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Qualitative research is an effective method of finding answers to

phenomena in the context of different disciplines like education,
technical communication, business, social, and behavioral sciences
advertising, and social work. Further, the latest developments of these
disciplines are relatively contributed by qualitative business, social,
and behavioral sciences advertising, and social quantitative study

Importance of Qualitative Research across Different Fields

1. Qualitative Research in Education
To better understand education research, Green and Bloome
(1997) gave a distinction between Ethnography of education and
Ethnography in education.
Ethnography of the distinction to understanding what counts as
education for members of a particular group while ethnography in
education studies about social and cultural members of a school or
classroom. An example is how teaching styles match the learning styles
of students.
They concluded that ethnographic practice any set of social
and cultural practices are ways that people in a certain place react
to each other to pursue an agenda: including research agenda,
educational agenda, and social, cultural, and instructional change
agenda. An example of this study is how students react to the
evaluation of their academic performance. Qualitative research is
important as it navigates towards improved academic performance
performance in education.
2. Qualitative Research in Technical Communication
Qualitative research can also be used in studying the effective use
of technology in the workplace to ensure a smooth flow of
communication. This can be conducted using a focus in groups.
Technical communications under study include e-mail, fax messaging,
video and voice conferencing, intranet, extranet, jargon, and graphics.
The fax messaging in technical communication is a product of
exploration using qualitative research.

3. Qualitative Research In Psychology

According to Braun and Clarke ( 2013 ), the qualitative research
paradigm in psychology has been emerging since the second half of
the nineteenth century. Psychology has been strongly shaped by the
behavioral and cognitive traditions within which psychology should seek
to understand and determine an observable, objective, psychological
An example of this is, psychologists seek to understand why some
students lack the motivation to go to school and why some students
resort to bullying and the like. Understanding the psychological
processes and how they affect society is the contribution of qualitative

4. Qualitative Research in Advertising

Morrison et al contribution eat advertising comes along from an
understanding of consumers’ wants and needs. Further, they say that
qualitative research approaches or methods useful in advertising have
been used by advertising researchers.
The stated connection of understanding the connection between
advertising and consumers' preferences can be explained through
qualitative research.
5. Qualitative Research in Social Work
Conducting research in social work means studying people's
experiences especially what they found traumatic and painful. This can
be done by analyzing interview data and narratives which have four
broad categories:

a. Knowledge-direct remembering and reliving, with complete details

of the events.
b. Awareness of mental process: awareness of emotions and of
cognitive Processes.
c. Awareness of identity-awareness of values and the construction of
personal characteristics of each partner and the couple as a unit.
d. Alienation-refusal to observe, reflect, or remember.

6. Qualitative Research in Marketing

Historically, qualitative research in marketing is influenced by social
research and has embedded projective devices within the approach of
in-depth interviews.
The more modern qualitative marketing studies use the grounded
theory approach. For example, Flint, Woodruff, and Guardian
(2002, as cited in Belk, 2016) studied customers at different levels in US
automobile manufacturing. Thus, by thorough investigation through
research, marketing strategies are improved for a better return of
7. Qualitative Research in International Business
Business establishments use methods like participant observation,
content analysis focus groups, narrative interviews, and "hidden" methods
such as archival research (Marschan, Pekkari & Weich, 2004).
In this manner, business establishments can collect reliable information and
decide to improve their ways and processes.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017)

There are two broad categories of research methodology: quantitative

research and qualitative research. The method to be used in conducting

research will determine the approach the researcher takes in identifying

relevant data and collecting and analyzing the information gathered in the

research. Choosing either a quantitative or qualitative approach will affect

the components of the research.

For instance, a researcher may decide to undertake scientific research. If

he/she takes a quantitative approach, he/she will use statistical data to

explain the phenomenon. On the other hand, if the researcher chooses a

qualitative approach, the goal of the study will be to discuss and analyze the

underlying concepts and theories related to the research topic.

For you to easily understand the similarities and differences between the two

research methods,here is a short definition of terms that you have to be

familiar with. P

Similarities and Differences
• contact time - the period when the researcher interacts with the research

subjects or participants to obtain relevant information.

• hypothesis - a statement usually predicting the

? relationship between variables that

can be tested by scientific research.

• outlier - a statistical observation in a set of data that is inconsistent with most

of the data.

·output replicability-capable of repetition, imitation or reproduction

• research instrument-a measurement tool designed to obtain,measure, and analyze

data from research subjects around the research topic.

• sample size-the number of subjects to be taken from the target population of the


• trend-an assumed development in the future that will have a long-term and lasting

effect; prevailing style or preference.

• validity - the functional quality of research instrument on obtaining data and

producing results based on the purpose of the study.

• variable-any characteristic that can have different values or traits that may vary

across research participants.

Purpose of Conduting Research
* It is a means to solve problems
- Our world continue to grow and because of this,
we encounter more problems with research. we are lead to
probables solutions that can be crucial for all of us.

Example: A Research on the Prejudice of Same-Sex

Relationship in Society. This will reveal the different struggles or
problems of same-sex couples and the researcher's can also
employ different solutions to solve these problems.

* It is a tool to explore social issues.

- Since research also answers queries on present day
events. it is also a tool to explore social issues so we can delve into
them and understand their effects on society.

Example: A Research on how the SAPS 2 CovID-19 pandemic

affected the present day social strata (lower class, middle class,
upper class )
Purpose of Conduting Research
* It helps us understand ourselves
- People are some of the most vast beings in this World. For us
to understand ourselves more research is a vital tool to let us
know or learn more about our emotions, opinions, views, etc.

Example: A Research on Adolescent Depression.

This will help people, especially adolescent, understand the triggers
and the causes of depression. it will build awareness and openness
about the topic
that was stigmatized.

* It is a tool to promote opportunities

- Researches can unleashed what is needed in our
lives and in society.

Example: Research on the preferred Occupation of

Senior High School Students in relationship with their
tracks. This will open up more opportunities for
employers and future employees which will be
suppemetal for demand.

Now that you read the different purposes of

conducting a research, let's exercises

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