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Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology

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Curative criteria for endoscopic treatment of gastric cancer

João A. Cunha Neves a, Pedro G. Delgado-Guillena b, Patrícia Queirós a, Diogo Libânio c, d, 1,
Enrique Rodríguez de Santiago e, *, 1
Department of Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Do Algarve, Portimão, Portugal
Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital de Mérida, Badajoz, Spain
Department of Gastroenterology, Porto Comprehensive Cancer Center Raquel Seruca, and RISE@CI-IPO (Health Research Network), Porto, Portugal
MEDCIDS (Department of Community Medicine, Health Information, and Decision), Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Universidad de Alcalá, Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria
(IRYCIS), and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain


Handling Editor: Dr. Manon Spaander Endoscopic treatment, particularly endoscopic submucosal dissection, has become the primary treatment for
early gastric cancer. A comprehensive optical assessment, including white light endoscopy, image-enhanced
Keywords: endoscopy, and magnification, are the cornerstones for clinical staging and determining the resectability of le­
Endoscopic mucosal resection sions. This paper discusses factors that influence the indication for endoscopic resection and the likelihood of
Endoscopic submucosal dissection
achieving a curative resection. Our review stresses the critical need for interpreting the histopathological report
Early neoplasms
in accordance with clinical guidelines and the imperative of tailoring decisions based on the patients’ and le­
Gastric cancer
Gastrointestinal endoscopy sions’ characteristics and preferences. Moreover, we offer guidance on managing complex scenarios, such as
those involving non-curative resection. Finally, we identify future research avenues, including the role of arti­
ficial intelligence in estimating the depth of invasion and the urgent need to refine predictive scores for lymph
node metastasis and metachronous lesions.

1. Introduction been the standard treatment for GC, the landscape of EGC therapy has
undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Innovations in
Gastric cancer (GC) poses a significant global healthcare challenge, endoscopic resection techniques, such as endoscopic mucosal resection
ranking as the fifth most prevalent cancer and the fourth leading cause (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) have expanded the
of cancer-related deaths worldwide [1]. While there has been a decrease treatment options for EGC, offering patients less invasive approaches. In
in both incidence and mortality rates in recent years [2], the overall particular, ESD demonstrates comparable long-term outcomes with
5-year survival rate for GC patients remains at 31%, and over 50% of lower adverse events and costs compared to surgery and is currently
patients in unscreened populations are still diagnosed at advanced considered the first-line treatment option for selected cases of EGC
stages [3]. Moreover, a recent study projected a rise in new GC diagnoses bearing minimal risk of LNM [7,8].
and a 7% increase in age-standardized incidence rates is expected be­ Nevertheless, the rate of non-curative (NC) endoscopic resections
tween 2015 and 2050 in the United States of America [4]. This growing requiring subsequent surgical therapy may reach 20%, emphasizing the
disease burden emphasizes the prompt need to shift towards primary need to enhance clinical staging and refine patient selection [9–11]. In
prevention and early detection. fact, a thorough evaluation of the criteria for determining the eligibility
Early gastric cancer (EGC) is defined as a malignant tumor that is of EGC for endoscopic resection plays a pivotal role in optimizing the
circumscribed to the mucosa or submucosa, regardless of lymph node outcomes of patients.
metastasis (LNM) [5]. The presence of LNM is associated with decreased This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the tech­
long-term survival, being considered one of the most relevant prognostic nical aspects that guide the decision-making process when considering
factors [6]. While gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy has traditionally curative endoscopic therapy for EGC.

* Corresponding author. Servicio de Gastroenterología y Hepatología, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Carretera de Colmenar Viejo, km 9.1; 28034, Madrid,
E-mail address: (E. Rodríguez de Santiago).
Joint senior authors.
Received 30 December 2023; Accepted 23 January 2024
Available online 3 February 2024
1521-6918/© 2024 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: João A. Cunha Neves et al., Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology,
J.A. Cunha Neves et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology xxx (xxxx) xxx

