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The King of Kindle

Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Table of Contents:

Case Study - My Results with this Method and 3 Books: ........................................................................................................... 1

The Gap – Publish what avid readers want to read now! .......................................................................................................... 4
This is your perfect money machine. ................................................................................................................................... 5
The Unfair Advantages to Boost Your Sales & Income .............................................................................................................. 6

You hit two rabbits with one shot. ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Take this advantage. .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

The Best KDP Research for Success ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Choosing a profitable market ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Set up yourself for success ................................................................................................................................................ 14
There are two markets to avoid right from the start:........................................................................................................ 16

There are FOUR types of markets:..................................................................................................................................... 16

Writing your first book! ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
At this point, you should know what book to write, a bestseller your readers will love. .................................................. 20
Master Kindle if you can’t write! ............................................................................................................................................. 21

Publishing on KDP the Right Way ............................................................................................................................................ 23

The Perfect King of Kindle Launch Formula ............................................................................................................................. 30

Here is how it works: ......................................................................................................................................................... 30

How to use this strategy the right way? ............................................................................................................................ 31

Grow and Scale Your Kindle Business ...................................................................................................................................... 34

The KDP FREE Promo Hack ................................................................................................................................................ 34

Make more money with your no-so-good books .............................................................................................................. 35

Double and Triple your business ....................................................................................................................................... 36

Wait, there is more! .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

Final Words .............................................................................................................................................................................. 38
The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Case Study - My Results with this Method and 3 Books:


Join the King of the Kindle Success Club. You can do it!

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Hey, thank you for downloading my e-book!

Before you start reading, let me confess you a thing…

I’m a terrible writer…

I barely speak English and I bet this pdf is full of errors…

I struggle with writing and I feel lost when it comes to blogging or writing an email…

But did you know?

I've helped hundreds of people publish Kindle books and make good money.

I get a lot of positive feedback and see the results that my friends are getting now.

Some people have really nailed it and are running this as a highly profitable business.

At the time of writing this guide, I know eight high school students who started with
nothing but a passion and desire to change their lifestyle for good.

Being avid readers helped them achieve tremendous success in less than five
months. One of them makes six figures a month now…

This may sound like a HUGE success and sometimes I wish I could write like them… but I have
achieved more than that… I have helped them change their lives for the better. po
I want to help you too.

Are you ready?


 Do you want to earn enough to live the life of your dreams?

 Do you want to stop worrying about your finances, ever?

You can do this (without working! - more on this later).


There are tons of ordinary people from all over the world, including third-world countries, making a
lot of money by publishing books on Kindle right now.

I personally know a dozen indie authors who earn more than

highly paid professionals.

In fact, some of my students are making more money than they

ever dreamed of. No matter where you are from you can make

money by publishing books online even if you can’t write.

Just imagine if you sell 100 copies of a dollar book a day… it’s 3k
per month… from one single book. You can publish as many books as you want… and you can sell a

lot more than 100 per day….

I am not good at math and numbers so let’s focus on the system I am going to teach you…

The system that will change your life.

Don’t think about the money as you will have a lot of them very soon…

Think about dreams come true.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Think about your financial freedom. Freedom to choose your own hours, to fit work around your
family or other interests, to choose what projects you work on or the books you want to write.

Imagine your ideal life and happy family traveling around the world, exploring the most beautiful
places of the world, meeting with other (interesting) people, live the life you would really love.

Authors are perhaps the only ones besides IT nomads who can work from anywhere in the world
feeling at home. In addition, when I talk to them, they can't define themselves as employees even
though they write for hours and make more money than most of the 8 to 5 professionals.


 You can publish books on Amazon Kindle.

 You can make a lot of money.

It is all about giving your readers what they want.


It is a basic principle of Reciprocity - give before you ask.

Give them the entertainment they need by reading your books they love and make them eager for

your next books; get what you want in return - money, financial independence, glory, satisfaction…

This might sound like a tough task if you don't know what to do, but it can be easy when you follow a

system. It is quite simple - do proper market research, find a gap and deliver readers' expectations.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

The Gap – Publish what avid readers want to read now!

Unless you've been living under a rock, you should be aware of the rise of online sales, right?

The good news is that there is an increase in book sales as well.

There are more and more people reading books every day.

However, the world is busy and there is always not enough time for anything.

People want to read but have less time to spend on daily readings.
So what?

They like to read, and they want to read, but most of them just

don’t have enough time for novels.

The answer is short reads!


I'm not saying that everyone reads short books.


So many people read novellas and novels but I see a growing

demand for short reads.

Think TikTok.

It drives me crazy.

People want a new short entertainment every second or two.


People are hungry for more and more shorts.


They are obsessed for more. They can’t stop watching short videos for hours.

Do these people still watch films?

Yes, they do. Most of them, I hope.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

But the demand is here; people have less time for entertainment and want to spend every free
second on entertainment… Most of them scroll FB, IG, TikTok, or whatever comes next….

However, there are A LOT OF PEOPLE who read every second they have…

More and more (busy) people are moving from novels to short reads.
Others never read a novel.

What you want to do is satisfy the growing demand for short stories.

Stories that people can read in an hour or so on their lunch break, on the
bus or train to work, on car journeys, bedtime stories, etc.

What I do, and many people do as well, is buy Kindle short books for 0.99

A dollar per hour of reading.

А dollar for a full hour of pleasure!

How cool is that?

It is not about the cheap price per book.

People want to get their fill of the entertainment they need within the limited time they have.

The short reads are the answer to their needs.

 Therefore, they buy short books.
 They buy again, and again.
 Buy more from you if they like your books.

They just can’t stop reading.

If you stop writing, they will find another author.


And will buy again, more and more…


This never stops.

This is your perfect money machine.


I will teach you how to build it the easy way.


For now, you should understand many people would choose a short read over a novel.

They prefer to snack a book.


They would prefer a variety of small portions rather than

one big meal.

It doesn’t matter where you are from.


Most of the books I read now are from ordinary

publishers, people just like you, who know how to fit my
reading style and preferences.

It is all about the new entertainment they are offering now, as opposed to the well-known novelists
that were the only option in the past.
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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

The Unfair Advantages to Boost Your Sales & Income

Let me give you an example of two author pages on Amazon Kindle.

This is an author with one novel for 5.99

This is an author with a bunch of short reads for 0.99 each.


Let’s assume the total number of words written is almost the same and both authors spent equal
time to finish their books. The novel is 258 pages; each short read is 20-50 pages.

If you open both author pages, what are you more likely to buy?

You see an author with one book compared to an author with many books.

I would choose the second one and this is not because of the cheaper price per book. The first’s
author page looks somehow empty. I will read this book and what’s next? When he is going to

publish his second book? Should you be willing to wait for months?

