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EXAMINER: ADVANCED VOCABULARY REVI the left column with its relevan' around — aside - for— in - into - on - off- over | out - up "signing that contract! He did it at his disposal so your career in politics will be finished! sw with an email, Did you follow up on their request? wit. when the owner was ready JEW 2.5. particle(s) on the right column EXAMINEE: 1.PHRASAL VERBS: Merge a verb on to forma phrasal verb brush - buy — call - catch - change ~ chip - follow - force ~ get- pay him 1, Noone.. 2. When news of this tax scandal . 3.1. ...on the job inter I've always loved that little music club, so I to pursue other ventures. ; , This job someone with experience. Do you feel like applying for it? We decided to sn from oil to gas heat. This will be costly and surely takes time. haven't heard back from that company, so I guess they're .. _ my complaint. with children J hope our new product will... ; When I heard them discussing my department, | just had to ... with my own suggestions. the jury 10. Despite the huge amount of evidence, the criminal was still acquitted, He must have ..... beaver- catch - cash - chase - chew—force-get- | at - away - down - in - into - on - out- over ~ up - look - pay - square with Ii. How much would I have to for this car? 12. Police are .. ... reports that he embezzled money. 13. The test is designed to .. you with trick questions. 14, I've been .. this job offer for days, but I still haven't decided what to do. 15. went to five different hardware stores and was finally able to ....... that part for the heater, 16. A: "Did you get attacked by a lawnmower today or something?" B: "What are you you making fun of my hair?" 17. Management is trying to 18. Your explanation doesn't 19. She's been her class. 20. He is the sort of person who ... burst ~ clam - fold - fork - get x2 - look - pay - stand - strike for so many charities these days. .» with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new mandatory overtime .. senso US . the story every other witness has given us so far. for years to carn her law degree, and after all that work, she finished first in on other people's misfortunes. by - for - in on - in with - into ~ off- out - up x3 21. You have to .. 22.We can staff arrive, 23. Small businesses started to ...... during the economic crisis. 24. Thad to... the house because I didn't have my key, and no one else was home! 25.1 soe my grandparents each weekend. 26. The time I spent in school ........ in later years, 27. The politician - when the reporters started to ask about the scandal. 28. I'm worried about Anne—I think she's . a rough crowd. , 29. | saw you... a conversation wi 0 oe ith Jack—what did you two di 2 0. The stars a ipe: ag, ‘duals ind stripes of our flag....... » liberty afforded to individual state governments. Duc quét bang CamScanner Plain - get x2 Took x2 = square pa tea Time only been dating for a couple of weeks, but we're having a hard time « from one anot anything, wron 32. Why/are'yotl tha 33. There are ways of 34.1 didn’t under 35. She knew how to 36. We've 37.1 didn't know what ‘loquacious’ meant and had to fora house in Manchester. . headaches recently. you later if you pay the whole bill now. 1k with ONE word only to make an appropriate idiom they avoid speaking to you whenever they meet you, as a way of me? | have never done the tax rules. (him at first, but then I . them -howsands of pounds in health insurance over the y it was saying . to what it was the m: _. for the trouble they had caused. ina dictionary. 38, We've started .. 39, She's been «. On 1 IDIOMS: Fill in eae 1. If people send you t « punishing you for something that you have done, 2. You can come out now as no one'll hurt you. The lear. . to help those injured in the train crash. stand on. 3. Doctors and nurses worked round the . 4. Ifyou have no witnesses, you don't havea 5. Ifthe boss finds out what we've done, we're (in) for the high 6. He tried to pull. with people he knew to avoid being called up. 7. You've got cars on the ..Can't we talk about something else for a change? 8. He's a little long in the to be wearing shorts, don't you think? 9. After years of fighting over who should have gotten Dad's money, my brothers finally buried the 10 He's a nice fellow, but mad as a .. 11. Aftera couple of politicians won elections by promising to cut taxes, most of the others jumped on the with her present, such a hectic, stressful office! way. 12. She was thrilled t 13. | don't know how you manage to keep such a cool .. 14, He doesn't want to take my advice, so I guess he'll have to learn the... 15. For God's sake don't drop the wm ON this - we're relying on you. 16. She is cynical about the film industry, but she has no intention of biting the hand that... 17. He is a spoiled child who always gets his own .. 18. Jack really gets under my he never buys anyone a drink. 19. This is the second time he's been sent home from school this month, $0 WOE «sss wher. him if it happens again! 20. We'll be laughing all the way to the ....n0.smsun if this deal works out. 21. Some people felt that her behavior wasn't in good She must be taught lesson on how to behave well, 22, Her Spanish has come on in .. 23. His hate-filled speeches make my blood 24, One day he left, disappeared without .. '5. She made it clear that her comments were strictly off the 6. The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was - and bounds this year. \ sailing. Duc quét bang CamScanner 27. Don'tlet yourself go to 28. Many families are feeling the 30.Ata . hess, thal 31. Karl was. ‘opy of 32.1'm tired of all these cloak-and- 33. The company has refused to come .. 