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Rewards and challenges

By: Ethan Frahm

Entrepreneurship is someone who recognizes business opportunity and organizes, manages, and assumes the
risks of starting and operating a business.

1. Being a boss and running your own business. This is a reward because everything has to come through
you in the business. You get to decide what is done for your very own business.
2. You can create your own business based on what you like to do. That could be a clothing store, athletic
store, car store. Anything you really enjoy doing.
3. When creating a business, you have the option to create one yourself, or you can buy an already
existing enterprise.

1. Getting the funds for starting a business can be very challenging. You can become in debt and it is
really stressful to pay it off.
2. Being an entrepreneur means that there is a lot of responsibility. You have to make sure things are
getting done. You have to make sure that your bills are being paid, and you may also have to make sure
that things are being cleaned.
3. Another challenge of being an entrepreneur is hiring employees. You might find it a struggle to find
people who want to work at a brand new business.

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