I know a lot of people are waiting for months for the next book to come from their favorite authors,
but there is a bunch of people who don’t, especially for unknown new authors.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

There is another thing… will you like that book?

Would you be more willing to try something new for 0.99 than $5-6, especially
from a new unknown author?

If you forget about the price for a moment...

It is just easier to start and finish a short book.

In addition, writing short books is easier and better for you.

Let me explain.

If you start writing, you have two options – you start either a novel or a series of short books. Let’s
say you need six months to finish a novel. You won’t get any money for the next six months, right?

If you can chunk a short in a month, you can start earning money in a month.

In six months, you will have six short books published and you are already making money with the
same number of words written.

Then, at the end of the 6th month, you can pack the six stories in one long book to attract some
novel-style readers who just prefer to buy one longer book instead of many shorts.

You hit two rabbits with one shot. po

And it doesn’t stop here.

When starting a new venture, business, or hobby,


you cannot be sure of its success.

You should always validate your idea!

This, by the way, is the most common mistake


made by new entrepreneurs.

They don’t validate the idea!


They believe blindly, they are convinced of success and throw themselves into the new venture with
all their might.

Don’t do it!

If you are just starting to write, you will face some challenges and a lot of competition.

It's much better and easier to write a small, short book to test the water before devoting months to
work on your hopeful bestseller.

I see this every day.


Random people are starting new blogs, drop shipping, PODs, etc. hoping, believing, of their success. I
am so sad to see their faces after months of hard work for no benefit.

That's why I urge you to start with a short book and a random pen name.

If they like it, you see your first money coming in a month or so, and nothing is more encouraging to
start working on your next books than positive feedback from avid readers.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

If it fails, you change the pen name and start from scratch.

And it is not a wasted month because you will learn a lot in this first month and I will teach you how
to make money from this book that no one likes.

So, the benefits of writing a series of short books vs. one long book are many:

 You validate your idea, niche, and style earlier with fewer resources so you can adapt faster.
 You start building your list of money-making readers earlier.
 You attract both busy snack readers and novel readers.

You see – this is a perfect money machine. The less you put in - the more you get out of it.

Novel writers spend a lot of time and resources writing a book that no one might like.

You can test the water with less effort and you can start making money in no time.

In addition, some readers are more inclined to try a cheaper short book instead of an expensive
novella by a new author so you have more chances to get your books read.

Short books are your secret weapon in the highly completive publishing business.

 It is easier for you to write a short book while learning to write.

It is easier and cheaper for you to find ghostwriters for your books.
It is easier for you to find your niche, build up your list of paying readers, establish yourself
as a bestselling author and make tons of money.

But there is more than this.

Did you know what one of the most famous Amazon is?

The more books you have, the better exposure you have in this section so more people will see your
books. Amazon is built to make loads of sales. They promote your stuff the best they can because

they make money when you make sales. Take a piece of this opportunity.

However, there is more than this.


If you have say, six books, you can give one of them for free. It is like a free trial.

It costs nothing more than a few clicks for a new reader to download your book and read it. If they
like it, they’ll buy your next books, each priced at 0.99 – not a big deal for the entertainment desired.
All you have to do is to add links to your next books at the end of the book they’ve just read.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Therefore, it is not only that you start to make money sooner e.g. people buy your second, and 3rd
book while the novelist is still working on his first one.

 You sell more books because of better exposure.

 You sell more books because of your more compelling author page.
 It is easier and free for readers to try your style as a new author.

And there is even more than this.


You can pack several short reads in a bundle and make it a novel-style long book. This won’t take you
much time but now you shoot three rabbits with one bullet: 1) offer a free book 2) offer several 0.99
short reads for snack readers and 3) have a long book set for novel-style readers.

You have an unfair advantage compared to novel writers.

You win all cases.


However, there is even more than this.

You already know how writing a series of short books outperforms


one long book but it doesn’t stop there.

Amazon Kindle is HUGE…


They have so many readers they want to serve so they break short
reads into sub-categories depending on the book length or time it

takes to read a book.

It is simple math – one page is 250 words in length so 5500-8000


words books go into the 45 min and 8250-10750 into the 60

minutes and guess what?

You can write for two (or more) categories by just playing with the total number of words in a book.

Give or take 500 words or so…

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

and you can move from 45 to 60 and vice versa so more people can find a book from your series. If
they like it, they will read the other books in a series no matter the category they belong to.

You target both groups looking for a-45 minutes or 60 minutes. You can even go beyond this.

Just remember – you do not sell word count!

You sell a compelling story they just can’t put aside. They want to read more from you.


 Avid readers are getting hungrier for more short books!

 Some of them have 20 min to finish a book; others have an
hour and a half or so.

So your first goal is to put your books in front of their eyes in the

best possible ways, give them a low barrier to download and read it
and make them hook to your series.

Playing with word count a bit is a huge unfair advantage you have.

Use it!

Let Amazon show your books out to a wider range of people.

Pro tip: Respect your readers!

Make them your fans.

Kindle doesn’t count words in a book. It counts pages. So you can move from one category to
another by just putting some empty spaces here and three inside your book. Just don’t overdo it.

You make a lot of money when you have happy readers.


You know what?

There is even more than this. LOL!


One of the advantages to publish a series of books instead of one long book is the opportunity to use
more keywords. Each book can have seven keywords. If you have a series of similar books, you can

use different relevant keywords for each book, helping Amazon to wider your reach of readers.

When you choose the right keywords your chances to appear on Amazon search increase helping
more readers to find your books. Each book you publish gives you one chance of seven keywords.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

One series of six books equals 42 different keywords.

Plus, you have one more space for another seven keywords in your book set.

Seven times more likely to be found.

How cool is that?

I don’t like to be in a novel writer’s shoes anymore.

There are so many unfair advantages.

Kindle is simply built up to reward short book publishers.

Want more?

When you publish a book, you can choose two categories to put your book in:


Well, with several books in a series you can choose two different for each book in a series, giving you
more and more unfair advantages to outperform novel authors.

Note you should target only relevant keywords and publish your books in relevant categories. Use
this opportunity wisely, when your books fit more than seven keywords or two categories.

Sometimes just a new keyword or changing one category to another can boost your sales.

Pro tip: use subcategory names in your keywords list for even better reach and add “short story” as
a keyword as well. 😊 Remember, as a short books author you have a lot more space for keywords.

To summarize it:

Writing and publishing short books in a series or serials always outperform novels:

 You validate your idea, niche, and style earlier with fewer resources so you can adapt faster.
 You start building your list of money-making readers earlier.
 You attract both busy snack readers and novel readers.
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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

 You sell more books because of better exposure.

 You sell more books because of your more compelling author page.
 It is easier (and free) for readers to try your style as a new author.

Amazon Kindle is built to favour authors of

short books.

