Bài tập anh 7 Global Trường Thành Unit 12 (HS)

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New words (Từ mới)

Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
country (n) /ˈkʌntri/ nước, quốc gia
Australia (n) /ɒˈstreɪliə/ nước ức
Australian (n) /ɒˈstreɪliən/ người Úc
Canada (n) /ˈkænədə/ nước Canada
Canadian (n) /kəˈneɪdiən/ người Canada
New Zealand (n) /ˌnjuː ˈziːlənd/ nước New Zealand
The UK (n) /ðə ˌjuː keɪ/ nước Anh
The USA (n) /ðə ˌjuː es eɪ/ nước Mỹ
capital (n) /ˈkæpɪtl/ thủ đô
island (n) /ˈaɪlənd/ đảo
island country /ˈaɪlənd ˈkʌntri/ đảo quốc
castle (n) /ˈkɑːsl/ lâu đài
coastline (n) /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ đường bờ biển
local (adj) /ˈləʊkl/ thuộc địa phương
local people /ˈləʊkl ˈpiːpl/ người dân địa phương
native (adj) /ˈneɪtɪv/ nguyên thuỷ, nguyên gốc
royal (adj) /ˈrɔɪəl/ thuộc hoàng gia
ancient (adj) /ˈeɪnʃənt/ cổ, lâu đời
historic (adj) /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ thuộc về lịch sử
unique (adj) /juˈniːk/ duy nhất, độc nhất
sunset (n) /ˈsʌnset/ cảnh mặt trời lặn, hoàng hôn
kilt (n) /kɪlt/ váy truyền thống của đàn ông Scotland
symbol (n) /ˈsɪmbl/ biểu tượng
tattoo (n) /təˈtuː/ hình xăm
tower (n) /ˈtaʊə(r)/ tháp
penguin (n) /ˈpeŋɡwɪn/ chim cánh cụt
kangaroo (n) /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ con chuột túi
map (n) /mæp/ bản đồ
state (n) /steɪt/ bang
culture (n) /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ nền văn hoá
education (n) /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ nền giáo dục

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history (n) /ˈhɪstri/ lịch sử

language (n) /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ ngôn ngữ
nature (n) ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ thiên nhiên
industry (n) /ˈɪndəstri/ công nghiệp
attract (v) /əˈtrækt/ thu hút, hấp dẫn
attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ sự thu hút, điểm hấp dẫn
beach (n) /biːtʃ/ bãi biển
forest (n) /ˈfɒrɪst/ rừng
waterfall (n) /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ thác nước
Pacific Ocean /pəˌsɪfɪk ˈəʊʃn/ Thái Bình Dương
River Thames /ˈrɪvə(r) ˈtemz/ Sông Thames
Statue of Liberty /stætʃuː əv ˈlɪbəti/ Tượng Nữ Thần Tự Do
Buckingham Palace /ˌbʌkɪŋəm ˈpæləs/ Cung điện Buckingham
Big Ben Tower /bɪɡ ben ˈtaʊə(r)/ Tháp Big Ben
Ghi chú
Để diễn tả sự kinh ngạc, chúng ta thường dùng các từ sau:
amazing = kinh ngạc, sửng sốt
wow = ồ, ái chà
Example: In 2019, Walt Disney World in California attracted nearly 21 million visitors.
(Năm 2019, Walt Disney World Ở California đã thu hút gần 21 triệu người xem.)
Amazing! (Thật đáng kinh ngạc!)

Word formation (Từ loại)

Word Meaning Related words
amaze (v) amazed (adj)
amazement (n) sự ngạc nhiên
amazing (adj)
Australia (n) nước Úc Australian (n)
Canada (n) nước Canada Canadian (n)
culture (n) nền văn hóa cultural (adj) culturally (adv)
history (n) historical (adj)
historic (adj) thuộc về lịch sử
historian (n) historically (adv)
native (adj) bản địa native (n) natively (adv)
New Zealand (n) nước New Zealand New Zealander (n)

shining (adj) chói chang shine (v) shine (n)

sunset (n) mặt trời lặn sunset (adj) sunset (v)

tattoo (n) hình xăm tattoo (v)

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I. Article (Mạo từ)

