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Internal of Brand Management

Marketing Strategy of Dettol

Name- Sahil Sayyed

Roll No: -18

Class- TYBMS (Marketing)

Instructor- Zulfa Ma’am

Index: -

1) Intro of the Company

2) Marketing Strategies

3) Impacts

4) Analysis

5) Competitors

6) Goals or Plans

Dettol is a renowned brand known for its range of

antiseptic and hygiene products. Established by Reckitt
Benckiser, a British multinational consumer goods
company, Dettol has become synonymous with
cleanliness and germ protection worldwide. With a rich
history spanning over eight decades, Dettol has
emerged as a trusted household name, offering a
diverse array of products designed to promote health
and well-being.

The origins of Dettol trace back to the late 1920s when it

was first developed by a British scientist named Dr.
Lister. Originally formulated as a surgical antiseptic,
Dettol quickly gained popularity for its effectiveness in
preventing infections and promoting hygiene. Over the
years, the brand expanded its product line to include
soaps, disinfectants, hand sanitizers, and other personal
and household hygiene solutions.

One of the key factors contributing to Dettol's success is

its commitment to innovation and quality. The brand
continuously invests in research and development to
create products that meet the evolving needs of
consumers while upholding the highest standards of
safety and efficacy. Dettol's products are known for their
powerful germ-killing properties, making them
indispensable in homes, hospitals, and other healthcare
In addition to its focus on product innovation, Dettol
places a strong emphasis on public health education and
awareness. Through various campaigns and initiatives,
the brand strives to educate consumers about the
importance of proper hygiene practices in preventing
the spread of infectious diseases. Whether it's
promoting handwashing habits or advocating for clean
living environments, Dettol remains committed to
empowering individuals and communities to lead
healthier lives.

Today, Dettol stands as a symbol of trust and reliability,

with a presence in markets across the globe. From its
humble beginnings as a surgical antiseptic to its status
as a household staple, Dettol continues to uphold its
legacy of promoting hygiene and well-being for
generations to come.
 Marketing Strategy
Dettol's marketing strategy revolves around several key
elements that have contributed to its success as a
leading brand in the hygiene and antiseptic market:

1. Brand Trust and Reputation: Dettol has built a

strong reputation for reliability and efficacy over
many decades. Its consistent focus on delivering
high-quality products that effectively kill germs and
promote hygiene has earned the trust of consumers
worldwide. This trust is reinforced through
consistent messaging in advertising and packaging,
emphasizing Dettol's heritage and commitment to

2. Education and Awareness: Dettol invests heavily in

educational campaigns aimed at raising awareness
about the importance of hygiene in preventing the
spread of illness. These campaigns often include
public service announcements, social media
engagement, and partnerships with healthcare
professionals and organizations. By providing
information on proper hygiene practices and the
benefits of using Dettol products, the brand aims to
empower consumers to make informed choices
about their health and well-being.

3. Product Innovation: Dettol continuously invests in

research and development to innovate and improve
its product offerings. This includes introducing new
formulations, packaging designs, and product
variants to cater to changing consumer preferences
and needs. By staying ahead of emerging trends
and technologies, Dettol ensures that its products
remain relevant and competitive in the market.

4. Multi-Channel Marketing: Dettol employs a multi-

channel marketing approach to reach a diverse
audience across various platforms. This includes
traditional channels such as television, print, and
outdoor advertising, as well as digital channels like
social media, websites, and mobile apps. By
leveraging a mix of offline and online channels,
Dettol maximizes its reach and engagement with
consumers of all demographics.

5. Celebrity Endorsements and Partnerships: Dettol

often collaborates with celebrities, influencers, and
healthcare professionals to endorse its products and
promote its hygiene message. These partnerships
help to enhance the brand's credibility and visibility,
as well as resonate with target audiences on a more
personal level.