Your shortcut to get rich starts with short reads.

Take this advantage.

But before you start writing what comes into your mind you need to understand your readers – what
they like, what they want, what they need to read and deliver their expectations.

Mastering KDP research and publishing is your key to success.

You are already ahead of novel authors.

It is time to find your niche, the Kindle GAP waiting for your books.

See you in the next chapter!


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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

The Best KDP Research for Success

I see so many people stuck in the research.

People don’t know where to start and what to do.

They are looking for a magic formula, category, sub-category, niche,

and sub-niche for weeks.

They use expensive tools trying to spy on and copy successful authors.

The thing is that you can’t be sure what an author is doing.

One person can have many pen names, can collaborate with other
authors, can have a big email list or social presence, or collaborate with someone who had helped

him become famous.

You can’t be sure what type of promotions an author is running e.g. giveaways, paid ads, etc.

I have tried almost all tools available, spent months on research trying to give an easy-to-follow

recipe but unfortunately, there is not a magic tool to help you build up your Kindle Empire.

One thing is for sure - there are tons of people making BIG money doing shorts.

Most of them don't try to copy the success of others or write based on their passion. po
To success in this business,

 You need to publish books that a lot of people want to read


 You need to find the right market and publish the right books

The good news - you don’t need any paid tools to find a market waiting for you.

The bad news – it takes some time to find a gap, an open window, a profitable niche to get rich.

Here's the 3-STEP formula that works for me and most of my successful students:

 Do the right research – I will tell you how to do it in a moment

 Find what people want – this is easier than you think
 Give them what they want to buy on a scale and make tons of money

If you know how to find what avid readers are hungry for and deliver it, you can beat any pro author

with a university degree. Don’t start writing before you do your research.

Don’t write a book if you don't know what your readers' expectations are, ever!

Choosing a profitable market


First thing first, you need to choose your broad niche.

You can’t target all genres.


Are you going to write Romance, Mystery, Thriller, Fiction, or Fantasy books? It doesn’t matter much
which one you will choose, but you need to make a decision – choose your board market now.

Each one is big enough with millions of readers, but you can't stretch yourself that wide by targeting
a few of them. Even choosing one of them is too wide for you. You need to dig deeper.
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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

There are profitable markets in all genres and I am going to teach how to find them.

I know this is not an easy task so let me give you some advice.

Choose a genre you like. Something you want to read and enjoy reading.

It is a lot easier to write books your readers want if you are somehow
passionate about the genre and you know what a good romance or a thriller is.

You need to follow successful authors and copy their success.

The trick is to follow the right authors – those whom you can compete with.

You might need to tweak your books to fit the reader’s expectations and this is
not an issue for most, but if you have to do it on a genre you don’t like, you
know nothing about, it is going to be tough.

Kindle is big enough that there is an opportunity for anyone who wants to
publish books they are passionate about and make a lot of money.

You can make money in any genre but it is easier when it’s fun no matter who
writes the books you publish – you or your ghostwriters. It is easier to read,
correct or write books you like.

So choose a genre you like to read, analyse it and master it.


Set up yourself for success

 Go to Amazon Kindle ->>


 Select your genre and a sub-sub-sub-category and check if you can get in and sell.

Go deeper for example:

 Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Kindle Books


o Suspense
 Paranormal

 Psychics

This is just an example. I don’t want to be specific because If I am, everyone will copy what I suggest

and this is bad for everyone who reads this guide. You need to understand the process and apply it.

 Check the first 3-4 books at the top of page one and write down the Best Sellers Rank #

 Check 3-4 books around positions #12 - 15 & 20 in the top 100 list and write down their rank
 Check the last 3-4 books at the bottom of page two and write down their rank as well.

You need to check more than one book to gather data for statistical significance.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Very important: Check books ONLY sold by indie publishers. If books are not self-published (there is
no publisher name) check the next books. You need to check books published by indie authors like
you, not by BIG companies with HIGE budgets.

When you check the rank of a book note the category it is published. Sometimes authors publish
their books in related categories to trick the system and you should do it too, but now we need data

for your category. If the book is published in a different category, just skip it and check the next one.

We are looking for a lot of demand but not enough books published.

A market that needs your books.

When you find it, please keep it secret. Don’t tell anybody what you found! Don’t ask other people’s
opinions – you don’t need it and they can easily steal your idea and fill the gap with their books.

To recap:

 You choose a genre you are somehow interested in.

 Dig deeper for a sub (sub-sub) category that you like and are somehow passionate about.
 Check the book’s rank for books self-published in this category on page one, two, and five.

 Write all data collected in a table. Keep it safe.


When you have a list of several sub-sub-niches you are interested in and have noted the books’ rank,
it is time to check the demand and competition.

There are no magic numbers but here is a general rule of thumb.

You need:

 the top-ranked books under 3 000 - the lower the better

 books at the bottom of the top 100 with a rank over 30 000 or so – give it or take it.

The higher the last books in the top 100 list rank the harder for you to get in.

At the time of writing this guide, it took me 10 minutes or so to check that the sub-sub-sub-genre
selected as an example looks good to enter if you feel okay to read and write “Psychics” books.

Please, make a promise you won’t enter this market now!!!

You need to find your market and keep it a secret. It takes more effort and more research as
explained in this guide to pick a market that will make you rich! Continue reading and learning!

Does this sound complicated?

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Don’t worry, I am going to repeat and explain it again to you!

There are two markets to avoid right from the start:

The market to avoid 1: You cannot get into a market if:

 Top ranked book’s best sellers rank is under 300 in Kindle Store - this is too competitive.
 If book #30-40 best sellers rank is under 5000 you’d better choose a different market.
 If you see too many non-self-published books, you should be careful.
 Books at the bottom of the top 100 list with a rank under 30 000 in the bestseller list - too
competitive. Avoid.

The market to avoid 2: This is a low competitive market with very low demand.

 If the top-ranked book’s best seller rank is under 3000 in Kindle Store this is a good sign but

if the book #30-40 in the best sellers rank is over 30 000 you’d better choose a different

You don’t want to get into the markets listed above.

You can bookmark the low competitive one and check it later as things on Amazon change quickly.

Please note: there are no magic numbers.

You need to check books carefully and understand the logic in general as this can make or break
your business. Don’t jump into writing unless you understand this chapter in full.

If you understand the logic, you will know more than 95% of people touching the Kindle Store.
Knowing the logic is your unfair advantage in this business.

You need to spend some time on research and all you need is to find ONE sub-sub-genre to enter. If
you find it act fast before the window closes forever.

Let me help you see the big picture:


There are FOUR types of markets:


Well, there are five types of markets but the ideal one
doesn’t really exist.

Here you can see rank drops slowly and steadily along the
pages. This is rare to find, as it simply doesn’t work like this.

