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The global university at the

heart of the UK

The Global
at the Heart of the UK

The University of Birmingham was founded on the vision of Joseph Chamberlain

in 1900 to provide a university for the people of Birmingham. But we have been
global from the outset. Our founders were inspired by a study tour to America; the
industrialist Andrew Carnegie was one of our original benefactors. We admitted
our first international students in 1903. Over 120 years later, our global vision is
firmly rooted in our local, civic identity. We are committed to ensuring that our
University’s global influence is at the heart of our region’s dynamism.

More than ever, many of the challenges we face are global in nature. Food security affects all
countries, as does energy sustainability; climate change is the responsibility of all countries;


mass migration crosses many borders, as do pandemics. Regardless of the country we live in,
we face the challenges of ageing societies.

Global challenges require global solutions. The scale and complexity of the challenges and
solutions make collaboration an imperative, not an optional extra. No matter how great a single OF THE WORLD’S UNIVERSITIES*
university is, excellence and impact require partnership. Global universities are those able to

convene and create powerful strategic partnerships – with other universities, with businesses,
and with governments.

Hence the core of our global engagement is our approach to international partnerships.
This approach is best described by four words: purposeful, committed, comprehensive
and sustained.

When we engage with partners, we are clear from the outset what mutual benefits we are
seeking. These may come from joint research projects; collaborative educational initiatives; OF ACADEMIC STAFF ARE
sharing best practice; student mobility and exchange, to name just a few. In each case, we
ensure that our partnerships achieve the purpose for which it is developed. Of course, there

OVER 12,500
is always room for the unexpected: the new research ideas that arise from the collaboration,
or new areas for collaboration that emerge from conversations. But we are purposeful in all
our partnerships.

Because we are purposeful, we are committed. We invest in partnerships to ensure their

success. We believe that the best partnerships operate at scale and with ambition. We also
believe that the best partnerships are comprehensive, covering many activities. Our most FROM APPROXIMATELY
successful partnerships are not confined to just research or just education: they span all areas
and cover academic, student and professional services engagement. Finally, our partnerships
are sustained. Whether working with governments, funding bodies or other universities, we

OVER 101,000
commit for the long term.

Today’s geopolitical uncertainty brings wide-ranging challenges. These underline the

importance of partnership. In times like these, the knowledge that institutions can exchange is


more crucial than ever, and the University of Birmingham remains committed to our strategic
global partnerships. Our approach to international engagement has always been predicated
on a long-term perspective, and this will not change. Great universities must remain global in
outlook and activity, and the University of Birmingham’s strategic partnerships will continue
to deliver challenge-based research and educational opportunities that benefit citizens and
confront the world’s social, economic and environmental threats.
Professor Adam Tickell, Vice-Chancellor and Principal
*QS World University Rankings 2020
and US News and World Report:
Best Global Universities

The BRIDGE Fellowship

Programme is an exceptional
example of how two institutions
can work together to provide
the transformative learning
experiences that are essential in
higher education. When we foster
opportunities for our faculty and
scholars to engage collaboratively
with diverse experiences and
viewpoints, it not only benefits
their careers and research, but
also creates truly comprehensive
and diverse learning environments
on our campuses.

Chancellor Robert Jones, University

of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

St r a t e
Responding to Global Challenges
At the heart of our global engagement are signature
strategic partnerships, unique in their depth and breadth
of engagement. These collaborations purposefully draw
on heritage connections, civic values and mutual strengths
to deliver shared global ambitions.

A highlight of my jointly-awarded
PhD degree has been spending
time between Birmingham and
Melbourne under the Priestley
Scholarship. I am fortunate to
have mentorship as well as access
to resources from both universities,
which has enhanced my overall
research. The most enjoyable
and invaluable aspects of the
programme have no doubt been
the numerous cross-collaboration
and networking experiences
that I have had.