a. Cách sử dụng mạo từ bất định “a/an”
- Chúng ta dùng a/an (một cái, một con, một vật...) trước danh từ đếm được ở số ít.
Dùng mạo từ “a” Dùng mạo từ “an”
- “a” đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng phụ - “an” đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng nguyên
âm. âm.
a pen a book Trong tiếng Anh có 5 nguyên âm U, E, O, A, I.
a table a cup an apple an orange
Ngoại lệ: “a” đứng trước một số danh từ bắt đầu an egg an elephant
bằng nguyên âm nhưng được phiên âm như một an umbrella
phụ âm. Ngoại lệ: “an” đứng trước một số danh từ bắt đầu
a uniform a university bằng phụ âm câm, hoặc nguyên âm mà được phiên
a union a eulogy âm như phụ âm, các chữ cái viết tắt.
an hour an honest man
an one-legged an S.O.S
an MC
b. Cách sử dụng mạo từ “the”
Mạo từ xác định “the” đứng trước cả danh từ đếm được và không đếm được. Chúng ta gọi là mạo từ xác
định vì nó danh từ đã xác định mà cả người nói và người nghe đều biết.
Ex1: The girl sitting near the window is my close friend.
(Cô gái ngồi gần cửa sổ là bạn thân của tôi.)
Ex2: The books on the table are mine.
(Những cuốn sách ở trên bàn là của tôi.)
- “The” dùng với so sánh nhất.
Ex1: I think Chinese is the most difficult language in the world.
(Tôi nghĩ rằng tiếng Trung là ngôn ngữ khó nhất trên thế giới.)
Ex2: What is the best way to learn vocabularies?
(Cách nào tốt nhất để học từ vựng?)
- Dùng để nói về một đối tượng, một địa điểm đặc biệt, chỉ tồn tại duy
Các trường hợp dùng
Ex: the Eiffel Tower, the Tower Bridge, the Moon, the Sun, the Star, …
“the” khác
- Dùng trước danh từ riêng chỉ núi, sông, biển, đảo, sa mạc, miền …
Ex: the Pacific Ocean, the Himalayan mountain, …
- Dùng để chỉ một nhóm người, giai cấp trong xã hội
Ex: the old (người già), the rich (người giàu), the poor (người nghèo),
the homeless people (người vô gia cư), ….
- Dùng với một số tên quốc gia thuộc tổ hợp hoặc liên bang.
Ex: the United State (US), the United Kingdom (UK), …

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Raising and falling intonation for questions (Ngữ điệu lên giọng và xuống giọng trong câu hỏi)

- Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu lên giọng () cuối câu đói với câu hỏi “Yes/No”.
Do you like ice-cream? 
Are you students? 
Example Can you speak Vietnamese? 
Is Australia an island? 
Will you come here tomorrow? 

- Chúng ta sử dụng ngữ điệu xuống giọng () cuối câu đối với câu hỏi “Wh”.
What did you do yesterday? 
How many students are there in this room? 
Example When does the lesson start? 
Which language does she speak? 
Where does she live? 


A Phonetic
Exercise 1. Put the questions into the correct column, then practise saying them.
1. What are English-speaking countries in North America?
2. Do about 2 billion people around the world speak English?
3. Is Canada the world's second largest country by area?
4. Which is the national symbol of Canada?
5. Were Maori the first people to arrive in New Zealand?
6. Has the US economy the world largest since the 1870s?
7. What is the percentage of the Vietnamese in the US population?
8. Is the London Underground the oldest underground railway network in world?
9. What is your mother tongue?
10. Did they go to Florida last summer?
Rising intonation Falling intonation
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

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Exercise 2. Choose the correct intonation.

1. Have you ever heard of bullet trains?
A. Rising B. Falling
2. Will you be a doctor in the future?
A. Rising B. Falling
3. What will it look like?
A. Rising B. Falling
4. Where can people use it?
A. Rising B. Falling
5. What will be next?
A. Rising B. Falling
6. How much fuel will these means of transport use?
A. Rising B. Falling
7. Will pollution be much worse?
A. Rising B. Falling
8. What would you like to drink?
A. Rising B. Falling
9. How will people travel in the year 2100?
A. Rising B. Falling
10. Does it solve the problem?
A. Rising B. Falling

Exercise 3. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
(Further practice)
1. A. right B. Mike C. simple D. kind
2. A. maths B. bag C. cat D. page
3. A. under B. tune C. lunch D. must
4. A. with B. bath C. thank D. thesis
5. A. pens B. words C. calls D. cats
6. A. so B. go C. no D. to
7. A. chess B. racket C. contest D. exercise
8. A. said B. rain C. pain D. wait
9. A. sorrow B. rose C. this D. disappear
10. A. wanted B. needed C. invited D. washed
11. A. ball B. call C. small D. shall
12. A. cycle B. why C. cloudy D. try
13. A. that B. these C. thing D. brother
14. A. later B. mention C. material D. planting
15. A. special B. ancient C. musician D. because
16. A. ancient B. capital C. landscape D. travel
17. A. country B. symbol C. hyperloop D. friendly
18. A. stopped B. booked C. talked D. visited
19. A. island B. sunset C. seaside D. solar
20. A. England B. Australia C. Canada D. America

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B Vocabulary & Grammar

Exercise 1. Complete the sentence with the words in the box.

divided culture coastline citizenship capital

traditional palace flightless historic resources

1. He lives in an ancient ___________________.

2. Australia is country rich in natural ___________________.
3. Canada is ___________________into 10 provinces and 2 territories.
4. She liked the fast pace of life in the ___________________.
5. They sailed along the rugged ___________________.
6. She is studying about Japanese ___________________and history.
7. We are taking a tour of ___________________sites in the old city.
8. Kilt is a ___________________Scottish dress.
9. The penguin is a ___________________bird.
10. After 15 years in the USA, he has finally decided to apply for American ___________________.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the words given.

historic coastline tourist attractions tour tattoo

official language native speakers island country aborigines landscape

1. For the spoken language, students in our school are taught by ___________________.
2. English is the ___________________in India and some other countries in Africa.
3. The Big Ben is one of London’s most popular ___________________.
4. The ___________________was beautiful and the people were really friendly.
5. Local people tried to raise funds for the restoration of ___________________buildings.
6. He has the ___________________of a snake on his left arm.
7. Indonesia is the world’s largest ___________________by area’ with a population of over 270 million.
8. They took a ___________________to Niagara Falls on the border between Canada and the USA.
9. They drove along California’s rocky ___________________and enjoyed the breeze from the sea.
10. People are making efforts to respect the customs of the ___________________in Australia.

