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Issue: Italics function is not working in page builder of CMS page

How will I reproduce this issue?

Hi Swati, thanks for raising this issue. we will reproduce this issue follow steps:
1. Login magento admin > Click on Content menu > click on Pages => System will open
CMS pages listing
2. Select your CMS page that you tested > Click on Edit option in the dropdown list => User
is landing on CMS page detail.
3. Expand Content section, click on “Edit page with builder” button
4. Input any text, black out this text and click on Italics symbol
5. Click on “Save” button and check displaying this text on website
For tracking this bug in the future, we will log it on the jira tool and we will provide an estimation
when possible. Thank you!
Where do I get data to reproduce this issue?
To reproduce this issue, we will need some data as below:
1. The environment that you used to test
2. Account to log in admin site.
3. Name of your CMS page.
Please provide them for us. Thank you!

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