I added this chart to give you a clue – the bigger the Best
Sellers Rank number is - the lower a book is actually ranking
and this means fever sales.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

The key point here is not to focus on actual numbers but on the pattern they draw.

Dropping Market: Not enough demand for you.

The first book is under 3000 but you see the next book’s
rank drops quickly so not many people are buying other
books than the top-ranked.

This means you can easily enter this market and sell books
but you probably won’t reach your target goal in terms of
money made.

This market is good for newbies who prefer easy targets, hoping it will grow over time.

If you know a thing about SEO this is like targeting low volume / low competition keywords -
easy to rank but not much traffic and sales for you.

Stable Market: Avoid it!
Almost all books’ are under 5000 even those at #90+.

This is just too competitive for you.

You can enter this market only if you have a huge budget or

a big audience waiting for your books.


Middle Drop Market: Act now!


The rank remains high to the middle of the best sellers list
and then drops. This is a good market because many people
are reading those books and it is achievable to get into the


However, a chart like this can be a sign many authors are


getting in. Don’t miss out on this opportunity as it won’t last


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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Late Drop Market: Don’t wait!

The rank remains high for most of the books and then drops.

This is a good market because many people are reading

those books and it is achievable to get into the middle.

However, a chart like this is a sign many authors are already

getting in. Act now! Be Fast!

Important! Numbers alone don’t tell the full story!

When you are checking books you need to pay attention to the authors so check how many of
the bestsellers are from the same author – it could be a few authors dominating the market.

Another thing to keep in mind when checking books is that books are not sorted by rank –
algo is not that simple and many factors that influence the current book rank. You need to
check several books at the top, at the middle, and at the end of the chart.
A book can be listed in several categories and ranking is changing all the time so be careful
and take your time to do a bit more research several days in a row and keep notes.
The better the research, the easier it is to get in and achieve your goals.

Your research should last a week or two to catch the rank dancing and get the whole picture.

Don’t quit the research phase until you are sure you have found a GAP.

You’d better spend two weeks more on research rather than

months on writing books you can’t sell.

Take your time, do your homework and get ready to become the
King of the Kindle!

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Writing your first book!

I see your face…

You are eager to write and publish your first book as soon as possible to catch the opportunity you
have just found. The gap you found in the market won’t last forever, so you should act now!

But before you start writing you need to

understand your reader’s expectations!

 What type of books, what type of stories

do they like to read?

 Why do they read these books? What are
these stories about?

 Why do some love one author’s books and
don’t like the others in the “same” style?

Think long term.

You put a great deal of effort on research and it is time to find the “difference” people like.

When you find a niche you can enter and want to enter, it's time to read some books (and take

notes!), as this helps you answer the questions above and understand the reader's expectations.

If you publish books you are passionate about it would be easier for you to spot the difference.

You need to find out what readers in your target market like and dislike about the books that are
doing the best and in most of cases, user reviews can tell you the reason.

Go to a book and click on the See all reviews link at the bottom and read the top positive and top
critical reviews. Some books don’t have it yet so don’t worry. Just read some customer reviews.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

The screenshot above tells you a story:

 The author published the book in the wrong category. This may help him make more sales,
but readers aren't so happy. Respect your readers and always publish in the correct
category. If it's not a mystery, don't post it there.
 Regardless of the wrong category, people like the story, so it might do better in the right
category targeting the right audience, I believe.
 Be careful with the sex scenes, as not everyone likes them. Sex sells, but with books, you
need to be careful - your readers need to be aware of sex BEFORE they download a book.

If you read a few books and analyze reviews you will know exactly how to plot your books in this

particular category you selected during your research.

Read both five start and one star reviews, as they are the two extremes.

Then read some 2, 3, and 4 star reviews and try to find a pattern. Pay special attention to the top
rated user reviews as most of the readers who don’t post a review can vote for a review.

When there is a review that many people find useful, you

should analyze it as it tells you a story.

Find out what readers are saying, what they like, and don’t like, and see how you can write better
books to better meet their expectations, and soon they will begin to prefer your books.

Don't waste your time with short reviews though.

They are useless.


Also, keep in mind you can’t and you don’t want to satisfy everyone.

Some people leave only bad reviews no matter what so check the reviewer’s profile and look at their
other reviews. Keep safe from badasses.

At this point, you should know what book to write, a bestseller your readers will love.

Read your notes and plot your first short story.


It should be no longer than 20-30 pages and you should be ready to give it free.

Give your hard work for free!?

Calm down! Everything is explained in the guide, keep reading 😊

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Master Kindle if you can’t write!

When I see my students on the bestseller list, I wish I could write
like them…

The reality is I can't and I'm totally okay with that.

If you, like me, cannot write books, you have two options:

 Hire a ghostwriter
 Publish low-content books e.g. colouring books, planners, journals, puzzles notebooks, and
other similar works.

By knowing how to research the Kindle store, you should be able to find a profitable niche and make

money with low-content books, but that's not the point here.

Knowing what people are searching for is so powerful that you can actually

make a lot more money with short books.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

I can't write myself, so I usually find college students or stay-at-home moms who have always
wanted to write books but haven't started yet for a reason:

 They don't know where to start.


 They tried and published a book nobody reads because they didn't research.

Make their dream come true!


I usually find ghostwriters on Facebook, Upwork and Fiverr. When post a project, I set a low budget
and look for new talents with entry-level experience to catch aspiring amateurs, stay-at-home moms
or dads, college students, and new “authors” with little or no success.

My job offers are amateur, as I don't want to sound like a professional. At first, I tried to be a pro,
looking to hire good writers, but I ended up with expensive, low-quality books that no one reads.

It's obvious - if these authors knew how to write interesting books that people like and buy, they

would be busy publishing their own books and not hanging out on FB or looking for jobs. In addition,
"experienced" writers don't follow instructions very well and aren't as willing to change their style.

So look for newbies and keep the conversation casual.

You want to attract new job seekers who are afraid to bid on large, complex projects. They see you

as a friend, a colleague, instead of an employer. You want to tell them what to and how to write and
get them to work long-term cheaply or as a joint venture for a percentage of the revenue.

Upwork is better than Fiverr because you actually write your job description and check the pitches,
talk to them, ask them questions, trying to find a golden gem that no one has already discovered.

The other way to find ghostwriters is to search Facebook groups.

Join FB groups where people post their books and ask for feedback.
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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Again, you are looking for people with little or no success.

The good thing about FB approach is that these people have already written a book that you can
read and they know two things at least - 1) what it takes to write a good book and 2) how hard it is
to sell. You, on the other side, can help them with both.

Some of my friends have found ghostwriters on Amazon as well.

When research the market and came across new authors with a book or two with no sales, you
contact them offering a joint venture. Keep in mind this can be tough as these people can be difficult
to work with. If you are new with limited communication or persuasive skills, you should focus on
upwork or facebook instead. You need ghostwriters with no Amazon author profiles, yet.