Robert Chin, 2017 Priestley Scholar

in Computer Science

A unique transatlantic bridge and cultural heritage. Fellows work across evolution for our relationship to develop into a
Birmingham and Illinois on key global comprehensive, bilateral, strategic partnership
to cultivate collaboration and challenges and act as a bridge to cultivate covering education, research and professional
interdisciplinary research broader engagement between transatlantic services in 2016.
research teams.
Hailed by THE as one of the ‘frst Academic collaboration now thrives across our
substantive links between a UK and US ‘BRIDGE has proven hugely benefcial for institutions with over 70 research links across
institution’, our partnership with the University me – providing the opportunity to travel and all disciplines. Birmingham’s Research Leaders
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was sparked experience research in different settings. Programme provides annual opportunities for
by complementary place-based assets, International collaboration has given me our leading academics to meet their peers at
shared civic missions and wide-ranging space to explore ideas and think differently Melbourne through a tailor-made programme
research synergies. about how I approach research.’ showcasing best practice, research methods
and networking opportunities.
The resulting BiRmingham-Illinois Partnership Dr Justina Žurauskiene, BRIDGE Fellow,
for Discovery, EnGagement and Education Population Dynamics and Women’s Health. Extending our partnership to education has
(BRIDGE) has established a framework been a key priority. The Priestley Scholarship
for creative knowledge exchange across Building on historic links co-funds joint PhD awards, enabling
disciplines through frequent and purposeful outstanding candidates in Engineering,
collaborations between faculty, staff and to create wide-ranging Physical Sciences and Mental Health to study
students. Since 2014, we have cultivated collaboration alongside world-leading academics from both
over 80 faculty-to-faculty links in felds ranging our institutions. A ‘super-sender’ student
from the humanities to engineering sciences. As founding members of the Universitas 21 mobility arrangement sees over 30
network, the Universities of Birmingham and undergraduates exchanged in each direction
Our distinctive BRIDGE Fellowship Melbourne have developed wide-ranging every year, and through our International
programme paves the way to institutionalise organic research links for nearly two decades. Museums and Collections scheme, students
faculty links. We have jointly recruited a cohort We enjoy historical connections through the undertake placements at the partner’s
of high-potential early-career researchers British geologist and Antarctic explorer Sir cultural institutions.
onto tenure-track positions in education, Raymond Priestley, who was Vice-Chancellor
neuroscience, psychology, maternal health of both institutions. It was, therefore, a natural

Global Healthcare
Strategic Partnerships

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds

Birmingham research to help stop women
dying in childbirth

With substantial funding from the Bill and Every six minutes a mother dies
Melinda Gates Foundation, University of
from postpartum haemorrhage
Birmingham maternal health experts are
developing a global research network to help (PPH) in low-resource countries,
stop women dying in childbirth in low- and in the prime of her life and often
middle-income countries (LMICs). The aim is to
stop women dying or suffering complications
leaving behind a young family;
because of excessive bleeding after giving birth her new-born infant has less than
at healthcare facilities across fve countries. a 20% chance of surviving past
Birmingham researchers will collaborate with
the first month.
teams in Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, South Africa,
Pakistan and international partners in a large PPH is the leading cause of
cluster-randomised trial. The study will be
rolled out to 80 health facilities across the fve maternal death worldwide and
countries with 300,000 women giving birth in accounts for 27% of maternal
the study. The study will last three years and
deaths. The condition is often not
report its fndings by June 2024.
detected early – denying women
life-saving treatment. The more

Spotlight: time elapses, the greater the

number of lives lost.

Improving health
outcomes in low- and
middle-income countries

We’re grateful to the Bill and We lead the National Institute for Health Studies (Ghana), aims to identify the
Research (NIHR) Global Health Research barriers that are causing delays in access
Melinda Gates Foundation
Unit on Global Surgery (GSU), in partnership to trauma care in Rwanda, Ghana and South
for supporting our project, with the Universities of Edinburgh and Africa in order to inform recommendations
which aims to change provider Warwick, and international partners from for future interventions.
the GlobalSurg Collaborative. We are
behaviours so they detect PPH establishing research hubs in sub-Saharan Clean Cold researchers from the University
early and put into action a range Africa, the Indian sub-continent, South East of Birmingham and Heriot-Watt University,
of interventions that could save Asia and Central America to perform critically Edinburgh, are working with the United
needed research into surgical services across Nations Environment Programme, United for
the lives of thousands of women the world. Efficiency, on a key study to help African
and their new-born babies. nations prepare for the sustainable distribution
Birmingham’s Global Health experts are of vaccines. Mass, rapid vaccination is an
Arri Coomarasamy, Professor of helping to shape the future development of immense challenge for sub-Saharan African
Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine health systems to deliver equitable, quality countries with significant rural populations and
at the University of Birmingham care in low- and middle-income countries. inadequate cold-chain infrastructure.
Capacity building with our partners and Our fast-track study in Rwanda will define
ensuring our outputs are relevant to policy gaps in infrastructure and develop strategies
makers is central to our approach. Our for sustainable vaccine delivery, helping
EquiTrauma collaboration with the University of governments, vaccine development agencies,
Rwanda, University of Global Health pharma and logistics companies begin to plan
Equity (Rwanda), Stellenbosch University for the future.
(South Africa) and University for Development

A Purposefully
Eu r o
Europe has always been and will always be a major strand
in Birmingham’s global engagement. Around a ffth of our
academic staff are non-UK Europeans, as are almost 10% of our
PhD students. We have been the most successful UK university
for coordinating Horizon 2020 grants, and have one of the largest
networks of European exchange partners, providing study abroad
opportunities in Europe to over 350 students every year. As the
UK shifts in its relationship with the EU, we are growing and
deepening our engagement in Europe. Our European strategy has
at its heart a renewed affrmation of our European identity.

