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ri} MEGACOSM Synchronized Study of Xil Boards + JEE Main & Advanced 2019 - 20 Class ma Dd] Work, Energy & Power CONTENT JEE Syllabus Work Mechanical Energy Work-Energy Theorem Conservation of Mechanical Energy Solved Problems Subjective Objective Exercise -1 Motion in a Vertical Circle Power Solved Problems Subjective Objective Exercise -2 Answers to Exercises Concepts and formulae at a glance Chapter Practice Problems Assignments Section-| Section-lI Answers to Chapter Practice Problems Answers to Exercises & Assignments Work, ENERGY & POWER TRS eR TT ———————— —— Work done by constant and variable forces, Conservative and non-conservative forces, Potential and Kinetic energy, Conservation of energy, Work-energy theorem, Power. When a force F is applied on a body which undergoes a displacementdR , the work done by force F is defined as the dot product F dR. dW =F.dR = |FIldR| cose Here GR vector is the displacement of point of application. For the calculation of work done we are always interested in the displacement of point of application, When the force is not constant during the course of displacement then we calcite the work done by F in displacing the particle from position (1) to position y we Jak Work can be positive, net angle. 't should also be noted that the value of ‘work done’ depends upon frame of reference. When nothing is specified about the frame of reference we calculate the work done in the ground reference frame. Here some points are worth noting (2) Positive work means that the force is imparting energy to the system. (b) Negative work means the force is taking away the eneray of the system. (¢) Zero work means that the force is neither imparting nor taking away any energy from the system. ative or zero depending upon whether the angle @ is acute, obtuse or a right Mlustration 1: A particle is moved by a force F = (3i +4]) N from point (2, 3)m to (3, O)m in xy plane, Find the work done by the force on the particle. Solution: Displacement of the particle is S (3-2)i+(0-3)j]m=(i-3)m 3i+4))-(i-3]) =-94 Mlustration 2: A man moves on a straight horizontal road with a block of mass 2 kg in his hand. If he Covers a distance of 40 m with an acceleration of 0.5 m/s’, find the work done by the man. on the block during the motion. 3i+0})-(2i+3}) Solution: Let us look at the block, from the ground. We notice that it is moving with an acceleration of 0.5 mis’, Constant horizontal force (apart from other forces) on the block = 2x 0.5 =1N So, the work done by the man (as seen by us) force x displacement = 1x40 = 40 Joules ‘Megacosm Cognillons Pv Ul, 57, Kolo Sorel, Sevopriva Vir, New Delhi-110016, Emall: enquiryemegacosmcognlions com website: Mustration 3: A block of mass m is suspended by a light thread from an elevator. The elevator starts accelerating upward with uniform acceleration ‘a’. Find the | | 7 work done during the first’ seconds by the tension in the thread, | Solution: From ground reference frame, acoeleration ‘a’ => Fr =T—~mg=ma = T=m(gta) Now, the work done W by a distance x is given as, W=Tx let the block moves up with an 41 wal) the tension T in displacing the block through | mg (2) where x = 3 at? (3) Putting x and T from (3) and (1) in (2), we obtain W=m@g+ ay(fat) => We Flor aat From elevator reference frame, there is no displacement of the blook. So, work done is zero. iMlustration 4: A block of mass m is attached rigidly with a light spring of force constant k. The other end of the spring is fixed to a wall. If the block is displaced by a distance x, find the K = work done on the block by the spring for this range. (The spring force is given by F = -kx, where k is spring Tar constant and x is displacement of the block from its free length.) Solution: Since F = kx, therefore force varies with displacement. This force has tendency to bring the block to its ow equilibrium point. Hence, it is opposite to the A-ouoooo Nk. fi displacement. TOTTI For infinitesimal displacement (dx), this force is supposed to be constant. Therefore, work done by this force for the displacement dx is given by GW = F dk =kxdx cos > We Jaw = -fixex Sige 2 Work depends on the frame of reference : If a person is pushing a box inside a moving train, the work done in the frame of train will beF- while that in the frame of earth will bef.(+8,), where 3, is the displacement of the train relative to the ground Work done by friction may be zero, positive or negative depending upon the situation. When force applied on a body is insufficient to overcome the friction, work done by the friction force is zero. When this force is large enough to overcome the friction then, work done by the friction force is negative. When force is applied on a body that is placed above another body, the work done by the friction force on the lower body is positive. 7, Koki Sere, Svoptye Vior, New Delhi 11001, Emal : enaurySmer website: wae ‘Megacosm Cogntion Pvt, ‘a block and a man, is accelerating Let us Consider the situatic situation ir i hich 2 horizontal rough tally, witha block and 2 Mahe oe can be along the hori aa Tera direction. The block is not slipping on the trolley. “ oe ‘case, work done by friction (between trolley and the block) is zero as observed by the man on u ba lone by friction (between trolley and the block) is positive as observed by an observer on the Lil) Work done by friction is negative as observed by an observer who is moving along the director Motion of trolley with higher speed n of MUSEUM eed ear nnn [Thete are two types of forces: i) conservative forces, and (i) non-conservative forces. the work done by a force is independent of the path followed, itis called a conservative force, ©.4 Gravitational force, electrostatic force, etc. If the work done by a force depends upon the path followed, it is Called a non-conservative force, e.g, fiction, viscous force, etc. Alternatively, work done by a conservative fore in a closed loop is zero & by non-conservative forces itis not zero for a round trip. Mlustration 5: & particle is taken from point P to point Q via the path PAQ and _,----,@ then placed back to point P via the path QBP. Find the work A done by gravity on the body over this closed path. The motion | 8 of the particle is in the vertical plane. eas Solution: Here, displacement of the particle isP@, gravity is acting vertically downward. The vertical ‘component of PG is h upward. Hence Wyera = —mgh (1) For the path QBP, component of the displacement along vertical is h (downward) In this case, Wiose = mgh *. Total work done = Weaa + Wose = 0 Wlustration 6: A particle of mass m is moved on a rough horizontal surface on a closed path as shown in the figure. If co-efficient of friction between the particle and the surface is 1, then find the work done by frictional force on the particle over closed path ABCDA. SX ha e ‘s Solution: Since in this case friction force is always opposite to the motion, hence work done by it is given by W = -6 fae = -nmgpdé ve sign indicates that force is opposite to displacement. : we-sma[ face ors fersfat =-umgle,+ 6.4646] It is the capability for doing the mechanical work. Mechanical energy possessed by a body is of two types, kinetic and potential. Kinetic Energy itis the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion, Kinetic energy of a particle having mass ‘m’ and velocity @ is k= jimi For a system of particles, kinetic energy of the system is given by Tnegacorm Cognfions Pi Ud. 67. Kalu Sara, Sorvapive Var, New Delhi -110016, Emal: enqukyémegacosmeogriionscom ‘websll: www megacosmeognitons com where ¥, = velocity of the i" particle in the given reference frame. If a rigid body of mass m is moving translationally with a speed v, its translational kinetic energy is equal toh Potential Energy The energy possessed by a system by virtue ofits position or configuration or arrangement is called its potential energy. For example, the mobile set in your hand has the “potential” to gain kinetic energy if itis allowed to fall ‘The change in potential energy is defined as the negative of the work done by the conservative forces. U-U, fre dF, where U|= potential energy at the initial reference position, and ‘ potential energy at the final reference position. jet conservative force acting on the system Usually, the initial reference position is taken as infinity and the potential energy at infinity is assumed to be zero, Therefore, we get the potential energy of a body as, us- | Far For a spring, reference is generally taken where the spring isin its natural length. “The negative derivative of the potential energy function