Exercise 3. Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box.

native quality symbol official diverse

unique resources accents sincere wealthy

1. English and Welsh are the two ___________________languages of Wales.

2. Canada is rich in ___________________such as zinc, nickel, lead and gold.
3. Australia is home to a variety of ___________________animals, including the koala, kangaroo, emu,
kookaburra and platypus.
4. Australia is a relatively ___________________country with a high life expectancy.
5. The US is a ___________________country with a multicultural society.

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6. In Canada, the handshake should be firm and accompanied by direct eye contact and a
7. In Quebec, if you give wine, make sure it is of the highest ___________________you can afford.
8. The American bald eagle was chosen as the national bird ___________________of the United States in
9. Australian ___________________do not vary from area to area like in many other countries.
10. In Singapore, the number of ___________________speakers of English are still rising.

Exercise 4. Complete interesting facts about English-speaking countries with the words below.
the USA Canadian New Zealand 50 states
Australia Washington, D.C Wales Canada
1. ___________________is the second largest nation in area in the world - made up of 10 provinces and 3
2. ___________________is also a continent with a range of different landscapes, including urban areas,
mountain ranges, deserts and rain forests.
3. Annually, the National Eisteddfod festival of ___________________- a country of the UK and in the west
of England – takes places for eight days at the start of August.
4. The Statue of Liberty has welcomed over 12 million immigrants entering ___________________through
New York Harbor since 1900.
5. Each of ___________________in the USA has adopted an official state flower so far.
6. Since 1965, the maple tree with the leaves has become the most well-known
7. At present, the National Cherry Blossom Festival is occurring in ___________________to celebrate
spring’s arrival. “
8. Maori has been recognized as an official language of ___________________since the Maori Language Act
of 1987.

Exercise 5. Put the words in brackets into the correct form to complete the sentences.
1. I like going to England to study English because I can practice English with _________________ speakers.
2. English is an _________________ language in this country. (officially)
3. People in the south of my country speak the language with _________________ accent. (differ)
4. Last summer holiday, my family went to Da Nang and Hoi An. We had a _________________ time there.
5. Why has she improved her English a lot? – Ah, she’s just come back from an English _________________
country. (speak)
6. The wheel in the Indian flag is a _________________ of peace. (symbolize)
7. Mr. Graham was _________________ to find 46 ancient gold coins inside the pot. (amazement)
8. _________________ is a big country in the north America. (Canadian)
9. Australia has its own _________________ identity, which is very different from that of Britain.
10. How many _________________ buildings are damaged by fire each year? (history)

Exercise 6. Choose the odd one out.

1. A. kangaroo B. penguin C. snake D. sea

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2. A. town B. view C. city D. capital

3. A. castle B. palace C. forest D. building
4. A. hat B. kilt C. dress D. skirt
5. A. sport B. tourist C. attraction D. sightseeing

Exercise 7. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.
1. Each person’s genetic code is _______ except in the case of identical twins.
A. normal B. unique C. general D. long
2. Kangaroos are considered the _______ of Australia.
A. coastline B. symbol C. tower D. capital
3. She has a ________ of a rose on her shoulder.
A. tattoo B. head C. river D. castle
4. Indonesia is the largest ________ country in the world.
A. island B. coastline C. capital D. sunrise
5. Justin Bieber comes from Canada. He is a_______.
A. Vietnamese B. Australian C. American D. Canadian
6. Scotland is famous for its long history and_______ castles.
A. local B. modern C. ancient D. historical
7. Madrid is the capital of _______.
A. The UK B. The USA C. Spain D. France
8. They took a ______ ride to the islands at the eastern end of Lake Ontario.
A. car B. train C. plane D. boat
9. Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular_______ in the world.
A. waterfalls B. forests C. mountains D. beaches
10. Scottish men always wear _______ at their traditional festivals.
A. shirts B. kilts C. pants D. shorts
11. A (n) __________ is a body of land surrounded by water.
A. mountain B. island C. cave D. beach
12. The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is __________.
A. high B. clear C. unique D. friendly
13. Most __________ live in cities along the coast, such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.
A. Austria B. Australia C. Australian D. Australians
14. Singapore is famous for its _______ and green tress.
A. cleanliness B. cleanly C. cleaning D. clean
15. On Christmas Eve, most big cities, especially London are _______ with colored lights across the streets
and enormous Christmas Trees.
A. decorated B. hand C. put D. made
16. In the United State, there are 50 _______ and six different time zones across the country.
A. states B. nations C. towns D. countries
17. I once tried to _______ an apple pie when I was in London. It was really delicious.
A. do B. cook C. make D. show
18. You should go to Canada in the summer because it is the most popular time for visitors to
_______Niagara Falls and see the beautiful sights there.
A. stay B. look C. tour D. visit
19. Nowadays, we still see the _______ men wear kilts (skirts) to wedding or other formal occasions.