2017 TO 2021



EUniWell Design Thinking Student Challenge,
Leiden; and EUniWell partnership launch, Köln

Image: © Dustin Preick

Advancing European
Our membership in the European University for and pedagogy to inform decision making,
EUniWell Policy Commissions Well-being – EUniWell – is both a symbolic underpin skills development, and realise a
bring leaders from the public, and practical demonstration of our renewed measurable impact on European citizens’
private and third sectors commitment to Europe in a post-Brexit quality of life. Using our collective research
together with EUniWell landscape. EUniWell is an ambitious expertise, educational leadership and civic
transnational alliance, uniting around 300,000 engagement, EUniWell will meet the challenge
academics to generate new
students and 50,000 staff from the Universities set out by the Council.
thinking on well-being issues of Birmingham, Firenze, Köln, Konstanz,
of global, national, local and Linnaeus, Murcia, Nantes, Semmelweis and On a practical level, this means enabling
civic concern. Our inaugural Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv researchers from across our alliance to identify
policy Commission on Well with over 100 associate partners drawn from and pursue opportunities for collaboration on
across Europe. In July 2020, EUniWell was relevant, topical well-being issues. We also
being in a Covid World was
selected as a ‘European University of the seek to enhance the skills of European citizens,
chaired by Stefano Manservisi, Future’ in the European Commission’s contribute to equality and diversity in our cities
former Director- General of Erasmus+ programme and in 2021 was and support multilingualism and
the European Commission’s awarded additional H2020 funding to pursue multiculturalism across our respective
Directorate General for further collaboration in relation to research. societies. This is all underpinned by civic
International Cooperation collaborations with a great variety of societal
EUniWell has come together in response to the actors, including schools, city councils, and the
and Development.
Council of Europe’s 2019 invitation for member private sector.
states to pursue a horizontal, cross-sectoral,
knowledge-based approach to advance the
‘Economy of Well-being’. We aim to play a
critical role in shaping research-based policy

The partnership with

Birmingham provides new
opportunities for our students
and staff to work together
and creates new synergies.
I’m very pleased that we
have renewed and intensified
our collaboration.
Rector Magnifcus Karen Maex,
University of Amsterdam

Standing together A shared DNA enables us to standardisation policies. We also have an I3

with Ukraine focus on shared priorities partnership between the University of
Birmingham, Fraunhofer UMSICHT and Jiangsu
In 2022, following the Russian invasion of Over the last decade, the University of Industry Technology Research Institute,
Ukraine, we established a long-term twinning Birmingham and the University of Amsterdam Nanjing, which investigates new energy storage
partnership with Ivan Franko National University have enjoyed a strong history of research and waste management innovations. This
of Lviv (INFUL). Our work supports the collaboration and staff and student exchange. three-way, multi-country bridge provides a
#TwinForHope campaign launched by As institutions, we share common DNA: we comprehensive research and innovation
Universities UK, which highlights the impact that are both comprehensive, research-intensive, pipeline from fundamental research to
partnerships between universities are having as civic and located in diverse cities, committed close-to-market innovation.
they twin to share resources, learning and ideas to working globally on major societal issues.
during the humanitarian crisis Our partnership focuses on equality, diversity
in Ukraine. and inclusion (EDI); and medical training and
research has strengthened our long-standing
Our joint research will focus on the areas of successful relationship.
refugees and migration; global security and
geopolitics; Shakespeare studies; and analytical New routes for applied research
methods of chemical detection. Planned
educational collaborations such as a summer In Germany, we are taking forward
school on Ukraine Culture, Language, and History strategic partnerships with national research
will broaden Birmingham students’ geopolitical agencies to embed University of Birmingham
awareness and intercultural learning, and opening expertise in the scientifc fabric of European
access to training, library and digital education research infrastructure. We have a long-
resources will support the sharing of best standing collaboration agreement with the
practice across our institutions. Federal Institute of Materials Research and
Testing in Berlin. The agreement spans energy,
We are proud to play our part in supporting chemistry, material research and life and
Ukrainian universities through the confict and environmental sciences, increasing the
working with them to emerge stronger impact of University of Birmingham research
than before. in relation to statutory regulation and

The Birmingham

fast-track their railway sector to contribute

to achieving Sustainable Development
engine driving global Goals (SDGs). The centre has collaborated in
transport improvement thought leadership in Ethiopia and Tanzania,
and has conducted a large-scale research on
The Birmingham Centre for Railway the implementation of hydrogen locomotives
Research and Education (BCRRE) is the for railways in Sub-Saharan African countries.

