Verb To BE

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Chapter | Life =) 4 Exercise 1. Let's talk: class activity. (Chart 1-1) Introduce yourself to six classmates. Use this model. Hi, Lam (name) Tam from (country or city) I speak (anguage) Write down information about six classmates you talk to. FIRST NAME COUNTRY OR CITY LANGUAGE, a Exercise 2. Warm-up. (Chart 1-1) Read the sentences and circle yes or no. » 1. He is happy. yes no 2. She is sad. yes no 3. Lam happy. yes no plein inLanguagesn 4 1-1 Singular Pronouns + Be PRONOUN ~ BE ‘Singular means “one.” ar ” |, you, she, he, and it in (a)—(e) refer to one person. am, are, is = forms of be (f) Maria is tate. | Pronouns rafar ta nuns L She is late. {In (f): She (feminine) = Maria (g) Tom is late In (g): He (masculine) = Tom a He is late, (h) Bus 10 is late. In (h): it = Bus 10 4 Itis late, Exercise 3. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-1) Write the comect prouvun, he, she, or it, Some items have two answers. 1. Mary she 6. Ms. Wilson 2, David 7. Professor Lee 3. Mr, Smith ___. 8. English 4. Canada 9. Robert 5. Dr. Jones 10. Miss Allen, Q Exercise 4. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-1) ‘Complete the sentences with am, is, ot are. 1, He is here. 4. She early. 2. You late. it REnAAREEEEEME TC, Siit____ ready. 6. He ald. 2 CHAPTER T a Exercise 5. Let's talk. (Chart 1-1) Part I. Check (/) all the words that are true for you right now. Tam. L happy. 6. sad. 2 hot. 7. cold. 3 nice, 8. __ nervous. 4. hungry. 9. sick. 5. tired. 10, ___ funny, She is nervous. He is hungry. She is tired. Part I, Share some sentences with a partner: “Iam __.” Part II. Tell the class a few things about your partner: “He is __.” oR “She is _ Q Exercise 6. Warm-up. (Chart 1-2) Circle the correct answer. One sentence has two answers. How many people? 1, We are ready. one two, three, or more 2, You are ready. one two, three, or more 3. ‘They are ready. one two, three, or more Using Be 3 PRONOUN + BE Plural means “two, three, or more.” We, you, and they in (a)—(c) ‘efer to two, three, or more, persons. (We are here. | (e) You re here, | (©) They are here, (8) Samandi, are here. We are here. (e) Samand you , are here. t You are here (f) Sam and lisa_,are here, t They are here. In (dy: We = Sam and | In (@): You = Sam and you Note: You can be singular or slural. In (f): They = Sam and Lisa 4 Exercise 7. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-2) Choose the correct pronoun. Lee and Bill Alice snd I ‘Mr. and Mrs. Martin and I you ard Dr. Taher Tony and she oye ep ‘Tony and you 2 Exercise 8. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-1 and 1-2) Complete the sentences with am, is, or are. 1, We __are__ ready. 20 late 3. He happy. 4, They sick. 5. She homesick. 6. Abdul and Taka 4 CHAPTER T y) we they we they we they you they we they you 7. You (one person) funny. 8, You (two persons) _early. 9. You and I ready. 10. It hot. 11. Sara and I late. homesick. 12. You and Emily tired. Q Exercise 9. Looking at grammar, (Charts 1-1 and 1-2) ‘Make complete sentences. 1. He\ ere Hei fer 2. They \absent 3. She \ sick 4, 1\homesick 5. You and I\ homesick 6. We\ late 7. Jack \ hungry 8. You (one person) \ early 9. You (two persons) \ early 10. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson \ late 11, Amy and I\ late Exercise 10. Warm-up. (Chart 1-3) Read the sentences and circle yes or no. United States “| 1. Canada is a country. yes no 2. Toronto is a city. yes: no 3. Vancouver is an island. yes no irLanguagesn Using Be 5 BEX R Sree ba Clb ie 72 Dat NOUN + 1S + NOUN (@) Canada is a country. In (a): Canada = a singular noun is = a singular verb country = a singular noun ioonecr: Cane dele court: | A frequently comes in front of singular nouns. {In (a); @ comes in front of the sirgular noun country. Ais called an “article.” |) Batis an iana ‘and an have the samme meaning. They are both ates Als used in front oF wurdss Ural Legin with consonants: inconrecr: Balt is island. 