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A. Scottish B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scot

20. The USA has a population of about 304 million, and it’s the third _______ country in the world.
A. smallest B. largest C. narrowest D. highest
21. In some English speaking countries, turkey and pudding are _______ food at Christmas.
A. national B. historical C. traditional D. possible
22. New Zealand _______ lovers of nature and fans of dangerous sports.
A. attracts B. keeps C. calls D. asks
23. Queenstown in New Zealand has got beautiful _______ and a dry climate, so it’s ideal for outdoor
A. look B. viewing C. atmosphere D. scenery
24. Is Oamaru town a good place to enjoy penguin __________ in New Zealand?
A. watching B. watch C. watches D. watched
25. Over 270 species of land dwelling mammals are __________ to Australia.
A. nation B. nationality C. native D. national
26. Australia is a vast island filled with a rich history, culture and __________.
A. location B. landscape C. view D. scene
27. The maple leaf began to serve as a Canadian __________ as early as 1700.
A. logo B. character C. design D. symbol
28. They discovered a 14,000-year-old __________village in Canada.
A. current B. modern C. ancient D. new
29. Washington, D.C. is the __________ of the United States.
A. citizen B. capital C. resident D. president
30. We took a__________ ride on the beautiful waters of Lake Huron.
A. boat B. car C. bus D. plane
31. The _____ city of the United Kingdom, or UK, is London.
A. capital B. symbol C. landscape D. new
32. Kangaroos are considered the _____ of Australia.
A. coastline B. symbol C. tower D. capital
33. People in countries like the USA, Great Britain, and New Zealand use English as their _____ language.
A. foreign B. native C. historical D. spoken
34. She has a _____ of a tiger on her shoulder.
A. tattoo B. head C. river D. castle
35. Is Japan a(n) _____ country? - Yes, it is.
A. island B. ancient C. local D. capital
36. They had dinner on the beach after _____.
A. sunset B. sunrise C. sunny D. landscape
37. Some rooms have a private balcony which offers _____ views.
A. amazing B. local C. unique D. native
38. _____ is famous for kangaroos.
A. The UK B. Australia C. New Zealand D. Canada
39. _____ is a small island in Pacific Ocean.
A. The USA B. France C. New Zealand D. Australia
40. Scotland is famous for its long history and _____ castles
A. local B. modern C. ancient D. historical
41. Is there _______ garden in your house?

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A. an B. the C. a D. ϕ
42. I saw _______ accident this morning.
A. the B. ϕ C. a D. an
43. My name’s Linda. I come from _______England.
A. ϕ B. a C. the D. an
44. There isn’t _______ airport near where we live.
A. the B. ϕ C. an D. a
45. _______ red car over there is hers.
A. A B. The C. ϕ D. An
46. Can you recommend me _______ luxury restaurant?
A. a B. an C. the D. ϕ
47. Are you going for _______ business next Monday?
A. an B. a C. the D. ϕ
48. Today is _______ fine day. It’s clear and sunny.
A. ϕ B. an C. a D. the
49. She lives in _______ village on _______ east coast.
A. a / an B. a / the C. the / an D. the / a
50. _______ girl sitting next to me is _______ American.
A. The / A B. The / An C. A / An D. A / ϕ

Exercise 8. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. New Zealand is a small island city /country in the Pacific Ocean.
2. Buckingham Palace is a tourist attraction /education in the UK.
3. She often sits on the beach watching the sunrise/ sunset in the early morning.
4. They speak Vietnamese, but their native / nation language is Korean.
5. The Statue of Liberty is in New York city of the UK/ the USA.
6. Could you show me Australia on this map/nature?
7. The London Eye is a great attraction in Paris / London.
8. Although penguins/ kangaroos can’t fly, they can use their wings for swimming.
9. Big Ben Tower/ Bridge is at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, England.
10. New Jersey is one of the states/capitals in the USA.

Exercise 9. Choose the correct article a/an, the or ϕ (zero article).

1. She is from Australia. She is (a / an) Australian.
2. He was born in (the / ϕ) Mexico City, (a / the capital of (a / ϕ) Mexico.
3. In 2004, he made (a / the) film called A Day Without a Mexican.
4. (A / The) film is about (a / ϕ) Mexican immigrants in (a / ϕ) California.
5. About 31% of (a / the) people who live in California are (the / ϕ) Mexican.
6. Sergio Arau is (an / the) artist, musician, and director.

Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with a / an, the or ϕ (zero article).
1. English is ________ official language in more than 60 countries.
2. Tourists can take ________ boat trip along the Thames River.
3. Canada isn't ________ largest country in the world.
4. You can book ________ tour to Victoria State Rose Garden online.

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5. William Shakespeare was ________ English playwright, poet and actor.

