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MA32202 Supplementary Math M.

-----------------------------Before Midterm-----------------------------
Unit 1 Probability

1. Linear permutation
2. Circle permutation
3. Combination
4. Binomial Theorem
5. Probability : P(E)
6. Properties of probability , Theoretical probability , experimental

Unit 2 Vector

1. Scalar and vector quantity

2. Vector notation
3. Addition of vectors
4. Subtraction of vectors
5. Scalar multiplication
6. The zero vector
7. Properties of vector addition and scalar multiplication
8. Magnitude and unit vector
9. The components of a vector
10. Vector in 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions
11. Dot product
12. Cross product

-----------------------------After Midterm-----------------------------
Unit 3 Complex Number

1. Real part and imaginary part

2. Addition of complex number
3. Subtraction of complex number
4. Multiplication of complex number
5. Division of complex number
6. Properties of complex number addition and scalar multiplication
7. Conjugate
8. The square root of complex number
9. inverse complex number
10. graph of complex number
11. absolute value or modulus
12. polar form and argument of complex number
13. De Moivre’s Theorem
14. The n root of complex number
15. Rational factor theorem

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