with respect to the position gives the conservative au er force acting on the particle. Mathematically, F.,., Note: To express potential energy, a reference is always needed and any finite value can be assigned to this reference. Usually zero potential energy is assigned to the reference. Illustration 7: Force exerted by spring is given by F = ~kx where x is elongation or compression in the spring from its natural length, Find potential energy stored in spring when itis elongated of compressed from its natural length. Solution: Us [-F edi potential energy stored in spring is same when itis elongated or compressed by same value. Illustration 8: The potential energy of a diatomic molecule is given by U = , Where r is the distance between the atoms that make up the molecule and A, B are positive constants. Find the equilibrium separation between the atoms. Solution: The interaction force between the atoms is given by aU = 2] ad a [ror , therefore r= | B At equilibrium F = x regocosm Cognifons Pvt. Ui, 57. Kalu Sora, Soveprva Vir, New Del 110018, Emel ‘webute: LS me 'tis possible to relate the ee work done by all the fc system) to the change in kinetic energy of the body (or, a system). by all the forces on a body (or a system) Consider a rigid body acted upon by forcesF, FF... and moving with a velocity ¥ which is, in general, a function of time. Newton's second law gives us (i) ), we get S| _ = Zz my dt= Fd? 7 “di +F, -dr+ or, MV-d¥ =F, -dr+F, -di+--- + (2) Now, ¥ = nitv,j+v,kand di = dv] + dvyj + dvek 1M (Ve dvs + Vy dv + Vedv,) =F, d? or, —mJv,dv, + [v,dv, + [v,dv, = [F, 7, ifthe motion takes place from A to B. ve 1. or, “| =f, dF on Amivi-vi)= fa? n gimive ~ Va) = fF eee or, gma fe dF .. 8) Thus, the change in kinetic eneray of a body equals the total work done by all the forces (conservative and non-conservative), Illustration 9: A ball of mass m is thrown in air with speed v, from a height hy and it is at a height hy (h;) when its speed becomes va. Find the work done on the ball by the air resistance. Solution: Work done on the ball by gravity is We = ~mg(he ~ hs) Let work done on the ball by air resistance be We. Wo + War = AKE. = -mg(he - hy) + Wai = = Wer = mg(he hy) + dm -vi) ‘Megacosm Cognlons Fl, 87, Kalu Sarl, Sarvapiva Viner, New Deli-1100%6, Emel: enqulyé webste : lustration 10: A particle slides along a track with elevated ends and a flat central part as shown in the figure. The flat part has a length = 3m. The curved portions of the track are frictionless. For the flat part, the coefficient of Kinetic friction is jx = 0.2. The particle is released at point A which is at height h = 1.5 m above the flat part a its track. Where does the particle finally come 0 res Solution: The particle wil finally come to rest on the flat part. Hence, displacement ofthe particle along vertical is h, If Wy be the work done on the particle by the gravity, then _W,=mgh where m= mass of the particle. (1) M1 itnoe frevaled bythe parla an he flat part is x, the work done on the particle by the iction is Wi -bmgx (2) Since rally parce was at rest and finaly it comes to rst egain. Hence, change in its K.E. is zero. From work-energy theorem We + W= AK. = mgh— pmgx 15 =m u 02 => x=7.5m Since x > ¢, the particle will reach C and then will rise up till the remaining K.E, at C is converted into potential energy. It will then again descend to C and will have the same kinetic energy as it had when ascending but now will move from C to B. At B, same thing will be repeated (because 7.5 > 2/) and finally, the particle will stop at E such that BC +CB+BE=7.5 BE =7.5-6= 1.5m Conservation of Mechanical Energy k-energy theorem occurs when all the forces acting on a body are energy for each of these forces: so ‘An interesting case of the wor conservative. In this case, one can define a potential fF di, U=-JF, dF, where A and B are initial and final positions, respectively. The work-energy theorem can now be re-written by using the relations, dU; = -F-d?, dU,=-F,-d?,. mi-dv =— dU; - Up or, mi-dv +dU; + dU, +... =0 Integrating as before, imv'f+ (Uj+U, +f =0 or, (Jovem) ote -Ur sue -Ur + )=0 or, rug +E Ut + =v, +f Ul This result states that the total mechanical energy, (ON Sera Sorvapiva Vor, Hew Dei -11001 ‘website: wont. mall; enquryé ‘Megacosm Cognition: Fi. pence Ercat = Enowte + Epona = ime +U; + Up+ is conserved, Hence, Exnete + Epaonta) = wor tonsa) = constant. Trai f Ron-conservalive forces are not present or if these forces are present but do not do any work, ‘he mechanical energy ofthe system remains constant. Mlustration 11: A plate of mass m, length b and breadth ‘ais initially lying on a horizontal floor with length parallel to the floor and breadth ,_b Perpendicular to the floor. Find the work done to erect it on its breadth. Solution: Gravitational potential energy of the block at the position 1, U, = mgh, a(t) Gravitational potential energy of the block at the position 2 is ‘ given as — U, = mghy (2) = Work done by the external ager = AU=(U2—Us) a] a ghz ~ mghy ition () Position (i) where h, = b/2 and h; = a/2 as itis a regular shaped object. = wemg 2 Viber, New Delhi -110014, Emall: "Megacosm Cogntions Pi. Ud. 57, website: www. SOLVED PROB EMS ‘anincline 5 m long and 3 m high. A man pushes Problem 4: A block of mass 10 kg slides down on Up on the ice block parallel to the incline so that it slides down at constant speed. The coefficient of friction between the ice and the inline is 0.1. Find: (a) the work done by the man on the block (b) the work done by gravity on the block. (c) the work done by the surface on the block. (d) the work done by the resultant forces on the block. (e) the change in KE. of the block Solution. From the figure, F.B.D. of the block A sin 0 = 3/5 and cos a F = force by the man, ~ im f= frictional force, N = normal reaction of the surface, and mg = force of gravity. Since block slides with constant speed, mg cos 0 mg sind hence: mg sino =F +f = F=mgsino-f = 10x 103 -0.1410%10% = 82 N (asf =ymg cos 0) (a) Wnan= FS = FScos180° = -FS Here, F=52N and S=5m = Wm = -52x5J=-260J (b) Weavay = mg S sin 0 = 10 x 10 x5 x (3/5) J = 300 J (c) Waurtace = Wn + Wincien = 0 + £S cos180° = 0 - umg cos 0S =-0.1« 10x 10x (4/5) x5J=-40J (d) Work done by the resultant force is given by W = We, + Wg + Ww + Wi = -260 J + 300J+ 0-40J=0 (e) Since net work done by all the force is zero, hence change in K.E. = 0 and the same conclusion can also be drawn from given condition that the block slides down at constant speed. Two bodies m; and my are kept on a table with coefficient of friction 'y" and are joined by a spring, zrbzzz7 Initially, the spring is in its relaxed state. Find the minimum constant force Fin on my which will make the other block mz move. (k is the spring constant). Problem 2: Solution: Body m2 starts moving when, kx = mag where x = elongation in the spring id. 57 Kalu Sora, Sarvapiya Vinor, New Dy Pt eh -110016, Ema: enquryamegacormeognifons websile : werw.megacosmeogniions com eu force will be such that m, has no kinetic energy. plying work~energy principle for m;; i.e. work done = change in kinetic i (F—um,g-kx)dx =0 energy Fx- mige~ 3 : > F=[ma> fia] [ima #8] oe ums9 inn = HMIQ+ TE over the edge. If the Problem 3: A chain is held on a frictionless table with (1/n)" of its length hanging i Jowly pull the hanging Solution: The chain is pulled slowly without a Problem 4: A small metallic sphere is suspended by Solution: From ground frame of reference, chain has a length L and mass M, how much work is required (o s! art back on the table? cceleration. Let 2 be the mass per unit length of the chain, Consider a stage when y length is hanging, then force applied to pul i up Is F=)yg 7 Work done to pull it by a distance dy, | dW = Agy(-dy) wy We | dyo(-dy) =-Ag- joel, a light spring of force constant k from the ceiling Of 2 cage. The ratio of mass ofthe cage to the sphere is 'n’. The cage is accelerated uniformly upward by a force F. Find the potential energy stored in the spring the force equation for the cage and in the sphere are (1) F F—(T'+ Mg) = Ma (2) and T’-mg=ma= T'=m(g+a) ‘Adding (1) and (2), (M + m)a= F - (M+ m)g = F=(M+m)(g+a) Dividing equation (2) by (3), 7 a 2 T= [mg a)! (M+ m0 AF Gy he r (3) 1 me (Mem As T’ = ke, therefore x = 22 ‘Therefor, PE. stored In the spring = io? = Ma 2 2(M+m)°k Fr n+1)"k ‘As Mim =n, P.E.