6. There are some reports on ________ oil slick in ________ Mediterranean Sea.
7. ________ kangaroos are found only in ________ Australia.
8. Is ________ United Arab Emirates part of ________ South Asia or ________ Middle East?
9. Last summer, we travelled to many places. We visited ________ Taj Mahal in ________ India, climbed
________ Mount Everest in ________ Himalayas, and took a cruise to ________ Bahamas.
10. I love ________ Spain. I find ________ Spanish very friendly, but I can’t say much in ________ Spanish.
11. My friend Brian is ________ Scot. On ________ special occasions, he wears ________ kilt and plays the
12. ________ Mississippi River flows into ________ Gulf of Mexico in ________ state of Louisiana.
13. After ________ World War II, ________ United Nations was formed.
14. People eat chocolate all over ________ world. It is probably ________ most popular candy.
15. ________ Roman Empire ruled ________ Mediterranean world from 500 BC to about 500 AD.

Exercise 11. Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.

1. Bill is a Englishman and he comes from Chelsea. _____________________________
2. Wellington is capital of New Zealand. _____________________________
3. Bring a map when you go to the new place. _____________________________
4. United States is smaller than Canada. _____________________________
5. The Chateau Frontenac is an grand hotel in Quebec city. _____________________________
6. New Zealand is island country in the Pacific Ocean. _____________________________
7. More than half of all lakes in the world are in Canada. _____________________________
8. Football is a most popular sport in England. _____________________________


A Listening
Exercise 1. Listen to the text and complete the table.
Ranks in Asia EPI score Countries
1 _____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ 562 the Philippines
_____________________________ 473 _____________________________

Exercise 2. Listen the text again and tick True or False.

No. Statements T F
1. More than a billion people speak English in the world.
2. EF produced the first EPI in 2020.
3. Recently, the EPI score of Việt Nam is higher than that of the Philippines
4. With an EPI score of 611. Singapore ranks the first in the world.
5. More and more Vietnamese people enjoy learning English.

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B Speaking
Exercise 1. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: The legendary monster of Loch Ness in B: a. Absolutely right!
Scotland attracts millions of visitors. b. I don’t understand
B: a. Yes, this year my parents have their
2. A: Mai, I can hear music and voices on the
silver wedding anniversary.
phone. Are you having a party?
b. Oh, my sister is having her party.
B: a. You can’t stand the freezing weather
there. Do you know that?
3. A: Why is Alaska awesome and unique?
b. It’s near the North Pole, and it has a
high number of lakes.
B: a. I think it’s the double-decker bus.
4. A: What’s the symbol of London?
b. People in London are very friendly.
B: a. Yes, people speak their native
5. A: Is English spoken in Singapore? language.
b. Yes, it’s used as the second language.
B: a. Yes, but with their own accent.
6. A: Do people in Scotland speak English? b. You mean they speak their own
7. A: What do we call the USA, the UK, Canada, B: a. They have the same origin of culture.
and New Zealand? b. They’re the English-speaking countries.
B: a. Yes. It’s the icon of San Francisco.
8. A: Do you know the Golden Gate Bridge?
b. The park near my house has its model.
B: a. Really? You’ve visited the Sydney
Opera House.
9. A: I’ve been to the home of the kangaroo.
b. Australia has beautiful landscapes.
You’re lucky.
10. A. I’d like to visit Disneyland in California B: a. I can’t wait.
some day. b. I wish your dream would come true

Exercise 2. Reorder the sentences (A-J) to make a conversation.

_________ A. How was your summer camp in Sydney, Long?
_________ B. So happy that you had a fantastic time in Sydney.
_________ C. I had English classes in the morning and did outdoor activities in the afternoon.
_________ D. Just some. Most of my classmates are from different countries and we use English to talk
_ to each other.
_________ E. Your English is much better. What kinds of outdoor activities were there?
_________ F. It was so amazing, Mike

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_________ G. Are there many Australians in your class?

_________ H. Thanks, Mike.
_________ I. Really? What did you do there?
_________ J. We had field trips to famous attractions in Sydney. We also played some sports together
_ such as cricket, basketball.
Exercise 3. Complete the conversation, using the sentences (a-e) to fill in the blanks (1-5).

a. Can you tell me more about it?

b. Did you attend any of these festivals?
c. What is it famous for?
d. Where did you take them?
e. What did you do there?

Nam These photos are so nice, Mai. (1) ___________________________

Mai: I took them in Edinburgh last summer.
Nam It's such a beautiful city. (2) ___________________________
Of course. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and it is one of the most beautiful cities in all of
the UK.
Nam I see. (3) ___________________________
This city is a centre of culture and arts and it is especially well-known for its festivals. These
include the Edinburgh International Book Festival, Christmas Markets and the Edinburgh Fringe.
Nam Wow, sounds interesting. (4) ___________________________
Of course, I did. I went to the Edinburgh International Book Festival and it was such an
unforgettable experience.
Nam Amazing. (5) ___________________________
I attended workshops and met many famous authors and book lovers from all over the world. I
joined some outdoor activities and enjoyed the local food.

