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A life History of my grandmother

My grandmother was a musician, she loves to sing, she loves to be heard by people around her with the
used of radio. When she was younger her parents what her to be a professional singer but because of
lack of money and training she practice with her own. She was the second family, she has half siblings to
her father side and she is the only daughter in the second family. Her half brothers and sisters lived in
the province Guimaras while my grandmother lived in Iloilo City. She was half aeta her mother was an
aeta lived in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo and her father lived in Iloilo City.

Everytime my grandmother sing for us she always then tell a story about their lives after the Japanese
war, she sells Kangkong, a gallon of water to drink and other vegetables to be sold. Then she used a cart
made in wood and wheels came from scrap. Then after all the items sold she do some extra things to
earn money that is she sings in the mourning ceremony, in order to help her mother she sings for the
death. She then tell us that long ago music usually used for courting a girl that time and the girl will wait
in the front of their window with their parents and wait for the signal if the family will allow the man to
enter their house to discuss about the courting stage.

Yes gone by my grandmother still sing in a radio station and so on my aunt her eldest, my mother who
used to came in the radio station where my grandmother sing every Sunday afternoon, the radio station
named Aksyon Radyo Iloilo. My grandmother was a good singer many people give her money to greet
them in the radio , I think a sponsorship for my grandmother they will give money and my grandmother
will greet them on air. But a long period of time my grandfather got jealous everytime my grandmother
has a duet in singing my grandfather listens and get angry everytime he heard it. She hurt my
grandmother and the abuse fall into nervous break down. My grandmother continue what she loves.
Until her last breath she died because of cardiac arrest but it was happened in the radio station RMN
Iloilo before the host called out her name she was unconscious and fall into a comma, until her last day
on earth she persue her dream as a good singer and be heard nation wide.

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