Lê Hằng Chuyên-đề-họ-từ-số-1-lớp-tháng-2-2024-gui-lop-2-6

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Chuyên đề họ từ số 1

1. lzmit Museum regulations do not permit the ------- of flash photography inside the art gallery.
(A) use (B) to use (C) used (D) usable

Use : V / N sử dụng

Regulations: nội quy , quy định

Gallery phòng tranh

2. . A boost in wheat production was to the region's------- benefit, lowering the local cost of
(A) finance (B) financing (C) financed (D) financial

Finance : n tài chính

Financial : adj ( đuôi - al )

3. Bandung Airport, previously too small to handle international flights, has -------doubled its
(A) nearer (B) nearing (C) nearly (D) neared

Have p2

Mà adv – V

4. Due to an unavoidable-------, Mr. Khan will postpone the teleconference until Thursday.
(A) conflicted (B) conflict (C) conflicting (D) conflicts

Conflict : n sự xung đột

Due to – N / ing : bởi vì

Unavoidable : adj không thể tránh khỏi

Postpone: hoãn

* mạo từ : a/an/the – adj – N

5. Employees taking part in the annual clean-up day are reminded to dress-------for the
(A) suit (B) suits (C) suitably (D) suitability

To – V

V – adv

Take part in : tham gia vào remind to V: nhắc nhở làm gì
6.Unless she is in a meeting and cannot be interrupted, the director would like to ------- when
an important client arrives.
(A) notifying (B) have notified (C) notify (D) be notified

7. Our firm's annual revenue is-------equivalent to that of our larger competitors.

(A) rougher (B) roughly (C) rough (D) roughness

Revenue: doanh thu

Equivalent: adj ngang bằng

Roughly : xấp xỉ

Be ….adv ….adj

8. Most survey participants had ------- opinions about Virtanen's new line of hair care products.
(A) positivity (B) positive (C) positives (D) positively

Adj _ N

9. The Yuja Deluxe Grill must be cleaned -------in order to function well.
(A) regular (B) regularly (C) regularity (D) regularize

Must + V : phải làm gì must be p2: bị động

10. Although pay is ------- distributed in the form of electronic bank deposits, staff may request
that a check be issued instead.
(A) generalize (B) generalization (C) generally (D) general

11. The Hirota Computer Store is ------- located on Shijo Street in downtown Kyoto.
(A) center (B) centers (C) centralize (D) centrally

12. All ------- must wear protective headgear in work areas.

(A) employer (B) employee (C) employees (D) employing

All ; lượng từ + N số nhiều : tất cả

13. Given the complexity of the production process, two defects per one thousand items is a
------- expectation.
(A) reasonable (B) reasoning (C) reasonably (D) reasons

14. Top management at Vexler Corporation is reviewing its strategy for the company's-------
into the home appliance market.
(A) expand (B) expanded (C) expandable (D) expansion

Company’s : sở hữu cách …….into; giới từ

Nên vị trí cần điền là 1 danh từ

15. Kumiko Sekine will give a------- on watercolor techniques at Denville Art Center on May 3.
(A) demonstration (B) demonstrating (C) demonstrated (D) demonstrate

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