6,0, ,9, etc. ‘a bed, a cat, a dog, a friend, @ girl Exampl ‘Ans used in front of words that begin with the vowels, 2,6, /,ando.* Examples: an animal, an ear, an island, an office 9 oneor "in is sometimes wed in front of words that begin with w See Chart 7-2, p. 196, Vowels = a, €,i,0,u Consonants = b, 6 df 85 By jp kyl ms My Ps Gs Ss Vs MM Yo Q Exercise 11. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-3) Write a of an. 1, __42_— town 2, == _city 3. ___ island 4. ___ place 5. street 6. ___ avenue ih ocean 8. continent 6 CHAPTER 1 Q Exercise 12. Vocabulary and grammar. (Chart 1-3) Part I, Put the words from the box in the correct column. Some words go in two places. v Arabic Cuba Hawaii Mexico Russia Spanish Y Beijing France Japanese Moscow Russian Taiwan Chinese French Lima Paris Saudi Arabia Tokyo county LANGUAGE cry ISLAND Arabic Bejing Part II. Work in small groups. Check your answers. Finish the chart with your own choices. Your teacher will help you. Teke turns making sentences. Share some of your sentences with the class. Example: Trance, Japanese SrupeNT A: France is a country. STUDENT B: Japanese is a language. Exercise 13. Warm-up. (Chart 1-4) Complete the sentences with a book or books. What do you notice about the verbs in red? 1. A dictionary is 2. Textbooks are 3. Dictionaries and textbooks are Using Be 7 NOUN + ARE + NOUN Cats = a plural noun (@) Cats are animals. are = a plural verb animals = a plural noun (b) swNauLAn: @ cat, an animal Plural nouns end in -s. PLURAL: cats, animals A and an are used only with singular nouns. (c) SINGULAR: é city, a country ‘Some singular nouns that end in -y have a special PLURAL: cies, countries plural form: They omit the -y and add -ies.* NOUN ani NOUN + 4RE+ NOUN ‘Two nouns connected by and are followed by are. (@) Canada and China are countries. In (d): Canada is a singular noun. China is a singular fies: arava noun. They are connected by and. Together they are plural, ie., “more than one.” are animals. "See Chart 3-5, p. 6, for more information about adding -/-es to words that end in -y. Q_ Exercise 14. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-3 and 1-4) Look at each noun. Is it singular or plural? Choose the correct answer. 1. animals one —_ two or more 2. a dog one —_ two or more 3. acity one two or more 4. cities one two or more 5. an island one two or more 6. languages one —_two or more 7. acountry one two or more Q Exercise 15. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-3 and 1-4) Write the plural form. 1. a book ————books 4. an eraser 2a aleextogk) ¢ een ee eeaeaeeaeee a 5. apen 3. a pencil 6. a dictionary on eraser pencil 8 CHAPTER 4 Exercise 16. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-3 and 1-4) Complete the sentences. Use @ or an and the words from the box. animal country language city island sport 1. Abirdis ____ananimal____. Birds and cats are ____animals ____. 2. Tennis is Tennis and soccer are 3, Chicago is ___________.__ Chicago and Berlin are = 4. Spanish is _____________. Spanish and Italian are _ >. Mexico is . Mexico and Brazil are 6. Acowis Cows and horses are 7. Hawaii is . Hawaii and Taiwan are a Exel 17. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-3 and 1-4) Change the singular sentences to plural sentences. SINGULAR PLURAL 1. Achicken is an animal. = > Chickens are animals. chicken 2. Apeaisavegetable. = > 3. A dictionary is a book. 1 4. An airplane is a machine. > 5. June is a month, July is a month. = 6. Winter is a season. Summer is a season. > 7. Egyptis a country. Indonesia is a country. > Using Be 9 Q Exercise 18. Game. (Charts 1-3 and 1-4) ‘Work in teams. Your teacher will say the beginning of a sentence. As a team, finish the sentence and write it down. The team with the most correct sentences wins the game. Close your book for this activity. Example: ‘TEACHER: Spanish... TEAM A: Spanish is a language. 1. Adog... 6. Mexico and Canada. . 2. Arabic. . 7. An airplane... 3. London 8. Winter and summer 4, Summer... 