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Molecular Characterization of Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Aeromonas

spp. Isolated from Imported Shrimp

Zakiya Shakir,a Saeed Khan,b Kidon Sung,b Sangeeta Khare,b Ashraf Khan,b Roger Steele,b and Mohamed Nawazb
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA,a and Division of Microbiology, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson,
Arkansas, USAb

Sixty-three nalidixic acid-resistant Aeromonas sp. isolates were obtained from imported shrimp. Phylogenetic analysis of gyrB
sequences indicated that 18 were A. enteropelogenes, 26 were A. caviae, and 19 were A. sobria. Double missense mutations in the
quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of gyrA at codon 83 (Ser¡Val/Ile) and codon 92 (Leu¡Met) coupled with a
point mutation of parC at codon 80 (Ser¡Ile/Phe) conferred high levels of quinolone resistance in the isolates. A majority of A.
enteropelogenes and A. caviae strains harbored toxin genes, whereas only a few A. sobria strains harbored these genes. The fluo-
roquinolone-resistant Aeromonas spp. exhibited higher cytotoxicity than fluoroquinolone-sensitive, virulent Aeromonas spp. to
rat epithelial cells.

T he United States in 2009 imported 589,670 metric tons of

farmed shrimp worth more than $6 billion from Asia (27).
Copious amounts of antibiotics are used in the shrimp ponds to
Hazelwood, MO) and by fatty acid methyl ester analysis (MIDI,
Newark, DE).
Determination of MICs. The MICs of nalidixic acid and cip-
stimulate growth and to retard the incidence of diseases caused by rofloxacin were determined by the broth dilution method using
overcrowded, factory farm conditions (4, 5, 9). The indiscrimi- Mueller-Hinton broth (15).
nate use of these antibiotics may select bacteria resistant to multi- PCR amplification and sequencing of gyrB and phylogenetic
ple antibiotics, and such bacteria may transfer their antibiotic re- data analysis. The gyrB gene was amplified from the template
sistance determinants to pathogenic bacteria (14, 16). DNA of all fluoroquinolone-resistant aeromonads by PCR (25,
Aeromonads are ubiquitous, psychrophilic, Gram-negative 30). Sequencing reactions were performed on both strands of
microbes commonly found in fresh water, estuaries, and other DNA after purification of PCR amplicons. After the assembly and
coastal waters (6, 7, 8). They are known to cause hemorrhagic alignment of the contigs, the sequences were finalized and com-
septicemia in aquatic organisms. These microbes also cause sev- pared with those available in the GenBank database by using NCBI
eral diseases in penaeid shrimp (5). Antibiotics, such as fluoro- BLAST to identify the alignment with closely related aeromonads.
quinolones, are used to curtail infections (5, 9). However, pro- The nucleotide sequences were aligned by using ClustalX 2.1, and
longed abuse of antibiotics could result in the selection of the phylogenetic evolutionary tree was constructed by the neigh-
fluoroquinolone-resistant Aeromonas spp. (20). The presence of bor-joining method (24) with the MEGA 5.1 program (12).

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fluoroquinolone-resistant aeromonads in shrimp could pose pub- Primer design and detection of fluoroquinolone resistance
lic health concerns because these bacteria are associated with out- genes by PCR. The presence of qnrAB, gyrAB, and parC was de-
breaks of human infectious diseases in immunocompromised pa- tected in the template DNA by PCR as detailed elsewhere (18).
tients (9, 29). Quinolones are the drugs of choice for the treatment Detection of mutations in the QRDRs. For detection of muta-
of Aeromonas-induced infections (11). Thus, U.S. regulatory tions in the quinolone resistance-determining regions (QRDRs), pu-
agencies, such as the FDA and CDC (28), want to limit the prev- rified target genes (gyrAB and parC) were sequenced with the primers
alence of fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria in food-producing used for amplification (18).
animals to protect the efficacy of the drugs. Since little informa- Detection of toxin genes by PCR. PCR assays for the amplifi-
tion is available on the prevalence of fluoroquinolone-resistant cation of the aerolysin (aer), cytotoxic enterotoxin (act), and cy-
aeromonads in imported shrimp, we decided to investigate the totonic enterotoxin (ast and alt) genes were performed with the
prevalence of fluoroquinolone-resistant Aeromonas spp. and the template DNA of the isolates (17).
mechanism of resistance in these bacteria to the antibiotic. We Epithelial cell cytotoxicity assay. The cytotoxicities of fluoro-
report here for the first time that imported shrimp may be a res- quinolone-resistant A. enteropelogenes, A. caviae, and A. sobria
ervoir of virulent, fluoroquinolone-resistant strains of A. entero- strains were compared with those of fluoroquinolone-sensitive
pelogenes, A. caviae, and A. sobria. but pathogenic strains of A. hydrophila (ATCC 7966), A. veronii
Isolation, characterization, and identification of bacteria. (ATCC 9071), and A. sobria AS3 (in-house culture). Cytotoxic
Bacteria were isolated from frozen shrimp (Penaeus monodon)
imported from Thailand. Typically, 2 g of thawed shrimp sample
was enriched for 6 h in alkaline peptone medium (pH 8.0) sup- Received 2 July 2012 Accepted 17 August 2012
plemented with 30 ␮g/ml of ampicillin and nalidixic acid. En- Published ahead of print 24 August 2012
riched samples were streaked on MacConkey agar and incubated Address correspondence to Mohamed Nawaz,
at 37°C overnight. Presumptive positive colonies were biochemi- Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
cally characterized and identified at the genus level by using the doi:10.1128/AEM.02081-12
Vitek GNI⫹ card with VTK-R07-01 software (bioMérieux Vitek,