34. Derek has really come out of his .. 35. The union is up 36. It's an article about all the 37. The council spends a lot of money kee 38. There are n0 sss in fact avo 40. 'm not a fan of parties | monster may have taken over and cl “A . belt is a strip of countr; - The developers were given a 2.- The newly-elected president promise: ‘0 reform and cut .. = The police investigated many clues, but! -y were all. - The day I first set foot in America was a 3. You can tell her to clean her room unt - He was beaten up in a gang fight yesterc - The resignation of the chairman came li 4,- She was so tired of the project that sh - Since I retired, I've had more time on my = You'll be in good .. - My father earned very little an - know this area like the back f my 6.- This latest scandal has left :":e goverr - You can refuse to talk to her i you like, t - He tried to save . by worki AY nsec 7.- Just hearing his voice make: - Most people would have bee - It's about time you let your ... 8-1] know it's frustrating, but - He had the .. tO - He said that he was a huge fa 9, - We bought the furniture a' - We realized we had to fight ! Tickets are available, but the 0. -I think he will .... agest thi f the pre «when you reach middle a it’s like talking to a brick probably worth about £200,000 a year. futher 29.'ve tried tos, . I've tried to discuss my feelings with her, but over the reduction in health benefits. ‘and dealing that goes on in financial markets. ing the town -andefast rules governing the size of 39. The change in the law makes the previous agreement null and . hem like the .... 41. Yesterday's thrilling victory will be atongh IIL TRIOS: Fill in each set of sentences with an app! 1. - Can it be that Suzanne was envious because you had a dat joude ! er judgment. ide round a city or town where by vouare so his arm was black and .. + bolt from the ouldn't wait to wash her .. with her - she’s a terrific lawyer. 5.- We should be able to trust S‘Iva to negotiate a good deal for us - he's an old ! there were four kids, so we lived from .. ory nerveu . down iind had some fun! soften be‘ ‘n ture the other. vwsuit a! y ashine t+ these days. mmectings - let's discuss the issues openly. bout its pollution record since he started working here. no and span. {f companies in the portfolio. to follow. ropriate word Je? It sounds as if the .. uilding is not allowed. light to go forward with the project. tape. .. herrings. Jetter day for me. the face, but she won't do it. fit. at the game. fo mouth. ot with egg on its .. vou're just cutting off your nose to spite your .. werlime. stand on end. is in that situation, but she never turned a Fighting won't solve the problem. oul’ be the one to apologize! How dare him! nt, aishough I suspect it was tongue in _ fron» a friend who works in the furniture business. Duc quét bang CamScanner ve job, does she? Well, + So Emma actually manay my hat off to her sl issue with parents who push thelr childre at the job bs fost had enough status. 11, - She turned uy her tooks down h so at poor people 8 He's alway's poking his sooonee IMto other people's byes IV. WORD FORMS. FIL In each blank with an appropriate ¥ . 1s Ie was drawn up bya nda very famous arti von) towards him. (ENEM® ) ’ 2. She denied any personal 3. Many graduates tell of months spent in search Of «00. oyment. (GAIN) ‘ 4. twas difficult for the police to, the angry ers. usc) ‘ 5. Greed has been th . of many a businessman. (11) 6. From childhood, Britney Spears seemed destined for... (STAR) 7. Me was shy and ~ and not at all how you expect. corto be. (ASSUME) acomplete jew (RIVE) advice - some people tell me to} 8. He wasn't hurt, but the ca ‘warm and some tell me to put ice on 9. keep getting it. (CONTRADICT) 10. There seemed to be an 11, Max was a 12, Herschel was an supply of champagne ai We wedding. (EXHAUST) and a heavy gambler. (SPEND) kindly, and generous man. (URIAN) TBA conn victory is an election result in which the victorious candidate or party wins by an overwhelming margin. (LAND) ‘There are no overdraft fees if the amount .. an $10 (DRAW) 15. No one will be when we select players for the tears. (LOOK) 16, He's a wealthy man o age, so it’s no wonder lic is the dream of almost every girl in town. (MARRY) 17. Marlene Dietrich was ... 18, The police managed to capture a .. 19. Constant rain forced the .. of the next day's competitions. (ABANDON) 20. The local people showed me great (HOSPITABLE) 21. The firm's director is confident that the new project will act as a (SPRING) 22. “Have you made any New Year's .. smoking.” (SOLVE) 23, He had a plan to turn the properties into . retail centers with high-end tenants. (MARKET 24. In the .. a masked youth threatened the bank staff with a gun, (HOLD) 25. The country's regime maintains tight control over the media. (AUTHOR) 26. She doesn't seem to understand the difference between truth and (FALSE) 27. He didn't fit in there, and was picked on .. » (MERCY) 28. The EU has issued a new set of on pollution. (DIRECT) is les through her roles in films like "The Blue Angel”. (MORTAL) criminal. (BLOOD) for/to further contracts. “Yes, I'm going to eat more healthily and give up Duc quét bang CamScanner

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