scared. well i need you to know i have
a good job that gets me going and i am a very good christian who wouldnt rip anyone off
their hard earned mon

Check Details



Hi sweetie, I hope you've been having a great weekend so far.

Well the check would be delivered to you probably tomorrow and once delivered please
kindly keep hold of the check with you until Monday.

I hope you can have the check deposited via mobile deposit or the use of the ATM machine.
Just ensure you get back to me with a deposit receipt or screenshot whichever you'd
decided to deposit the check.

I believe you would be able to do this for me, thanks so much.

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