2. Indication for endoscopic treatment irregularities or slight changes in colour tone (reddish/whitish or faded
pale areas) or variations in concavity or convexity should raise suspicion
2.1. Optical diagnosis [16]. Upon detection of a suspected lesion, further characterization of
the mucosal pattern is required.
2.1.1. The gastric carcinogenesis model: from histology to endoscopy
The histological sequence of gastric carcinogenesis (inflammation → 2.1.3. Characterization of a visible lesion
glandular atrophy [GA] →intestinal metaplasia [IM] → dysplasia → Certain characteristics of the identified lesion may be described
adenocarcinoma) must be kept in mind during a gastroscopy as many of through WLE, including its macroscopic morphology and topography
these changes can be identified endoscopically [12,13]. Advancements (location and its relation to the atrophic border). Some of these features
in endoscopic imaging, such as Image-Enhanced Endoscopy (IEE) and are associated with specific types of adenocarcinomas. Differentiated
Magnifying Endoscopy allow endoscopists to characterize the gastric (intestinal) adenocarcinoma is usually situated inside the atrophic
mucosa more effectively, ranging from normality to a high-risk stomach border, surrounded by GA and IM. In contrast, undifferentiated (diffuse)
where the likelihood of visible lesions with dysplasia/adenocarcinoma is adenocarcinoma is often located outside the atrophic border and sur­
significantly elevated (Fig. 1). From an endoscopic perspective, akin to rounded by non-metaplastic changes. WLE complemented by IEE (dye-
histology, a high-risk stomach is identified by the presence of endo­ based and virtual chromoendoscopy), allow a finer characterization of
scopic signs of GA or IM. the lesion, as illustrated in Fig. 2 [13,16]. Despite these features that aid
GA can be identified using White-Light Endoscopy (WLE), being in identifying the histological type, both magnifying endoscopy and
characterized by a pale colour, increased visibility of submucosal ves­ biopsies are essential in this task.
sels, and the recognition of the proximal transition of the pyloric and However, by relying on conventional WLE, we can estimate the
fundic border, referred to as the atrophic border in the Kimura- depth of invasion. The features associated with deep submucosal inva­
Takemoto classification. sion are a size of ≥30 mm, an irregular surface, marked redness, mar­
IM can present different endoscopic characteristics depending on the ginal elevation, hypertrophy, or fusion of concentrated folds,
method of observation. Using WLE, IM appears as slightly flat elevated submucosal tumour-like raised margins, and the non-extension sign
with whitish patches [12,14–16]. Another observed sign with WLE is the [13].
“map-like” redness, also known as mottled reddish depression, espe­ The presence of optical ulceration, which carries different clinical
cially present in the post Helicobacter pylori (Hp) eradicated status [16, implications than histologically confirmed ulceration, is a key feature to
17]. assess resectability. The assessment of ulceration can be performed using
In the simplified Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) classification, IM is WLE and IEE. An active ulcer is characterized by a mucosal defect
described as a regular tubulo-villous pattern [18]. Other endoscopic accompanied by a deep white coat, and it should be distinguished from a
signs, such as the whitish-bluish crest and the white opaque substance, shallow erosion. Conversely, an ulcer in the process of healing and
have also been documented using NBI and similar technologies, scarring exhibits converging folds, necessitating differentiation from
although the white opaque substance is not specific for IM since it can concentrated folds associated with deep submucosal invasion [27].
also be present in adenomatous lesions [15,19]. When using magnifying The characterization and qualitative assessment of the lesion can be
endoscopy, two important signs are the presence of Light Blue Crest and refined using IEE and magnifying endoscopy. These allow the endo­
the Marginal Turbid Band [20,21]. scopist to precisely identify the horizontal margins (demarcation line)
and explore the distribution of the microvascular (MV) and microsurface
2.1.2. Detection of a visible lesion (MS) patterns through the Vessel plus Surface (VS) classification [28]. A
Once a high-risk stomach is identified during endoscopy, it is crucial regular distribution of MV and MS patterns excludes the presence of
for endoscopists to be aware of the increased risk of cancer. Detecting a cancer, whereas an irregular pattern or the absence of them raises sus­
visible lesion involves recognizing an endoscopic abnormality that picion of neoplasia. This method has shown its effectiveness for differ­
needs characterization to determine its actual neoplastic condition. entiated neoplasms and has been included in the MESDA-G approach in
Therefore, in the cancer diagnosis process, two key steps stand out: accordance with Japanese guidelines [13,29]. Magnifying NBI endos­
detection and characterization. copy also unveils distinctive features that differentiate between differ­
WLE remains the primary and traditional method for detection of entiated and undifferentiated adenocarcinoma. These features serve as
gastric lesions, although there is increasing evidence that IEE is an crucial clues for directing targeted biopsies, thus increasing the diag­
important asset in lesion detection [22,23]. nostic yield. Notably, differentiated adenocarcinoma typically presents
Gastric cancer can be overlooked in around 10% of cases during a with an irregular "fine-network" pattern, encircled by metaplastic
gastroscopy due to the subtle appearance of EGC [24–26]. Thus, any glands. Conversely, undifferentiated adenocarcinoma commonly

Fig. 1. Gastric cancer carcinogenesis: from histology to endoscopy.

