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White House Virtual Tour: Virtual Reality Lesson

Grade: 3-5th Grades (Life Skills setting)

Subject: Social Studies
Time: 90 min (broken up if needed)


5.1.1.F Identify national symbols.

5.1.3.F Identify state symbols, national symbols, and national holidays.

8.3.1.B Identify American landmarks and their significance.

8.3.1.A Identify Americans who played a significant role in American history.

8.3.2.B Identify American artifacts and their importance in American history.

8.3.3.B Identify and describe historical documents, artifacts, and places critical to
United States history.

1. SWBAT use Google Slides to complete a White House digital notebook
2. SWBAT identify the White House and important items found in it

● White House Digital Notebook shared with each student through Canvas
● 360° Tour Website
● Living quarters video
● Chromebook for each student and teacher
● Projector

1. Give clues about the White House and see if students can guess what we’re
learning about. (It’s white, it’s big, it’s in Washington D.C., the president lives in it)
2. Ask any students who have visited it to share any information they remember.
Student Tasks/During the Lesson

1. Students and the teacher will be progressing through the slides together. The
teacher will begin the tour on the website and read and/or have students read the
accompanying information from the Google Slides.
2. When we get to a question slide, we will discuss the question and possible
answers, but students are responsible for answering the question on their
individual Google Slides Presentation.
3. After completing the digital notebook and tour, we will discuss parts of the White
House that are excluded from the tour such as the living quarters.
4. Show them the video of the living quarters from President Obama’s presidency.

Following the lesson

1. Students will identify their favorite item or room that we talked about and say why
it is their favorite.

● Students Google Slides will be checked for accuracy
● Observation/notes will be used to assess students’ knowledge throughout the

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