Krel 2013

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114 Cephalalgia 33(8 Supplement)

not NMDA or AMPA mediated currents in cortical neu- patient’s pain scale was assessed at 6 and 12week follow-
rons cell culture. SPD had no effect on voltage dependent up sessions.
sodium channel currents.
Results: Despite multiple trials of medical and surgical
Conclusions: SPD, a novel amide analogue of valproic management patient developed substantial relief with the
acid, robustly suppresses CSD frequency and elevates use of onobotuIinumtoxin A. Due to development of
the threshold of both NTG induced mechanical allodynia onobotuIinumtoxin A resistance in the form of shortened
and heat hyperalgesia. SPD may exert its anti-migraine duration of therapeutic activity, patient was transitioned to
effects through enhancing cortical inhibition. As a promis- incobotuIinumtoxin A with a beneficial result for a 12
ing novel anti-migraine compound further evaluation of week period of time. In the second patient an improve-
SPD’s specific mechanism of action is warranted. ment in patient symptoms were seen with injections of
incobotulinumtoxin A.

P152 Conclusions: Botulinum toxin A has been used as a mini-

mally invasive therapy for several neurological conditions
A Case Series: IncobotuIinumtoxin A - A Novel
such as cervical dystonia and blepharospasm, and has since
Therapy for Refractory Trigeminal Neuralgia
transcended into being a mainstay therapy for migraines,
R. Krel1, T. Mednick1, W. Spinner1 tension, and occipital headaches. The cases we describe
1 show that botulinum toxin A has the potential to become
Neurology, Stony Brook University Hospital, Stony Brook,
part of the treatment regimen for trigeminal neuralgia
cases that are refractory to both medical and surgical
Objectives: To discuss the potential benefits of using intervention.
incobotuIinumtoxin A in treating cases of refractory tri-
geminal neuralgia. We can furthermore discuss that those patients whom
develop resistance to onobotuIinumtoxin A may be suc-
Background: The first patient is an 81 year old male with cessfully transitioned to incobotuIinumtoxin A.
over 10 years of V1 distribution trigeminal neuralgia of the Incobotulinumtoxin A may also be used an additional med-
right hemifacial region. Patient reported pain that would ication in the management of trigeminal neuralgia.
‘‘drop him to his knees’’ and was intractable to multiple These cases, like other similar case reports and studies,
oral medications. His pain was refractory to surgical inter- show that botulinum toxin A, and in particular
ventions such as gamma knife surgery, microvascular incobotuIinumtoxin A, can become an integral part of tri-
decompression and nerve ablation. Patient was started geminal neuralgia therapy.
on onobotuIinumtoxin A (Botox) and after several
rounds of injections, patient began to develop resistance
to therapy and was subsequently transitioned to P153
incobotuIinumtoxin A at the same unit dose with >90% Dedicated Headache Clinic Impact on Care and
relief in the frequency and severity of his symptoms. Cost in a Multispeciality Clinic
The second patient is a 36 year old male with a 4 year D.M. Ready
history of right V3 distribution trigeminal neuralgia. He had
Neurology, Scott & White Healthcare, Temple, TX, USA.
also failed multiple oral medications and gamma knife sur-
gery on two occasions. Patient was started on incobotuli- Objectives: To measure the impact a dedicated Headache
numtoxin A with an 80% reduction in pain intensity and a Clinic may have upon delivery of care in a multispeciality
90% reduction in frequency of his pain symptoms. This clinic.
benefit was maintained for the duration of three months.
Background: With the coming health care changes there
Methods: The first patient was seen every 12 weeks for many patients will now have access to services previously
onobotuIinumtoxin A injections in a grid like pattern along unavailable. How this care is delivered will come under
the V1 territory. After several sessions of onobotuIinumtoxin greater scrutiny for its evidence base and cost effective-
A patient was transitioned to incobotuIinumtoxin A. Pain was ness. Migraine is the second leading cause of disability in
assessed via patient pain scale that was administered at every the USA so an individual with Migraine can be assured that
appointment visit. there will be attacks that will on occasion require rescue.
All too often today Migraine patients seek that care in an
The second patient was started on incobotulinumtoxin A expensive Emergency Department setting. It is because of
injected in a grid like pattern along the V3 territory. The these episodes of disabling attacks that migraine patients

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