6. CSR Initiatives: Dettol's marketing strategy also

includes corporate social responsibility (CSR)
initiatives aimed at giving back to communities and
promoting social good. This may involve supporting
sanitation projects, providing hygiene education in
schools and communities, or partnering with non-
profit organizations to address public health

Overall, Dettol's marketing strategy is grounded in its

core values of trust, education, innovation, and social
responsibility. By consistently delivering on these values
and engaging with consumers in meaningful ways,
Dettol maintains its position as a trusted leader in the
global hygiene market.
The impacts of Dettol, as a brand and its products, can
be observed across various aspects of public health,
consumer behavior, and societal norms. Here are some
key impacts:

1. Improved Hygiene Practices: One of the most

significant impacts of Dettol is its contribution to
improved hygiene practices. Through its range of
antiseptic and hygiene products, Dettol has played
a crucial role in promoting handwashing, surface
disinfection, and overall cleanliness. This has led to
a reduction in the transmission of infectious
diseases and improved public health outcomes.

2. Reduced Disease Transmission: By effectively

killing germs and bacteria, Dettol products help
reduce the risk of disease transmission. Regular use
of Dettol hand wash, sanitizers, and disinfectants
can prevent the spread of illnesses such as colds,
flu, and gastrointestinal infections, thus contributing
to a healthier population.

3. Public Health Education: Dettol's educational

campaigns and initiatives have raised awareness
about the importance of hygiene practices in
preventing illness. By providing information and
resources on proper handwashing techniques,
surface cleaning, and personal hygiene, Dettol has
empowered individuals to take proactive steps to
protect themselves and their communities from
infectious diseases.

4. Consumer Confidence: The trust and reliability

associated with the Dettol brand have instilled
confidence in consumers worldwide. People often
choose Dettol products over others because of their
reputation for efficacy and safety. This consumer
confidence has led to strong brand loyalty and
continued market dominance for Dettol.

5. Cultural Influence: Dettol's emphasis on

cleanliness and hygiene has had a cultural impact,
shaping societal norms and behaviors around
cleanliness. In many cultures, Dettol products are
considered essential household items, and the
practice of regular handwashing and disinfection
has become ingrained in daily routines.

6. Economic Impact: Dettol's success as a brand has

also had economic implications, both for its parent
company, Reckitt Benckiser, and for the wider
economy. The sales of Dettol products contribute to
the company's revenue and profitability, supporting
investment in research and development, job
creation, and economic growth.

7. Environmental Considerations: While Dettol's

focus on hygiene is beneficial for public health,
there are also environmental considerations
associated with its products. The packaging and
disposal of Dettol products, as well as the use of
certain chemical ingredients, can have
environmental impacts. However, the company has
taken steps to address these concerns through
initiatives focused on sustainability and eco-friendly
product development.

Overall, the impacts of Dettol extend beyond individual

health benefits to encompass broader social, cultural,
and economic dimensions. Through its products,
marketing efforts, and corporate initiatives, Dettol
continues to make a significant contribution to public
health and hygiene worldwide.

1. Lifebuoy: Lifebuoy, owned by Unilever, is a

prominent competitor of Dettol, particularly in the
soap and hand hygiene segment. Like Dettol,
Lifebuoy emphasizes its germ-killing properties and
promotes handwashing as a key measure for
preventing illness.
2. Savlon: Savlon, owned by ITC Limited, is another
major competitor of Dettol, offering a range of
antiseptic and hygiene products. Savlon competes
directly with Dettol in categories such as antiseptic
liquids, hand wash, and surface disinfectants.
3. Hand sanitizers brands: Various brands producing
hand sanitizers, especially in recent times with the
increased focus on hand hygiene due to the COVID-
19 pandemic, pose competition to Dettol's line of
hand sanitizers. Brands such as Purell, Germ-X, and
Bath & Body Works are among the competitors in
this segment.
4. Private label brands: Many retailers offer their own
private label or store brand alternatives to Dettol's
products. These products often mimic the
formulations and packaging of leading brands at a
lower price point, appealing to cost-conscious

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