November 2012 Volume 78 Number 22 Applied and Environmental Microbiology p. 8137– 8141 8137
Shakir et al.

FIG 1 Phylogenetic tree based on the gyrB sequence, showing the relationships of select aeromonads. Sequences were finalized and compared with those available
in GenBank database by using NCBI BLAST. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method with the MEGA 5.1 program. Numbers at
branching points represent bootstrap values from 1,000 replicates (only values of ⬎50%).

activities were determined with the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) maximum sequence similarity with reference strain A. sobria
assay using the CytoTox 96 nonradioactive cytotoxicity assay JY081016-1 (Fig. 1). All strains were resistant to 64 ␮g/ml of nali-
(Promega, Madison, WI) according to the manufacturer’s in- dixic acid, and eight strains were resistant to ⬎256 ␮g. The MIC
structions. Statistical significance was calculated using the un- values of ciprofloxacin (0.5 to 128 ␮g/ml) for these eight strains
paired t test in GraphPad software. were determined. All strains were resistant to 4 ␮g, 4/8 strains

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Isolation, characterization, and identification of fluoroquin- were resistant to 8 ␮g, and 2/8 strains were resistant to 128 ␮g of
olone-resistant Aeromonas spp. Approximately 317 bacterial the antibiotic.
colonies exhibiting typical aeromonad morphological character- Amplification of gyrA, gyrB, parC, qnrA, and qnrB and anal-
istics were isolated from more than 364 shrimp samples. Sixty- ysis of gene sequences. Synthetic oligonucleotide primers (Table
three of the 317 (ca. 20%) isolates were resistant to nalidixic acid. 1) specific for the amplification of the 462-bp gyrA, 276-bp gyrB,
Data from the GNI⫹ Vitek system indicated that all 63 isolates and 232-bp parC genes were used to amplify the respective PCR
were Aeromonas spp. amplicons from the template DNA of the isolates. Sequence anal-
PCR amplification, sequencing of gyrB gene, and phyloge- ysis of the QRDRs of the gyrA and parC amplicons indicated 3
netic analysis. A 1.2-kb region of the gyrB gene was amplified and different types of mutations that confer high levels of quinolone
sequenced. The gyrB sequences derived were aligned with those resistance in these isolates (Fig. 2). These three types were (i)
from reference strains, including A. enteropelogenes AN-35 strains of A. enteropelogenes and A. caviae having double point
(AY987508), A. caviae B14 (JQ234886.1), A. hydrophila 2WCL102 mutations exclusively in the QRDR of gyrA, (ii) strains of A. en-
(JQ085479), A. veronii PY50 (HQ540320), A. allosaccharophila teropelogenes and A. caviae having double mutations in gyrA ac-
JA07 (GU205210), A. jandaei 4pM29 (FJ940783), A. media JHS07 companied by a point mutation in parC, and (iii) strains of A.
(GU205212), A. schubertii HYB2 (HQ731459), A. popoffii JW08 sobria having single point mutations in the QRDRs of gyrA and
(GU205208), A. sobria JY081016-1 (GQ232760), A. salmonicida parC.
subsp. smithia JF4097 (FN394064), and A. sharmana DSM Analysis of the presence of double mutations exclusively in
17445T (AM490259), and phylogenetic analysis was undertaken gyrA indicated a serine residue (S) at position 83 replaced by a
(25, 30). The gyrB sequences of 18/63 isolates (for example, strains valine (V) and a leucine residue (L) at position 92 replaced by a
AH811 and AH519) showed maximum sequence similarity with methionine (M) (Fig. 2A). In addition, another double mutation
those of A. enteropelogenes AN35, and the gyrB sequences of 26/63 variant in the QRDR of gyrA was also detected. Mutation at posi-
(for example, strains AV810 and AV1) had maximum sequence tion 83 resulted in serine replacement by isoleucine, and mutation
similarity with a reference strain of A. caviae B14 (Fig. 1). The gyrB at position 92 resulted in the replacement of leucine by methio-
sequences of 19/63 isolates (for example, strain AS110) had the nine (Fig. 2B). Strains of A. enteropelogenes and A. caviae that

8138 Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Aeromonas spp.

