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Persuasive Speech Outline

Name: Kymani Baker

Date: March 14, 2023
Creative topic: Never skip leg day
Specific Purpose: To convince people of all ages, especially teens, why exercising regularly
is important.

1. Attention Step
a. Are you getting tired of that three-inch spare tire around your waist?
b. We’re all in need of exercise as human beings. Now is the time for everyone no
matter the age region to get started so that we can enjoy the health and
psychological benefits for the rest of our lives.

Transition: (First of all I would like to tell you why I’m so concerned about the inactivity of the
nowadays generation.)

Need Step: Lack of exercise is harmful to our health especially when we are getting older.
a. Gen Z’s tend to eat a lot of junk foods and tend to be inactive to burn the excess calories
b. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among teens because of inactivity
(survey and stats)
c. Excess fat also caused by inactivity leads to a higher incidence of heart disease (explain)

Transition: (Most teens tend to not like to exercise so a question that maybe ask is “What’s so
great about exercising? If it’s such a pain in the ass in contrast to sitting down eating ‘delicious’
Fastfood and sleeping all day?” To this I would respond that exercising isn’t that bad in fact)

2. Satisfaction Step: Exercising is not a large investment, but the yield is worth it. We
should all exercise, young and old, to take advantage of this.
a. An advantage of being physically fit and healthy is that your body need less sleep,
and this may more than make up for the time it takes to exercise (explain)
b. To exercise, you don’t have to lift weights for hours on end or doing sports,
exercise can take as little as 15 minutes a day and the most 30 minutes! (prove)
c. Having a proper diet is essential, however eating junk food and not exercising can
have major repercussions in contacts to not exercising and having a proper diet.

Transition: (to have a clearer concept of the matter, here are some images/videos of the
benefits/drawbacks of exercising/ not exercising)

3. Visualization Step
a. Exercising can lead you to have chiseled abs and the body of a Greek god and
to be admired by many in a positive way. (In contrast)
b. Lack of exercising cause obesity and depression and can draw people further
away from ourselves. (Use images and survey)
c. Delays common effects of aging.

Transition: (so doing little everyday things such as walking and doing sit-up while watching
Netflix can)

4. Action Step
a. Exercise starting now if you haven’t been for better health and longevity.
b. If you don’t act now sooner or later there can be major repercussions, why wait
for tomorrow? Start today.
c. Just as none of us want to be called a slouch by our associates, none of us wants
to die earlier than we should.
Works Cited page

Booth, F. W., et al. (2014). Lack of exercise is a major cause of chronic diseases.

Kandola, A., Vancampfort, D., Herring, M., Rebar, A., Hallgren, M., Firth, J., & Stubbs, B.
(2018). Moving to Beat Anxiety: Epidemiology and Therapeutic Issues with Physical
Activity for Anxiety. Current Psychiatry Reports, 20(8), 63.

Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2017) - "Obesity". Published online at
Retrieved from: '

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