Keep the conversation via email, chat or phone (if you speak some English) as you are looking for a

partner. You can pretend you are looking for an English-speaking writer to expand your (local, non-

English) books business - the pro approach if you like it - works even if your English is as bad as mine.

If you are native, this doesn’t mean you can write books. No matter how good or bad your English is,
you can always choose the better amateur approach and introduce yourself as someone who wants

to publish books, has great ideas and is looking for a partner to help you and succeed together.

You have an unfair advantage. You know what books to publish. po

Find someone who can write these books and make two dreams come true - yours and theirs.

Don’t teach ghostwriters how to research books, though.

 Give them clear instructions. Explain in simple words what you need.
 Ask them to read one or two books as examples. Buy it for them as a gift - it works wonders!

 Give them the plot you prepared after analysing similar books and reader reviews.

When you get the first draft, don't be an ass!


Read the book and give positive feedback!


You should help and encourage the ghostwriter to improve the book. Tip them if you can.

This, by the way, is the worst mistake employers make.


They do not build the confidence and capabilities of their staff


and results are poor.

When done in the right way and with the right intentions,
feedback can be extremely effective.

Be positive and kind as there is certainly good stuff in the book.


Giving feedback is a skill and like all skills, it takes training and
practice to get it right.

Take a course if you need it, as it will help you in all aspects of your life.

Watch this video to learn from the pros:

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Remember: you know what you want, they don't know what to write; they're just trying to do their
best while you build your Kindle empire. It may take
two or three revisions, and that's okay.

Don't be a perfectionist!

Apply the 80/20 rule!

You don’t need a perfect book!

You need a good enough book to get you started.

Also, you don't really know if this book will meet readers' expectations!

You might think it would be due to your research, but you can't be sure!

What you want is to publish this book as soon as possible, share it with friends, and ask for feedback.

It may take one person to LOVE your first book to make it roiling.

I see this every day.

People share a book they don't like very much and sooner or later someone shares that book with
their audience. They like the book and boom…

This is how it works, my friend.

One share can change your life forever.


Go ahead and publish that book.

Pay your writer well.


Encourage him to start the next book ASAP.


It's much easier with the second, third, etc. books

since you already know what works; you have started
to gather avid readers waiting for your next books.

Publishing on KDP the Right Way


Sharing your books with friends and on social media is necessary but far from enough for your
success as an author. You must publish your books on Amazon Kindle.

Publishing on Kindle is usually a simple and straightforward process, and there are plenty of online
guides to help you, so I won't go into too much detail.

Instead, I will highlight some key points important to your success.


There are four elements to focus on - book title, subtitle, description, and cover.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

You need them ready BEFORE you log into KDP to publish the book.

Throughout this whole process of looking for underserved markets, you should keep notes and write
down everything you find, even the things that don't seem important at this stage.

One of the most important things to pay attention to is book covers.

Amazon Kindle readers judge books by their covers.

 Your book cover must stop the scroll.

 It must look professional.
 It must match the category and book style.

I can’t stress it enough, so let me repeat it:

 Make your book covers stand out while being relevant.

If you've researched the market well, you'll surely know what
separates successful covers from mediocre ones and what type of

book covers do best in your genre.

Make a draft and send it to a cover designer along with some good samples (screenshots) you found.

You can use Canva or Amazon’s Cover Creator tool to design covers for your books but if you want to
be taken seriously as a published author, hire a cover designer on Fiverr - you will not regret it.
The second most important thing is the book title.

Actually, the book title is critically important.

It is the first thing a user reads when hooked by the cover.


The title has to be attention-grabbing and magnetic. It must be specific and match the cover. It must

make readers want to read the book description where you sell your book.

Book Subtitle is optional, but don't underestimate it.

It gives a clearer idea of what the book is about. The easier you make it for them to understand the

subject, the more likely they will be drowned in it.


The best titles are usually short ones, and the subtitle is here to help you with the wording.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Try to keep the title to less than five words and use the subtitle to say a bit more to compel readers.

While the title must be short and catchy, the subtitle should be specific, bold, and clear.

The book subtitle is your chance to tell potential readers exactly why they want to read your book.

Book cover, title, and subtitle have one job — to make them read the book description.

The book description is the fourth most important thing to focus on.

This is the sales pitch for your readers!


A good sales pitch can make or break your Kindle business. Again, if you've researched the market
well, you'll know how to write a good description that sells more books!

The purpose of a good book description is to engage the reader and make them want to read the
book. Remember - people buy books for the entertainment they provide.

People are not worried about buying a book from a new author. They care about the time wasted on
boring books. They have limited time for the pleasure they need from reading a magnetic book!


 Your book description is what triggers the buy or close button.


Don’t just write a summary of the book, though. And don’t write about you - the author.

 Write a description to grab their attention and keep them reading.


Get them excited about the story and the characters without giving the story away. Outline
something that will hook the reader.

Give them a reason to read this book!

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Having a good book cover, title and description is 80% of your book listing.

Now is the time to help Amazon promote your books to the right audience.

STEP 2: Keywords and Categories

By using the right keywords and categories, you help your readers find your
books by instructing the Amazon search engine and AI to show your books in
front of the ideal audience.

Choosing the right categories is easy. You know your sub-sub-niche and can find

the name of the category each book is listed on Amazon:

A word of warning - you need to get listed in the right category.

Do not use and try to rank in low competitive categories if they are not relevant to your books.
You are a master of KDP research.

Use this knowledge wisely!

List your books in the right categories according to your research and don't overemphasize it.

When it comes to choosing the right keywords, it gets a little tricky.


You need to know your target market so you have some idea of what people might
be searching for when looking for books like yours.

When you type those words into Amazon search, you will be presented with more
keywords that Amazon thinks are relevant.

Look at all those and decide which ones are the best fit for your books in your target
market. If you want your books in specific categories, you can enter those category names in your


There are some tools to help you choose keywords that people use to find books like yours.

 Amazon’s Autofill Function - type in the search box to find similar books
 KDSPY, Publisher Rocket, and others but please read some reviews before you choose.

You don't need a keyword research tool. Neither my successful students nor I use a keyword
research tool. Manual research as explained in this guide does the job a lot better.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

When you publish a book, you can choose up to two categories and you must choose the best match
but a book can rank in several categories. When you research the market, you see that Amazon lists
the top three categories in which a book ranks. Note down these and use them as your keywords.

Pro tip: Add “short story” as a keyword as well.

If you have a space left, add “45 minutes”, “60 minutes” or so.

When you have one book on Kindle you can use only up to seven keywords and two categories.

Remember the unfair advantages of publishing short reads? As a short books author, you have a lot
more space for keywords. When you publish more books, you help Amazon to expand your reach.