J.A. Cunha Neves et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Detected lesions and its characterization by using HD-WLE with IEE. A(1–3): Morphology: 0-IIb lesion. Size: 20 mm. Topography: Located in the antrum-
corpus transition (anterior wall), inside the atrophic border. Submucosal invasion: No signs. MV/MS pattern: Regular tubular. Histology: Intestinal metaplasia. B
(1–3): Morphology: 0-IIa lesion. Size: 12 mm. Topography: Located in the incisura, inside the atrophic border. Submucosal invasion: No signs. MV/MS pattern:
Irregular. Histology: Low-grade dysplasia. C (1–3): Morphology: 0-Is lesion. Size: 25 mm. Topography: Located in the incisura, inside the atrophic border. Sub­
mucosal invasion: No signs. MV/MS pattern: Irregular. Histology: high-grade dysplasia. D (1–2): Morphology: 0-IIb-IIc lesion. Size: 30 mm. Topography: Located in
the lesser curvature of the corpus, inside the atrophic border. Submucosal invasion: No signs. MV/MS pattern: Irregular and absent in some areas. Histology:
Intraepithelial well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Pictures were captured using HD-WLE (A-1, B-1, C-1 and D-1), IEE with virtual chromoendoscopy mode SFI (A-2,
B-2, C-2 and D-2) and VIST (A-3, B-3 and C-3) by SonoScape (Medical Corp, Shenzhen, China). In addition, IEE with Indigo carmine was used in Picture D. HD: High-
definition; IEE: Image-Enhanced Endoscopy; MS: microsurface; MV: microvascular; SFI: Spectral Focused Imaging; VIST: Versatile Intelligent Staining Technology;
WLE: White-Light Endoscopy. Yellow arrowheads indicate borders of the lesion. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)

exhibits an irregular "corkscrew" pattern, devoid of a microsurface for submucosal invasion [7,27,30]. The utilization of high-frequency
pattern and surrounded by non-metaplastic glands. Nevertheless, miniprobes, which are used in some Eastern countries, does not seem
magnifying endoscopy in the stomach has not shown an improved ac­ to improve the diagnostic yield [32].
curacy in the estimation of invasion depth compared to WLE, and lacks a The use of abdominal CT or PET-CT scans is not recommended for
validated classification system. determining the endoscopic curability of EGC [7]. The incidence of
visible distant metastases in imaging tests for EGC is extremely low, and
the identification of perigastric adenopathy through imaging may not
2.2. The role of complementary tests
necessarily indicate pathological involvement, potentially leading to
misguided decisions regarding endoscopic resection. In a retrospective
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) proves valuable in the locoregional
study involving 210 early lesions, the detection of EGC that was not
staging of gastric neoplasms. However, EUS has the potential to both
curable by ESD showed 79% sensitivity (95% CI 67%–87%) and 91%
underestimate and overestimate the extent of gastric wall invasion and
specificity (95% CI 85%–95%). The authors suggested that PET/CT scan
leading to false positives and negatives in nodal staging [7,27,30]. Its
might be useful in this context, but the lack of prospective and
precision in discerning the degree of submucosal invasion in superficial
cost-effectiveness data hinders the endorsement of this approach [33].
neoplasms is only moderate, as indicated by a Cochrane methodology
We should also acknowledge that lesions being considered for endo­
meta-analysis (T1a vs. T1b, sensitivity: 87% [95% confidence interval
scopic resection generally pose a low risk of LNM (<10%–20%). In this
(CI): 81%–92%], specificity: 75% [95% CI: 62%–84%]) [31]. Conse­
context, suboptimal specificity for LNM/deep invasion implies a low
quently, scientific societies guidelines do not advocate for its routine
positive predictive value. Consequently, the use of EUS/CT/PET can
use, although it may be considered in borderline lesions with risk factors

J.A. Cunha Neves et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology xxx (xxxx) xxx

potentially result in overstaging and overtreatment. submucosally invasive cancer (Table 1) [38].

