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Probability /MTH301B Tutorial Sheet III

Department: BENG Level2

Combinatory Analysis

Course Instructor: Tar Joel

1. Two tetrahedral dice, each with faces labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4, are thrown
and the random variable X represents the sum of the numbers shown
on the dice.
(i) Find the probability distribution of X.
(ii) Illustrate the distribution and describe the shape of the
(iii) What is the probability that any throw of the dice results in a
value of X which is an odd number?
2. The random variable X is given by the sum of the scores when two
ordinary dice are thrown.
(i) Find the probability distribution of X.
(ii) Illustrate the distribution and describe the shape of the
(iii) Find the values of
(a) P(X > 8)
(b) P(X is even)
3. The random variable Y is given by the absolute difference between the
scores when two ordinary dice are thrown.
(i) Find the probability distribution of Y.
(ii) Illustrate the distribution and describe the shape of the
(iii) Find the values of
(a) P(Y < 3)
(b) P(Y is odd).
(iv) Find E(Y) and Var(Y).
4. Three fair coins are tossed.
(i) By considering the set of possible outcomes, HHH, HHT, etc.,
tabulate the probability distribution for X, the number of heads
(ii) Illustrate the distribution and describe the shape of the distribution.
(iii) Find the probability that there are more heads than tails.
5. (i) A discrete random variable X can take only the values 4 and 5, and
has expectation 4.2.
By letting P(X = 4) = p and P(X = 5) = 1 - p, solve an equation in p
and so find the probability distribution of X.

(ii) A discrete random variable Y can take only the values 50 and 100.
Given that E(Y) = 80, write out the probability distribution of Y.
6. The probability distribution of the random variable X is shown in the
following table.

The mean of X is 1.05.

(i) Write down two equations involving p and q and hence find the
values of p and q.
(ii) Find the variance of X.
7. A fair die has one face numbered 1, one face numbered 3, two faces
numbered 5 and two faces numbered 6.
(i) Find the probability of obtaining at least 7 odd numbers in 8 throws
of the die.
The die is thrown twice. Let X be the sum of the two scores. The
following table shows the possible values of X.
(ii) Draw up a table showing the probability distribution of X.
(iii) Calculate E(X).
(iv) Find the probability that X is greater than E(X).


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