Lab 4 - The Lower Leg and Foot

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Lab 4: The lower leg and Foot

Lab 4: The Lower Leg and Foot

Skeletal features:
C. Foot
A. The leg
1. Tarsal Bones
1. Tibia A. Calcaneus
A. Tibial plateau B. Talus
B. Tibial tuberosity C. Navicular
C. Shaft of tibia D. Medial cuneiform
D. Medial Malleolus E. Intermediate cuneiform
F. Lateral cuneiform
2. Fibula G. Cuboid
A. Head of fibula
B. Shaft of fibula 2. Metatarsals (I to V)
C. Lateral malleolus
1. Phalanges (1 to 5)
A. Hallux
B. Proximal
C. Middle
D. distal

A. Muscles of the leg that move the foot and toes (anterior)
1. Tibialis anterior
2. Extensor digitorum longus
3. Extensor hallucis longus

B. Muscles of the leg that move the foot and toes (lateral)
1. Fibularis longus

C. Muscles of the leg that move the foot and toes (posterior)
1. Gastrocnemius
2. Soleus
3. Calcaneal (Achilles tendon)
4. Tibialis posterior
5. Flexor digitorum longus
6. Flexor hallucis longus

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