= 0014, Emel THapocesm Gogniions Pt Ud, 7, Koly Sorat Sawopriva Vitor, New Del ‘weballe: www.megocosmcognd Solution: (a) Let total distance moved by the block is Problem 6: Solution: Problem 5: An ideal massless spring can be compressed 1m bya QO placed at the force of N, same spring is et reticle which makes an 0 kg mass is line and is essing the bottom of a frictionless inclined plane angle @ = 30° with the horizontal. A 1 released from rest at the top of the in brought to rest momentarily after comp' spring 2 meters. , (@) Through what distance does the mass slide before coming to a (b) What is the speed of the mass just before it reaches the spring’ VA S=(¢+2)m where £ isthe distance moved by the block before touching the spring. Now, work done by gravity on the block is We = mg S sin @= 10 x 10 x $ sin30 J => W,=50SJ oo () Work done by spring on the block is Ws=-2he? 2 Here, k= 100Nim and x= 2m = We= J x100%4 J = 2004 (2) Total work done, W = Wo + Ws= (50 S ~ 200) J Since change in K.E. of the block is zero and W = AK = 508-200=0 > S=4m (b) As S=f+2 > f=S-2=2m Work done by gravity over this path length is W, = mg x 2 sin 6 As W,=AKE. = 100 =(1/2)mv?-0 2, 100x2 _ 20 =v = v= 25 m/s ‘A block of mass 10 kg is pushed against a spring of stiffness k = 100 Nim, fixed at one end to a wall. The block can slide on a frictionless table as shown. The natural length of the spring is 1/2 m, and it is compressed to half its natural length when the block is released. Find the velocity of the block a8 (9) function of its distance x from the wall : When the block is released, the spring pushes it towards right. The velocity of the block increases till the spring acquires its natural length. Thereafter, the block loses contact with the spring and moves with constant velocity. When the distance of the block from the wall becomes x (where x < 1/2 m), the compression is G - *| m. Using conservation of energy 2 2 #«(3) =i(d-) stm? 24 THegacorm Cognfions Pv Ud. 57. Kel Sra Sorvapriva Vibe, New Delhi-110014, Email: enquySmegacosmcagalions com website: www From here, v= |1o| 1.-(1_,) 16 \2 When the spring acquires natural length, x = 4/2m ie 8 Thus, the velocity ofthe block as a function of ts distance x from the wall ii 1 5 1 v= Ho} -/ 2 t = ff, a is ( ] } when x <> andy = f=, when x25 Problem 7: In the figure shown, stiffness of the spring is k and mass of the block is m. The pulley is fixed. Initially, the block m is held such that the elongation in the ‘spring is zero and then released from rest. Find: (a) the maximum elongation in the spring, and im (b) the maximum speed of the block m. Neglect the mass of the spring and that of the string. Also neglect the friction, Solution: Let the maximum elongation in the spring be x, when the block is at position 2. (2) The displacement of the block mis also x. If E; and E, are the energies of the system when the block is at positions 1 and 2, respectively, then E, = Us +Uss+ Ts where Us, = gravitational P.E. with respect to surface S. Use = P.E. stored in. the spring, and T; = initial K.E. of the block. => Ey=mgh; +0+0=mgh, (1) and Ez = Urg + Use + To= mghs + fat +o . (2) From conservation of energy, E; = E2 => mgh = mah + yw = fhe? «mg(hy-h)=mox => x= 2mglk (b) From work-energy theorem: For maximum v, % = 0=> x= ™9 dx k ma) 4 (9) 1 ant, = vom= | soma) 2 (P) oe Vel Problem 8: — Given k; = 1500 N/m, kz = 500 N/m, m, = 2 kg, m2 = 1 kg. Find: q (a) potential energy stored in the springs in equiliorium, and (b) work done in slowly pulling down m2 by 8 cm. ‘Megacoam Coprllons Pd 57. KON Sorl Sorvapiva Viner, New Dell 110016, Email: enqutymegacosmcognlions com webste: wirw Solution: 5 IY force constants ki and . Let the inital extension in the springs of ko, at equilibrium position, be x: and 2. Then (a) Potential eneray stored in the springs in equilibrium i. a position is = 1 mt u, Phd + Sho Putting values of x; and (b) Let ax; and 4x2 be ad ‘Additional forces on m, are equal and in 0 => kyAky = kode ol) Also, x; + Axe =f wii) ‘ax: Axp €an be found from (i) and (i) Ce ee pata vwpis the work done by the pulling force) we Wee WW, = (Un Us) = lager # magltxs + Axa) i: al + ant Fhe et Bee 04d xpfrom above, we gat Ur : ‘itinal elongations caused by pulling mz by 6 = 8 om, din opposite directions. where U: Putting the values, we get = Wye 12d. Viki nn a Problem 1. (C) decreases by 1 J Solution a Problem 2: Solution: ( the object is D = (+ 6]- 6k) m, then the kinetic energy of the object (A) remains constant (8) increases by 1J (D) decreases by 2 J ‘An object is acted upon by the forces F,=4iN and F, =(1— j) N. Ifthe displacement of ‘The work done on the object W = F,-B+F, -B, where D is the displacement vector. We=4(1) + (1) (1) +(-1)(6)=-14 From work-energy theorem W = KE;~KE, = -1J = Kinetic energy decreases by 1 J. 5 kg block is kept on a horizontal platform at rest. At time t = 0, the platform starts moving with a constant acceleration of 1 m/s’. The coefficient of friction j. between the block and the platform is 0.2. The work done by the force of friction on the block in the ced réference frame in 10 s is 4250 J (B) -250 J (C) +500J (D) 500 J F,=ma = 5(1)= 5 newton; N=mg=0 1g = SO newton, As jN = 10 newton Fy -Mgh + War cag = change in K. => Wor ay = change in K.E. + mg} - 50+ 40 = -10 Joules. - tmu"]+mgh Problem 5: A particle of mass m is projected with velocity u at an angle @ with horizontal. During the period when the particle descends from highest point to the position where its velocity vector makes an angle 6/2 with horizontal, work done by the gravity force is (A) (1/2) mu? tan? (9/2) (B) -(1/2) mu? tan? 6 (C) (1/2) mu? cos” 6 tan?(a/2) (D) -(1/2) mu? cos? (@/2) sin’® ucos @ Solution: (GC) As horizontal component of velocity does not change, v cos (6/2) = ucos @ = _ucos® ve cos(8/2) Warity = Ak = 3mv?- 1m(ucos 0)° = dmu? cos’ @ tan* a/2 ZN Problem 6: — A block of mass m = 0.1 kg is released from a height of 4 m on a curved smooth surface. On the horizontal surface, path AB is smooth and path BC offers coefficient of friction » = 0.1. If the impact of block with the vertical wall at C be perfectly elastic, the total distance covered by the block on the horizontal surface before coming to rest will be (Take g= 10 ms™) (A) 29m (8) 49m (c)59m (0) 109m “Megocosm Cogntlon: Fi Ul, 47 Kelu Sarl, Srvaptiva Var New Delt 110016, Emo weble: wi. megacosme Solution: Problem 7: Solution: Problem 8: Solution: Problem 9: nae {c) K.E. attained by block at B= mgh = 4J ood Work done by friction force on path BC = (img)(BC) = 0.. On the other horizontal surface, biock can make total forward and backward (§) = 20trips. Finally, it will stop at B. Distance covered = 20 x (AB + BC) - AB = 59m. A block is suspended by an ideal spring of the force constant K. If the block is Pulled down by applying a constant force F and if maximum displacement of the block from its initial position of rest is 8, then Weo p= 27 0 Mbt exerts a constant of friction and air ower developed Problem 10: A vehicle is driven along a straight horizontal track by a motor, which driving force. The vehicle starts from rest at { = 0 and the effects resistance are negligible. f kinetic energy of vehiole at time tis E and P by the motors P, which of the following graph is/are correct? Elsie @ F (c) P (2) ? Solution: (A) Since force on the vehicle is constant, therefore it wil move with a constant ai Let this acceleration be ‘a’. Then at time t, its velocity wil be equal to v = a.t icceleration. Hence, at time t, the kinetic energy, E = jim? = jet The power associated with the force is equal P= F.v = Hence, the graph between power and time will be a straight line passing through the origin. Problem 14: Ablock of mass m initially at rest dropped from a height h on | a massless spring of force constant k, the maximum compression in the spring is h’4 then spring constant K is a) amg ®) 2g massless pan 30mg 40mg c) = (p) “oma (= OF Solution: (0) where, (x-3) 4 THegaconm Cognllon ri id 57, KW Soa, Sowvoptiva VPcr, New Dalhi-11001e, mal websie www megacoumeogniionscom us Springs A and B are identical except that Ais stiffer than B, i.e. force constant ka > Ke. On which 6. 8. 9 spring more work will be done, if ey are stretched by same amount? they are stretched by the same force? 