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Krishi Vigyan Kendra Srinagar


District Srinagar at a glance

Srinagar district is the Summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, surrounded by six districts. The
capital city of Srinagar is located 1730 m above mean sea level. Presently Krishi Vigyan Kendra
operated in two districts viz., Srinagar and Ganderbal. These districts covers an area of 2228 sq.
kms. having 101 Patwar Halqas covering 252 revenue villages with a total population of 12.02 lac
heads as per 2001 census. The two districts consists of 5 blocks consisting of 93 Panchayats.
During the early part of twentieth century, 1919 A.D., Kashmir valley had only two Districts, Zila
Anantnag and Zila Baramulla, and Srinagar formed part of Zila Anantnag. It became a separate
District in 1951 A.D. Srinagar District is centrally located and can rightly be termed as the heart of
Kashmir Valley. It would not be an exaggerated statement that the history and evolution of Srinagar
is the history and evolution of Kashmir.
Main crops grown in these districts are paddy, maize, oilseed and pulses. An area of 11736
ha, 5003 ha, 2251 ha and 1017 ha are under paddy, maize, oilseed and pulses respectively.

District Maps of Ganderbal and Srinagar

Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK)
S. No Farming system/enterprise
01. Paddy, Maize, Oilseed, fodder, Apple, Cherry, Walnut
Dairying, Sheep husbandry, Poultry, Apiculture

Agricultural Map of Districts

Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and
S. No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics
Western Himalayan region-1
01. Higher belt – semi arid zone (Sonamarg and Rocky soil, above 5200 ft ASL
02. Mid belt – Temperate, mostly rain fed (Kangan Clay loom / sandy soil, above 4900-
and foot hills of Tehsil Ganderbal and 4975 ft ASL
03. Lower belt – Temperate mostly irrigated Silty loom / Clay loom soil, above 4800
(Ganderbal and Srinagar and some areas of ft ASL

S. No Agro ecological Characteristics

01. Temperate Low temperature (-5 0 C to 35 0 C), high humidity (90%) and good
Soil type/s

S. No Soil type Characteristics Area in ha

01. Silty clay loam >50% silt
Order : Alfisol Medium to light in color significant clay

Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district

S. No Crop Area (ha) Production (MT) Productivity (MT /ha)
01. Fresh fruits 8577 57833 6.74
02. Dry Fruits 13475 65299 4.84
03. Paddy 11736 4.705 40.09
04. Maize 5003 0.645 12.89
05. Wheat 20 0.001 5.00
06. Edible Oil 2251 21117 09.38
07. Vegetables 1902 35238 18.53

Weather data
Month Rainfall (mm) Temperature 0 C Relative Humidity
Maximum Minimum (%)
October, 08 32.0 20.81 4.83 84.67
November, 08 57.9 13.72 -1.8 82.96
December,08 51.4 05.00 -2.6 91.09
January, 09 85.6 13.00 -4.2 81.24
February,09 106.8 14.50 -2.0 74.35
March, 09 48.2 20.50 -1.3 67.46
April, 09 81.3 27.5 11.5 65.51
May, 09 1.65 24.95 8.96 62.68
June, 09 2.23 26.21 11.38 59.88
July, 09 1.55 29.72 14.95 65.91
August, 09 1.67 32.36 17.79 62.55

Production and productivity of livestock, Poultry, Fisheries etc. in the district

Category Population Production Productivity
Crossbred 1,25,500 - -
Indigenous - -
Buffalo 900 - -
Crossbred 98900 - -
Indigenous - -
Goats 25500 - -
Rabbits - -
Hens 1942878 - -
Desi - -
Improved - -
Ducks 147497 - -
Turkey and others 5832 - -
Category Area Production Productivity
Fish - 161103
Marine - - -
Inland - - -
Prawn - - -
Scampi - - -
Shrimp - - -

Details of Operational area / Villages (2008-09)

S. Taluk Name Name of Major problem identified Identified Thrust Areas
No of the the
. block village
1. Srinagar Gander Warpoh o Low production of pulses,  Introduction of high
bal cereals and milk. yielding varieties of
o Unplanned and improper fruits, vegetables and
management of field crops and pulses
cherry orchards  Management of
o Lack of quality seed and orchards.
planting material  Integrated farming
o Problem of alternate bearing system.
and fruit drop  Introduction of
o Non-diversification of fruit pollinizers/ pollinators
crops  Seed production
 Plant nursery raising
2. Srinagar Fakir Fakir o Low productivity of Cherry. o Integrated farming
Gujari Gujari o Lack of quality seed and system.
(Dara) planting material o Technology
intervention (maize,
field pea and moong)

Priority thrust areas

 Popularization of SKUAST-K released varieties HYV of crops.

 Commercial nursery raising.
 Value addition of fruits and vegetables.
 Pre-and post-harvest management of orchards
 Disease and feed management in livestock.
 Beekeeping, dairying, poultry and Mushroom for self employment.
 Nursery raising of fruits and vegetables.
 Women and child care.
 Soil testing.

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