When your books become popular, you can add the names of your main characters as keywords as

many readers are attached to characters they like. With several published books, you will have the
space you need.

Important: Please read the

STEP 3: Formatting and Publishing

Formatting your books is important. If your books are not easy to read or you use a non-widely
supported format, people will have a hard time reading your books. po
When formatting your books, you can play around a bit with the
length of the book and place it in the appropriate category.

One page is 250 words in length so 3000-5250 words books go into

the 30 min and 5500-8000 into the 45 minutes.

Give or take 500 words or so and you can move from 30 to 45 and vice versa so more people can

find a book from your series. You target both groups looking for a-30 minutes or 45 minutes.

The good news is that Kindle doesn’t count words in a book.


It counts pages.

So you can move from one category to another when formatting by putting some empty spaces here

and three inside a book - for example, an empty gap before and after each chapter title. Just don’t
overdo it. Respect your readers and always check your books before you publish.

Download the Kindle Previewer - it's free and works on both PC and Mac.

Kindle Previewer doesn't just display a book - it converts your books and optimizes images. Use it to:

 Scan Every Page

 Check for Different Font Sizes

 Check the Table of Contents

 Check Your Book Across All Devices
 Check All External Links

And please proofread your books before publishing them.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

What’s next?

Now you just need to login to your KDP account and follow the process.

If you don't have a KDP account, go to and sign up. I will not bother you
with this trivial thing. Accept the TOS, fill in all things you have prepared and you are ready to go.

But before you fill in everything you prepared and publish, there are a few extra things I would like
to mention to help you with publishing:

 The Author’s name - this is can be your real name but I highly encourage you to use a pen
name. Everyone uses a pen name and you should use it too.

When you start your publishing business your first book might be not a successful one and you might

want to start from scratch you just chose a new pen name and you are ready to go.


 You can publish different types of books under different pen names.
 You can collaborate with your own pen names.

You can co-author with your other pen names.
You can have both male and female pen names. po
Using a pen name is your way to start it safe and grow up your Kindle Empire.

It's not just for privacy protection, in case you don't want family members, friends, or your boss to
know what you're writing about.

Almost all famous authors and artists use pseudonyms. Nora Roberts, for example, a famous

romance writer publishes thrillers under J.D. Robb’s pen name.

The only reason to use your real name is if you want to build your personal brand.

Please note: It's not about getting a lot of pen names. When you find the right market, you will use
the same name and focus on that market.

Find below other settings you need:


 Publishing rights - set it to “I own the copyright and I hold the necessary publishing rights”.
 Select DRM rights - make sure you enable DRM. This won’t stop people share and steal your

work but it can help to limit it.

 Preview your book - click “Preview on your computer” and install the current previewer app
for Mac or Windows. Always double and triple-check your books before publishing them.

The next one is important!


 Skip KDP Select - you can always add it later. For now, you must not enroll in KDP Select.

If you enter the program, you must stay for at least three months and you are not allowed to
publish your books on other platforms. Don’t limit yourself now. You can do it later!

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

 Choose your royalty and pricing - set this to 35% - more on this in the next chapter.

You can go to to read more about

pricing and royalty plans and how to update the price of your book whenever you want.

Price each short book at 99 cents to get people to download and read them and please do
not feel ripped off when you only get 35%.

When you have more books in a series, the collection should be 2.99 at 70%.

Here is a sample of three short reads and one book set of three short stories as a bundle.

When you have all published, your readers can buy books one by one or the box set.

Here is the math:

 3 x 0.99 at 35% = $1.04
 1 x 2.99 at 70% = $2.09  you give them the option to choose and you make more money.

Everyone is happy.
 If they buy the first book, you get 0.35. If they are hooked they can jump in and buy the book
set and you get another 2.09 so you have got $2.44 from three books at 0.99 😊

With more books in a series, it gets even better for you because it seems like a great deal for them
to buy the set of books right away and you'll make more money.

For Kindle Unlimited readers, the price of the book doesn't really matter, but with a book bundle,
you give them more to read at once and get a bigger reward. More on that in the next chapter.

Now save to draft and double-check everything. When you are ready, hit publish.

When your book goes live, you’ll need to set up your Amazon Author page with your photo and bio.
Get those ready now.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

The Perfect King of Kindle Launch Formula

Are you ready with your first book published on Amazon Kindle?

Give it for free!

Yeah, you read it right!

Never underestimate the power of giving away free books especially if

you’re a new author.

In fact, don’t underestimate the power of free books, even if you’re already an established author.

I know you want to make money.

And giving away free books is the best way to make a lot of money, quickly!

 This is the best way for a new author to get noticed
 This is the best way to get feedback.

Everyone likes freebies and the free trial model will never die.

So what you want to do now is give that book you have just published on Amazon KDP for free.

Here is how it works: po

 You give a free book - share it with friends, on social media, post it on relevant FB groups,
and everywhere you can think of. The more people read it the better.

 At the end of the book put a link with a simple text:

Get the next book.

You can be more creative, but the point is to let your readers know there are more books from you.

List all your books on your website with an email opt-in form and take them there from your books.

You want them to subscribe to your list.

If you only have one book, just let them know the next one is in progress

and you'll email them when it's ready.

They just read a book they liked and clicked on the link in the book, so

they should subscribe to read your next books too!


When you're ready with the next book just update your website or blog
and email your subscribers.

Most of them will buy it right away!

You should promote the first free book in a series all the time to get more and more people to

read it and subscribe to your list.

 You build a list of loyal readers who love your book and will love your next books too.
 You are building your Kindle Empire.
 You are on your way to financial freedom!

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Pro tip: Every book you publish has the same "get the next book" link at the end and everyone goes
to the same squeeze page with all your current books, along with links to Amazon to buy them and
an email opt-in form to subscribe.

The more often they see your author squeeze page, the more likely they are to subscribe.

If they've read, say, two books, the third is coming up, and they haven't
signed up to your list yet, chances are they will at this point.

It is much more important to build your list of readers instead of a quick sale if you just link your
other books inside a book. When you have them on your list, you can promote any books you want.

This is so important that I want to repeat it!

They read a book, like it, click on the link inside, go to your squeeze page, and sign up to be

notified when your next book is published.

 When they see your other books on this page, they can buy them right away!
 If a book is not available yet, they will want to wait for it.

I know many authors build a huge list this way very quickly.

How to use this strategy the right way?

Actually, there are two ways to utilize this strategy:

 You enroll your books in Kindle Unlimited or

 You make the first book in a series perma-free on Amazon

I like the first approach - when both the book and readers are in KU, they read it for free.

People outside of KU buy it for 0.99 - no big deal. They are used to paying for books anyway.

You make money both ways.


