Unit 1. Common Structures

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1. Structure 1: S + is/are + Ving + Object
Example 1. (File 1-1)

A. She’s filing papers.

B. She’s using a photocopier.
C. She’s turning on some lights.
D. She’s closing a cabinet.

2. Structure 2: There is/are + Noun + Place

Example 2. (File 2-1)

A. There are some chairs around the round

B. There are glasses and plates on the table.
C. Some diners are ordering in a restaurant.
D. The glasses are being filled.

3. Structure 3: S + is/are + (Ving) + Place

Example 3. (File 3-1)
A. The man’s wrapping boxes in plastic.
B. The man’s repairing an air-conditioning unit.
C. The man’s sitting in the driver’s seat.
D. The man’s unlocking a gate.

4. Structure 4: S + be + Vpp (Hành động chia dạng bị động)

4.1. Structure: S + is/are being + Vpp+ place (Bị động hiện tại tiếp diễn)
Example 4.1. (File 4-1)

A. Signs are being posted at an intersection.

B. Bricks are being replaced on a walkway.
C. A man is using a lawn mower to cut the grass.
D. A man is loading supplies into a

4.2. Structure: S + have/has + been + Vpp + place (Bị động hiện tại hoàn thành)
Example 4.2. (File 4-2)

A. A towel is hanging on a fence.

B. Some plants have been placed in pots.
C. Some chairs have been set around a table.
D. The door to a house has been left open.
Exercise 1. Listen and complete the phrase. (File 5-1)
1. They are ________________a document.
2. They are ________________the audience.
3. The musicians are _____________different instruments.
4. They are lining up in a row.
5. They are ____________across from each other.
6. They are __________________________.
7. Children are _________________from the water fountain.
8. The travelers are __________________with their suitcases.
Exercise 2. (File 6)
A. The man is _________for some items.
B. The man is _________onto the cart.
C. The man is displaying the products.
D. The man is ___________________on
the shelves.

A. He is __________________________.
B. He is __________________________.
C. He is __________________________.
D. He is _______________on his jacket.
A. The woman is about to
___________________out of the shelf.
B. The woman is
C. The woman is
______________________on the
reshelving cart.
D. The woman is
A. She is resting her computer on her lap.
B. She is _____________some computer
software programs.
C. She is ___________a chair into the
D. She is _______________the monitor.

Exercise 3. (File 7)
1. (File 7-1)
A. She is __________________the floor.
B. She is ___________________a table.
C. She is ________________________.
D. She is ________________________.
2. (File 7-2)
A. A woman is ___________________.
B. Plants are _________ on __________.
C. Dishes are _________in a sink.
D. A woman is ___________________.

3. (File 7-3)
A. The cars are _____________________.
B. The cars are _____________________.
C. People are _____________________.
D. A man is ________________________.

4. (File 7-4)
A. Some papers have been
B. A man is
C. A bag is being
D. A man is
5. (File 7-5)
A. A _____________is sitting on the floor.
B. One of the women is ______________.
C. Some _______are_________________.
D. One of the women is

6. (File 7-6)
A. He is __________________________.
B. He is __________________________.
C. He is __________________________.
D. He is __________________________.

7. (File 7-7)
A. A man is ________________________.
B. Two men are_____________________.
C. A man is ________________________.
D. Two men are ____________________.
8. (File 7-8)
A. A man is ________________________.
B. Some ___________are_____________.
C. Some _______ is being_____________.
D. A train is ________________________.

9. (File 7-9)
A. A man is ________________________.
B. Some people are _________________.
C. A man is ________________________.
D. Some people are _________________.

10. (File 7-10)

A. A woman is _____________________.
B. A man is ________________________.
C. Some people are _________________.
D. Some people are _________________.
Exercise 1. File 8

8-1. 8-2.

8-3. 8-4.

8-5. 8-6.
8-7. 8-8.

8-9. 8-10.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blank to complete the sentences.