9. Peas... 5. September and October .. . 10. Acar... Q Exercise 19. Let's talk: pairwork. (Charts 1-3 and 1-4) Your partner will ask you to name something. Answer in a complete sentence. You can look at your book before you speak. When you speak, look at your partner. Example: PARTNER A PARTNER B 1. acountry 1, two countries PARTNER A: Name a country. PARTNER B: Brazil is a country. Partner A: Good. Brazil is a country. Your turn now. PARTNER B: Name two counuics. PARTNER A: Italy and China are countries. PaRTNER B: Right. Italy and China are countries. Your tun now, Remember: You can look at your book before you speak. When you speak, look at your partner. PARTNER A PARTNER B 1. alanguage 1. two cities 2, two languages 2. anisland 3. a machine 3. two countries in Asia 4, an animal 4. a vegetable 5. two seasons 5. a street in this city 10 CHAPTER 1 4 Exercise 20. Warm-up: listening. (Chart 1-5) G Tisten to the conversation, Notice the words in red. Do you know the long form for them? 423, A: Hi, My name is Mrs. Smith. I’m the substitute teacher. B: Hi. I'm Franco. C: Hi, I'm Lisa, We're in your class. A: Ie’s nice to meet you. B: We're glad to meet you too. Se ea oy When people speak, they often (a) Ima student. Push two words together. A contraction = two words that (0) She's student, | ar@ pushed together (©) He'sastudent. | Contractions of a subject s pronoun + be are used in both (d) H's acity. speaking and writing, you're (@) You'reastudent, | PUNCTUATION: The mark in the middle of a contraction is called an "apostrophe" ().* we're (f) We're students. they're (g) They're students. “Nore: Write an apostrophe above the line. Do not write an spostrophe on the line connect: __Imastudent connect: __lma student Q Exercise 21. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-5) Write the contractions. 1. Tam tin 5, itis 2. she is 6. they are 3. you are 7, heis 4, we are Q Exercise 22. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-5) ‘Write the long form for each contraction. 1, They're sick. ——They.are __ 2. He’s absent. absent. 3. It’s hot. hot. 4. I'm late. late. 5. She’s hungry. = _____ hungry. 6. We're students. ______ students. 7. You're here. _—________ here. Using Be 11 a Exercise 23. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-5) Complete the sentences with pronouns. Use contractions. 1. Sara isa student. She's in my class. 2. James is a student. in my class. 3. Tam at school. in the cafeteria, 4, Yuri and Anna are absent. at home. 5. Anna is from Russia. nice. 6. Ali and Tare in the same class. _____ friends. 7. Yuri, Ali, and Anna are friends. _______ funny. Q Exercise 24, Listening. (Chart 1-5) £) Part I. Listen to the conversation. Write the contractions. @ vem) A: Hello, __[m _ Mrs. Brown, _____ the substitute teacher, 1 z B: Hi. Paulo, and this is Marie. ______ in your class. 3 7 nice to meet you. B: ______ happy to meet you too. 6 time for class. Please take a seat. Part IT. Listen to the conversation again and check your answers. a Exercise 25. Warm-up: pairwork. (Chart 1-6) Work with a partner. Complete the sentences with all the words from the box that are true. Share a few of your answers with the class. ababy a husband a teacher abird a student awife 1. Pm not 2. You're not 12 CHAPTER 1 CONTRACTIONS ‘Not makes a sentence negative. (a) | am nota teach Vm not ‘CONTRACTIONS (0) You are not a teacher. you're not / you aren't ‘Be and not can be contracted, (c) She is not a teacher. she’s not she isn’t Note thet “| am” has only one | (@) He is nota teacher. he’s not/ he isn’t ‘contraction with be, as in (a), but | (@) ttisnota city. it's not it isnt ee cc eee (f) We are not teachers. we're not / we aren't for (b)—(h). (9) You are not teachers. you're not / you aren't (n) They are not teachers. they're not / hey aren't Q Exercise 26. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-6) Complete the sentences with the negative form of be. ‘an ostronaut FULL FORM CONTRACTION 1. 1___aminot _ an astronaut. 1 _mnot ___ an astronaut. 