You get a reward for every page read when a book and reader are on Kindle Unlimited or
earn money when they buy your books.

How to make a book free on Amazon KDP?


If you want to make a book free, it can’t be in Select.

Set the price of 0.99 and publish the book as free on other websites Amazon respects - for example, Then ask Amazon to price match and give them the D2D link.

To submit a price match request, go to Amazon’s Contact Us page:


Select “Pricing” and then “Price Matching”:

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Send them an email. Please note - they don’t have time to read long emails so be consistent. Tell

them your book ASIN and the store you want to price match and add links to the free book.

The message should be short and to the point. They are busy so respect their time.


It may take a day or two for the price match to happen and you will get an email when they are

ready so give yourself the time you need to do this.


KU vs. Free Books - What is better?


There is no magic formula; you have to test what works best for your books and your readers.

Free books can help you attract more non-KU readers but you won’t get paid for reading them.

When both the book and readers are in KU, you actually can’t attack them with free books as there
is no benefit for them being able to read almost any book for free under their KU subscription.

This is a strategy that some of my students use when publishing books for countries where the KU is
not available. You can check the list here

If you are targeting countries with KU available, you should have all books in KU.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Let me sum it up:

 Your first goal is to make people download your book and start reading it.

Free or KU - you decide but No readers - No money for you!

 Your next goal is to get people like your books.

When they like a book, they'll click the link to read your next book.

 To track clicks you can use Amazon affiliate links so you know the percentage of people who
like each book and this is very important!

If they don't click the link, or CTR is low, your book isn't meeting their expectations.

Go back to research, find the problem, and fix it! Check your reviews, if any, or ask your
subscribers what they like and don't like. You want to publish books that your readers love!

 Don't put too much emphasis on negative reviews. Many lazy people don't post positive
reviews and there are negative people no one can please.

Measure your wealth and success by the number of subscribers in your list.

They will subscribe only if they like your books so you are building a solid list of loyal subscribers!
What if KU isn't available and you don't want or can't make a Kindle book free?

Some of my students use the “free book hook” technique to encourage readers to

subscribe by promising a free book.

They have only paid books on Amazon and email the .mobi file to subscribers.

You add your hook book on your website with an Amazon Buy button and an email
sign-up form and say - subscribe to get this book for free.

When they join your list, they get an instant message with the book link.

Some people will subscribe and some will buy.


Both are good for you.


They’ve got something someone else has had to pay for, and you’ve got them further into your sales
funnel where they will have to buy the next books anyway.

When you get them on your list, you will make more sales for your other books.

Pro tip: You can use the “free book hook” to cross-promote your other series too – just let them

know about them on your landing page or blog, give them a free book and make them want to buy
all of your published books.

You can also use it to collaborate with other authors, but more on that later.

Please note that you can give your paid books to your subscribers for free, whether they are in
Select or not. They say you can't promote KU books elsewhere e.g. on other websites, but it's fine to
email .mobi files to your subscriber list.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Grow and Scale Your Kindle Business

At this point, you should have published your first book or books on Amazon along with your author
website with an opt-in form and are promoting your free books to build your loyal reading list.

Giving away free books is not only the best way to build your list, but it also helps you improve your
writing thanks to the instant feedback you get.

The better books you publish, the more money you make!

The thing is to publish books in a series or serials that your readers like.

The difference is that books in a series can be read in random order while books in a serial should be
read in order. You should start with books in a series with the same characters and a new story.

The KDP FREE Promo Hack

When you are ready with your second book, you immediately publish it along with a book set - just
combine two books in a book set and publish it.

The issue with KU is that you can have only five FREE promotional days every 90 days and this limits
your chances to attract new readers who are not ready to spend on an unknown author.

When you publish your second book in a series, you have another
five promotional days and when you publish your book set you have
another one. Do you see the difference?

When you are ready with your third book, unpublish the book set of

two and make a new book set of three. This gives you another five
promotional days to attract new readers and get them on your list.

With three short books, you will have 5 x 5 free promo days and so

on and every time you spread the word about the new book!

To promote your free books, apart from sharing them, you can also try Fiverr - a level 2 seller with

massive five star rating or WhiteDoveBooks - a cheap but reliable service that will promote your
books on their blog networks (70+ websites), FB and email subscribers for $17 - both good deals for

tens of thousands of active and engaged book lovers.

All in all consistency is the key to success.


 Your readers will never stop reading.


 If you stop publishing, they will find another author.

Your goal is to publish many books in a series or serials your readers and subscribers like.

Believe me, there is good money to be made with short reads.

I know this from experience and the feedback I am getting from my students.

The only way to fail with Kindle short reads is if you publish one or two books and stop, or publish
unrelated books or junk, or you are not building your list.

Your email list is your wealth.

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

Amazon is getting more competitive every day, but with a large list of loyal readers, you can sell your
books forever, just keep writing. If you get bored, you can always start a new genre with a new pen
name, and you can always email your list and say - hey, check out this new author - he's good!

It all starts with your research and persistence. Do not give up!

Make more money with your no-so-good books

When you're doing your research, see who's doing well, and what books are doing well, and try to
replicate it with your own take. Never copy them!

 Don’t give up If your first book isn't that good.

 Create a new pen name and start from scratch.

Keep this not-so-good book under its pen name and offer it as a free book for your lead magnet. It's

under a different pen name so it won't hurt your business. You are simply offering a free book by
another author to your subscribers.

Or you add this not-so-good book to your book set as a bonus read. Again, it is under a different pen

name so don’t worry and if only a fraction of people read you get your KU royalties for pages read.

This is where collaboration, co-authoring, and cloning opportunities come in.

 You can collaborate with your own pen names and create a
bigger list with active readers.
This is the best way to test the market, find a new sub

niche and make more money.

Many times your second or third sub-niche outperforms

your first, the favourite one.

You just test what your readers also like and they can like it more.

I see this so often.


Someone wants to enter one of the most competitive niches ever - Romance.

But they can't get into Romance right away with a low budget, so they start with another sub-sub-
niche, build their list, and email their romance book written by “a friend”. In most cases, their
readers love it and buy all subsequent books in the romance series.

When you want to target high competitive niche you need to be creative.

Romance is HUGE so you should play it smart.

Same with thrillers and all other monster genres.


Another thing you can do, to get more research from your subscribers, is to
send a simple poll, where you ask them which book they liked most - you

list a few, not only yours, and ask them to comment on the books, to see
what else you can do to improve your business.

 You can always temporarily add a book by a "competitor" to your

website and pretend it was written by a friend of yours.
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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

This is the best research you can get - directly from your own list.

And even if they buy books from other authors you drive them to from your website, it helps you
because Amazon can list your books under their “also viewed” list.

Getting in a relevant “also viewed” list can be your best promotion ever, for free 😊

Using Amazon affiliate links also helps you track user behaviour and make extra money. Use them.