largest of its kind in Europe. Working with

over 50 companies in 20 countries, BCRRE’s BCRRE researchers are integrating hydrogen
research is changing the way that railways and battery power to help meet ambitious goals
operate and innovate. For example: for the UK’s trains and technology which could
have global impact – notably the HydroFLEX
In Singapore and India, we have developed
n train featured at COP26 in 2021. We have
programmes to train the world’s rail created digital twins of infrastructure and
engineers of the future, railway operations to undertake analysis and
nAcross Africa, South America and the optimisation in the virtual world, allowing
Middle East we have developed and multiple scenarios without even leaving the lab!
delivered short courses in railway technology,
business and operations, In 2017, the University of Birmingham was
nWe are working with the Guangzhou Metro awarded the prestigious Queen’s Anniversary
Corporation in China to make rail travel safe, Prize for Higher and Further Education for
comfortable and energy effcient for its 8.2 BCRRE’s contribution to making railways
million users, and around the world safer and more effcient.
Supporting Brazil’s $15 billion investment
 In 2022, we co-hosted the landmark World
into railways, we are collaborating with Congress on Rail Research in Birmingham.
the Ministry of Infrastructure (MINFRA) And the University leads the UK Railway

on cutting-edge research and Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN)
education programmes. – a £92 million partnership between the rail
supply industry and 17 UK universities that is
Our impact extends to other countries in the establishing the UK as a world-leading centre
Global South, helping emerging economies to of railway research and innovation excellence.


examining the causes and impacts of poor air

quality and atmospheric pollution events in
Protecting the world’s most
Beijing, and the prediction of future extreme
vulnerable populations from weather events in China and East Asia.
poor air quality We are leading a major international research
project looking at how rapid urbanisation in

three African cities – Addis Ababa, Kampala

The University of Birmingham is forging and Nairobi – impacts air quality. Working with
international and interdisciplinary partnerships UK and East African experts in air pollution,
to help meet the global challenge of air urban planning, economic geography, public
pollution, in order to control emissions and health, social sciences and development
reduce public-health impacts. On campus, studies, we are developing a framework for
we host one of three new air quality supersites improved air quality management in East
in the UK, using state-of-the-art monitoring African cities.
systems to identify harmful pollutants more
accurately than ever before. Our strength A global approach to the
lies not only in establishing the causes of
air pollution, but in applying that learning philosophy of religion
to provide scientifc advice in support of
policy development. The Global Philosophy of Religion Project
is the frst major initiative aiming to make
In Delhi, rated as the world’s most polluted the philosophy of religion a truly global feld.
city for ambient air pollution, we are working Funded by the John Templeton Foundation, the
with the Indian Population Council and IIT project is run out of the Birmingham Centre for
Delhi on the ASAAP India (A Systems Philosophy of Religion, in partnership with the
Approach to Air Pollution India) project to Institute of Life and Death Studies at Waseda

Highlights develop options to mitigate air pollution.

In China, our atmospheric scientists are
University in Tokyo. It promotes philosophical
research addressing underrepresented religious




traditions in diverse geographical regions, with

a particular focus on Africa, Asia, Latin America
and the Middle East, and special attention to
traditions that are broadly construed as theistic,
renowned, research-intensive universities in
wide-ranging innovative international activities.
The U21 network provides a rich environment
for institutional learning and we are proud
such as African traditional religions, Hinduism,
Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism and
to lead the Research Collaboration Group
and Educational Innovation Group. In 2022,
Zoroastrianism, as well as Christianity. we hosted the U21 AGM and Symposium.
Every year, our students participate in U21’s
This project complements the wider partnership programme of summer schools across the RESEARCH CONDUCTED
between the University of Birmingham and world. Our long-running U21 Museums and

Waseda University. The partnership comprises Collections Award gives students opportunities
a number of projects, including an examination to spend a month working at the Universities
of the shared challenge of skilled and unskilled of Melbourne or Lund. Funded by the U21
labour shortages in the UK and Japan. Our Global Education Enhancement Fund, we are
renowned Shakespeare Institute collaborates collaborating with U21 partners in Australia,
extensively with Waseda’s celebrated Mexico and South Africa to equip students
Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, named with new digital tools to deliver better health
after Waseda Professor Shoyo (Frank) services in different socio-political settings. INSTITUTIONS WORLDWIDE
Tsubouchi (1859–1935), the frst major
translator of Shakespeare into Japanese.

A global framework for

research collaboration and
skills development
As a founding member of the Universitas 21
network, we engage with 28 other globally-

A Decade of Birmingham’s success in Brazil stems from

the supportive infrastructure set up early on
to foster relationships and deliver outcomes. Our
signature Brazil Visiting Fellows programme has

created a network of some 80 Brazilian
academics that stretches from Pernambuco in the
North to Rio Grande do Sul in the South. Through
dedicated joint pump-priming schemes with

in Brazil
Brazilian funding agencies like FAPESP, we have
nurtured talent and invested in Brazilian expertise.
Over four rounds of activity, we have supported
strategic research relationships and created a
pipeline for broader external grant applications,
in the process becoming one of FAPESP’s
priority UK partners. Funded by the British
Council, we have led capacity-building projects
further the Brazilian Ministry of Education’s
2020 marked the tenth anniversary of the University of mission to ‘internationalise HE’ in Brazil, and
Birmingham’s strategic engagement in Brazil, a milestone have been awarded scholarships to support
women scholars across Science, Technology,
that we celebrated with the launch of the Birmingham Brazil
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Forum, a new virtual gateway showcasing the breadth and
depth of our work. Our long-term commitment has yielded Through our commitment, the University of
resilient partnerships that deliver real impact. We now have Birmingham has been well placed for the growing
number of large-scale funding awards that
wide-ranging research relationships across Brazil: we
prioritise Brazilian partners. With funding from the
collaborate with 90 institutions from almost all states, UK’s National Institute for Health Research, and in
with a particular concentration in São Paulo. partnership with the University of São Paulo,