TABLE 1 Sequences of oligonucleotide primers used for the detection thermore, fluoroquinolone-resistant A. caviae AV14 had the high-
of virulence genes and fluoroquinolone resistance genes in Aeromonas est cytotoxicity among all the strains that were investigated.
spp. isolated from shrimp The characterization and identification of the members of the
Product genus Aeromonas by conventional biochemical methods is often
Gene size (bp) Primer direction,a sequence Tm (°C)b inaccurate and controversial, warranting the use of molecular
aer 431 F, CCTATGGCCTGAGCGAGAAG 63 techniques that provide unambiguous, precise diagnosis (25). Re-
R, CCAGTTCCAGTCCCACCACT cently, molecular biology methods have been used in the identifi-
act 231 F, AGAAGGTGACCACCACCAAGAACA 65 cation of aeromonads. The amplification and sequencing of the
R, AACTGACATCGGCCTTGAACTC gyrB gene (encoding the B-subunit of DNA gyrase, a type II DNA
ast 331 F, TCTCCATGCTTCCCTTCCACT 63 topoisomerase) has proved to be an accurate, unequivocal molec-
ular chronometer in the identification, strain differentiation, and
phylogenetic analysis of the genus Aeromonas and other Gram-
gyrA 462 F, CGACCTTGCGAGAGAAAT 59 negative bacteria (25, 30, 31). Three different species of aeromon-
R, GTTCCATCAGCCCTTCAA ads were identified among 63 fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria
gyrB 276 F, GCGCGTGAGATGACCCGCCGT 56 by the gyrB gene sequence analysis. Eighteen of the 63 isolates were
R, CTGGCGGTAGAAGAAGGTCAG identified as A. enteropelogenes, 26/63 as A. caviae, and 19/63 as A.
parC 232 F, CTTTGCGCTACATGAATTTA 64 sobria. To the best of our knowledge, little information is available
R, CAGGTTATGCGGTGGAATAT on the isolation and identification of A. enteropelogenes from
qnrA 580 F, AGAGGATTTCTCACGCCAGG 62 food-producing ecosystems. The identification of this rarely re-
R, TGCCAGGCACAGATCTTGAC ported strain indicates the usefulness of gyrB sequencing in un-
equivocal identification of aeromonads.
A majority of mutations described to date in Gram-negative
F, forward; R, reverse.
b bacteria have been found within the N termini of the gyrA, gyrB,
Tm, melting temperature.
and parC proteins, between codons 83 and 87 in the QRDRs (1, 3,
10, 18, 19, 22, 23). Mutations at these locations alter the binding of
quinolones to the active site and lead to reduced susceptibility (22,
harbored the above-described double mutations also contained a 23). However, sequence analysis of all highly quinolone-resistant
point mutation in parC. The point mutation resulted in the re- strains of Aeromonas spp. in the present study indicated amino
placement of serine by isoleucine at position 80 in parC amplicons acid changes in the GyrA subunit, at positions 83 and 92. The
(Fig. 2D). exclusive double missense mutations in the gyrA QRDR, indepen-
Amplification and analysis of gyrA from strains of A. sobria dent of mutation in parC, may be an alternate mechanism in-
indicated only a single point mutation. The mutation resulted in volved in the regulation of high-level quinolone resistance in aero-
the replacement of serine by isoleucine at position 83 (Fig. 2C). monads. Double missense mutations in the gyrA QRDR of
These strains also had a point mutation at position 80 (Ser¡Phe) Pseudomonas (1) and Escherichia coli (3, 10), particularly at posi-
in parC amplicons (Fig. 2E). No mutations were detected in gyrB, tions 83 and 87, are associated with increased levels of quinolone
qnrA, and qnrB. resistance.