1. (File 8-1)
A. A customer is ____________________________
B. A shop assistant is ________________________
C. A woman is ______________________________
D. Some shoes are __________________________
2. (File 8-2)
A. A woman is ______________________________
B. A cashier is ______________________________
C. A man is ________________________________
D. Some diners are __________________________
3. (File 8-3)
A. A man is ________________________________
B. A man is ________________________________
C. Two men are ____________________________
D. Some men are____________________________
4. (File 8-4)
A. A man is ________________________________
B. Some people are __________________________
C. Some people are _________________________
D. A woman is ______________________________
5. (File 8-5)
A. The cake is ______________________________
B. A woman is ______________________________
C. People are _______________________________
D. People are _______________________________
6. (File 8-6)
A. The woman is ____________________________
B. The woman is ____________________________
C. The woman is ____________________________
D. The woman is ____________________________
7. (File 8-7)
A. A woman is ______________________________
B. A woman is ______________________________
C. A woman is ______________________________
D. A woman is ______________________________
8. (File 8-8)
A. A sofa is ________________________________
B. A lamp has been __________________________
C. Some books have been _____________________
D. Some pillows are _________________________
9. (File 8-9)
A. A woman is ______________________________
B. A woman is ______________________________
C. Some dishes have been ____________________
D. Some pots are ____________________________
10. (File 8-10)
A. A man is ________________________________
B. A woman is ______________________________
C. A man is_________________________________
D. A woman is _____________________________
Exercise 3: Fill in the blank to complete the sentences. (File 9)
A. She’s ___________________________________
B. She’s ___________________________________
C. She’s ___________________________________
D. She’s ___________________________________
A. A boat is ________________________________
B. Some birds are ___________________________
C. A person is ______________________________
D. Some children are _________________________
A. The man is ______________________________
B. The man is _______________________________
C. The woman is ____________________________
D. The woman is ____________________________
A. A woman’s ______________________________
B. An awning _______________________________
C. A group of people is _______________________
D. A brick patio is ___________________________
A. Merchandise is ___________________________
B. A man is_________________________________
C. Boots have been _________________________
D. A man is ________________________________
A. A guitar is _______________________________
B. Stacks of paper have been __________________
C. Some boxes are __________________________
D. A lamp is ________________________________

1. The survey indicated that people responded favorably to the taste of the new energy
2. Mr. Danforth has assured us that he can complete the project by himself
3. Ausgaard Automobiles plans to launch a line of small utility trucks.
4. Sophie Beauchamp’s educational background fulfills the job’s language requirement.
5. A new system that incorporates the latest data-analysis methods was implemented this
No. Word Meaning