's work done by a non-conservative force always negative? Aman in an open car moving with high speed, throws a ball with his full capacity along the direction of motion of the car. Now, the same man throws the same ball when the car is not ‘moving. In which case the ball possesses more kinetic energy’ (a) in ground frame, (b) in car frame. Can a body have momentum when its energy is negative? ‘Ameteorite burns in the atmosphere before it reaches earth's surface, What happens to its momentum? Is momentum conservation principle violated? ‘State the limitations of work energy theorem? A lorry and a car moving with the same kinetic energy are brought to rest by the application of brakes, which provide equal retarding forces in both the cases. Which of them will come to rest in a shorter distance? When you push your bicycle up an incline, the potential energy of the bicycle and yourself increases. Where does this energy come from? When you lift a box from the floor and put it on a flat table, the potential energy of the box increases, but there is no change in is kinetic energy. Is it a violation of conservation of energy? : oA When momentum of a body is increased by 50%, what is the percentage increment in kinetic AY nergy? An electron and a proton are detected in a cosmic raj keV and the second with 100 keV. Which is faster, t their speeds. 'y experiment, the first with kinetic energy 10 ihe electron or the proton? Obtain the ratio of [Given: m, = 9.11 x 10°" kg; mp = 1.67 x 10 kg: 1 keV = 1.6 x 10° J) v4 Two blocks are connected by a string as shown in the «mb A bucket tied to a string is lowered at a constant acceleration Uv figure. They are released from rest. If the co-efficient of friction between m, and the surface is w, find the common speed of the blocks at the instant when they have moved a Sy distance ¢. of 9/4. If the mass of the bucket is m and itis lowered by a distance d, the work done by the string will be (Assume the string to be massless): (A) 4/4 mgd (8) -1/3 mod (CY-3/4 mgd (0) 4/3 mgd 08m Cognlons Ft. 7. Kole 1, Sorvopriya Vihar, New Delhi -11001e, Emel: enquly ‘ webste : www:megacosmeognitions com t Ze Ui e ae i along a straight horizontal road with a speed vo. If the coefficient of friction ween the tyres and the road is u, the shortest distance in which the car can be stopped is a 2 ar es (o) % ¥ oe) (0) ug A horizontal massive platform is , eet a i moving with a constant velocity ve, At time t = 0, a small blo 7 mass mis gently placed on te platform. if the coefcient of fiction between the block and the platform is u, the Work done by the force of friction onthe block in the fixed ground reference rame (rom! = 008 suficlenty long ang) c fee plod; @)—Jmv; ts (©) + ums ean Wem Csnire-le ces A particle of mass m is attached to a light and inextensible string. The other end of the string is fixed at O and the paricle maves in a vertical cicle of radius R equal othe length of the sting as shown in the igure. Consider the particle when it is at the point P and the string makes an angle 8 with vertical. Forces acting on the particle are 9 T= tension in the string along its length, and mg = weight of the particle vertically downward, P Hence, net radial force on the particle is Fx = T-mg cos 6 (Zemg cos 8 Since F; = where v = speed of the particle at P, and eee R= radius ofthe circle Here, R= /(length of the string) = — T-mgcoso= => TF oR + mg cos 8 Since speed of the particle decreases with height, hence tension is maximum at the bottom, where cos 0 = 1 (as 8 = 0). > Tom? tMg; Tan 7 —mg_ (atthe top) Here, v’ = speed of the particle at the top. Critical velocity Itis the minimum velocity given to the particle at the lowest point to complete the circle. The tendency of the string to become slack is maximum when the particle is at the topmost point of the circle At the top, tension is given by T = = —mg, where vr = speed of the particle at the top. mv} MY LT4+m > 7 9 For vr to be minimum, T =O => vr= aR ‘ ‘Megocosm Cognifions PU, 67, Kalu Sarl, Sorvaptiya websile: wwwumeg osmeognifons.cor ae tion of B09 If vg be the critical velocity of the particle at the bottom, then from conservat 9 energy mg(2R) + 7m =0+4av3 As w= GR = amgR + 3 mgR= $v; => ve= (60R Note: In case the particle is attached with 2 light rod of length f, at the highest point its minimum velocity may be zero, Then, the critical velocity is 2/9¢ . Ilustration 1: A heavy particle hanging from a fixed point by a light inextensible string of length ¢ is projected horizontally with speed J(g/) . Find the speed of the particle and the inclination of the string to the vertical at the instant of the motion when the tension in the string is equal to the weight of the particle. Solution: Let tension in the string becomes equal to the weight of the particle when particle reaches the point B and deflection of the string from vertical is 8. Resolving mg along the string and perpendicular to the string, we get net radial force on the particle at B, ie. mg cos @ Fa =T~mg cos 0 i) If vp be the speed of the particle a B, then Fea (iy) From () and (i), we get, T—mg cos a= ™ (ii) Since atB, T=mg = mg{t ~ cos 8) = = viz 90 (1-008) liv) Conserving the energy of the particle at points A and 8, we have mg¢(1-cos0)+1/2mvs, where va= /@/ and va= /gé(1-cose) => gl = 2gi(t - cos 0) + gf (1 - cos 0) = cos0= 23 cal) Putting the value of cos 0 in equation (iv), we get & Mustration 2: A small block of mass m = 1kg slides along the frictionless P loop-to-loop track shown in the figure. (a) If it starts from rest at P what is the resultant force acting on it at Q? (b) At what sR’ y height above the bottom of loop should the block be released . so that the force it exerts against the track at the top of the loop equals its weight? ‘Megacosm Cognition: Pv Ud. 67, Falu Soro Sarvapriva Vier, New Deli 110016 Emall: enqukySmegacomcogniions com websle: ww Solution: . Hale al_a height R above the ground. Thus, the difference in height between points ae 's 4R. Hence, the difference in gravitational potential energy of the block etween these points = 4mgR. Since the block starts from rest at P, its kinetic energy at Q is equal to its change in Potential energy. By the conservation of energy 412 mv? = 4mgR v?=8gR At Q, the only forces acting on the block are its weight mg acting downward and the force NN ofthe track on block acting in radial direction, Since the block is moving in @ circular Path, the normal reaction provides the centripetal force for circular motion Ne MV? _mx8gR Rea aR The loop must exert a force on the block equal to eight times the block's weight. (b) For the block to exert a force equal to its weight against the track atthe top of the loop. mv? “R= 2mg or v? =29R =8mg=80N 1 mgh = mv? 2 2 vF Rg 2a 29 The block must be released at a height of 6m above the bottom of the loop. Power is the rate of doing work. SI unit of power is ‘Watt’ = Jis Instantaneous power is given by p= Wp Rey dt dt Average power is given by fPat © fat ) work done by a force _ AW e Cente time taken to do this work At Illustration 3: An advertisement claims that a certain 1200 kg car can accelerate from rest to a speed of 25 mis in a time of 8 s. What average power must the motor produce to cause this acceleration ? (Ignore friction losses) Solution: ‘The work done in accelerating the caris given by i 200)(25)° - 0} Weak= m(yj-v or W=375 ks Power = MSE _as.onw Tegacosm Coprilins Pv. ‘obit: wine megacasmeognlions cm Seay ge) ta Problem 1; heavy particle is suspended by a string of length / from a fixed point O. The particle is given a horizontal velocity vp. The string slacks at some angle and the particle proceeds on a projectile path. Find the value of vo, if the particle passes through the point of ‘Suspension. Solution: Let at P the string stacks when it makes an angle 0 with the vertical. Hence, at the point P the centripetal force is only due to the component of the gravitational force. 2 mg cos @= where v = speed ofthe particle at P. => Vv? =g/-cosé ) Conserving energy at inital point and at P, we get 12 305 = dn? + mgi(1+c0s0) (ii) From (i) and (i), we get, jm 4 gf cos 0 + mg/(1+cos 8) vi = gfl2+3.cos 6] (iii) Now, the particle will pass point of suspension if sin 6 = (v cos 6)t (iv) and -f cos 8 = (vsin 8)t -(1/2)gt? (v) Eliminating t from (iv) and (v), we get 2 1 ¢080 = (vsing)| £808.]