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Course Outline

Book Report on Linguistics I

Lecturer: Lazuar Azmi Zulferdi, M.Appl.Ling.
Period: March – July 2021

This course aims to equip students with practical understanding of reviewing theories, concepts, and contributions in linguistic studies
in relation to developing a research project. In particular, it will cover various topics in linguistic studies, ranging from phonetics to
discourse as well as the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary linguistic studies.

At the end of the semester, students are to achieve the following outcomes:
• Identifying theories and concepts in linguistic studies that are relevant to the topic of research that they are choosing.
• Analysing the contribution of theories and concept in linguistic studies that are relevant to the topic of research that they are
• Evaluating studies in linguistics in relation to the development of a research project.

Methods: Lecture, Discussion, Students’ Presentation (10 groups each for 15 minutes), Journal Review

Week Topics Activities Materials

1 Introduction to the course: Learning Briefing Syllabus, RPS, learning contract
contract and syllabus
2 How to write critical review to linguistics Lecture and discussion How to write a literature review for
studies part I project development/humanities

3 How to write critical review to linguistics Lecture and discussion How to write a literature review for
studies part II project development/humanities

4 Reviewing studies: phonetics & Lecture and discussion Compulsory: Ch. 1 Phonetics and
phonology Phonology (Li & Mahboob, 2012)
Supplementary: Ch. 2 Sounds & Ch. 3
Patterns of Sounds (Hazen, 2015)
5 Reviewing studies: syntax & morphology Lecture and discussion Compulsory: Ch. 2 Morphology &
Ch. 3 Syntax I (Li & Mahboob, 2012)
Supplementary: Ch. 6 Words made of
many parts (Hazen, 2015)
6 Reviewing studies: semantics & Lecture and discussion Compulsory: Ch. 5 Semantics &
pragmatics (Assignment 1) Pragmatics (Li & Mahboob, 2012)
Supplementary: Ch. 6 Semantics: the
study of meaning & Ch. 7 Pragmatics:
how language is used and the effect of
7 Reviewing studies: discourse Lecture and Discussion Compulsory: critical discourse
analysis and the marketisation of
public discourse (Fairclough, 1993)
Supplementary: ‘Toward a global
knowledge enterprise’: university
websites as portals to the ongoing
marketization of higher education
(Zhang & O’Halloran, 2013)
Midterm Examination Assignment 2
Libur Idul Fitri 10 – 22 May 2021
8 Current trend in linguistics: Presentation 1 & 2, lecture and Compulsory: Ch. 6 Language
Sociolinguistics discussion variation (Li & Mahboob, 2012); Ch.
10 Global Englishes (Mooney &
Evans, 2019)
Supplementary: Ch. 8
Sociolinguistics: language and society
(Rowe & Levine, 2018); Ch. 19
Colonization, globalization, and the
Sociolinguistics of World Englishes
(Schneider, 2011 in Meshtrie (ed.))
9 Current trend in linguistics: systemic Presentation 3 & 4, lecture and Compulsory: Ch. 1 Getting going
functional linguistics (SFL) discussion with genre (Martin & Rose, 2008)
Ch. 1 Interpreting social discourse
(Martin & Rose, 2007)
Supplementary: Matthiessen (2012)
Systemic functional linguistics as
appliable linguistics: social
accountability and critical approaches
10 Current trend in linguistics: English as Presentation 5 & 6, lecture and Compulsory: Xu, Z. (2017).
International Language (EIL) discussion Developing Meta-cultural
Competence in Teaching English as
an International Language, In. F.
Sharifian (Ed.), Advances in Cultural
Linguistics, (pp. 703-720).
Supplementary: Zhu, H. (2014). What
are culture-specific ways of
communication and why?, In
Exploring Intercultural
Communication: Language in Action.
(pp. 95-111). London and New York:
11 Current trends in linguistics: Presentation 7 & 8, lecture and Compulsory: Ch. 5 Knowledge about
educational linguistics discussion language (Rose & Martin, 2012)
Supplementary: Ch. 3 Knowledge
about language (Dreyfus, et al., 2016)
12 Current trends in linguistics: Presentation 9 & 10, lecture and Compulsory: Ch. 1 The semiotic
multimodal communication discussion landscape: language and visual
communication (Kress & van
Leeuwen, 2006)
Supplementary: Ch. 2 Why engage
with multimodality? (Jewitt,
Bezemer, & O’Halloran, 2016)
13 Current trends in linguistics: world Lecture and Discussion Compulsory: Ch 1 World Englishes
Englishes (Kirkpatrick, 2007)
Supplementary: Ch. 10 Global
Englishes (Mooney &
Evans, 2019); Ch. 19 Colonization,
globalization, and the
Sociolinguistics of World Englishes
(Schneider, 2011 in Meshtrie (ed.))
14 Final Wrap Ups Preparation for final assignment Review
Final Examination Assignment 3

Dreyfus, S.J., Humphrey, S., Mahboob, A., & Martin, J.R. (2016). Genre pedagogy in higher education: the SLATE project. London:
Fairclough, N. (1993). Critical Discourse Analysis and the Marketization of Public Discourse: The Universities. Discourse & Society
(4)2. 133-168. DOI:
Hazen, K. (2015). An introduction to language. West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons.
Jewitt, C., Bezemer, J., & O’Halloran, K.L. (2016). Introducing multimodality. London: Routledge.
Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. (2006). Reading images: a grammar of visual design (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.
Li, E., & Mahboob, A. (2012). English Today: forms, functions, and uses. London: Pearson.
Martin, J.R. & Rose, D. (2007). Working with discourse: meaning beyond the clause (2nd ed.). London: Continuum.
Martin, J.R. & Rose, D. (2008). Genre relations: mapping culture. London: Equinox.
Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2012). Systemic functional linguistics as appliable linguistics: social accountability and critical approaches.
DELTA (28). 435-471.
Mooney, A. & Evans, B. (2019). Language, Society, and Power: an introduction (5th ed.). London: Routledge.
Rose, D., & Martin, J.R. (2012). Reading to learn/learning to read: genre, knowledge, and pedagogy in the Sydney School. London:
Rowe, B.M., & Levine, D.P. (2018). A concise introduction to linguistics (5th ed.). London: Routledge.
Zhang, Y. & O’Halloran, K.L. (2013). ‘Toward a global knowledge enterprise’: university websites as portals to the ongoing
marketization of higher education. Critical Discourse Studies (10)4. 468-485. DOI:
Kirkpatrick, A. (2007). World Englishes: Implications for international communication and English language teaching. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Xu, Z. (2017). Developing Meta-cultural Competence in Teaching English as an International Language, In. F. Sharifian (Ed.),
Advances in Cultural Linguistics, (pp. 703-720).
Zhu, H. (2014). What are culture-specific ways of communication and why?, In Exploring Intercultural Communication: Language in
Action. (pp. 95-111). London and New York: Routledge.
Assignment 3 (Article review 700-800 words) : 30 % (final exam)
Assignment 2 (Article review 500-600 words) : 20 % (midterm exam)
Assignment 1 (Article review 500-600 words) : 20 %
Presentation : 20 %
Attendance & Participation : 10 %

Lecturer : Lazuar Azmi Zulferdi, M.Appl.Ling

Email :
Mobile/WA : 087765972827

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