The ‘Birmingham Brazil

Forum’ is an extremely
welcome initiative. It will
enable more people to engage
and learn about Birmingham’s
collaborations with Brazilian
counterparts and about Brazil
itself. It is yet another good
reason for us to celebrate our
special partnership with the
University of Birmingham and,
in a broader sense, bilateral
academic cooperation between
Brazil and the UK.
His Excellency Fred Arruda,
Brazilian Ambassador to the UK

Birmingham Brazil Fellows at the

Brazilian Embassy, London

we are advancing research into chronic Diagnosis, Genomics and Epidemiology’ determine how mature temperate forests
pulmonary disease and progressing comparative supported by national and state funding bodies respond to rising atmospheric CO2. This
studies into atrial fbrillation across disadvantaged in the UK and Brazil. This partnership between new experimental understanding will be used
populations in Brazil, China and Sri Lanka. Oxford, USP and Birmingham will develop novel to develop and test the next generation of
Supported by the International Ocean Discovery sequencing and bioinformatics methods to aid computer models and predict future rates
Programme, a Birmingham geologist will lead the the interpretation of genome and metagenome of climate change.
‘Equatorial Atlantic Gateway’ expedition across scale data generated in clinical and public
the Brazilian continental margin to recover health microbiology. Imaging
extensive sediment records of the long-term In partnering with Brazilian universities and
history of the Equatorial Atlantic environments. Sustainable cities research centres, the University of Birmingham
In collaboration with USP, the FAPESP-funded has gained access to facilities, expertise and
Our research focus in Brazil is increasingly ‘Re-Inhabiting the City’ project focuses on opportunities simply unavailable elsewhere. Most
defned by its place-based relevance. Across the sustainable reoccupation of underused notably, we have established the frst UK on-site
microbiology, oceanography, sport, forestry and or abandoned buildings and open spaces presence at Brazil’s premier research facility in
railways we are delivering research projects that in the city of São Paulo, proposing solutions that Campinas, the Center for Research in Energy
have in common the measurable impact they create comfortable places, resilient to climate and Materials (CNPEM). In doing so, Brazil has
deliver at a local level. change and occupied by a vibrant healthy become the key international partner country for
community. Previous joint research with UNESP our joint Centre of Membrane Proteins and
addressed poverty levels amongst Brazilian Receptors (COMPARE) with the University
Research routes into Brazil
children by examining young people’s of Nottingham.
Infectious diseases understanding, experience and unequal
Supported by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, participation in the food-water-energy nexus Our Brazil engagement is built to last.
and in collaboration with FioCruz Bahia and in Brazil. Through careful stewardship, collaboration
the University of São Paulo (USP), Birmingham schemes and cross-institutional commitment, we
expertise in portable genome sequencing Forestry look forward to our wide-ranging Brazilian
provided a new understanding of the genetics of The Birmingham Institute of Forest Research partnerships maturing further over the
the Zika virus and its rapid spread in Brazil and (BIFoR) is leading the large-scale, nationally- coming decade.
beyond. This research paved the way for the funded QUINTUS research project, with the
‘UK-Brazil Joint Centre for Arbovirus Discovery, University of Campinas as a partner, to

Forging The Institute is testament to the University’s

long history of engagement with India, with
the frst cohort of Indian students attending
the University in 1909. Since then, we have

provided education to many outstanding
Indian alumni, and our Chancellor, Lord Karan
Bilimoria, is the frst Indian-born Chancellor
of a British university.

Set up to forge new connections between
Birmingham and India, the Institute has created
a supportive network for academics, research
councils, institutions, government offces

with India
and commercial partners. The India Institute
Fellowship Scheme supports talented Indian
scholars undertaking joint research projects
at Birmingham. In 2018–19, we awarded
80% of fellowships to Indian women scholars.
The new India Institute Women in Research
fellowship 2022 aims to advance the efforts to
close the gender gap and promote female
leadership and excellence in research.