2.3. Pre-treatment biopsy 4. Treatment

For early-stage lesions under consideration for endoscopic treatment, 4.1. EMR vs. ESD
the recommended biopsy protocol involves just 1–2 biopsies to confirm
their neoplastic nature and determine the histological type [30,34]. Endoscopic therapy, either by EMR or ESD, provide patients with a
Additionally, a histological diagnosis based on a biopsy reflects only a less invasive alternative to surgery, while maintaining high rates of
limited area of the entire lesion, resulting in histological discrepancies curability, with 5-year overall survival (OS) and disease-specific survival
between the biopsied sample and the resected lesion in around one-third (DSS) rates of 89%–95% and above 99%, respectively [39–41].
of cases [35]. Some initial non-neoplastic biopsies have led to the dis­ EMR is a suitable technique for lesions confined to the mucosa.
covery of cancer in the resected lesion, while 24% of cases initially However, due to the snare’s size and lesion morphology (e.g. Paris 0-IIc
diagnosed as low-grade dysplasia on biopsy were subsequently identi­ non-lifting lesions), en bloc resection of larger lesions is limited.
fied as high-grade dysplasia, and 53% of high-grade dysplasia cases were Incomplete or piecemeal resection is associated with local recurrence
upstaged to adenocarcinomas. Moreover, 8% of initially differentiated and hinders adequate histopathological evaluation and staging, thus
adenocarcinomas ultimately proved to be undifferentiated adenocarci­ hampering subsequent management [42,43]. European guidelines sug­
nomas [36]. Nevertheless, histological assessment is essential to confirm gest that EMR is a viable option for 0-IIa lesions ≤10 mm with a low
the neoplastic nature and assess differentiation of a gastric lesion, and likelihood of malignancy [7]. In contrast, American and Japanese
thus 1–2 targeted biopsies are recommended prior to endoscopic guidelines specify that EMR may be employed for the resection of
resection. non-ulcerated differentiated lesions ≤20 mm [27,37,38].
Currently, ESD is recommended as the first option for the endoscopic
3. Guidelines recommendations for endoscopic resection treatment of EGC [7,27]. ESD is associated with higher rates of curative
resection and lower recurrence (<5%), being significantly superior to
Endoscopic resection is recommended as the standard treatment for EMR in achieving en bloc and complete resection (over 95% and 90%,
EGC when the presumed risk of LNM is <1% [7,27,37]. respectively) for lesions of any size [7,10,27,37,44].
The Japanese guidelines define as absolute indications for endo­ Four meta-analyses have compared the safety and efficacy outcomes
scopic resection: 1) dysplastic lesions regardless of size; 2) non-ulcerated of EMR and ESD (Table 2). Both techniques have low rates of adverse
differentiated intramucosal (cT1a) lesions of any size or ≤30 mm if ul­ events, with similar risk of post-procedural bleeding (≈5%). However,
cerated and 3) undifferentiated cT1a lesions with ≤20 mm without ul­ ESD is associated with higher, albeit still low, perforation rates, longer
cerative findings [7,27,37]. Similarly, the European guidelines consider procedural time and longer learning curve [10,39,44–48].
the first two criteria as absolute indications for endoscopic resection Although ESD is considered safer than surgery, adverse events may
(Table 1) [7]. also occur. The most frequent adverse event after ESD is post-procedural
Both guidelines also define expanded indications for endoscopic bleeding (4.4%–5.1%) [10,49]. To reduce the rate of delayed bleeding,
resection, i.e. lesions presumed to have a 1%–3% risk of LNM [7,27,37]. proton-pump inhibitor administration after ESD and coagulation of
European recommendations include in this group undifferentiated cT1a visible vessels in post-ESD scars are recommended [27,50–52].
lesions with ≤20 mm and without ulcerative findings, whereas Japanese The endoscopic approach to resectable gastric lesions presents a low
guidelines include in this category eCura-C1 recurring cT1a lesions rate of adverse events and allows for the preservation of the stomach’s
(Table 1) [7,27,37]. structure and functions. However, the spared mucosa poses a risk for
In parallel with the Japanese recommendations, the American metachronous lesions.
guidelines have recently defined stricter absolute indications for endo­
scopic resection, including in this group only non-ulcerated differenti­ 4.2. ESD vs. surgery
ated cT1a lesions with ≤20 mm. Furthermore, the authors define the
following as expanded indications: 1) non-ulcerated differentiated le­ Partial or total gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy is considered
sions >20 mm, presence of submucosal invasion <500 μm, or ulcerated the gold-standard surgical curative treatment for GC [37]. In contrast to
lesions with ≤30 mm; 2) Poorly and undifferentiated lesions ≤20 mm ESD, gastrectomy ensures superior en bloc, complete and curative
without ulceration; and 3) en-bloc resected lesions at risk for resection rates, therefore minimizing the risk of local recurrence or

Table 1
Clinical staging: absolute and expanded indications for endoscopic resection according to European, Japanese, and American guidelines.

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Table 2
EMR vs. ESD – safety and efficacy outcomes.
Author, year Procedure duration (minutes) Perforation rate Local recurrence En bloc resection Complete resection