C Reading
Exercise 1. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Laura is living in New Jersey. She recently came back from a trip to Chicago, Illinois. This city is along the
shore of Lake Michigan. Laura spent a lot of time exploring the city to visit famous sights and monuments
during her trip.
Chicago has many historic places. The Chicago Water Tower is really impressive because it is one of the
few remaining buildings after the Great Chicago fire of 1871. Laura also took a walk through Jackson Park.
The park is spacious and she had a relaxing walk. There are still some of the old architecture and copies of

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monuments in the World's Fair 1892. During the last part of her visit, Laura tried to climb the stairs inside
of the Willis Tower, a 110-storey skyscraper. From the rooftop, she had a wonderful view of the city with
Lake Michigan in the background.
1. Where did Laura visit recently?
A. Chicago B. New Jersey C. Michigan D. England
2. What did she do during her trip?
A. She went swimming. B. She visited famous attractions of the city.
C. She learnt the history of many places. D. She goes swimming.
3. Why is the Chicago Water Tower special?
A. Because it is full of water B. Because it was burnt in the Great Chicago fire
C. Because it stays the same after the 1871 fire D. Because it is full
4. How many floors are there in the Willis Tower?
A. One hundred B. One hundred and one
C. One hundred and ten D. One hundred and twelve
5. Where did Laura have a wonderful view of the city?
A. From the Lake Michigan B. Inside the Willis Tower
C. From the rooftop of the Willis Tower D. Outside the Willis Tower

Exercise 2. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

London is the capital of England in the United Kingdom. It is a famous and historic city. The city is quite
popular for international tourists because London is home to one of the oldest monarchies in the world.
There are many famous attractions in London such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye.
Big Ben is one of London's most famous monuments. It is a large clock tower in the north of Westminster
Palace. The clock tower is 96 metres tall. The London Eye, the city's famous Ferris wheel, is on the southern
shores of the Thames River. This attraction stands 135 metres high. It is one of the most famous spots as
tourists can get the whole view of London. Buckingham Palace is the home of the Queen of England. It has
beautiful architecture and a great historical value. Many tourists enjoy watching the Queen's guards
outside the palace. These guards often wear red uniforms, shiny black boots, and bearskin hats.
1. The capital of England is___________
A. the United Kingdom B. Buckingham
C. London D. Big Ben
2. Many tourists visit London because of its___________
A. history and monarchy B. royal family members
C. nature and people D. people
3. Big Ben is___________
A. a big water tower B. a large clock tower
C. an ancient palace D. palace
4. Tourists can get the view of London from ___________
A. the London Eye B. the Thames Rivers
C. Big Ben D. Buckingham Palace
5. The Queen of England lives in___________
A. Westminster Palace B. Winsor Palace
C. Buckingham Palace D. Westminster

Exercise 3. Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

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Singapore is a country in Southeast Asia. It is an island near the end of the Malay peninsula. A
“peninsula” is a piece of land that has water on three sides.
Singapore is called a “city-state.” This means that it is an independent country that has only one city.
Singapore is the name of the country and the city that take up the entire island.
Because of its location, Singapore has become a critical business hub. “Hub” means center or key
location. It is a good stopping point for ships that are traveling between Asia and Europe or Africa.
When the trade was primarily done by ships, Singapore became a very important port. A “port” is a
place where ships go in and out. This continues today. Singapore is the fifth largest port in the world!
Being an important port, Singapore has also become a very important center for world business. This
means that Singapore has a very strong and diverse economy, which sets it apart from many other
Southeast Asian nations.
1. Where is Singapore?
A. It is in West Asia. B. It is in South Asia.
C. It is in East Asia. D. It is in Southeast Asia.
2. What does “peninsula” mean?
A. It is a piece of land that has water on one side. B. It is a piece of land that has water on two sides.
C. It is a piece of land that has water on three sides. D. It is a piece of land that has water on four sides.
3. Why is Singapore called a “city-state”?
A. Because it is an island near the end of the Malay peninsula.
B. Because it is a dependent country that takes up the entire island.
C. Because it is an independent country that has only one city.
D. Because it has become a critical (very important) business hub.
4. What does “hub” mean?
A. It means center or key B. It means a place where ships go in and out.
C. It means stopping point for ships. D. It means the largest port in the world
5. What is a “port”?
A. It is a place where airplanes go in and out. B. It is a place where people go in and out.
C. It is a place where cars go in and out. D. It is a place where ships go in and out.
6. When did Singapore become a very important port?
A. When the economy in Singapore was very strong and diverse.
B. When the trade in Singapore was primarily done by ships.
C. When Singapore was the fifth largest port in the world.
D. When Singapore was called a “city-state”.

Exercise 4. Reading the text and choose True or False

The Geography of Canada
Canada lies north of the United States in North America. The US. state of Alaska sits on its
northwestern border. The Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans form the rest of its borders.
Canada’s largest natural region is a rocky, mostly flat area that covers the eastern, central, and
northwestern parts of the country. In the west, plains stretch from the Arctic Ocean to the U.S. border, The
Mackenzie, Canada’s longest river, drains the northwest. West of the plains are the Canadian Rocky
Mountains. Along the Pacific are the Coast Mountains. In the south and southeast, lowlands border the
Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River. The Appalachian Mountains run through the far east.