_14 | fsino voos| 2” | veosé ‘Substituting v? = g/ cos 8, and simplifying we get tan 8 = /2 Therefore, cos 0 = 1/13 Substituting the value of cos 8 in equation (ii), we get v= [gt (2+ V3 Problem 2: A point mass m starts from rest and slides down the surface of a fixed frictionless solid hemisphere of radius R as shown in figure. Measure angles from the vertical and potential energy from the top. Find (2) the change in potential energy of the mass with angle, (b) the kinetic energy as a function of angle, (c) the radial and tangential accelerations as a function of angle, and (4) the angle at which the mass flies off the sphere. ‘Megacosm Cogntons Pvt. U., 67, Kalo Sora, Sarvopiya Viner New Delhi-1100Te, Emi: webste Solution, (a) Consider the mass when itis at the point B. Us (PE. at A)= 0; Ais reference level Jaros Us(P.E. at B)= -mgR (1 - cos 0) => AU=Us-Uy = AU=~mgR(1 ~ cos 0) b) Con Sate Sign indicates that PE. decreases as particle slides down (b) Conserving energy at points A and B. Us +T,= Us + Tp where U,=P.E. at A, Us=PE. at B Th=KE. ata, Ta=KE atB = 0+0=-mgR(1- cos 8) + Ts => T=mgR(1 ~ cos 8) (©) Since T= Amv? 2 1 am MgR(1 - cos 6) =2mgR sin*(8/2) => v= 2JQR_ sin(a/2) AR ig sin“(@/2) Also, in circular motion, velocity is along the tangent, therefore v= 2JgR sin(o/2) 23 Cir) = oR dT => a= JgR cos(#/2) a: YOR « cos(o/2) = a= /g/Rvcos(0/2), asuR=v => a=gsind For circular motion, considering free body diagram mv? of the mass, mg cos 8- N= “> d ‘At the moment when the particle breaks off the sphere, N= 0. => mgooso="™ = goose=™ a rR ~$ R As v= 2,/gR sin(0/2) g cos 6 = 4g sin*(8/2) = 2g(1 - cos 0) > cos= 2 = 9= cos "(2/3) So, the mass flies off when the radius vector makes an angle of oos"(2) with the vertical line. Problem 1: A particle of mass m starts from rest and moves in a circular path of radius R with a uniform angular acceleration a. The kinetic energy of the particle after n revolutions is (A) namR? (B) 2x namR? (C) (1/2) mnaR® (D) mak? ‘Megacosm Cognlions Pv Ud, 57. Kol Sora, Savomrive Var, New Dei 110016, Emol- websle www Solution. Problem 2: Solution: Problem 3: Solution: 5) ‘ Kd uniform angular acceleration in a circular path, the angular speed is given by oo? = wf +200 = 0 + 2c (2nn) Kinetic energy of the particle KE= mR} = mr? (4ann) = 2nnm aR? A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path of constant ea r on at i. centripetal acceleration ‘ais varying with ime t as ac = K'rt, where k is @ power delivered to the particle by the forces acting.on itis. (A) zero, (B) mk’ (D) mkt Sig (c) 2 v een? T mk?r?t? Kinetic energy = mv 2 ak atimk2t? - By work-energy theorem, W = A K = 3m rt? -0 aw = mkt dt ‘A constant power P is applied to a particle of mass m. The distance travelled by the particle when its velocity increases from v; to v2 is (neglect friction) =(a-¥) @) Z(v,-v) WO gpl -¥3) ©) B(vi-¥) (c) P=Fv=mav ‘Megacosm Cognons Pv. Ud. §7, Kalu Sora, Servaprya Vihar, New Delhi-11001e, mal website: wow Mi a Why a passenger in a car moving round a curved road is thrown somewhat towards the outside of the curve? Wa Find the average power delivered by weight of a projectile, when itis projected in air at sone angle with horizontal. When is the instantaneous power delivered by weight of the projectile zero? an man of mass 80 kg runs up a staircase completely in 15 s. Another man of same mass runs up the staircase completely in 20 s. Find the ratio of the power developed by them co {A block of mass m is moving with a constant acceleration ‘a' on a rough horizontal plane. If the coefiient of rion betwoen the block and ground isu, Find the power delivered by the external agent after a time t from the beginning : BY A particle of mass m moves along a circle of radius R with a normal acceleration varying with time L ae a, = al. where ‘a is a constant, Find the tme dependence of the power developed by all We forces acting on the parle, and the mean value of this power averaged over the first seconds after {he beginning of motion Two bodies of equal masses are in uniform circular motion with the same period. Ifr, and r2 are the radii of their circular path the ratio of their centripetal force is v a sentripetal ‘The direction of rotation of a body in uniform circular motion is reversed. Then the c force will be (A) Same in magnitude but direction will be changed (B) same in direction but magnitude will be changed Uleysame in direction and magnitude (D) double in magnitude a 8 Asmall body of mass m is placed on the top of a hemisphere of radius r. ea Then the smallest horizontal velocity that should be given to the body so that it may leave the hemispherical surface and not slide down is Lore (8) 2gr (c) \3ar (0) 2a U o/ In the previous problem if the initial horizontal velocity given is & , then the angle with the vertical at which the body leaves the hemisphere is (A) cos 8) (8) cos (3) om) ve) ‘gacosmeognth re Pv. i, 57, Kale Seal, Savoptiyo Vihar, New Del 110016, Eat ong Wwebslle wws megacosmeagntions.cem Megocoum Ci Ci EE NSWERS TO EXERCISE: Exercise -1 1 (a) Wa> We, (b) Wa > Wa 2 No. 3 (2) when car is moving (b) same 4. Yes, when K « |U|and U is negative, total energy E = K + Uis negative 5. No, the momentum of meteorite is transferred to the air molecules 6. No information can be obtained about the direction ofthe velocity and the time involved 7. Both will come at rest together 8. tis our stored energy in our muscles and metabolic activities in our body which helps to move ur limbs and get ourselves moving against pushing the ground. 8. No, itis not violation of conservation of energy. In fact, the work done by the force we apply and the work done by gravitational pull are equal and opposite and hence no net work is done on the body. Hence, no net change in kinetic energy. However, it can be viewed as the work done by us against the gravitational pull is stored in it as its potential energy 10. 125% 14, Electronis faster, “* = 13.53 % 12. 13. c 14. A 15. A Exercise -2 a Due to inertia 2 zero, at the highest point of projectile. 3 43 4 mia + yg)at 5. P=mRal,

= mRatl2 Gc tao BOA 9 ° w “fre isthe work done under varying force, where o§ is the small displacement of the body between s, and s, ‘The work done is represented by the area under force-displacement graph added with sign, ‘Joule = 10” erg: 1 eV = 1.6 x 10" J ‘CE is always postive ands a scalar quanity, Work done by all the forces on a body is equal to change in kinetic energy. This is ‘work-energy. theorem, Change in Potential energy is the negative of the work done by the conservative forces. Potential energy can be defined only for conservative fores, Instantaneous power = F.¥; power is a scalar quantity. total work done _ [Pat Average power = St WOt cone “Ta ‘Megocoun Cogolions Fv Ud, 57, Kalu Sra Sorvopriva Var, New DBM 1100s, Ena: enguiyemegocomcogtionscom Vr, New DaP-110014 tal enquryernee gran Ft Ud, 57. Kly Sra, Sova ‘weble: www mepacoimeagniions cam PTT Emme Er TVs aeons) (2i+3])m to =(41+6])m under a force ‘An object is displaced from position vector i = F =(3x°1+ 2y])N. Find the work done by this force. omentum of a body is increased by 20 %, then find increase (in %) in kinetic energy ofthe In the spring mass system shown in the figure, the spring is compressed by Xo = mg/3k from its natural length and the block is released from res. If initially springs are in ponies prin natural length then find the speed of the block , when it passes through the point P. Pp j)N. If the displacement of the \ 4/7 Am object is acted upon by the forces F, = 4iN and F, ject is (7 + 6} - 6K ) metre, then find the change in kinetic energy of the object. «(8% — A single conservative force F(x) acts on a 1.0 kg parlicle that moves along the x-axis, The potential energy U(x) is given by U(x) = 20 + (x-2)° where-x is in meters. At x = 5.0m the particle has a kinetic energy of 20 J. \ {ay What is the mechanical energy of the system? ((0) What is the maximum kinetic energy of the particle? [6 Aparticle of mass 0.01 kg travels along a space curve with velocity given by 41+ 16k mis. After some time, its velocity becomes 8i + 20K m/s due to the action of a conservative force. The work done on the particle during ths interval of time is (A) 0.32) (8) §9J (c) 965 \Wy0.96 J - (Zam object of mass m is ted toa sting of length Land a vaiable horizontal Le 4 force is applied on it which starts from rest and pulled slowly until the string ‘makes an angle 6 with the vertical. Work done by the force F is (A) mgL(t-sind) (8) mg (C)tigl(1-c0s8) (0) mgl(1#c089) ‘A uniform chain of length ¢ and mass m is lying on a smooth table and one third of its length is hanging vertically down over the edge of the table. If gis the acceleration due to gravity, the work required to pull the hanging part on to the table is (A) mae (B) mgr 3 (C)mge/9 Lrg? 118 ideal spring with spring-constant k is hung from the ceiling and a block of mass M is attached to its lower end. The mass is released with ae unstretched. Then the maximum extension in the spring is (A) 4 Mark ) 2 Mlk (C) Mgik (0) Mg/2k ‘Megacosm Cognition: Pi. 7, Kol Sar. Srvapia Vib, New Defi 11001, Emel: engul website: wi TT mre a A block of mass 1 kg slides down a curved track that is one quadrant of a 4 Circle of radius 1m. its ‘Speed at the bottom is 2 mis. The work done by the Fey frictignal force is y (B)+8U C)ou (0)-94 One meter stick having a] mass 600 gm, is pivoted at one end and is displaced through an angle of 60° J : the increase in its potential energy is (g = 10 mis?) 0° 1.5 (8) 15J oe J (D) 0.15) & Two paricles 1 and 2 are allowed