Lian J, 2012 [46] WMD: 59.4 [16.8–102.0] *0.9% vs. 4.3%

*6.4% vs. 0.8%
*51.7% vs. 92.4%
*42.2% vs.+82.1%
OR 4.67 [2.77–7.87] OR 0.10 [0.06–0.18] OR 9.69 [7.74–12.13] OR 5.66 [2.92–10.96]
Facciorusso A, 2014 [47] SMD: 1.73 [0.52–2.95] *0.9% vs.+4.3% *6.0% vs.+0.6% *51.7% vs.+92.4% *42.2% vs.+82.1%
OR 4.67 [2.77–7.87] OR 0.09 [0.05–0.17] OR 9.69 [7.74–12.13] OR 5.66 [2.92–10.96]
Zhao Y, 2018 [48] MD: 49.86 [-71.62 to − 28.10] *1.2% vs.+3.2% *5.2% vs.+0.2% *55.7% vs.+93.4% *57.4% vs.+91.7%
OR 0.37 [0.24–0.57] OR 14.94 [7.26–30.74] OR 0.10 [0.09–0.13] OR 0.14 [0.12–0.17]
Tao M, 2019 [45] SMD: 1.12 [0.13–2.10] OR 2.55 [1.48–4.39] OR 0.18 [0.09–0.34] OR 9.00 [6.66–12.17] OR 8.43 [5.04–14.09]

*EMR: endoscopic mucosal resection; +ESD: endoscopic submucosal dissection; [] - 95% confidence intervals.
MD: mean difference; OR: odds ratio; SMD: standard mean difference; WMD: weighted mean difference.

metachronous lesions (ESD: 5.2%–6.0% vs. surgery: 0.4%–0.5%) [38, 5. Curative criteria based on the histopathological assessment
53]. On the other hand, gastrectomy is associated with higher proce­
dural time, length of stay, impairment of patients’ reported quality of To define the management after endoscopic resection, histopatho­
life, and risk of adverse events and mortality [8,38,42,53–56]. logical assessment of the specimen is required to classify the resection as
In terms of long-term outcomes, despite ESD having a higher recur­ curative or non-curative. The criteria for determining curability of EGC
rence risk and lower 5-year disease-free survival (DFS), studies have have been established based on the assessment risk of LNM. The inci­
shown comparable 5-year OS and DSS for both ESD and surgery (95% dence of LNM in EGC is documented to range from 0% to 20%,
and 99%, respectively) (Table 3) [8,53,55–57]. Overall, if a lesion is depending on several histological factors, and this risk is minimal when
endoscopically resectable and has a predictable high curability poten­ certain conditions are met [7,55,58,62]. Several studies have identified
tial, ESD is considered a superior option. lymphovascular invasion as the strongest risk factor associated with
However, the choice between endoscopic or surgical management LNM (OR: 6.7, 95% CI 5.0–8.9) [58,63–65]. Also, the depth of tumor
for GC is also largely influenced by tumor differentiation. Undifferen­ invasion across layers has been shown to linearly increase the LNM rate
tiated GCs carry a significantly higher risk of LNM, potentially hindering [66–68]. Overall, lymphovascular invasion, deep submucosal invasion
curative resections and contributing to higher recurrence rates [38,58, (>500 μm), size >30 mm, ulceration and undifferentiated histology
59]. Current recommendations for the management of undifferentiated have been consistently identified as independent risk factors for LNM
GC are divergent. On one hand, European and Japanese guidelines and are the core of current curative criteria [7,55,58,62,69–72].
recommend that non-ulcerated undifferentiated lesions with ≤20 mm
may be managed by ESD, while the American Society for Gastrointes­ 5.1. Guidelines recommendations
tinal Endoscopy recommends that undifferentiated lesions should un­
dergo surgical resection, independently of size [7,27,38]. Two European guidelines define curative resections in two groups
meta-analyses revealed that, in patients with non-ulcerated undiffer­ (Fig. 3A) [7]. Very-low risk resections (LNM <1%) include en bloc
entiated lesions with ≤20 mm, ESD achieved similar results to surgical resected differentiated mucosal lesions (pT1a) without lymphovascular
cohorts, in terms of 5-year DFS, OS and DSS (Table 3) [60,61]. Most invasion and with negative margins, of any size if non-ulcerated or ≤30
importantly in these cases, regardless of the chosen technique, the mm if ulcerated. No further radiological staging or treatment are
decision-making process should involve the patient and their physician, required in these lesions. Low risk resections (LNM <3%) encompass
considering both short- and long-term outcomes. non-ulcerated en bloc resected undifferentiated pT1a lesions ≤20 mm or
differentiated non-ulcerated lesions with ≤30 mm, shallow submucosal
invasion ≤500 μm (pT1b1), without lymphovascular invasion and with
negative margins. Although these lesions do not generally require sub­
sequent treatment, complete staging is recommended, and case-by-case
Table 3 multidisciplinary discussion should take place to decide whether further
ESD vs. Surgery – long-term survival comparison. surgical treatment is needed, since the LNM risk is low but not null.
Author, year OS DSS DFS Lesions that do not fulfill curative criteria may also be included in
Abdelfatah MM, *96% vs.+96% *99.4% *95.9% two groups (Fig. 3B). Local risk resections include lesions with very-low
2019 [55] vs.+99.2% vs.+98.5% risk criteria that are piecemeal resected or contain positive horizontal
OR: 0.96 OR: 0.7 OR: 1.86 margins, and also differentiated pT1b1 lesions ≤30 mm resected in
(0.74–1.25) (0.16–2.19) (0.57–6.0) piecemeal or with positive horizontal margin, provided that the vertical
Gu L, 2019 [8] *96.3% *99.7% *90.2%
vs.+96.3% vs.+99.1% vs.+97.2%
margins are negative and there is no submucosally invasive tumor at the
RR: 0.90 RR: 0.40 RR: 3.40 horizontal resection margin. Although the risk of LNM is very low, these
(0.68–1.19) (0.15–1.03) (2.39–4.84) lesions have an increased risk of local recurrence, though its manage­
Li H, 2020 [56] HR: 0.51 – – ment should be decided according to the patient’s preference. Guide­
lines advocate that, whenever possible, a close follow-up with
Liu Q, 2020 [53] HR: 0.92 HR: 0.73 HR: 4.58
(0.71–1.19) (0.36–1.49) (2.79–7.52) endoscopic reintervention should be favored over surgery, either by
Huh CW, 2021 [60] OR: 2.29 – – performing scar biopsies or ESD/scar ablation. Lastly, high risk re­
(0.98–5.36) sections are considered noncurative in case of any of the following: 1)
Xu X, 2022 [57] HR: 1.22 – HR: 3.29 lymphovascular invasion; 2) positive vertical margins (with carcinoma);
(0.66–2.25) (1.60–6.76)
Yang HJ, 2022 [61] *95.8% *95.8% *90.5%
3) deep submucosal invasion; 4) poorly differentiated histology with
vs.+96.9% vs.+96.9% vs.+96.7% >20 mm or ulceration or any degree of submucosal invasion, and 5)
RR: 1.18 RR: 2.49 RR: 2.49 >30 mm differentiated pT1b1 lesions or pT1a ulcerated lesions >30
(0.60–2.32) (0.47–37.93) (1.42–4.35) mm. These lesions have indication for additional complete staging and
* ESD: endoscopic submucosal dissection; +Surgery. further surgical resection is the standard treatment, although in case of
DFS: disease-free survival; DSS: disease-specific survival; HR: hazard ratio; OR: patients’ refusal or performance status precluding surgical intervention,
odds ratio; OS: overall survival; RR: risk ratio. surveillance may be an option, especially in eCura low or intermediate

