Unit 4

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Name: _____________________ subject: Science strand: Biology Grade: VIII

Unit 4 Maintaining life (Review sheet 2)

1. Label the following diagram

A: _____________________

B: _____________________

C: _____________________

D; _____________________

E: _____________________

F: _____________________

2. Write at least two functions of the kidneys:

 Filter __________________________________________________

 Remove __________________________________________________

3. Define excretion:
4. List three substances that are included in excretory substances of animals and humans:
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
 ____________________________
5. Fill in the blanks:

 ______________________________ make urine.

 _________________ carries down the urine through ureter to _________________

 _______________________ stores the urine.

 Urine excreted out the body through a small tube called _____________________

 Another name for excretory system is _____________________________

6. Fill in the blanks:

When protein breaks down into smaller molecules called ____________________, they

go into blood and transport to _________________ (organ). Extra protein changes

into ______________.

_________________ is a poisonous substances and if remains or build up in body, it

makes a person ill.

Then finally ______________ comes in kidneys, filter down and excreted out of the

body with ______________________.

7. Why are the following substances essential during pregnancy? Some are done for you:

substances Importance




Vitamin A  essential for the maintenance of maternal night vision and fetal
 development of other organs and the fetal skeleton.
 maintenance of the fetal immune system
Vitamin C  it helps to develop baby's bones and teeth

Vitamin D  it helps baby's bones, teeth, kidneys, heart and nervous system

to develop.

8. Name some food that are good source for the following substances and an expected

mother could eat to supply her baby as well:

substances Name of food





Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin D
9. Fill the information in the following columns:

Harmful substances Sources of harmful Effects of fetus


Carbon monoxide



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