2. He an astronaut. He an astronaut. OR He an astronaut. 3. They___ astronauts. ‘They astronauts. OR They astronauts. 4. You _. an astronaut. You an astronaut. OR You ____ an astronaut. 5. She __ an astronaut. She __an astronaut. or She __an astronaut. 6. We ______ astronauts. We _____ astronauts. or We astronauts. Using Be 13 a Exercise 27. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-5 and 1-6) ‘Make sentences with is, isn’t, are, and aren’. Examples: Africa \ city... It\ continent Baghdad and Chicago \ city . . 1. Canada \ country . . . It\ city . They \ continent aren't inents. 2. Argentina \city. . .It\ country 3. Beijing and London \ city . . . They \ country 4, Asia \ country .. . It\ continent 5. Asia and South America \ continent . . . They \ country Q Exercise 28. Vocabulary and listening. (Charts 1-3 and 1-6) Part I, Write a or an. 1, a » 22 ye ye mother 8. mom 9. father 10. dad 1. sister 12, brother 13. daughter Peterson Family Tree son Marie [+ Andiew = Ae As uncle adult ea & child Billy Janey ) Part I, Listen to the sentences. Choose the correct answer. Note: in spoken English, the @ “vin negative contractions may be hard to hear. 1. is isn’t 2. is isn’t 14 CHAPTER I 3. is 4. is isn’t isn’t 5. are aren't 7. are aren't 6. are aren’t 8. are aren’t 4 Exercise 29. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-5 and 1-6) Paul Cox Gloria Perez Nurse Lars Jensen Rick Hayes Dr. Sana Gupta Omar Khan Part I, Write the name of the person next to the job. . plumber ____Faul _ 5. police officer 2. bus driver 6. doctor 3. nurse 7. auto mechanic 4. gardener 8. construction worker ___ Part II, Complete the sentences. Items may vary in items 3-7. 1, Jennifer isn’t a gardener. She sa police officer : 2. Lars____ig __ a nurse. He ___ a doctor. 3. Omar ___ an auto mechanic. He isn’t 4. Paul a construction worker. He 5. Sana 6. Gloria . 7. Pmnota Pm Using Be 15 Exercise 30. Warm-up. (Chart 1-7) ‘Complete each sentence with a word from the box. short tall young old 1. Bill is 2. He is also 3. Sam is Bill Sam NOUN + BB+ ADJECTIVE round (a) Aball is round, inteligent (b) Balls are round. hungry = adjectives (0) Mary is intelligent, young (4) MaryandTon are intelligent. happy PRONOUN + BE + ADJECTIVE Adjectives often follow a ‘orm of be (am, is, are). 1 am hungry. In (a)—(g), the adjectives give information about a (f) She is young. ‘noun or pronoun that cortes at the beginning of a (@) They are happy. sentence.* “The noun or pronounthat comes atthe beginning ofa sentence called a “subject.” See Chart yp. 159, 4 Exercise 31. Grammar and vocabulary. (Charts 1-5 and 1-7) Find the adjective in the first sentence. Then complete the second sentence with be + an adjective with an opposite meaning. Use an adjective from the box. Write the contracted form of be. beautiful expensive noisy short clean fast old tall easy happy poor I'm notsad. I _i happy ' ‘Mr. Thomas isn’t rich. He My hairisn’t long. It Fey ‘My clothes aren’t dirty. They 5. Flowersaren’t ugly. They 16 CHAPTER 1 6. Cars aren’t cheap. They 7. Airplanes aren’t slow. They 8. Grammar isn’t difficult. It 9. My sister isn’t short. She es 10. My grandparents aren’t young. They 11. The classroom isn’t quiet. It Exercise 32. Grammar and vocabulary. (Charts 1-3, 1-4, and 1-7) ‘Complete each sentence with is or are end an adjective from the box. cold flat important smallflittle sweet dangerous funny —large/big sour wet dry Y hot round square A ite jee fe ieee eee Ice and snow Abox Balls and oranges Sugar a2 ee . Anelephant___, but a mouse pla A cain forest eeeeaseccesee eee emeeEOe But) a desert 8. A joke 9. Good health 10. Guns aren’t safe. They 11. Acoin small, round, and 12. A lemon lemonade Using Be 17 Q Exercise 33. Let’s talk: game. (Chart 1-7) Work in teams. Your teacher will ask you to name things. Your team will make a list. Share your list with the class. The group with the longest list gets a point. The group with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. Close your book for this activity. Example: sound TEACHER: Name round things. Team A’s List: a ball, an orange, a clock Team B’s List: a baseball, a basketball, a soccer ball Teas C’s List: a ball, a head, an orange, a coin, a ring, a planet Group C wins a point. 