J.A. Cunha Neves et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Post-resection management according to the European ESD guidelines. HM0: negative horizontal margin; HMx: piecemeal resection; HM1: positive horizontal
margin; LV0: no lymphovascular invasion; pT1a: intramucosal adenocarcinoma; pT1b (SM1): adenocarcinoma with superficial submucosal invasion (≤500 μm); UL0:
non-ulcerated; UL1: ulcerated; VM0: negative vertical margin.

risk categories (see below). a) eCuraA – the effect of endoscopic resection is equal or superior to
Japanese guidelines define the curability of resected lesions ac­ surgery. These include all the very-low risk lesions comprised in the
cording to the eCura grading system, depending on the long-term effect European guidelines and also non-ulcerated en bloc primarily
of endoscopic resection compared to surgery (Fig. 4) [27,37,73]:

Fig. 4. Endoscopic curability criteria – Japanese guidelines. HM0: negative horizontal margin; HMx: piecemeal resection; HM1: positive horizontal margin; LV0: no
lymphovascular invasion; LV+: lymphovascular invasion; M: mucosal invasion; SM1: adenocarcinoma with superficial submucosal invasion (≤500 μm); UL0: non-
ulcerated; UL1: ulcerated; VM0: negative vertical margin; VM1: positive vertical margin.