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Because of its size, Canada has great variety in its climate. Most regions have very cold and long
winters. Temperatures are most moderate along the Pacific coast.
1. Canada is bordered by three oceans.
A. True B. False
2. Rocky area covers only the western parts of the Canada.
A. True B. False
3. The Mackenzie is not Canada’s longest river.
A. True B. False
4. The Coast Mountains are along the Pacific.
A. True B. False
5. Canada has great variety in its climate because of its size.
A. True B. False

Exercise 5. Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
The Kiwi
The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same size
as a chicken. It has no wings or tail. It does not have any feathers like other birds.
A kiwi likes a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can smell
things with its nose. It is the only bird in the world that can smell things. The Kiwi’s eggs are very big.
There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live. There is a
picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money. People from New Zealand are sometimes called kiwis.
Statements True False
1. Kiwis live in in Australia and New Zealand.
2. A kiwi has a tail but no wings.
3. It sleeps during the day because light hurts its eyes.
4. People in New Zealand do not want all the kiwis to die.
5. The kiwi is a strange New Zealand bird.

Exercise 6. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.

The Maori arrived in New Zealand from other Polynesian island thousand years ago. They were the
first people to live there. They made beautiful wooden buildings with pictures cut into the wood. There are
about 280,000 Maori today. Maori have brown skin, dark brown eyes, and wavy black hair.
In 1840, they agreed to become a British colony, and they learned European Ways quickly. Today there
are Maori in all kinds of jobs. They attend schools and universities and become lawyers and scientists.
There are Maori in the government. Most OÍ them live like the white New Zealanders.
However, the Maori do not forget their traditions. Children learn the language, music, and old stories.
They have yearly competitions in speaking, dancing, and singing. The Maori live a comfortable, modem
life, but they keep their traditions by passing them to their children.
Task 1: Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (T).
1. The Maori are Polynesians. _______________
2. New Zealand is an island country. _______________
3. The Maori look like the Chinese. _______________
4. The Maori live only by hunting and fishing. _______________
5. The Maori like music. _______________

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Task 2: Read the passage again, and write short answers to the questions.
6. Where did the Maori come from
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. How many Maori are there?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
8. What do the Maori look like?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
9. How do most Maori live today?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
10. What do they do at their yearly competition?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 7. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions below.
Easy English?
English is an important global language, but that doesn’t mean it is easy to learn. Many experts have
tried to make English easier to learn, but they weren’t always successful. In 1930, Professor CK Ogden of
Cambridge University invented Basic English. It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden
said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem was that people who learned Basic English
could write and say simple messages, but they couldn’t understand the answers in ‘real’ English! It was
also impossible to explain a word if it wasn’t in the Basic English word list.
RE Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of
English was spelling, so he invented a language called Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with
much simpler spelling. ‘Father’ became ‘faadher’, ‘new’ became ‘nue’ and ‘years’ became ‘yeerz’.
Unfortunately, for some students of English, Anglic never became popular.
Even easier is the language which ships’ captains use: it is called ‘Seaspeak’. Seaspeak uses a few
simple phrases for every possible situation. In Seaspeak, for example, you don’t say, ‘I didn’t understand,
can you repeat that?’ it is just, “Say again.” No more grammar!
In the age of international communication through the Internet, a new form of English might appear. A
large number of the world’s e-mails are in English and include examples of Netlingo’ like OIC (Oh, I see)
and TTYL (Talk to you later).
1. What is the role of English?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. When did Professor Ogden invent Basic English? How many words did it have?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Why did Professor Zachrisson invent Anglic? What happened to it?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. What is the feature of Seaspeak?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. What has appeared in the age of international communication through the Internet?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 8. Read the text and answer the questions below.

In Canada and in United States, one of the most popular days in the year is Halloween. Halloween is on
October 31st. It’s a day when some people dress up in strange or unusual costumes. For example, they may
dress up to look like an animal, a person from a book or a movie or a famous person from history. In some

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places, children go to school in their Halloween costumes. After dark, many young children put on their
costumes and visit their neighbors. They knock on the door and shout “Trick or treat!”, then the neighbors
give them some candy or chocolate, and the children go on to the next house. Adults also enjoy dressing
up for Halloween. There are usually Halloween parties in the evening and usually there is a prize for the
best or the most unusual costume.
1. What is one of the most popular days in the year in Canada and the United States?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. Who do some people dress up to look like on Halloween?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. What do some children in some places in Canada and the United States wear when they go to school on
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. What do many young children do in the Halloween’s evening?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. What are usually there in the Halloween’s evening?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 9. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Maple Tree
Trees have (1) _________ a meaningful role in the (2) _________ development of
Canada and continue to be of commercial, environmental and aesthetic importance to
all Canadians. Maples contribute valuable wood products, keep the maple sugar (3)
_________ alive and help to beautify the landscape.
Since 1965 the maple leaf (4) _________the most important feature of the National
Flag of Canada and the maple tree with the leaves has become the most well-known
Canadian (5) _________, nationally and internationally. Maple leaf pins and badges
are proudly (6) _________by Canadians abroad, and are recognized around the world.
(7) _________the maple leaf is closely associated with Canada, the maple tree was
never officially recognized (8) _________Canada’s emblem until 1996