to descend on two frictionless chords OP and 0 starting from 0. The ratio of th 2 'e speeds of the particles 1 and i qneactvey When they reach on the circumference, 4 12 o—- (C) 1 } 22 A particie is given an initial speed u (inside a smooth spherical shell of radius R= 1 m) that it is just able to complete the circle, Acceleration ofthe particle whep‘ts velocity becomes vertical is @V10 (8)9 ()gv2 (0) gv6 (14 7 A particle is rotated in a vertical circle by connecting it toa string of length # and keeping the other +<— end of the string fixed. The minimum speed of the particle when the sting is horizontal for which the particle wll complete the circle is A) Jor (8) (290 US gt (0) ae \15,~ Power supplied to a particle of mass 2 kg varies with time as P = 3t’/2 W. Here t is in sec. If velocity of particle at t = 0is v = 0, then the velocity of particle at time t=2 s will be (A) Umls (8) 4mis [Ohm (0) 212 mis er, New Deh T00le, Eval ‘Negocoim Cognons Pi Ud, 7, ow Sra Savoptya | 100 ss i ‘website : www.megacosmeogniions,com SECT aN ON-I A particle moves from a point %, =(2i+3}) to another point j = (31 +2)) during which a certain force F=(51+5}) acts on it. Calculate work done by the force on the particle during this displacement A force F = a + bx acts on a patticle in the x direction, where a and b are constants. Find the to x=d, > work done by this force during a displacement from x cs The figure shows a smooth circular path of radius R in the vertical 8 plane which sublends an angle (r/2) at 0. A block of mass m is taken ‘rom, fosition A to B under the action of a constant horizontal force F. “la Find the work done by this force. In par (a) if the block is being pulled by a force F which is always tangential to the surface, find the work done by the force Fo | -~ between A and B. : F A ‘small block of mass m is kept on a rough inclined plane surface of inclination @ fixed in an elevator going up with uniform velocity v and the block does not slide on the wedge. Find the i rk done by the force of friction on the block in time t. 5,/_ Am observer and a vehicle, both start moving together from rest 2mis! Sis \ with accelerations 5 m/s’ and 2 mis’, respectively. There is a2 Serger kg block on the floor of the vehicle, and w= 0.3 between their / surfaces. Find the work done by frictional force on the 2 kg block \_|2kal_/ ‘as observed by the running observer, during first 2 seconds of | () ie motion, In the above problem, if the observer and vehicle start moving in opposite directions, from rest, < then find the direction and magnitude of frictional force acting between the surface of the block and floor of vehicle, as seen by the observer. Also, calculate the work done by the frictional force / during first 2 seconds of motion. / \ Ba A 16 kg block moving on a frictionless horizontal surface with a velocity of 4 misec compresses an ideal spring and comes to rest, momentarily. If the force constant of the spring be 100 Nim, then how much is the spring compressed? 8A small body is projected up a rough {y=_ a i iy 3] inclined plane ewan 4 (8 = 60°) with a speed of v = 10 mis as shown. How far along the wr plane it moves up before coming to rest? (Take-g = 10 m/s’) \ Y A stone with weight W is thrown vertically upwards into the air with initial speed vo, If a constant \ force f due to air drag acts on the stone throughout is fight, 2 }ow that the maximum height reached by the stone is. “a 2g[t+(f7W)] 2 }/show that the speed of the stone upon impact with the ground is. v = w(t = ) Wf Megacosm Cognlons Pl. 57, Kali Sarat Sarvapiva Viva, New Deni -110016, Emal- ngulyamegacosmeogntonscom webite: ww megacosmeogations com Tr Wwe lock of mass m is attached to two unstretched springs Of spring constants k; and ky as shown in figure. The ks & block is displaced towards right through a distance 'x' and is released. Find the speed of the block as it passes id through a distance x/4 from its mean position. One end of a spring of natural length h and spring constant k is = fixed at the ground and the other is fitted with a smooth ring of mass m which is allowed to slide on a horizontal rod fixed at height h as shown in the figure. Initially, the spring makes an ‘ap, angle of 37° with the vertical when the system is released from | i rest. Find the speed of the ring when the spring becomes tical. 7 Arod of mass m and length is kept on a smooth wedge of mass ‘Mas shown in the figure. If the system is released when the rod T is at the top of the wedge, find the speed of the wedge when the I rod hits the ground level. [Neglect friction between all surfaces in tact] 13, 7 If the system in the figure released from rest in the configuration shown, find the velocity of the block Q after it has fallen through a distance 10 meters, given mass of P = mass of Q= 10 kg. 7] AA particle is hanging from a fixed point O by means of a string of length ‘a’. There is a small nail ‘Q'in the same horizontal ine with O at a distance b (b = a/3) from O. Find the minimum velocity with which the particle should be projected so that it may make a complete revolution around the nail without being slackened. 1 oe ‘An aufomobile of mass 'm' accelerates starting from rest, while the engine supplies constant ; pe P. Show that: \fA) the velocity is given as a function of time by v = (2Pum)'. a (Othe position is given as a function of time by s = (8P/9m)"t*, PART-B OBJECTIVE (MULTI CHOICE SINGLE CORRECT) A chain of mass m and length / is placed on a table with one-sixth of it hanging freely from the table edge. The amount of work done to pull the chain on the table is: (A) mgél4 (B) mgi/é Tgil72 (D) mgei36 2 ‘A rod of mass M and length L is lying on a horizontal table. Work done in making it stand on one end will be » (A) Mol By MgLi2 Me (0) 2MoL 57, Kale Sorel Sowaptiya Viner, New Deti-110016, Emal webstle: www ‘Megacorm Cogniions Fv U er. x A rail road car is moving with a constant acceleration a s*. A block of 5 kg is put on a horizontal rough floor in the he Car. At time t = 0, velocity of the car is 5 m/s. Considering that Fiction is sufficient and block isnot slipping on the floor, the a= 1m? work done on the block by friction force during t = 0 to t= 2 ™m Secyxill be (Coefficient of friction is us) we J ( t (B) 60d | | (C) 100 (0) 600u.J | AA liquid of density d is pumy a pump P from situation (i to situation (i) as shown in the agr If ce ane of a the vessel is a, then the work done in pumping (neglecting friction effects) is dgh’a (8) 2 dgh (C) dgha (0) 2 dgh‘a A constant force F = -K(yi+x)), where k is a constant, acts on a particle moving in the x-y plane, Starting from the origi, the particle is moved along the x-axis toa point (a, moved, parallel to y-axis to the point (a, a). The total work done in the whole. (B) ka’ (D) -2 ka® A ball looses 15% of its kinetic energy after it bounce: s back from a concrete slab. The speed with stich one must throw it vertically down from a height of 12.4 m to have bounce back to the same height is COXA Enel OLR TA He Jia) 28 mis ie (B)4.38 m/s dur equal to Lod fi (2.565 mis (0) 8.25 mis eotegy « wa A body is cropped from a certain height in the effect of conservative forces only. When it loses ‘U’ amount of potential energy, it subsequently acquires a velocity v" The mass of the body is: u 7 ®) 0) and from there itis process will be Arunning man has half the K.E, that a child half of his mass has. The man and then has the same K.E. as that of speeds up by 1 m/sec the child. The original speeds of the ‘man and the child (in misec) are (Ay(s2-+4), (3-4) 91 ( 08+, 2449) (C) v2, v2 (0) (V2+1),2(v2-1) Megocoim Copies PU 7, Kh Sool Sovonhe Vb: Rew Ben TOTS Gea SS ‘mal: enquly@megacoumeopnllons com websle: wwnvmegacoimcogntion: com TH PHWEP-31 ‘A motor boat is traveling with a speed of 3.0 misec. If the force on it due to water flow is 500 N, the power of the boat is: (A760 kw (8) 15 kW 1.5 KW (0) 150 W A particle of mass m moves under the influence of the force F = a (sin ati +cosalj ) where a, © fare constants and t is time. The particle is initially at rest at the origin. The instantaneous power given to the particle is (2a : EFein ot! mo (C}écos wt! mo (D) a%(sin ott cos wt)/mo 12.” If, pand E denote the velocity, momentum and kinetic energy of a particle, then: UA) = dEidv (B) p= deat (C),p = dviat (D) none of these ‘Under the action of a force, a 2 kg body moves such that its position x as a function of time is given by x = t'/3, where x is in meter and t in seconds. The work done by force in first two second (ayes 8/16 J 160 J (D) 1600 J A stone of mass 1 kg tied to a light inextensible string of length path of radius L in vertical plane. If the ratio of the maximum tension tothe minimuimr tension in the string is 4. What is the speed of stone at the highest point of the circle? (g = 10 m/s’). (ay toms (8) 5\2 mis ee (C) 103 mis (D) 20 mis. A triangle is formed using three wires AB, BC and CA and is placed in a vertical plane. Coefficient of friction for all the three wires is same. If wy and w, is the work done by the friction in moving an object from A to B through C’ and C respectively, then Wy = We (8) wy < we (C) ws > we (0) the relation depends on the length AC and BC = 10/3 m is whirling in a circular the top of the tube? Radius of the tube is R. 5 (A) J2a(h+2R), (8) SR b (©) VaR -2h) (0) 42902R-n) ” MULTI CHOICE MULTI CORRECT oe end of a light spring of spring constant k is fixed to a wall and the other end is tied to a block placed on a smooth horizontal surface. In a displacement, the work done by the spring isto’. 