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undifferentiated pT1a lesions ≤20 mm, without lymphovascular in­ harbored residual parietal lesions nor LNM [90].
vasion, negative vertical and horizontal margins.
b) eCuraB – the effect of endoscopic resection is anticipated to be su­ 5.3.1. eCura
perior to surgery, but long-term data is scarce. These include en bloc In order to identify non-curative resections that may require further
resected differentiated pT1b1 lesions without lymphovascular inva­ surgical therapy, Hatta et al. designed the eCura score system, stratifying
sion, <30 mm, negative vertical and horizontal margins. Eastern patients with non-curative resections based on the risk of LNM
c) eCuraC – non-curative resections. This category can be divided into 2 [73]. This score system attributes points to five distinct risk factors for
subgroups: LNM: three points – lymphatic invasion; one point each – tumors >30
- eCuraC1: all differentiated eCuraA or eCuraB lesions that were mm, positive vertical margins, venous invasion, and submucosal inva­
piecemeal resected or had positive horizontal margins. sion >500 μm. According to the overall score, patients are divided into
- eCuraC2: all other non-curative resections, including primarily three different categories, depending on the LNM risk: low risk (2.5%) –
differentiated lesions with a >20 mm undifferentiated segment and zero to one point; intermediate risk (6.7%) – two to four points; high risk
lesions with an undifferentiated component in the submucosa. (22.7%) – five to seven points. The score was then validated, demon­
strating that stratifying patients in these three different categories is
5.2. Management after curative endoscopic resection associated with a significant reduction of DSS at 5 years (99.6%, 96%
and 90.1%, respectively; p < 0.001). Moreover, this validation high­
Since endoscopic resection techniques allow organ preservation, lights that ESD without additional treatment might suffice in low-risk
local recurrence and metachronous lesions may arise, making surveil­ patients, since they have a DSS comparable to patients who fulfill
lance paramount in these patients. Recently, the cumulative incidence of curative endoscopic resection criteria [73].
metachronous lesions after endoscopic resection was determined at
9.5% at 5 years and predicted to reach up to 14.9% at 10 years, as 5.3.2. W-eCura
opposed to 0.7% and 2.3% for surgery, respectively [74]. The eCura score system, originally developed for the Eastern setting,
Currently, European guidelines recommend the first follow-up has been recently assessed and validated to the Western population [91].
endoscopy 3–6 months after a curative resection or a local-risk resec­ Morais et al. demonstrated that the LNM risk was significantly different
tion without local recurrence, followed by an annual endoscopic sur­ among the eCura groups [low-risk - 0% (95% CI 0%–6.1%),
veillance [7]. On the other hand, Japanese guidelines recommend intermediate-risk - 9.2% (95% CI 3.5–19.0%), and high-risk - 53.1%
annual endoscopic surveillance following eCuraA resections and annual (95% CI 34.7%–70.9%), p < 0001], with an AUROC of 0.90 (95% CI
or biannual endoscopy combined with abdominal ultrasonography or 0.85–0.95). The authors also identified that piecemeal resection (OR =
CT following eCuraB resections. Although an endoscopy interval shorter 5.29, 95% CI 1.33–21.03), lymphatic invasion (OR = 5.070, 95% CI
than 12 months does not appear to raise the rate of metachronous lesions 1.78–14.43) and depth of submucosal invasion (OR = 1.97, 95% CI
suitable for endoscopic resection, a surveillance interval exceeding 12 1.16–3.35) are significantly associated with a higher risk of residual
months is significantly associated with the recurrence of adenocarci­ lesion (both parietal residual lesion and LNM). Moreover, the authors
noma, larger lesions, and a higher likelihood of patients undergoing proposed a modified version of the eCura score (W-eCura), establishing
surgical treatment [74,75]. the cut-off of submucosal invasion to ≥1 mm. This change in submucosal
Persistent Hp infection, older age, male sex, a family history of GC, depth invasion granted a 2% specificity increase for the detection of
the presence of synchronous lesions, corpus IM, severe GA, and a lower LNM, without sensitivity loss, and an AUROC for LNM of 0.92 (95% CI
pepsinogen I/II ratio have been associated with a significant risk of 0.87–0.96), significantly higher compared with the original eCura (p =
metachronous lesions and may help to customize surveillance [74]. In 0.012), although these findings should be validated in further studies
particular, Hp eradication seems to be associated with reduced rates of before implementation in clinical practice.
metachronous GC [76–81]. Current guidelines advocate determining the
presence and treating Hp positive patients who underwent an endo­ 6. Conclusion
scopic resection of EGC [27,37,82].
More recently, Rei et al. developed the FAMISH score, based on six ESD has become a cornerstone in the management of EGC, necessi­
clinical predictors [83]. In a cohort of patients monitored for 3 years tating meticulous and standardized lesion assessment for determining
post-ESD for EGC, this monitoring tool allowed the identification of resectability (Fig. 5). The first step is clinical staging based on WLE, IEE
patients with a low-to-intermediate risk for metachronous lesions [83]. and magnification. These modalities serve to delineate the horizontal
This score has been further validated to the Eastern population and may margins of the lesions and estimate the depth of invasion. Optical signs
become a valuable asset to extend the surveillance intervals in selected influencing endoscopic resection decisions include lesion size,
patients [84]. morphology, ulcer presence, and anatomical location. Other staging
While the risk of metachronous lesions rises in older patients, it also modalities, such as EUS, CT scan, or PET, should not be routinely
appears to increase up to 10 years after endoscopic resection, regardless employed but rather reserved for cases where deep submucosal invasion
of age. Still, the precise duration of follow-up after endoscopic resection is suspected, due to their limited incremental value. Additionally,
of EGC remains undefined since a stable cumulative incidence of guidelines still advocate one or two targeted biopsies to verify the
metachronous lesions seems to occur 10 years after resection [85]. diagnosis and assess the tumor type and differentiation grade.
Following resection, histopathological assessment and subsequent
5.3. Approach to non-curative resections treatment decisions should adhere to guideline recommendations. These
decisions consider factors such as tumor size and type, ulceration pres­
Whenever a non-curative resection is achieved, accurate evaluation ence, lymphovascular invasion, and invasion depth, noting that Western
of the risk for local recurrence and LNM is crucial for effective decision- and Eastern guidelines may vary. Post-curative resection management
making and reduce the rate of futile surgeries. This assessment should requires long-term monitoring, including annual endoscopies to detect
consider adverse prognostic factors and be weighed against surgical metachronous lesions, considering patient demographics, family his­
risks, the patient’s physical condition, and their preferences. In certain tory, and ongoing Hp infection. For non-curative resections, a person­
cases, the risk of recurrence might be outweighed by the surgical risks alized approach within a multidisciplinary team is essential. Here, the
and surveillance might be a viable option, with comparable DSS rates to eCura score may help evaluate the risk of LNM and the necessity for
those achieved through surgery [86–89]. On the other hand, 75% of surgery.
subsequent gastrectomy specimens from non-curative resections neither Looking forward, a critical unresolved issue is minimizing