The University of Birmingham India Institute is the focal The University’s academic interest in India
point for our engagement with India. Established in 2018, is complemented by the close connections
we enjoy with Birmingham’s vibrant Sikh
the Institute brings Birmingham and India closer together
community, the largest British Indian population
to deliver impactful research, create innovative education in the UK. Working closely with the Guru
initiatives and extend our infuence across the globe. Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha, we welcomed

The University is playing

a pivotal role in taking to
a much higher trajectory
the already strong strategic
partnership between the two
countries through facilitating
closer people-to - people
Acting Indian High Commissioner
to the UK, Charanjeet Singh

Dr Jagbir Jhutti-Johal OBE, with the Archbishop

of Canterbury and Bhai Sahib Dr Mohinder
Singh Ahluwalia with delegates from Guru
Nanak Sewak Jatha and the Church of England
outside the Golden Temple, Amritsar

15,000 visitors onto campus in 2019 for a fve- promote research into the life and philosophy of Improving surgical outcomes
day celebration marking the 550th birth the revered frst Sikh Guru. Through our India Our leading surgeons have established a joint
anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founding Offce in New Delhi, the Chair will engage with unit focused on driving surgical research in
Guru of Sikhism. in-country partners and communities to create India and other countries. The University of
fellowships in peacebuilding, inter-faith Birmingham’s Global Health Research Unit in
We have established a permanent footprint understanding and community cohesion – Surgery, supported by an agreement with the
in India through our University of Birmingham refecting the three core values of Sri Guru Indian National Health Authority, works with
India Offce in New Delhi. Our team of Nanak Dev Ji. 30 Indian hospitals to tackle preventable
four staff facilitate the University’s activities post-surgical complications, which result
in-country, and provide a hub to engage with in over 500,000 deaths globally.
local partners and stakeholders, and increase
Research spotlights
our impact and visibility. The India Institute collaborates with leading Capacity building in sport science
academic, industrial and government partners and performance
in India to infuence policy and advance Our capacity-building work supports India’s
The home of Sikh Studies
research solutions. We have 40 joint research national ambitions in sports development
Birmingham is the frst Russell Group partnerships with Indian partners tackling and competition, including through the
university in the UK to teach Sikhism Studies Indian and global challenges from urbanisation Tokyo Olympics and the Commonwealth
at postgraduate level, and we are one of only to surgical research. Highlights include: Games 2022.
two institutions worldwide to host a prestigious
Guru Nanak Sikh Chair. Funded by the Indian Developing technology to reuse Improving farmers’ incomes
government, the award recognises our long contaminated water A landmark project with the state of Haryana
history and continuing commitment to India The University of Birmingham is co-ordinating on clean cold-chain is helping farmers boost
and the British-Indian community, and furthers INDIA H2O, a consortium involving 20 partners their income sustainably by reducing waste
the University’s civic mission and global outlook. from the EU and India. The project, funded by from feld to market. The model deployed in
Horizon 2020 and the Indian government’s India is being rolled-out to Tanzania, Ethiopia
The Guru Nanak Chair will work with the Department of Biotechnology, is developing and Malaysia.
University’s Edward Cadbury Centre for the technologies to reuse water that is too
Public Understanding of Religion and the contaminated to drink untreated.
Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues to

Sustained Making an impact

in Guangzhou
Birmingham’s well-established partnership with

Sister City
the Guangzhou municipal government delivers
signifcant research projects with measurable
impact for the third-largest mainland city in
China. Since 2012, Birmingham researchers

collaborating with Guangzhou-based experts
have delivered more than 40 joint research
projects in transport, healthcare and advanced
engineering, through partnership with the
Guangzhou municipal government. A London

in China
Economic-commissioned ‘Impact Study’
valued the economic and social impact of the
University of Birmingham on the city of
Guangzhou at ¥327 million (£36.9 million).
Some highlights include:

Building capacity in primary care

We have promoted better healthcare widely
across the province and country. Working
In China, our comprehensive engagement builds on shared
with partners, we have delivered professional
civic connections between the city of Birmingham and its development training to over 200 General
Chinese sister cities. By establishing strategic relationships Practitioner (GP) ‘best practice trainers’ and
with the municipal governments of Guangzhou, and, more more than 800 GPs.

recently, Nanjing, we have created a supportive infrastructure

Combatting childhood obesity
for regional development and a gateway for partnership In partnership with the Guangzhou Centre
development across Southern and Eastern China. for Disease Control, the Chirpy Dragon

Our engagement with China

is supported by an effective
global infrastructure:

The University of Birmingham

Offce in Guangzhou
Our permanent offce co-ordinates research
activity, manages relationships with
stakeholders and supports new education
initiatives in Guangzhou and across China.

The China Institute

The University of Birmingham China Institute
provides a focal point bringing together
people, ideas, funding opportunities and
academic excellence.