16> With what minimum speed v must a small ball should be pushed VY inside a smooth vertical tube from a height h so that it may reach ]S The possible cases are: Ua the sping was initially compressed by a distance x and was finally in its natural length. (8) was initially in its natural length and finally in a compressed position ) it was initially stretched by a distance x and finally was in its natural length (D) it was initially in its natural length and finally in a stretched position. Tagacoam Cognilons Pv Ud. 67, Kal Sor Savopriya Vihar, New Delhl-110016, Emal’ enqurysmegacormcogniions com’ Wwebsile: www. 2. The kinetic energy of a particle continuously increases with time (A) The resultant force on the particle must be parallel to the velocity at all instants (B) fie resultant force on the particle must be at an angle less than 90° all the time The magnitude of its linear momentum is increasing continuously. (0) Its height above the ground level must continuously decrease. The potential energy U in joule of a particle of mass 1 kg moving in x-y plane obeys the law U = 3x + 4y, where (x, y) are the co-ordinates of the particle in metre. If the particle is at rest at (6, 4) at time t=0, then: tte particle has constant acceleration (8) the particle has zero acceleration Nove speed of particle when it crosses the y-axis is 10 m/s \ Dyers of the particle at t= 1 sec are (4.5, 2) NUMERICAL BASED TYPE A particle slides down from the top outside smooth surface of a fixed sphere of radius a = 10 m. The intial horizontal velocity to be imparted to the particle ‘at the top’ is 5K ms, if it leaves the face at a point whose vertical height above the centre of sphere is 3a/4. Find the value of K. / {2 horse pulls a wagon of 3075 kg from rest against a constant resistance of 90 N. The pull exerted initially is 600 N and it decreases uniformly with the distance covered to 400 N at a jistance of 15 m from start. Find the velocity (in m/s) of wagon at this point. | 3/ Two masses 10 kg and 20 kg are connected by a massless spring, A force of 200 N acts on 20 \ kg mass. At the instant when the 10 kg mass has an acceleration 12 m/s’, find the energy stored (in Joule) in the spring (k = 2400 Nim). NUMERICAL BASED DECIMAL TYPE CY) Ablock of mass 2.0 kg is pulled up on a smooth incline of angle 30° with the horizontal. If the block moves with an acceleration of 1.0 mis. Find the power deliveredin Joule) by the pling force at a time 1.2 s after the mation starts. |_ 27 Two blocks of different masses are hanging on two ends of a string Passing over a frictionless Pulley. The heavier block has a mass twice as that of the lighter one. The tension in the string is 60 .N. The decrease in potential energy during the first second after the system is released 2K. Then find the value of K. Y Megacosm Cognilons Pvt ld. 57, Kalu Seral Sawvaprive Vir New Deh110016- Fool websle: ww E-1920) ee LINKED COMPREHENSION TY PE ay The potential energy function for the force between two in a diatomic molecule can approximately be ‘expressed as U(x) = 2 x7 xe ' Where a and b are positive constants, and x is the distance between the ‘wer the following question by selecting most appropriate alternative The graph. ‘between potential energy vs x wll be (x) Ui) (A) ) x UE (c) \. ‘The graph between force between the atoms [F(x)] vs x will be (0) \ (a) Foe 8) Fe \ -, () f (2) Fm N- (il) 'nitially both springs are relaxed and biock of mass m is attached to springs as shown in the diagram (spring constant K, and Kz). Now answer the following questions: & 1.) /~ Maximum elongation in spring will be m (A) mgl(Kr+Ko) (B) mgl2{Ky+Ka) (C)2mgi( K:+Ko) (D) 3mgi2(kK+K,) & Megocosm Cogniions Fv. id. 57. Kalu Sara, Sarvapiva Vita, New Debi 110018. Emel’ enquySmegacormcogaliomcom websile : ww m oe ®) 95K +R) 3m (0) 9 AK, +K,) ‘3. //” Maximum acceleration of block will be (A) 2g (C) 39/2 (D) velocity of block will remain constant MATCH LIST TYPE This question contains two matching lst. Choices forthe correct combination of elements from List and List are given as option (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which one is correct. 1. In List-1, some diagrams are shown and in Lisl, related work done by weight or by F in different pares are given. Match List - | with List - Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: | Chain of weight W is pulled slowly by a | | Work done by weight | | variable force F so that (1) opehain = 30 P) | complete chain comes to | [een aC) table. Chain slip from the table Q} due to weight 2W and (2) | becomes vertical fi a | Chain slips from the table =0 slowly due to weight W of ee | 7 the chain and variable (R) | force F and it becomes vertical Chain of weight W is | pulled by constant force slightly more than F so that complete chain (S) | comes to table. Initially chain isin equibxium |_| due toF. wana ANNRAD aeunn Savvaptva Vito New De -11D016, Emal’enqurySmegace:mecgnilons com ‘webate: www ‘Megacerm Cognions Prt Ud, 57. OWS Match List| with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: tthe work done by force in cyclic path is zero, the force is m Non conservative If the work done by a force in cyclic path is not zero, the | oO | (Q) force is (2) | Negative (R)_ | Work done by friction force can be (3) | Conservative (S) | Work done by spring force can be 14) | Positive Codes: : a — - PQ RS ay 3 1 24 24° () 144 4 2 3 () 32 1 24° 24 (2) 24 3° 4 1 MATCH THE FOLLOWING TYPE This question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) in column | have to be matched with statements (p, q, r,s, t) in column Il, 4. The potential energy of a particle moving along x-axis is Um) shown in the figure. Where Ep is the total mechanical. | S energy of the particle. | (A) | Force on the particle is towards +ve x-axis if (p)| a x | xsx<% @ “Hegacomm Cognlfons Pv Ld. 7, Kolu Sra, Soreptiva Var, New Ohh 110016, Ema. websle: ww megacosmeognins. V6 AAT; MATCHING TYPE WITH 3 COLUMNS & 4 ROWS: i here are THREE questions. Each The following table has 3 columns and 4 rows. Based on table, 1! Fr uestion has FOUR options (A), (B), (C), and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct coe ideal string of length | Column-1 shows four situations with a small ball of mass m connected to an i 9 of eng | and fastened to a point O whose acceleration (if any) is shown in the diagram. Column-! lists the minimum value of speed u (when the string is vertical) in order for the mass to complete the Circular motion in vertical plane, Column-tIl lists the maximum tension throughout the circular motion (corresponding to minimum en Comer Column — 3 ° W () | 39° (P) | 6mg t La _ en ae 93 wy (in | fear +4) (2)| 48mg ie u aes ae - od (ull) ; ‘3 il) | 50° (R) | 7mg u 0) (vy) (S) | 8mg 1. Pick the correct combination from given options. (A) (1) i) (P) (8) (ll) iv) (R) (C) (il) (i) (Q) (0) (Iv) Gil) (P) 2, Pick the option for combination where maximum tension occurs at 0 = O° with vertical (A) (1) Gi) (P) (8) (ll) Gi) (Q) aoe (C) () (R) (©) (I) iv) (s) 3. Pik bad — combination where maximum tension position occurs at greatest possible angle ical. (A) (itl) Gil) (P) (B) (I) Gi) (R) (C) (IV) (iv) (R) (0) (IV) @) (P) OTT Megacea Crain PW Fay Soa Svopiye Vi Rew beh aos inal saa aco webslle: wire megacosmcogition.con Lk 2 We ASSERTION-REASONING TYPE ae question contains statement-1 (Assertion) and Statement-2 (Reason). Question has 4 choice (A), (C) and (D) out of which only one is correct. STATEMENT -1 Work done by the centripetal force in moving @ body along a circle is always zero. because STATEMENT -2 Displacement of the body is along the force. (A) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is true, Statement -2 is a correct explanation for statement-1. (8) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is true, Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for ee ‘AG Statement-1 is true, Statement -2is fase. (0) Statement-1 is false, Statement -2s true. ‘STATEMENT -1 A spring has potential energy, both, when it is compressed or stretched. because ‘STATEMENT-2 In corripressing or stretching, work is done on the spring against the restoring force. \ (BF Statement is true, Statement -2 is true, Statement -2 is a correct explanation for ~~ statement-1. (8) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is true, Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1. (C) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is false. (0) Statement-t is false, Statement -2 is true. priya Vihar, New Delt 110016, Emal: ' "Megacosm Cognitons Pvl Li, 57, Kalu Sarl, webs SECTION-IL V 6. 