J.A. Cunha Neves et al. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology xxx (xxxx) xxx

b) morphology and ulceration (sessile, depressed, and ulcerated le­

sions are associated with higher risk of submucosal invasion)
c) location (lesions located in the upper third of the stomach are
associated with higher risk of submucosal invasion and non-
curative resection)
d) optical signs of deep submucosal invasion (convergence/club­
bing/abrupt cutting of gastric folds; non-extension sign;
submucosal-tumor like appearance; deep ulcer with markedly
elevated margins; friability or marked nodularity)
e) tumor differentiation - although upstaging after resection is
frequent (20–40%), 1–2 biopsy fragments should be taken to
assess differentiation.
• Other staging methods (EUS, CT and PET scans) are not routinely
recommended and should be reserved for cases with suspicion of
deep submucosal invasion.
• The interpretation of the histopathological report of the resected
specimen should be made according to guidelines. In cases of high-
risk resection/eCURAC2 resection, gastrectomy is generally recom­
mended although the decision should include patients’ preferences
and performance status. The eCura score should be used to stratify
the risk of LNM in these cases, being lymphatic invasion the most
important predictor for LNM.
• After a curative resection, patients should be included in long-term
endoscopic follow-up (annual endoscopy). Patient characteristics
such as male sex, corpus IM, family history of GC, synchronous le­
sions or persistent Hp can influence the risk of metachronous lesions.

8. Research agenda

• Artificial intelligence will probably have a role in the estimation of

invasion depth, helping endoscopists in treatment decisions.
• Refinement of scores for prediction of LNM and of metachronous
lesions is important for individualized treatment decisions.

Role of the funding source

The authors have no funding sources to declare.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

João A. Cunha Neves: Writing – original draft, Writing – review &

editing. Pedro G. Delgado-Guillena: Writing – original draft, Writing –
review & editing. Patrícia Queirós: Writing – original draft, Writing –
review & editing. Diogo Libânio: Conceptualization, Writing – original
Fig. 5. Systematic approach to determine the curability of early gastric lesions. draft, Writing – review & editing, Supervision. Enrique Rodríguez de
CT: computed tomography; EMR: endoscopic mucosal resection; ESD: endo­ Santiago: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing – original draft,
scopic submucosal dissection; EUS: endoscopic ultrasonography; LNM: lymph Writing – review & editing.
node metastasis, PET: positron emission tomography.

unnecessary surgery. Artificial Intelligence is expected to aid in the Declaration of competing interest
assessment of invasion depth and the development of predictive scores
for LNM and metachronous lesions. This advancement is poised to aid Enrique Rodríguez de Santiago declares: Olympus (educational ac­
endoscopists in making more informed decisions, enabling personalized tivities and advisory), Apollo Endosurgery (educational activities),
patient care. Norgine (congresses fee and education activities), Adacyte Ther­
apeuthics (advisory activities) and Casen Recordati (congresses fee).
7. Practice points Pedro G. Delgado-Guillena declares: Sonoscape (educational activities
and advisory), ST Endoscopy (educational activities and congresses fee)
• Lesion evaluation to define treatment strategy should include and Casen Recordati (congresses fee). The remaining authors declare
assessment with HD-WLE and virtual chromoendoscopy (very useful that there is no conflict of interest.
for horizontal margin delineation).
• The following factors influence the indication for endoscopic resec­ References
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