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Amplification of toxin genes (aer, act, ast, and alt). The PCR Reports have indicated the necessity of concurrent point mu-
protocol (Table 1) unambiguously amplified the aer gene (Fig. tations in both gyrA and parC for high-level quinolone resistance
3A) from the template DNA of 17/18 (94.0%) A. enteropelogenes in several clinical and environmental strains of aeromonads (19,
strains, 24/26 (92.0%) A. caviae strains, and 3/19 (15.0%) A. sobria 23). These isolates had double mutations at codon 83 (Ser¡Ile/
strains. A pair of synthetic act-specific primers (Table 1) amplified
a 231-bp PCR amplicon from a majority of A. enteropelogenes
strains (16/18, 88.0%), 92.0% of A. caviae isolates (Fig. 3B), and
7/19 (36.0%) A. sobria strains. Template DNA from all aer-posi-
tive A. enteropelogenes also contained the act gene. However, only
14 of the 26 strains (54.0%) of A. caviae harbored the act gene.
None of the A. sobria isolates contained both aer and act genes.
Oligonucleotide primers failed to amplify the two cytotoxic en-
terotoxin genes (331-bp ast and 442-bp alt) from the template
DNA of any of the 63 isolates.
Determination of cytotoxicity of fluoroquinolone-resistant
aeromonads. Data from our cytotoxicity assays indicate that both
fluoroquinolone-resistant and fluoroquinolone-sensitive strains
of Aeromonas spp. caused an increase in LDH release in the culture
supernatant after 24 h postinfection, indicating that they were
cytotoxic to the rat epithelial cells (Fig. 4). However, the cytotox-
icity of the fluoroquinolone-resistant Aeromonas spp. showed sta-
tistically significant higher LDH activity (P ⬍ 0.03) than the fluo-
roquinolone-sensitive but virulent strains of A. veronii ATCC FIG 2 Sequence analysis of mutations in quinolone resistance-determining
9071, A. hydrophila ATCC 7966, and A. sobria AS3 (Fig. 4). Fur- regions (QRDRs) of Aeromonas spp.

November 2012 Volume 78 Number 22 8139

Shakir et al.

FIG 3 PCR amplification of virulence genes (aer and act) from the template DNA of fluoroquinolone-resistant aeromonads isolated from imported shrimp. (A)
Lane 1, 100-bp molecular size marker; lane 2, PCR negative; lanes 3 to 7, 431-bp aerolysin (aer) amplified from the template DNA of the isolates. (B) PCR
amplification of the cytotoxic enterotoxin (act). Lane 1, 100-bp molecular size marker; lane 3, PCR negative; lanes 2 and 4 to 7, 231-bp act gene amplified from
the template DNA.

Arg) of the gyrA QRDR, coupled with a missense mutation at the first time in aeromonads. It is possible that mutations at codon
position 80 (Ser¡Ile/Phe) in the parC QRDR. Contrarily, our Ser83 may confer high levels of quinolone resistance without the
results indicate unique double missense mutations in gyrA at necessity of concurrent point mutations in parC in aeromonads
codon 83 (Ser¡Ile) and codon 92 (Leu¡Met) coupled with a isolated from imported shrimp.
point mutation in parC at position 80 (Ser¡Ile/Phe). It is possible The pathogenicity of Aeromonas spp. is attributed to various
that these mutations could also be a vital, alternate mechanism putative virulence genes (6, 7, 21). The mechanisms of pathogen-
involved in regulating high levels of quinolone resistance in aero- esis are complex and multifactorial. Aeromonads are known to
monads. In addition, to our knowledge, the point mutation at produce at least four different kinds of enterotoxins (6, 7, 17), and

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position 92 (Leu¡Met) is a novel, unique mutation recorded for many of these putative virulence genes exhibit hemolytic, cyto-
toxic, and enterotoxic activities (7). However, the occurrence and
prevalence of these toxin genes in aeromonads isolated from dif-
ferent ecosystems are ambiguous. Chacon et al. (6) indicated that
65.0% of the aeromonads isolated from clinical and environmen-
tal samples harbored the aer and act genes. All freshwater fish
isolates of A. hydrophila harbor the aer gene, but strains of A.
veronii do not contain the gene (8). However, Nawaz et al. (17)
reported that template DNA from 96.0% of the A. veronii strains
isolated from catfish harbored the putative aerolysin gene. How-
ever, very little is known about the virulence mechanisms in A.
enteropelogenes and A. caviae. Our results indicate that the major-
ity of the fluoroquinolone-resistant A. enteropelogenes and A.
caviae strains and a few of the A. sobria isolates from imported
shrimp are putatively virulent because they harbored aer and act
The importance of various types of secretion systems, as well as
virulence factors, in the cytotoxicity caused by Aeromonas spp. has
FIG 4 Cytotoxic activities of Aeromonas spp. isolated from imported shrimp. been the focus of research for the development of new therapeutic
LDH activities were estimated for the fluoroquinolone-resistant Aeromonas agents (2). Earlier studies have demonstrated that a type 3 secre-
spp. isolated from imported shrimp and compared with the activities of fluo- tion system (T3SS) is required for A. hydrophila pathogenesis. Yu
roquinolone-sensitive but virulent strains A. veronii ATCC 9071, A. hydrophila
ATCC 7966, and A. sobria AS3 (in-house strain). The LDH assay was per-
et al. showed that insertional inactivation of two of the T3SS genes
formed with a CytoTox 96 nonradioactive kit. Error bars show standard devi- (aopB and aopD) led to decreased cytotoxicity in carp epithelial
ations. cells (32). Another mechanism of pathogenesis includes a require-

8140 Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Aeromonas spp.

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November 2012 Volume 78 Number 22 8141

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