The University of Birmingham

Hong Kong Foundation
The University of Birmingham Hong Kong
Foundation harnesses the transformative
power of philanthropy, helping us to address
issues that matter to Hong Kong and the
wider region. Funds generously donated by
alumni are distributed by the board of
Directors twice a year, enabling us to
strengthen and deepen local research
partnerships and to help the best and
brightest students from Hong Kong to study
at Edgbaston.

programme sought to improve the health Future-proofng advanced manufacturing recycling across Jiangsu province to create
of Guangzhou children through a four-year Building on our long-standing research a research and innovation bridge between
obesity reduction scheme. Our academics partnership with Guangdong Academy of the UK and China.
worked with 61,000 six- to seven-year-olds Science, we have set up a Joint Advanced
from 43 primary schools to enhance the Manufacturing and Innovation Centre in Fighting cancer and aiding the
nutritional quality of school meals and increase Guangzhou to facilitate technology transfer regeneration of the human body
physical activity in and outside school. in manufacturing, including 3D printing, Our Joint Research Centre for Data Science
machinery and material processing. in Biomedical Research with Southeast
Delivering positive pregnancy outcomes University creates a world-class research and
The prospective observational Born in An innovative approach training environment to help solve major health
Guangzhou Cohort Study investigated social, problems facing China and the wider world.
biological and environmental infuences on
in Nanjing
pregnancy, and child health and development, Our strategic partnership agreement with Educational pathways
in urban southern China. Our Joint Research Birmingham’s sister city Nanjing spans
Institute in the Guangzhou Women and research, innovation and cultural projects
Children’s Medical Centre to utilise our with partners across Jiangsu province: Chinese students have been studying with
30,000-strong ‘Birth Cohort’ data us for over a century. Today we have over
for studies into inherited and environmental Increasing access to Shakespeare 6,000 Chinese students studying across our
factors contributing to disease. In collaboration with Nanjing University and campuses in Edgbaston and Dubai, and at our
Phoenix Publishing and Media Group, the Jinan University-University of Birmingham Joint
Treating tuberculosis Shakespeare Centre, China, gives millions Institute (JBJI). We continue to innovate to
Our Joint Centre for Translational Medicine of Chinese people access to the University enable students to combine pathways across
Research with the Guangzhou Institutes of of Birmingham’s world-renowned China, UK and the UAE. Notably, though JBJI,
Biomedicine and Health has discovered Shakespeare Institute. we deliver mathematics based programmes
potential new drugs for the treatment of that allow Chinese students to experience both
tuberculosis. Five novel compounds have Driving innovation in energy, international and local teaching methods and
been patented in China and are progressing waste and recycling gain degrees from both institutions.
to pre-clinical testing and early-phase clinical With Jiangsu Industrial Technology
trials, with the goal of treating one million cases Research Institute (JITRI), we are addressing
of drug-resistant tuberculosis every year. the industrialisation of energy, waste and

We work with wide-ranging partners across the world


to deliver fexible and personalised frst-class learning

experiences across all levels of study.

Pathways enable students in Malaysia and ‘The best point of my course would be how
China to take advantage of local study entry active the department is in terms of industry
points for University of Birmingham degree study. connections. Very often we get notifcations
and postings about opportunities for
‘I was deeply impressed by the fnal-year internships or placements with well-known
project. In the laboratory and the school, my engineering companies.’
supervisor gave me a great deal of freedom,
which stimulated my autonomy as a student. Beatrice Ong May Ching, enrolled in our
My top tip for studying at Birmingham is 2+2 partnership with Taylors University
don’t be afraid of your limitations, and be in Malaysia in Chemical Engineering.
confdent in yourself. Two years is enough
time for you to adapt and improve yourself.’

Tingxuan Wang participated in our 2+2

Biological Sciences programme with
Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan.

OVER 300


University of Birmingham Dubai

Student exchange The University of Birmingham Dubai facility will allow us to deliver a ‘smart campus’
welcomed its frst students in September approach to teaching, learning and assessment
We partner with over 300 institutions 2018 and from day one, we have been for our students in Dubai, enabling them to
worldwide for study abroad opportunities, dedicated to delivering a frst-class learning develop and grow, graduating as high-
with 1500 incoming and outgoing exchange experience to our students, led by academics achieving and employable problem-solvers,
students per year. who are experts in their felds. just as in Birmingham.

‘Coming from an international household, A global university with a civic outlook, With more study programmes offered each
cultural diversity was a decisive factor for we are committed to contributing to UAE year, we are delivering undergraduate and
studying in Birmingham. Yet Birmingham’s society through our high-quality education taught postgraduate education opportunities in
central geographical location allowed me to and research excellence, as we establish Accounting and Finance; Artifcial Intelligence;
travel throughout the UK and fully indulge in ourselves at the heart of Higher Education Computer Science; Business Management;
British culture during my exchange.’ in Dubai and the UAE. International Business; Economics; Mechanical
Engineering; Money, Banking and Finance;
Pimantheb Flury, ZHAW School of Our research has global impact, providing Psychology; and Teacher Training.
Management and Law, Switzerland. solutions to major issues. We will bring
this research strength to partnerships Home to almost 3,000 students, our new
‘I could have never imagined how great my supporting the UAE’s vision and strategy. campus provides a vibrant space for
time at the University of Birmingham would be. We are already exploring research teaching, research and engagement with
The incredible variety of events, programmes opportunities with both government and our communities – helping us deliver the
and support offered to international students industry partners that will help us realise highest-quality education underpinned by a
made me feel welcomed and ensured a our longer-term vision and contribution. growing research focus in a leading global
comprehensive learning and living educational hub.
experience abroad.’ Following our recognition as a Ministry of
Education University, we opened our landmark For more information, please visit:
Rebecca Schreier, Katholische Universität second-phase campus in 2021, which will
Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany. embody our belief in innovation. This hi-tech

