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OBSERVER: ___RANDY N. SERRANO_____________________________________ DATE: __________________________

TEACHER OBSERVED: __MELODY B. ORPIADA_____________________________ TIME STARTED: __________________

SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL TAUGHT: __MATHEMATICS / GRADE 3_____________ TIME ENDED: ____________________

OBSERVATION: 1 □ 2 □ 3 □ 4 □

The motivation will done through games to really encourage the pupil to participate and
pay attention, the teacher do effective motivation for pupils., Pupils' participation throughout the
class was maximized.
Emphasize the used of Meta cards drill cards. The teacher used the different
materials/decorations in the classroom to discuss the lesson (Contextualization). The pupils
express their understanding by doing their activity promptly. Allows the pupils to write on the
board. The pupils show understanding and enthusiasm by doing the work promptly.
Presentation and discussion of the lesson were effective due to the use of ICT
instruction. The teacher has a good quality of voice that can be heard enough at the back.
Pupils are given recognition when questions are answered correctly, Questions/
classifications of students were catered and answered.
Teacher maximized the allotted time and students are very participative for the whole
duration of the class.
Congratulations for the Job well done!

Write your observations on the teacher’s classroom performance on the space provided. Use additional sheets whenever

___________RANDY N. SERRANO__________
Signature over Printed Name of the Observer

This tool was developed through the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support from the Australian Government

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