1. A. taken B. given C. done D. played

2. A. history B. historical C. historic D. historian
3. A. industry B. industries C. industrial D. industrially
4. A. was B. have been C. has been D. is
5. A. sign B. symbol C. tree D. leaf
6. A. wear B. wore C. worn D. to be worn
7. A. Because B. So C. But D. Although
8. A. of B. with C. as D. for

Exercise 10. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

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The Gherkin is one of several modem buildings that have been built over the years in a historic area of
London. The (1) _________ skyscraper was built in 2004, and its unique, and energy-efficient design has
won the Gherkin many (2) _________.
The cigar-shaped structure has a steel frame (3) _________ circular floor
planes and a glass facade with diamond-shaped panels. The building’s energy-
saving (4) _________ allows the air to flow up through spiralling wells. The top
of the tower, (5) _________visitors find an open hall covered by a glass conical
dome, is even more spectacular. From here you have great (6) _________ over the
1. A. 41 stories B. 41-stories C. 41 -story D. story-41
2. A. awards B. rewards C. stories D. achievements
3. A. of B. with C. at D. in
4. A. machine B. machines C. system D. systems
5. A. where B. at where C. from where D. there
6. A. sights B. scenes C. sign D. views

D Writing
Exercise 1. Rearrange the words to make sentences
1. country / Canada / is / in / North America / a /.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. a lot of / Australia / has / landscapes / amazing /.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Scotland / capital / is / What / of / the /
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. in / enjoys / Jane / watching / each evening / the / sunset /.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. and Maori / English / official languages / are / New Zealand / the / two / in
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
6. beautiful/There are/many/in/USA. /landmarks/New York,
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. from/other countries/to study/Many students/go to/ each year. / England
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
8. their tattoos/Maori people/famous for / are/haka dance. /and
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
9. took/to travel/We/a/double-decker/ bus tour/around/London.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
10. has/air/in/New Zealand /the world. /the cleanest
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
11. is/ Cardiff/ the largest city / of Wales / and also the capital
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
12. are / of Wales/ the two official languages / English and Welsh
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
13. home to / is / the kangaroo and koala? / Which country
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
14. five large lakes / are / a group of / The Great Lakes / in / North America
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

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15. the 4th largest country / The US / is /in the world by land area
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
16. and Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland / two separate countries / are
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
17. has been ruled / by kings and queens / England / for thousands of years
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
18. is / Northern Ireland / the United Kingdom /in the north-east of Ireland island /a part of
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
19. also called / The United States of America / the USA, the US, / is / or America
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
20. a part of / is / the UK, / and Northern Ireland / Scotland / along with England, / Wales
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2. Write complete sentences using the guided words and phrases.
Dear Lan,
I had a wonderful time in Toronto, Canada. Now, I will tell you about it.
1. Toronto/isn't/capital/but/largest/city/in Canada.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. My friends/I/have/chance/explore/many/amazing attraction / in our trip.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. First, we/visit/the CN Tower/ and/get/highest viewing area/of/ city.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. Then, we/ go to / Ripley's Aquarium / near the base/ of the CN Tower.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. This place/have/huge/ underwater tunnel/ and/display/all kind/marine life.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
6. Next day, we/ take a train/ from Union Station / Niagara Falls.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. The falls/be/so wonderful/ and/I take/a lot/photos here.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
I want to tell you more but I have to go now.
Write to you later.

Exercise 3. Read the schedule for the one-day sightseeing tour to London, then write the statements
describing the schedule for your visit. Use the words of sequence like first, second, then, after that,
next, ... finally.
You can start with:
9.00 am: meet your guide on board your air-conditioned coach. Relax as you travel around central London
to see the sights.
0. This is the schedule for my one-day sightseeing tour to London. First, at 8 o 'clock in the morning, I meet my guide
on board my air-conditioned coach, and relax as I travel around London to see the sights
1. 9.30 am: pass through Parliament Square, seeing the Houses of Parliament and the Big Ben clock.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

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2. 10. 00 am- then travel past Westminster Abbey where Prince William married Kate Middleton in a royal
wedding ceremony.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. 10. 30 am- admire government buildings at Whitehall and Downing Street, and then see all the noise
and activity that surrounds Nelson’s Column at Trafalgar Square.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. 11.15 am: watch the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. 12.00 pm: rest and refuel with a large lunch (own expense).
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
6. 1.30 pm: continue your day of sightseeing with a visit to the City of London, an area just east of the city
center where many of London’s banks can be found.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
7. 2.30 pm: see other iconic London attractions such as St Paul’s Cathedral and Mansion House. Look out
for the sights as your guide explains their history.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
8. 3.15 pm: continue to the Tower of London, and go inside to explore at your leisure. End your tour at 5
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

--- THE END ---

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 (Global Success) 21

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