1, hot 4, free 7. beautiful 2. difficult 5. little 8. expensive 3. sweet 6. important 9. cheap Q Exercise 34. Let’s talk: pairwork. (Charts 1-5 -» 1-7) Work witha partner. Take turns making two sentences for each picture. Use the given adjectives. You can look at your book before you speak. When you speak, look at your partner. Example: The gitl . .. happy/sad PARTNER A: The girl isn’t happy. She’s sad. ‘Your turn now. Example: The flower . . . beautiful/ugly op PARTNER B: The flower is beautiful. It isn’t ugly. ‘Your turn now. PARTNER A PARTIE | (PEN 1. The table. . . clean/dirty. 1. The man friendly/unfriendly. a 2. The boy .. . sick/well. 2. The coffee . . . cold/hot. 18 CHAPTER 1 3. The algebra problem . +54+4=(x+4)(x +1) casy/difficult. 3. The woman . . . tall/short, a 4. “Ihe cars... old/new. sifin 4. Katie . . . old/young. Exercise 35. Grammar and vocabulary. (Charts 1-5 > 1-7) Complete the sentences with is or are and the correct pronoun. Use contractions. Some sentences are negative. 1, Apea___is green. __Itisnt _rea9 = 2. Carrots aren't blue. __Theyre orange, 1-7) Work witha partner. Check (7) each adjective that describes this city/town (the city or town where you are studying now). When you finish, compare your work with a partner. Do you and your partner have the same answers? Tell the class about some of your differences. 1, __ tig 11, ___ noisy 2. __ small 12, ___ quiet 3. dean 13. ___ crowded 4. __ dirty 14, ___ not crowded 5. ___ friendly 15, hot 6. ___ unfriendly 16, ___ cold 7. __ safe 17, __ warm 8. ___ dangerous 18. ___ cool 9. ___ beautiful 19, ___ expensive 10. __ ugly 20. ___ inexpensive/cheap a Exercise 38. Warm-up. (Chart 1-8) Read the sentences and choose yes or ne. 1. The cat is next to the mousetrap. 2. The mouse is under the chair. 3. The mouse is behind the cat. pew aben inLanguage cen yes yes yes 3 8 | (ay Maria is here, | (b) Bob is at the library. In (a): here = a place. Be is often followed by a place. here. A place may be one word, as in the | there. examples in (c). Coons | to mara | Upstate os outside. | ae Parone err ‘place may bea prpostona phase at the library. (preposition + noun), as in (A). oa (d) Bobis in his room. e work | hae Ee 7 : | on 7 NexTTO | " 8 fom j 1 [pow ee coer anes | above behind from next to under 2 peat 5 Using Be 21 a Exercise 39. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-8) ‘Complete each sentence with a preposition from the box. above between next to under behind vin on 1. The catis in the desk. | 2. The catis the desk. 3. The cat is _______ the desk. | 4. The car is ______the desk, the desk, 7. The catis the desks. 22 CHAPTERT Q Exercise 40. Let's talk: pairwork. (Chart 1-8) Work with a partner. Follow your partner’s instructions. Example: PARTNER A: Put your hand under your chair. PARTNER B: (Partner B performs the action.) PARTNER A PARTNER B Put your pen... ‘Put a piece of paper... 1. on your book. 1. behird your back. 2. in your hand. 2. between two fingers. 3. next to your thumb. 3. next to your thumb. 4. under your desk. 4. in the Q Exercise 41. Listening. (Charts 1-1 > 1-8) G Listen to the sentences. Write the words you hear. Some answers have contractions, tas ‘The First Day of Class Paulo__isastudent from Brazil. Marie___ student from France. | _____the classroom. Today _____ exciting day the frst day of school but Ry NTE evo! : to be here. Mrs, Brown ____ the teacher. She 7 in the classroom right now. as late today. Q Exercise 42. Reading and writing. (Charts 1-1 ~ 1-8) Read the paragraph. Then complete the sentences with true answers. Several answers are possible for each item, A Substitute Teacher ‘Today is Monday. It is the first day of English class. Mr. Anderson is an English teacher, but he isn’t in class today. He is at home in bed. Mrs. Anderson is in the classroom today. Mrs. and Mr. Anderscn are husband and wife. Mrs. Anderson is a good teacher. The students are a little nervous, but they're happy. Mrs. Anderson is very funny, and her explanations are clear. It’s a good class, 1. Mr. Anderson is ___an English teacher, sick, etc. 2 Mrs. Anderson is not Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are ‘The students are ee RN 5. The English class is Using Be 23 1-9 Summary: Basic Sentence Pa aout R altel “An expression of place can be a proportion + noun, or it can be one word: upstairs Exercise 43. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-9) Write the form of be (am, is, or are) that is used in each sentence. Then write the grammar siructure that follows be. BE + COMPLETION 1. We're students. are__ + __ oun 2. Anna is in Rome. —ie_— + —___place __ 3. I'm hungry. —am__ + _____adjective _ 4, Dogs sre animals. + 5. Jack isat home. —_ + 6. He's sick. a+ 7. They're in class. —_ + 8. I’m a mechanic. + 9. Gina is upstairs. + 10. The peas are good. — + 11, Dan and I are nurses. + 12. Nora is downstairs. + 13, We aren’t homesick. + 14. They are astronauts. _ + 24 CHAPTER T SUBJECT + BE + NOUN ‘The noun or pronoun that comes at the Deginning of @ 1 am —_astudent. sentence is called the “subject.” SUBJECT + BE + ADJECTIVE | Beisa verb." Almost all English sentences have a subject () He is _ intelligent. and a verb. SUBJECT + BE + APLACE Notice in the examples: There are three basic completions (©) We are inclass. for sentences that begin with a subject + the verb be: () She is upstairs. + anoun, as in (a) + an agjectve, as in (o) + an expression of place,* as in (c) end (a) 4 Exercise 44. Listening. (Chapter 1) £ Is and are are often contracted with nouns in spoken English. Listen to the sentences. Practice saying them yourself. Note: ’s and ’re can be hard to hear. 1, Grammar is easy. > Grammar’s easy. 8. Mr. Smith is a teacher. 2, My name is Josh. 9. My parents are at work now. 3. My books are on the table. 10. The food is good. 4. My brother is 21 years old. 11. Tom is sick today. 5. The weather is cold today. 12, My roommates are from Chicago. 6. The windows are open. 13, My sister is a student in high school. 7. My money is in my wallet. Exercise 45. Looking at grammar. (Chapter 1) Choose the correct completion Example: My friend from South Korea. a he (b) c. O 1. The test easy. a. are b. is 2 @ 2. My notebook on the table, a. is b. are 2. @ 3. My notebooks on the table. a. is b. are © 4. Sue a student. a. is b. she . @ 5. ‘The weather warm today. a. is b. it .@ 6. My friends from Cuba. a. are b. is .@ 7. My book on my desk. a. it b. is .® 8. The teachers in class. a. is b. are .@ 9. The teacher nice. a.’s ‘b. are « 10. Dinner ready. a. it b. is .@ *O = nothing a - Using Be 25 Q Exercise 46. Reading and writing. (Chapter 1) Part I, Read the paragraph. Look at new vocabulary with your teecher first. ° | od ‘Satu ‘Uranus | Venus Do you know these words? Venus is the second planet from the sun. It isn’t big on and it isn’tsmall. It is between Earth and Mercury. It is at night an interesting planet. It is very bright at night. It is rocky tooky and dusty. It is also hot. The temperature on Venus is 464 aera degrees Celsius or 867 degrees Fahrenheit. Part IZ. Write a paragraph about Mars, Use the following information. Facts: + 4th (fourth) planet from the sun + very rocky + small + very dusty + between Earth and Jupiter + very cold (-55° C/ -67° F) + red + interesting? Before you begin, look at the paragraph format. Paragraph Format ad (dent) —eVenu soooooonoEREERRIAIOGIGOK Sun Tt XI = xR AIA III Part II. Editing check: Work individually or change papers with a partner. Check (7) for the following: _— capital letter at the beginning of each sentence _— period at the end of each sentence _— paragraph indent a verb (for example, is or are) in every sentence yr er correct spelling (use a dictionsry or spell-check) Using Be 27

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