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Here is a list of 70 common vocabulary words frequently used in the IELTS reading test,
along with synonyms and examples:

1. Analyze - Examine, assess

Example: The data needs to be analyzed carefully to draw meaningful conclusions.

2. Aspect - Feature, facet

Example: One aspect of the problem is the lack of funding.

3. Evaluate - Assess, appraise

Example: It is important to evaluate the impact of new policies.

4. Interpret - Explain, analyze

Example: It can be challenging to interpret complex data accurately.

5. Framework - Structure, system

Example: The report provides a useful framework for understanding the issue.

6. Integrate - Combine, merge

Example: The new software aims to integrate various functions for efficiency.

7. Construct - Create, build

Example: The architect will construct a new building on the site.

8. Implication - Consequence, effect

Example: The implications of climate change are far-reaching.

9. Hypothesis - Theory, supposition

Example: Scientists have proposed several hypotheses to explain the results.

10. Approach - Method, strategy

Example: The best approach to this problem is to tackle it systematically.

11. Context - Setting, environment

Example: Understanding the context is crucial for interpreting the data.

12. Criteria - Standards, requirements

Example: The selection criteria for the scholarship are stringent.

13. Deduce - Infer, conclude

Example: From the evidence provided, we can deduce that the suspect is guilty.

14. Depict - Represent, illustrate

Example: The painting beautifully depicts a scene from nature.
15. Derive - Obtain, deduce
Example: The author derived inspiration from her travels.

16. Inference - Conclusion, deduction

Example: Making an inference based on the available information is essential.

17. Integrity - Honesty, morality

Example: The company prides itself on its integrity and transparency.

18. Imply - Suggest, indicate

Example: His silence seemed to imply that he did not agree with the decision.

19. Literal - Exact, word-for-word

Example: The translators provided a literal translation of the text.

20. Metaphor - Symbol, analogy

Example: The use of a metaphor can enhance the reader's understanding.

21. Emerge - Come out, appear

Example: New trends in fashion are constantly emerging.

22. Infer - Deduce, conclude

Example: From the results of the study, we can infer that there is a correlation.

23. Thesis - Argument, claim

Example: The author's thesis on the topic was well-supported by evidence.

24. Ambiguous - Unclear, vague

Example: The instructions were ambiguous, leading to confusion among the participants.

25. Proponent - Advocate, supporter

Example: She is a strong proponent of renewable energy technologies.

26. Relevance - Importance, significance

Example: The article discusses the relevance of the findings to current issues.

27. Synthesize - Combine, integrate

Example: The report aims to synthesize various viewpoints on the subject.

28. Verify - Confirm, validate

Example: The results of the experiment need to be verified by additional tests.

29. Assertion - Claim, statement

Example: The author made a bold assertion about the implications of the research.

30. Coherent - Logical, consistent

Example: The argument presented in the essay was coherent and well-structured.

31. Complement - Enhance, complete

Example: The new technology will complement existing systems.

32. Constitute - Form, comprise

Example: The different components constitute a complete system.

33. Contradict - Disagree, refute

Example: The witness's testimony appeared to contradict the defendant's alibi.

34. Diverse - Varied, different

Example: The group consisted of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

35. Emphasize - Highlight, underscore

Example: The speaker emphasized the importance of protecting the environment.

36. Infer - Conclude, deduce

Example: From the evidence provided, we can infer that there is a correlation.

37. Inherent - Intrinsic, essential

Example: The risks are inherent in the nature of the activity.

38. Paradigm - Model, example

Example: The new research challenges the existing paradigm in the field.

39. Prevalent - Common, widespread

Example: The disease is prevalent in certain regions of the world.

40. Quantify - Measure, calculate

Example: Scientists are working to quantify the impact of climate change.

41. Rationale - Reasoning, justification

Example: The rationale for the decision was outlined in the report.

42. Respective - Individual, specific

Example: Each member of the team has their respective roles and responsibilities.

43. Seminal - Influential, groundbreaking

Example: The author's seminal work laid the foundation for future research.
44. Subsequent - Following, next
Example: Subsequent studies confirmed the initial findings.

45. Validity - Accuracy, truth

Example: The researchers conducted tests to determine the validity of their findings.

46. Aesthetic - Artistic, visual

Example: The architect designed the building with a focus on aesthetics.

47. Bias - Prejudice, favoritism

Example: The study aimed to minimize bias in its methodology.

48. Convey - Communicate, express

Example: The artist's paintings convey a sense of peace and tranquility.

49. Criterion - Standard, measure

Example: The selection of candidates was based on specific criteria.

50. Cumulative - Accumulative, increasing

Example: The cumulative effects of pollution are a cause for concern.

51. Delineate - Outline, describe

Example: The report delineates the key findings of the study.

52. Discrepancy - Difference, inconsistency

Example: There was a discrepancy between the data collected by the two teams.

53. Elaborate - Explain, expand

Example: The presenter will elaborate on the key points of the presentation.

54. Homogeneous - Uniform, consistent

Example: The population of the village was largely homogeneous in terms of culture.

55. Impartial - Neutral, unbiased

Example: The judge must be impartial in the case to ensure a fair trial.

56. Inadvertent - Accidental, unintentional

Example: The error was inadvertent and was quickly rectified.

57. Methodology - Approach, method

Example: The researchers outlined the methodology used in their study.

58. Objective - Goal, aim

Example: The objective of the experiment was to test a new hypothesis.
59. Paradigm - Model, pattern
Example: The paradigm shift in technology has revolutionized the industry.

60. Precise - Exact, accurate

Example: The instructions need to be precise to avoid any confusion.

61. Profound - Deep, significant

Example: The novel had a profound impact on the reader.

62. Quantitative - Numerical, measurable

Example: The study used quantitative data to analyze the results.

63. Reciprocal - Mutual, shared

Example: The two countries have a reciprocal agreement on trade.

64. Rigorous - Thorough, strict

Example: The study underwent a rigorous review process before publication.

65. Sufficient - Adequate, enough

Example: The evidence presented was sufficient to prove the defendant's guilt.

66. Uniform - Consistent, standard

Example: The company has a uniform policy on employee dress code.

67. Validate - Confirm, verify

Example: The results of the experiment need to be validated by another study.

68. Warrant - Justify, merit

Example: The situation did not warrant such drastic action.

69. Accentuate - Emphasize, highlight

Example: The designer's new collection accentuates bold colors and shapes.

70. Advocate - Support, promote

Example: The organization advocates for the rights of marginalized 7 Reading test and
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