So in summary...

 Create several pen names to test what works best for you and your readers.

 po
When a book is not-so-good don’t delete it. Use it as a lead magnet or additional readings.
Ask your readers what they like and want more from you.
Whatever you do make sure you are building your list of loyal readers.

Feed your own little Kindle King and let it grow by sending these people the books

they want to read.

How cool is that?

Did you know, you can and should collaborate with other authors?

Double and Triple your business

Collaboration with your pen names is cool, but collaboration with other authors is even better!

What you can do is to reach out to other authors you think might be beneficial to you and tell them

you already collaborated with another five authors (your other pen names, of course) and you have
their five books and you are just looking for one more before the set goes live.

This works with new authors as well. Sometimes one small thing like this could bring you to the
moon. It might be just one person in their email list who likes your book. He can share it with
friends, on FB or IG; email it to someone, and this might be your magic fairy…

If you find an author that your readers might like, you can reach out and say:

“Hey, my readers like your books I've already promoted on my list, so I thought your readers
might like mine, would you mind helping each other while making our readers happier?”

Everyone wins!

It doesn’t stop here, though.

------------------------------ 36 -------------------------------
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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

You can add a book by another author to your book set as additional reading for your readers.

It's a gift that no one will complain about if this book isn't that good.

In return, you can ask the other author to do the same with one of your books.

 In KU, you are paid for every page read.

 You can make a new book set with that extra read and get another five promo days.

With good collaborations, everyone wins.

It is one of the best ways to double and triple your business quickly.

Pro tip: Most authors want to collaborate with known authors. Well, you can already collaborate
with your other pen name and say, when you create your box set - hey, I already collaborate with

others and have four or five books from various authors (who just happen to be you).

When they see there are others involved, and it looks like a good collection of books, they’re more
likely to accept your invitation.

Remember, you have five free promotional days per book or a book set so you should always try to
create a new book set often and promote it to get more people in your email list.

Don’t be shy to reach out to new and established authors.

 Established one already knows the power of collaboration.

 New authors, even those who have just started, can make a huge difference for you.

Very often, it only takes one small spark to light a fire in your business and

that new author whom you work with may have one person on their email
list who likes your book and shares it with their friends and followers.

Working with other authors can be one of the best things you can do to

move your business fast forward so you should always outreach other authors in your market.

Wait, there is more!


When you find what works for you, you start cloning your books.

You work hard until you find a genre and sub-genre and a plot that keeps your reader busy with your
books. They just want to read more from you and you deliver. You copy the plot, change settings,

and characters to make it read like a new book, and publish.

Each of these new books is like an original, only you know how you wrote them.

Readers are happy because they get more of what they already like.

Everybody does this with books and TV serials. All bestsellers copy what’s working.

As for the co-authoring, it is just the next level thing when you write books with someone else (or
yourself) and list both authors’ names on the cover. It is a great way to “transfer authority” when

testing new genres or sub-genres and scale.

To make the most of this, you can create a generic newsletter, rather than an author-specific one,
and offer all of your own short reads, in different pen names, targeting different sub-genres, of the

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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

one big market. When you are ready just email your current list and tell them about the new book
you have written with someone else. This could be your jump-start with a new genre.

Whatever you do, make sure you track results, communicate with your readers, and ask them what
they like and don't like to improve your books.

Final Words
I hope you enjoyed the guide and learned a lot from it!

You can do it!

I know because everyone I've taught this strategy to and

they've put it into practice has been successful.

It takes some time to research but when you find your gap, it
is getting easier to sell books and make money. Everyone can

make money by publishing books on Amazon Kindle.

It is all about finding a market where you can make money and you are somehow passionate about.

You are looking for a market hungry for more books others can’t supply.

You are hunting for readers who need you. They are waiting for your books. They want to buy and
read all of your books they can’t find anywhere, yet.

If you give them what they want they will give you want you want (money? glory?).

The thing is that you have to take action.

I know this from experience.


Every day I meet people who are looking for easy money; for a ready-to-use copy-paste system…

They buy a course and blame the author for giving false hope.

I know the system explained in this guide works for people ready to put in effort and time.

You can make money if you choose the right genre.


 a genre you are somehow passionate about.

 don’t choose a genre only based on your personal preference.

If you want to write books your way, books you think are awesome, books you are passionate about,
even if your chances of making money are low, then this is your choice and I cannot help you.

I want you success.

You have to choose a niche you can get in and make money, based on your research.

 There is always a good way to enter Amazon Kindle.

If you LOVE horror books but can’t find a gap please don’t start yet!

Choose something different you are somehow passionate about.

------------------------------ 38 -------------------------------
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The King of Kindle: Make $300+ / Day Even if You Can’t Write Books

I am sure you don’t read only horror books. You don’t watch only horror serials.

There must be something else to which you are somehow attached.

Don’t enter a niche you will struggle with.

This guide is all about making money by finding good sub-sub-niches you can enter and dominate.

Did you know…

There are a lot of new authors on Amazon Kindle every single day.

 Most of them fail because they don’t have a system.

 They don’t know what to write and how to write it.
 They didn’t research the market and made the wrong choises.

You have an unfair advantage.

Use it!

Choose the right path from the very beginning and change your life for the better!

See what other successful authors do and replicate it your way.

Collaborate and co-author with yourself to test and jump-start a new genre or a sub-genre and
collaborate with new and established authors in your market to grow fast. Everyone wins!
Just a share on FB can boost your Kindle business to the moon!

Build your very own list of loyal readers who like your books.

 Communicate with your readers, ask them what they like and don’t like and always improve.

With a big list of loyal readers, you can enter and dominate any genre.

Having an author website with an email opt-in form is a game changer.

You can build up your author website on any platform that allows you to collect emails.

I like and use - the best website building system

with a free plan available.

With their free plan, you can build a perfect author page

and have 2000 contacts.

When you compare with MailChimp you can see the difference quite easily - MC gets expensive for a

bigger list: $100+/mo for a 100,000+ list compared to Systeme $97/mo for unlimited websites,
landing pages, funnels, contacts, and emails sent. You can reach 100k subscribers quite fast.

I hate the MC limited support and their high ban rate for no real reason. on the other side comes with friendly support and an easy-to-use website

builder you can use for all of your author or sales pages no matter what you sell.

I host all of my landing pages and websites on under one account so I don’t need web
hosting or email marketing platform like Mail Chimp, Aweber, Active Campaign or so.

And I don’t pay devs to build any websites or landers.

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I focus on the things that help me grow my business.

Of course, you can use any platform or a self-hosted WordPress with Elementor or so.

There are plenty of choices, but don’t stress too much about this. Go and start with research now!

Click here to get a ready-to-use author page. It is free for you!


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