1 To look at a document Nhìn vào tài liệu

2 To examine a machine Kiểm tra cái máy móc

3 To read a book Đọc sách

4 To stare at a monitor Nhìn chằm chằm vào màn hình

5 To shake hands Bắt tay

6 To chop some vegetables Chặt, thái rau

7 To hold a document Cầm tài liệu

8 To carry a chair Mang vác chiếc ghế

9 To pull a suitcase >< to push Kéo vali >< đẩy

10 To lift a suitcase/table Nhấc vali hoặc cái bàn lên

11 To write on a whiteboard Viết lên bảng trắng

12 To play an instrument Chơi nhạc cụ

13 To wash Rửa

14 To speak to the audience Nói với khán giả

15 To address the audience Nói chuyện, phát biểu cho khán giả

16 To give/ make a presentation Thuyết trình

17 To drink from a water fountain Uống từ vòi nước

18 To speak into the microphone Nói vào micro

19 To sit across from each other Ngồi đối diện nhau

20 To lean against the railing Dựa vào lan can

21 To reach for an item Với để lấy một món đồ

22 To wait Đợi chờ

23 To pay for an item Thanh toán cho một món đồ

24 To put on a hat Đội mũ vào

25 To wear a hat Đang đội mũ sẵn

26 To have a meeting Có cuộc họp

27 To pile some books up Xếp chồng, chất đống chồng sách

28 To vacuum the floor Hút bụi sàn nhà

29 To sit on the floor Ngồi trên sàn

30 To watch TV Xem TV

31 Sink Cái bồn rửa

32 Vegetables Rau củ

33 Be ready Sẵn sàng

34 To drive Lái xe

35 On the assembly line ở dây chuyền lắp ráp

36 To repair Sửa

37 Behind the first car Phía sau xe ô tô đầu tiên

38 To print In ấn

39 Paper Giấy

40 To wear a hard hat Đang đội mũ bảo hộ

41 Bag Túi, cặp

42 Be loaded onto a machine Được chất lên cái máy

43 To lift some luggage Nhấc hành lý lên

44 To lean on a desk Dựa vào cái bàn

45 In front of a computer Trước cái máy tính

46 A flower pot Chậu hoa

47 Behind the counter Sau cái quầy

48 To build >< a building Xây dựng >< 1 tòa nhà

49 Lamp Bóng đèn

50 To pick up a basket Lấy cái giỏ

51 To stock shelves Chất hàng lên kệ

52 On the shelf Trên giá (sách)

53 To place Đặt để

54 Cart (n) Xe đẩy

55 Conductor (n) Người thu vé, phụ xe

56 Passenger (n) Hành khách

57 To board the train Lên tàu

58 Load the baggage onto a train Chất hành lý lên tàu

59 Musician (n) Nghệ sỹ âm nhạc

60 To be gathered around the desk Tụ tập quanh cái bàn


No. Word Meaning

1 Customer (n) Khách hàng
2 Shop assistant (n) Người bán hàng
3 To unfold Trải ra
4 To discard a newspaper Bỏ tờ báo đi
5 To check her appearance in a mirror Soi lại gương
6 To put away a mobile phone Cất điện thoại đi
7 A pair of jeans Quần bò
8 Be lined up Được xếp thành hàng
9 Under a bench Dưới cái ghế dài
10 To stack some dishes Xếp chồng đĩa
11 To stir food Khuấy thức ăn
12 Be seated across from each other Ngồi đối diện nhau
13 To peel potatoes Gọt vỏ khoai tây
14 To plant flowers Trồng hoa
15 Cake Cái bánh
16 Dessert (n) Món tráng miệng
17 A dining room Phòng ăn
18 To shovel dirt Xúc đất bằng xẻng
19 To cut the grass Cắt cỏ
20 Diner (n) Thực khách
21 Meal (n) Bữa ăn
22 Refrigerator (n) Tủ lạnh
23 To wipe a counter Lau cái kệ bếp
24 To fill the bottle Đổ đầy chai nước
25 Cashier (n) Thu ngân
26 To collect a Payment Thu gom tiền thanh toán
27 To reach for a handle Với cái tay cầm
28 To press a button Nhấn nút
29 To light the candle Thắp nến
30 To install an appliance Lắp đặt thiết bị
31 Computer software program Chương trình phần mềm máy tính
32 Cabinet (n) Cái tủ
33 To turn on a lamp Bật đèn
34 Sofa (n) Ghế xô pha
35 Pillow (n) Cái gối
36 To move a chair Di chuyển cái ghế
37 To arrange some flower Cắm hoa
38 To move a table Di chuyển bàn
39 notebook Quyển sổ
40 Boat (n) Con thuyền
41 Pier (n) Cầu cảng
42 To circle Tạo hình vòng tròn
43 Above the water Trên mặt nước
44 On a beach Trên bãi biển
45 To dig in the sand Đào cát
46 Children (n) Trẻ con
47 Keyboard (n) Bàn phím
48 To file some document Nộp, đệ trình giấy tờ
49 To hand something to sb Đưa cái gì cho ai
50 To walk up some stairs Đi lên cầu thang bộ
51 Entrance Lối vào
52 To extend Kéo dài
53 To leave Rời khỏi
54 Brick patio Hiên gạch
55 To sweep Quét
56 Merchandise (n) Hàng hóa
57 To display products Trưng bày sản phẩm
58 A sign on a wall Cái biển trên tường
59 boots Đôi bốt
60 A pair of shoes Đôi giày
61 To leave something on a desk Để cái gì trên bàn
62 Work area Khu vực làm việc
63 To suspend Treo
64 stool Cái ghế đẩu
65 A stack of paper Chồng giấy

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