We hope that we have given you a favour of our global engagement

and our purposeful, committed, comprehensive and sustained
approach to partnerships. We have a number of signature
partnerships, which operate at scale, with breadth and depth, and
over a sustained period. But of course, as a global university, we
work with numerous other partners in many different countries.

We partner internationally with other research-intensive universities; with government agencies;

with non-government organisations; with companies. We are active members of many international
networks, and often founders of them. We think that one key measure of a global university is the
scale of its international collaborations. We see this as becoming more, not less critical, even if
there are headwinds from time to time.

Our partnerships are based on the fow of people and ideas. Student exchange is an integral part:
we fnd a mark of a strategic partnership is the large number of students fowing in both directions.
Academic staff exchange is also, of course, a key component of successful partnerships. But we
are equally committed to the exchange of non-academic staff with our partners, so that knowledge
and best practice in the administration of universities can be shared. Our partnership activities,
therefore, span all aspects of university life: research, education, administration, civic engagement.

For us, the sign of a successful partnership is the number of different but complementary strands

to the collaboration.

International collaboration is not necessarily easy. The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union
potentially challenges existing models of engagement in Europe. The Covid pandemic limited the
international fow of people - although ideas continued to be exchanged. Global political tensions
may impede international collaboration. But the history of higher education is international: the

origins of universities lie in the exchange of students and the free fows of academics. It is not
being too optimistic to believe that the future of higher education is international.

The University of Birmingham is certainly more committed than ever to its global engagement.
We are always looking to do more, especially with like-minded institutions who share our
approach to partnerships. Over a number of years, we have developed a number of schemes
to support partnerships; some of them are described opposite. I hope you will explore them
and fnd opportunities to engage with us.

We look forward to partnering with you.

Professor Robin Mason ORB, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (International)

For more information, please visit:
We offer outstanding opportunities for academics at all stages
of their careers to join our vibrant intellectual community and
help shape the research agenda of the future.

Birmingham Marshall Scholarship Brazil Visiting Fellows Scheme Anthropology for early-career scholars
Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Offering early-career university lecturers or based at African institutions.
Offce, Marshall Scholarships fnance up to post-doctoral researchers, currently working
40 young Americans to study for a graduate at universities in Brazil, the opportunity to Priestley PhD Scholarships
degree in the UK. spend up to three months at the University Our joint PhD programme with the University
of Birmingham. of Melbourne offers researchers in Mental
Fulbright Awards Health, Engineering and Physical Science
The Fulbright Commission fosters academic India Institute Fellowship Scheme subjects the opportunity to study at both
exchange between the UK and US. We Supporting the two-way exchange of our universities.
are Fulbright’s most active partner, offering academics between the University of
Birmingham-based awards across all levels Birmingham and India, promoting research Global Challenge PhD Scholarships
of the scheme: collaboration, individual training and sustainable Supporting talented students to explore,
nFulbright Distinguished Scholar partnerships through joint projects. analyse and provide innovative solutions to key
A prestigious six-month secondment for challenges in the modern world, from fghting
a prominent US professor to undertake Institute of Advanced Studies inequality to stopping the spread of disease.
research and build links in the UK. Fellowship Programmes
nFulbright-University of Birmingham Vanguard Fellowships and Distinguished Commonwealth Shared Scholarships
Research Scholarship Visiting Fellowships attract outstanding A joint initiative with the UK government
A three- to nine-month research, researchers operating at the cutting edge of supporting postgraduate students from
lecturing or teaching placement their disciplines, to work collaboratively with developing Commonwealth countries, who
across any research-active department colleagues at the University of Birmingham. would not otherwise be able to study in the UK.
at the University.
nFulbright-University of Birmingham BRIDGE Fellowship Scheme Staff Exchanges
Postgraduate Scholarship In partnership with the University of Illinois at Our staff mobility schemes provide
A one-year scholarship, either as part of a Urbana-Champaign, this unique programme opportunities for a two-way exchange
programme of study at a US institution, or brings together international research teams in with partner institutions across Europe to
on a one-year programme at Birmingham. the UK and US for fve-year fellowships across share best practice, or undertake teaching
priority research areas that address major and training.
Chevening Scholarship Programme global challenges.
The UK government’s international awards For more information, please visit:
programme, typically provides funding for a Cadbury Research Fellowships
one-year Masters degree to develop global Four-week residential fellowships at the birmingham
leadership across a range of felds. Department of African Studies and

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