7. 9 ~~ Abody of mass 2 kg is projected vertically uy Along spring is stretched “ ing with a speed v in a circle of radius It) is acting on a body of mass m moving : hati thework done by the force in moving the body over half the circumference ofthe circle? (A) ae sent AB) 2010 mv ae ome 0) A body constrained to move in y-direction is Subjected to a for ‘ce given by F = (-2i+15]-68) n What is the work done by this force in moving the body thr ‘ough @ displacement of 10 m along y-axis? (A) 190 J (B) 160 J Se) 150 J (0)20J Consider two observers moving with Fespect to each other at a speed v alon Observe a block of mass m moving a distance / on a rou, be same as observed by the two observers, (A) work done by friction, 9 straight line, They igh surface. The following Quantities wil) (8) acceleration of the block {CV kinetic energy of the block at time t (0) total work done on the block “A particle moves along the x-axis from x= 0 tox = 5 ™ under the influence of a force, given by F = 7 ~2x + 3x7, Work done in the Process is (A) 70 (8) 270 (C)35 (135 /- L- wards with a speed of 3 m/s. The maximum Sravitational potential energy of the body is (A) 184 (84.5) LOrau (D) 2.25) A ball of mass 50 g is thrown upwards. It rises to a ‘maximum height of 100 m. At what height its K.E. will be reduced to 70%, pan (B) 40m 60m 7 Dy 2m. Is potential energy is U. It the springs stretched by 10 om, its— Potential energy would be S (A) U/25 (8) U5 (c)5u AB) 25U Ae K-E acquired by a mass m in traveling a certain distance 4, starting from rest, under the action of a constant force is directly proportional to a 8) vm 4 4 or \ 197 ine othe above Z ym Out ofa air of identical spring of spring constant 240 Nim, one is compressed by 10 cm and the (ahem cS" by the ctference in potential energy stored inthe see spring is, Ree ay ‘ (8) 4d (C) 12d (125° Megacorm Cogntions Pi. Ud, 57 Kalu Sarl soveprva Vhor Ne bee NOOI6, Emad: enqunyOmegaccemcogimonresm ‘ow.megacosmeogntions cor 7 L e my which case does the Potential energy decrease? (A) on compressing the spring (B) on stretching a spring (C) on moving a body against gravitational pull ((O).none of these i MA dy of mass 5 kg is moving with a momentum of 10 kg mls. A force of 0.2 N acts on itn the che? ‘motion of the body for 10 sec. The increase in its kinetic energy is ACY 3.8 J (a2 J- L WA es Je Ue im F applied on a body moves it through a distance S along F. Energy spent is Fxs (8) Fs (C) FS’ (D) Fis? \ 13, The potential energy of a particle is determined by the expression U = a (x* + 7), where a is a Positive constant. The particle begins to move from a point with the coordinates (3, 3) (m), only under the action of potential field force. Then its kinetic energy T at the instant when the particle is at a point with the coordinates (1, 1) (m)is (A)8 (B) 24a (wos (D) zero A particle of mass m attached to an inextensible light string is moving in a vertical circle of radius '. The critical velocity at the highest point is v, to complete the vertical circle, The tension in the string when it becomes horizontal is ) sme ® ans (C) 3mg _{0)-both (A) and (C) are correct. , (Yate potential energy between an electron and a proton at a distance r is given by U= (ss my r The law of force is ke? (A) Fa5e (A) Fao ort " Negacorm Cogn Tid, #7, Kaly Soral, Sonaptiya Viner, New Dell -1100%4, mal: “i websile: www. q ke 2 Sere eee 83d (a) 494 (b) 29 D o> > wo OO > Twagoconm Cogntions Pe 57, Kol 2 (a+ bdlayd R 3. (a) FR (b) FR 4. mgvtsin’e 5. = 24 Joules 6. 4.N along movement of vehicle, 56 Joule 7. 1.6m 20 (eo x I5ky +k) a1 oa i Oe io mght ave Memtan?6 13 885mis 4 ba PART-B OBJECTIVE (MULTI CHOICE SINGLE CORRECT) ie 2g 3 0A ak 5. A 6. Cc 7 A 8. c cB 10. 1. B 2k BOB 140A ow a) MULTI CHOICE MULTI CORRECT i ae 2 ec o ccp NUMERICAL BASED TYPE 4 23 as NUMERICAL BASED DECIMAL TYPE ey 2. 47.60 LINKED COMPREHENSION TYPE (1. 6 2k @ « ¢ ok a 6 MATCH LIST TYPE iA 2k MATCH THE FOLLOWING TYPE 1 Aves) Bor) C>(P.45,t) D(a) MATCHING TYPE WITH 3 COLUMNS & 4 ROWS Cc 2 A i) ASSERTION-REASONING TYPE 1c as SECTION-II 1 8 2c s 8

x= 12.89 x 10° Re 1 A(x) 4 ge 4 kx? = ok) =| +5m-(3) Bea? () ue = ta? = Sap =t14m= 12004) =12 12 Total energy of spring ft = i 0.6 Zim? + mgh = ual (eye 29h ‘ v 6. Velocity at a distance x = vo =(%x] 4 ‘ x lax Ama ve tmny? wee [are le| = gi ~ x 1 mgR(cos 0 - sin 4) = 3m “ > y 2 mg sin ¢- N= . a0) Le\ N=0 (ii) : from (), (i) and Gi) sing = Zeos0 8. 9 75 0 4 300 Nm 400 Nim 400 x2 i) 1 8.75x4) e 20m) a 3 Be 2 A TS Es $aoo( 872) 161 a ‘Co a miC+ Ao? = KA 0 m(¢+§) 20 = KS (i) From () and (ii) c= 15cm 12 13, au 6 = -=12a-6b Fs -7 = 12a-6bx Cs) D= Ups) Uist easton) 2 et |e | 14. Kedmé? 2 y 60° = 5 vy, = voos60° = 5 _ 1 (vy _k K.E. at highest point = in(3) =] 15. Work done by F 8 F = Mg(v2-1) 162 16, 7. 18. 19, 20. 24. Wervty = -(100 x 10°) (10) (1.25) =-1.25J x=0,x=41 total mechanical energy = K.E. + P.E. = 2) K.Enax => Maximum speed —> P.E. — minimum (at x= + 1) PLEmn=-1/4 J 9 KEmar=2I-P.Enn = J 3 — misec V2 Sin § mg(20) = umg cos 4 & te t ri deg 1 (vy Jn = fem) + 5m{ “2 mv = {( ern) +m 2) = mvj = {(3cm) 0 my} =f-(¢-0m) i mg x 100mg x 20= Amv? 800x2=V v=40 m/sec 120-JEE(Main)-PHYSICS 163, 22. 23 os) 4xbei0e0 4 24, Work done =| x60 200 a 2 0 2. W = (6143) +2k)-(2i-}) =10-3=7 Joule 26, given that a(x) ask aviax : “ loss of K.E. is proportional to x" 27. AW= p(sx10)[ 1% -(0.05)" | = 2.5%10°(0.01-0.0025) = 18.75 wv 28. p=Fv=mav= mvs P=Fy=mav= mv at mt _pt 2 vik fos = frviat s=kt? Work, Power and Energy Topic 1 Work Done and Power Objective Questions I (Only one correct option) 1. A uniform cable of mass M and length L is placed on a horizontal surface such that is (3) thpart is hanging below the a ‘edge of the surface, To lift the hanging part of the cable upto the surface, the work done should be (2019 Main, 9 Apri) 2MgL @ =F (b) mMgh Mgl Mgl oe ot A block of mass m is kept on a platform which starts from rest with constant acceleration S ‘upwards as shown in figure. Work done by normal reaction on block in time ¢is (2019 Mein, 10 Jan) wo . A force acts on a 2 kg object, so that its position is given as a function of time as x = 31 + 5. What is the work done by this force in first 5 seconds? (2019 Min, 9 Jan 1h (2) 8505 (b)900 (9503. (A) 8753 When a rubber band is stretched by a distance x, it exerts a restoring force of magnitude F = ax + bx”, where a and b are constants. The work done in stretching the unstretched rubber band by L is (2014 Main) (@) ab + oe ay oe (Ce @ fees ) fo) jae +02) 23 2° 3 5. The work done on a particle of mass mby a foree, pen al] (K being a Constant of appropriate dimensions), when the particle is taken from the point (a, 0) to the point (0, a) along a circular path of radius @ about the origin in the x- y plane is (2013 Adv) @* wm © wo a a a 6. If W,, 1, and W, represent the work done in moving a particle from A to B along three different paths 1, 2 and 3 respectively (as shown) in the gravitational field of a point mass m Find the corect relation between Wand «2003, 20 2 A (a) W, > W,> Ws (b) W, =F, = (OW, << (> W>W, 7. A force F=~k (yi + xj) (where, k is a positive constant) acts ona particle moving in the x-y plane. Starting from the origin, the particle is taken along the positive X-axis to the point (a,0) and then parallel to the Y-axis to the point (a,a) The total work done by the force F on the particle is (1998, 2m) (@)-2ka®—(b) 2ka? ()-ka? (ka 8. A uniform chain of length L and mass M is lying on a smooth table and one-third of its length is hanging vertically down over the edge of the table. If g is acceleration due to gravity, the work required to pull the hanging part on to the table is (1985, 2M) (@)MgL —(b) MeL/3_(c) MgL/9-_—(d) MgL/18

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