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Past Perfect active:

1-We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken into the office during the night.
2-I tried to phone Ann this morning but there was no answer. She had gone out.
3-I met Jim a few days ago. He had just come back from holiday. He looked very well.
4-Yesterday Kevin had a phone call from Sally. He was very surprised. He had written to her many times
but she never replied to his letters.
5-We had visited them once a week for the last year.
Past Perfect passive:
6-The homework hadn't been finished by the students.
7-Substances from the experiment had been located while researching.
8-A new factory had been built there ages ago.
9-Drugs had been detected in one of the cyclists during the “Tour De France”.
10-It had been thought for years not long ago that the earth was not round.
Future Perfect active:
11-We are now in the bus, then we will have arrived before 8 o’clock.
12-I will have been ready for the test by Wednesday.
13-Will you have finished the exam by 4?
14-Phone me after 8 o’clock. We will have finished dinner by then.
15-Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, he will have spent
all his money before the end of his holiday.
16-Chuck came to Britain from the USA nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years.
So on Monday, he will have been in Britain for exactly three years.
1-Stonehenge will have been visited by at least another thousand visitors by the end of this year.
2-The new drug will have been implemented within the pharmaceutical companies by this year.
3-Many tourists will have been expected to arrive in Spain and Greece this year and the next.
4-Electric cars will have been fully implemented by 2040.
5-Those fossils will have been examined by experts before December.
6-It is thought that he will not have been elected president in the coming elections.

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